To-day is 21st December, 2011. It is very cold. I have worn my warm clothes- woolen shirt, jacket, sweater, trouser, socks etc. Even then the cold is affecting and it is very painful. I have reached my office. The heater is on. The heat of the heater touches my limbs. It gives special pleasure which warm clothes can not give. I am thinking about the persons who have no warm clothes. The pleasure of getting the heat of the fire for them is inexpressible.
“Amritam shishire wahni, amritam priyadarshanam. Amritam raaj sammanam amritam ksheer bhojanam.” In this shloka, four nectars have been described. But, fire in the cold has been put on the top. This shows the extreme pleasure of having heat in the cold. Second nectar is the meeting of the dearest. The third is royal honor given to a person and the fourth is eating milk and its product. The poet of the shloka is of olden time when air-conditioner and heater were not in use. In the the burning summer, coldness of A.C. is also very pleasant but in poet’s time AC was not in use. Sheetal, mand, sugandh (cold, slow and scented) for wind is described in books by poets. But this is not in the four nectars. It may be because in summer, one can enjoy it in the forest and in old time there was no scarce of forest. But, in winter, cold was very painful for yogees (sages) who generally have no clothes at all. And so for them it was number one nectar.
To meet the dearest gives immense pleasure. When the beloved and lover meet after a long time, pleasure of them is beyond words. When parents meet their children after a long time, the pleasure is beyond expression.
When I get honor from a great person, it is incomparable. Suppose, someone is given Bharat-Ratna, Param-Veer-Chakra, Padma-Vibhushan or Padma-Bhushan or any other prize from Honorable President, can you imagine his pleasure? Simple meeting gives immense happiness, what about getting prize?
In ancient time, vegetarian food was given priority. Non-vegetarians were condemned in the society. Among vegetarian foods, milk and its products were very tasty, healthy, and easily digestible and have been called nectar. That was the reason that cows were treated like mother and abode of all gods. Cow-slaughtering was the greatest peccadillo and unpardonable.
But, among all, fire in the winter gave heart touching bliss and so it was placed on top most position.
“Amritam shishire wahni, amritam priyadarshanam. Amritam raaj sammanam amritam ksheer bhojanam.” In this shloka, four nectars have been described. But, fire in the cold has been put on the top. This shows the extreme pleasure of having heat in the cold. Second nectar is the meeting of the dearest. The third is royal honor given to a person and the fourth is eating milk and its product. The poet of the shloka is of olden time when air-conditioner and heater were not in use. In the the burning summer, coldness of A.C. is also very pleasant but in poet’s time AC was not in use. Sheetal, mand, sugandh (cold, slow and scented) for wind is described in books by poets. But this is not in the four nectars. It may be because in summer, one can enjoy it in the forest and in old time there was no scarce of forest. But, in winter, cold was very painful for yogees (sages) who generally have no clothes at all. And so for them it was number one nectar.
To meet the dearest gives immense pleasure. When the beloved and lover meet after a long time, pleasure of them is beyond words. When parents meet their children after a long time, the pleasure is beyond expression.
When I get honor from a great person, it is incomparable. Suppose, someone is given Bharat-Ratna, Param-Veer-Chakra, Padma-Vibhushan or Padma-Bhushan or any other prize from Honorable President, can you imagine his pleasure? Simple meeting gives immense happiness, what about getting prize?
In ancient time, vegetarian food was given priority. Non-vegetarians were condemned in the society. Among vegetarian foods, milk and its products were very tasty, healthy, and easily digestible and have been called nectar. That was the reason that cows were treated like mother and abode of all gods. Cow-slaughtering was the greatest peccadillo and unpardonable.
But, among all, fire in the winter gave heart touching bliss and so it was placed on top most position.