I enjoyed Sauraath Sabhaa too much. During sabhaa periods we had summer vacation in our schools and colleges. I visited the place all the days. Most of my friends and relatives came there. I enjoyed meeting and talking with them very much. So many relatives of distant places stayed at my residence. We used to make prior arrangements for their halt. This was usual feature of nearby villages of Sauraath. Those days, it seemed like a festival in the whole area. After my marriage, visiting Sabhaa-Gaachhee gave more pleasure. The reason was that, before marriage I felt some fear and shame to talk regarding marriage. The fear was due to forceful marriage introduced newly those days. The shame was natural due to nourishment in the Mithila Culture and ancient Sanskrit family background.
My hero Navrath had worn red dhotee and white kurta. Red dhotee was the symbol of the candidate ready to marry. The candidates were taken interviews. Selection was based on the answers given by them. If the boy was found inferior to the girl, he had to pay some nominal dowry. If the girl was found inferior in quality and dynasty, her guardian had to give nominal dowry. Due to evaluation on reign, a better family male married so many brides. Sometimes the number increased so much that the bridegroom was unable to recognize his all brides. That was the worst system which was highly condemned in our youth group. The result was obvious, so many poor background bachelors remained unmarried. The unmatched age group youths and minor girls were made couples. laaloo, Baaloo, Bikkoo and Kaaloo are examples of this unmatched marriage. There was a big gap in the age of them with their wives. No maid remained unmarried. population of girls was lower due to male dominating society. The deficiency was also due to a single better background male marrying unlimited number of girls. ---------------------contd.
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