‘Jake kachhu na chahiye soi shahanshah’.We don’t put our bags on our heads in the train. I also sit on the birth and the luggage is also put on it. Coming in the world, I totally forget the Almighty Who brought me in the world and is running the whole universe. Who brings milk in the mother’s breast just after the birth of a new baby? Who feeds the baby in the womb? Who has manufactured this miraculous universe? Who makes day and night. Who has created rivers, mountains, oceans, the earth, the moon, the sun, the planets and our wonderful galaxy? Who has made the beautiful flowers? The birds, animals, creatures in the sea and all around, the human beings, the male and female pairs of all live creatures, the water, the clouds, the rains, the rainbow, the solar and lunar eclipses etc. are very peculiar riddles. From the very childhood I have been watching these puzzles but no answer I have found till date of the above questions.
What is the purpose of all these things? What is death? Where does one go after death? What is rebirth? What is ghost? Can one explain the universe?One cannot know all these things. But there is one Person Who knows all these things. If I merge myself to That, I can also know everything. What is the process of merger? It is very simple but people think it very tough. The place of The Person is in the heart of the human body which is in the right side of the chest contrary to the biological heart which is in the left side of the chest. If I also begin to remain in the heart all the time, I can merge myself to That. For this I have to make regular practice.Initially,I have to do ‘Who am I’ process but after some time I become stable and start to enjoy in remaining in my permanent place, the heart. How simple is this?-------------------------Ohm Namo Bhagvate Shri Ramanay.
What is the purpose of all these things? What is death? Where does one go after death? What is rebirth? What is ghost? Can one explain the universe?One cannot know all these things. But there is one Person Who knows all these things. If I merge myself to That, I can also know everything. What is the process of merger? It is very simple but people think it very tough. The place of The Person is in the heart of the human body which is in the right side of the chest contrary to the biological heart which is in the left side of the chest. If I also begin to remain in the heart all the time, I can merge myself to That. For this I have to make regular practice.Initially,I have to do ‘Who am I’ process but after some time I become stable and start to enjoy in remaining in my permanent place, the heart. How simple is this?-------------------------Ohm Namo Bhagvate Shri Ramanay.
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