One of my friends doesn’t know cooking. When he first time told this to me, I was surprised and thought he was speaking white lie. Till that time, I thought cooking and eating the most simplest and urgent jobs in the world which everyone must know. But I was wrong. When I came to know about one of my close senior relatives also not knowing cooking, I realized the fact. I started to study the reason why some people don’t know the easiest thing. To-day I got the answer. When you do practice of anything, the toughest becomes easiest. When I leave the practice, the easiest becomes difficult. My friend belongs to a joint family. He was married to a girl who belonged to separate family. After marriage, the girl became dominating like most of the Indian individual families. He began to hate the joint families. He began to see only the demerits of the combined family. He became totally inclined towards his in-laws’ side and ignored the parents’ side. Naturally persons of parents’ side also started to keep distance. Ultimately, he became separate to enjoy the separate family. Initially, he found himself in great pleasure. After sometime, his wife became ill. There was none to see her. He had to take leave. The whole money was spent on the treatment. He became very poor. His other brothers and sisters are in good positions. No one knows the fate of a person. “Triyaa charitram purukhasya bhagyam, daivo na jaanaati kuto manushyah.” In joint family, by whose fate we prosper is not known.
Now my friend has become master cook. He has worked the job of a cook in so many hotels. He and his wife prepare food for so many persons and keep it in tiffin boxes. My friend takes the tiffin boxes on his cycle to so many offices. Before marriage he had not got chance to cook food. His mother and sisters never gave such opportunity to him and that was the reason of his ignorance about the cooking. He never knew how to cook rice, pulse and vegetables. He didn't even know how to ignite the oven. He had no experience of facing oven heat in the burning summer, washing cooking pots with ice-cold water in winter and ignite the oven with wet wooden fuel in rains. He never knew about the illness of his mother and sisters.
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