--------------------- After sitting some time in the temple premises, we again walked before all the statues. Bowed down again before all gods and prayed for mental peace. Till that time, we had become stable and familiar with the place. The natural fear while visiting unknown place had disappeared. Now, no one was looking towards us as if, pandas have third senses to identify the new entrants and cheated persons. Panda’s eyes are like C.C.TV cameras. Visitors are unknown but they are always in the vision of pandas and their every activity is captured by their C.C.TV cameras (eyes).
Now, I want to tell something about pandas. Their activities and conditions are not better than beggars. I think, this is due to mismanagement. They are busy from 3.0 AM to 12.0 PM, but get a few coins which are insufficient for maintaining their families. Their fees are not fixed. Some give more, some less and some don’t pay anything. They are totally dependent on visitor’s mercy. They can be called organized beggars who have the right to disturb the peace of pilgrims. In the modern high-tech era, the temples should be managed in planned way. All pandas should be kept salary-paid. They should act like waged guides. They should prove themselves friends and well-wishers, so that pilgrims may not be afraid and hatred may not develop in them about the pandas. -----------contd.
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