Mother’s love towards her children is natural. No one can take the place of mother, even father cannot. ‘Maay marne, baap pitiya’. After the death of the mother, father behaves like uncle. Mother can sacrifice everything for her child. She sleeps in the wet clothes wetted by her child and keeps the child in the dry side. There is never artificiality. A son kills her mother and takes out her heart to offer and please his beloved. In the way, he fell down and the heart slipped from his hand. A voice came from the heart, ‘Oh my child! Aren’t you heart more?’ “Kuputro jaayet kwachidapi kumaataa na bhavati”. A bad son may take birth, but never a bad mother.
Naanee-daadee (grandmothers), Mausis (mother’s sisters) and sisters are on second position. Naanaa-daadaa (grandfathers) and brothers are on third and uncles are on fourth. All other blood relations are on fifth. Friends can come on any position. There have been persons who have sacrificed their lives for their friends. In the film Sholey, we have seen the friendship of Jay and Veeru.
Natural love and artificial love are quite distinguished. Even a child recognizes it. When a child is away from its mother, it feels some unsafe. As soon as it looks its mother, it runs towards her and feels safe. I have seen showy person pretending love towards the person whom he always hated. Nevertheless, the artificiality is always exposed and people laugh on the fake action.
Naturality needs no clarification. When confusion arises, imitator has to give explanation but natural lover becomes silent. Mocker has no hesitation in harming the person whom he pretends to love. Real lover cannot do so whether the person remains with him or go away from him. He only wishes his wellbeing. One child was missed from its mother in the crowd. The organizers found the child weeping alone. They announced about him on mike. There were two claimants. The child was too small to recognize its mother. Taking advantage of this a fake woman also became pretender. Now, before organizers there was a vital problem to detect the actual mother. One of the arrangers was very wise. He thought a plan. He gave the proposal to cut the child in two pieces and distribute them between the claimants. The fake mother agreed. The real mother began to weep and said to give the child to the other woman (the fake one). Thus, organizers detected the real mother and gave the child to her. A mother can accept the separation but cannot bear the death. ‘Yug-yug jiyo baso lakh kosh, more abhaag tohar nahi dosh’. My child may stay at far distance no matter, but he should remain well. It is my misfortune, not his fault.
All relations are based on mutual give and take except mother. Mother only knows to give. ‘Bhoomergariyashee maataa’. Mother is greater than the earth. One cannot repay her loan. ‘O maan teri surat se alag bhagvaan ki surat kyaa hogee’. I have not seen God, but He is always with me as my mother.----------Ohm Namo Bhagvate Shree Ramanaay.
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