The universe is formed by positive and negative particles. In the nucleus of every element (+) and (-) particles balance each other and make the element stable. Every creature is in pair. Male is positive and female is negative. Every work has positive and negative aspects. Coins have two faces, head and tail. Head may be called positive and tail, negative. Thoughts are positive and negative. It depends upon me which I choose. Positions are up and down. Up may be taken + ve and down - ve. Climbing up is difficult, falling down is easier. To remain in positive position is difficult and requires penance. To go in negative position requires no effort, rather one enjoys going and remaining there.
Good and bad are +ve and –ve respectively. Sat (good) and asat (bad) are also denoting them. To remain in sat (good habits- truthfulness, honesty, love to all, dutiful, non-violence= not to harm by mind, speech or action; and having satwik food= vegetarian fresh food) is a great penance. To go in asat (bad habits- to speak lie, to hate, fraudism, dishonesty, hinsa= to harm others, taamasee food= rotten non- veg with rich spicy food, drinking habits, quarrelling, kaam, krodh, lobh, moh etc.) is our natural weakness and we enjoy staying in it. By the grace of guru we do not fall and go towards sat and enjoy it. The pleasure of enjoying sat is indescribable. “Kaavya shaastra vinoden kaalogachchati dheemtaam. Vyasanen cha moorkhaanaam nidrayaa kalahen waa”. The scholars spend their time in enjoying books and discussing epics while the fools spend it in bad habits, sleeping and quarrelling.
Negativeness is more powerful. I spend my whole life remembering and talking about our bad events. We always remember sorrow and never talk about happiness moment. Suppose, you have done thousand helps to anybody, they all will be forgotten if one of your actions does not suit him. I remember one event. One person remained my intimate for more than five years. During this period, there was no day when we did not meet. One of my actions did not suit him. The result is that we have no communication for more than three years. There is another person who remained my intimate for more than twenty three years. One of my nearer actions made him annoyed. He stopped talking with me. We have no talk for more than three years.
Positive message spreads slowly. Negative news spreads all around in a moment. We take too much interest in hearing and spreading others’ vices. Hearing others’ praise we become jealous. We stop talking about his praise rather start to spread his evils.------------Ohm Namo Bhagvate Shree Ramanaay.
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