‘Buraa jo dekhan mai chalaa, buraa na miliyaa koy. Jab aapan dish dekhiyaa, mujh saa buraa na koy.’ Kabeeer searches bad persons but finds none. When, he looks towards himself, observes that he is the worst in the world. I waste my whole life looking towards the evils of others. But, don’t find time to see towards myself. Instead of seeing merits of others, I only see their evils and invite them to come to me. And after sometime, all evils come in me. 

One of my friends criticizes even yogeeshwar Krishna. He says that Krishna had infinite girls’ friends, 16 thousands wives and the Rasleelaa is nothing but open corruption. But, he should know that Krishna was yogeeshwar. The Raasleelaa is symbolic. It is nothing but the dance between Atmaa (jeevaatmaa) and Permaatmaa (God). We people, who are all the time indulged in worldly affairs, cannot know this Parmatma-gyaan (spiritual knowledge). We are unable to think about sacrifice (sacrifice one’s all for the service of the people), love (unselfish love with all creatures), service to all creatures thinking Lord Shiva in all and speaking truth in all circumstances (I am habituated to speak lie in simple behavior and talking and think myself clever in cheating others). I have seen families planning, practicing and doing rehearsal of speaking lie. Krishna was present with all Gopies in the same time. His 16 thousand wives were enjoying with him at the same time. In the present context, how this is possible. Even the greatest wizard cannot do this. This is only the play of Brahma and His Mayaa (illusion).
You are in the dogma that you are the best in the world and your thought is super most. But you are the worst. You see your food habits always searching tasteful things as if you have come on the earth to eat only. I have seen people busy in planning and managing to drink and to eat non-vegetarian items, from morning to evening. See your betel and tobacco chewing habits. See your thinking, which is always busy to harm others. See your working, which is involved in digging ditches for others to fall in it. See your tongue, which always ejects fire. See your selfishness, which all the time wants to cut other’s head and add to your children. See your ears, which like other’s abuses. Look towards your eyes, which want to see other’s decay. At last, see your mind, which never thinks to serve the society and always likes evils. --------OHM NAMO BHAGVATE SRI RAMANAY.

One of my friends criticizes even yogeeshwar Krishna. He says that Krishna had infinite girls’ friends, 16 thousands wives and the Rasleelaa is nothing but open corruption. But, he should know that Krishna was yogeeshwar. The Raasleelaa is symbolic. It is nothing but the dance between Atmaa (jeevaatmaa) and Permaatmaa (God). We people, who are all the time indulged in worldly affairs, cannot know this Parmatma-gyaan (spiritual knowledge). We are unable to think about sacrifice (sacrifice one’s all for the service of the people), love (unselfish love with all creatures), service to all creatures thinking Lord Shiva in all and speaking truth in all circumstances (I am habituated to speak lie in simple behavior and talking and think myself clever in cheating others). I have seen families planning, practicing and doing rehearsal of speaking lie. Krishna was present with all Gopies in the same time. His 16 thousand wives were enjoying with him at the same time. In the present context, how this is possible. Even the greatest wizard cannot do this. This is only the play of Brahma and His Mayaa (illusion).
You are in the dogma that you are the best in the world and your thought is super most. But you are the worst. You see your food habits always searching tasteful things as if you have come on the earth to eat only. I have seen people busy in planning and managing to drink and to eat non-vegetarian items, from morning to evening. See your betel and tobacco chewing habits. See your thinking, which is always busy to harm others. See your working, which is involved in digging ditches for others to fall in it. See your tongue, which always ejects fire. See your selfishness, which all the time wants to cut other’s head and add to your children. See your ears, which like other’s abuses. Look towards your eyes, which want to see other’s decay. At last, see your mind, which never thinks to serve the society and always likes evils. --------OHM NAMO BHAGVATE SRI RAMANAY.
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