I am Rameshanand. My wife is Ramolaa. I have a peculiar habit to store wastes and see every paper in the leisure. Some letters take me to my past. When I start to read, I begin wandering in the event and forget myself. I never become free until I read all old papers and it makes me busy at least for two hours. You will be surprised to know that the books and copies studied by me since class one to the last class of education are still safely kept in the almirah. I have kept letters written by my father, friends and others, safely. There are so many old photos of my forefathers, old friends and relatives in my album. Old toys, books, nails and spikes, shallow tape, fevicol, pens and pencils, erasers are in another case. Old TV, radio, camera, table fan, emergency light and torch, refrigerator, washing machine, old furniture etc. beautify my house. You will find old axe, spade, chisel, mallet, file, spanner, hammer, plough, plough-share, drum, harmonium, guitar, and violin also. You can say me orthodox or traditionalist like general Indians. Majority of us are conservatives. I like the TV serials Ramayana, Mahabharata, ShreeKrishna etc. Sampoorn Ramayana, Ham sath sath hain, Nadiyaa ke paar, Pratighaat etc. are my favorite movies. I am in favour of joint family. Whenever, I hear about joint family, I become too much pleased. I worship gods and goddesses and also my fore-fathers. I respect my seniors and love juniors. I am a religious man and frequently visit sacred places to worship gods. I see Sanskaar and Aasthaa channels on TV. I often visit pravachan kaaryakram (preaching) of saints. I like to meditate and recite spiritual songs (bhajans). I perform japas (silent recitations of Mantras) and penance. I perform 1000 Gaayatree japas daily. I frequently go on fasting to purify myself. I sometimes take only fruits for so many days. During Durgaa-poojaa (Navraatraa) I remain nine days, only on fruits. I am complete vegetarian and never think to harm any creature.
Contrary to my nature, my wife dislikes all above things. In brief, she dislikes everything which I like and vice-versa. She has more faith on her mother side than on herself or on God. She cannot hear an ill word against her mother side. She can trust even on a new born baby of her parent side but cannot trust on anybody of in-laws side. She can leave even her husband for her father, mother, brothers and sisters. She hates waste. Whenever she finds time, she throws it. Sometimes she throws old TV, sometimes old radio and sometimes my clothes, important papers and books. When I enquire about an important paper, she never accepts that she has seen it.
I had gone on a tour and have returned back after so many days. I have seen special glazing on her face. Previously, I had seen such type of happiness only on two occasions; the first, at the time of the death of her mother-in-law and the second time, when her father-in-law died. I didn’t dare to enquire about her happiness. I took bath, ate and slept. When I awoke, I went near my glazed almirah. It was complete empty. I went near another wardrobe and found it also empty. All the old photos from the album were disappeared. The old letters, books and cards were thrown away from the house. The rooms are now very neat and clean. My house now looks high-tech.
I go to my study room. I want to read the book ‘Dashrath-Nandan-Shree-Raam’ written by Chakravartee Raajgopaalaachaaree, but I didn’t find it. Likewise, I found none book of my choice. Being hopeless, I thought to read some letters written by my father, but could not find a single letter. In another room my wife is extremely pleased and busy in talking with her mother and sisters on cellular phone. I am very sad and gloomy in my study room as if I have forgotten my civilization, culture and my roots. I have become complete vacant. I bore the first jerk at the time of my mother’s death. I also tolerated the 2nd jerk of my father’s death. This third jerk is the heaviest which has uprooted me. Now, I am like a pulled up tree blowing in the storm. ------------Namobhagvate Ramanaay.
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