‘ Sheelan param bhooshanam’ (gentleness is the greatest ornament). Gentleness is the Brahmastra (sure shot weapon) by which one can win the universe. You cannot always win by body (physical force) strength. ‘Shathe shathyam samaacharet’ (tit for tat) is not always successful. Suppose opposition is stronger than you, what will happen? He will defeat you. If the opponent is weaker, you will defeat him. But the victory will not be permanent. The enmity will increase more and he will always be thinking to take revenge. Your peace will also be disturbed and you will always have to keep yourself alert. Moreover, you have to face the police and court. If found guilty (the probability is more for winner), you will be punished and will be sent to jail. Sometimes, capital punishment may also be given. The person whom you killed became free from the thorny world. You (the killer, victorious) remained alive to die every moment. Is this called victory? No, this victory is worse than the defeat.
Gentleness is the seed of the tree ‘Ajaatshatru (whose enemy has not taken birth). ‘Asaadhunaamapi saadhunaa (politeness even with stupid, to love even to abuser).’ This is not easy. Only Gyaanees (realized soul) can do this. Can an ordinary person love to his enemy? To conquer the heart is real victory. Some may say you coy or coward. But this is not so. The person who has no enemy is the bravest of all. Was Gandhijee a coward? He was the bravest in the world at the time. His weapons satya (truth) and ahinsaa (non-violence) are still the most powerful. Anna Hajare implemented them and forced the government to bow down.
Never condemn anybody. Always see the qualities of others and praise them. The wave of admirers or decriers reaches immediately to the person or persons for whom these acts have been performed, even though done secretly. Human babies, animals and plants also feel the love and hate.
Suppose, you praise the qualities of your condemner. This message reaches to him through any source. He will repent and remain no more your enemy. Maharshi (the great saint) Vishwaamitra always criticized the great sage Vashishtha [brahmarshi- the sage who has won kaam (will), krodh (anger), lobh (greed) & moh (attachment)]. But, Vashishtha never said a single word against him. Vashishtha was called Brahmarshi and was honoured more everywhere. Vishwaamitra also wanted to be called by the same name. But, everyone called Vishwaamitra Maharshi. Vashistha also called him by the same name. This aggravated Vishwaamitra’s anger more. One day, he went with his sword to Vashishtha’s cottage in the mid night, to kill him. He silently stood behind the cottage and started to watch the internal activities. He heard the whispering sound of husband and wife (Arundhatee). Arundhatee:- ‘Why don’t you call Vishwaamitra Brahmarshi?’ Vashishtha:- ‘At present, Vishwaamitra is the greatest saint and penance performer in the universe. He is my dearest and I always wish and pray for his long life, name and fame. The only thing to be achieved by him is to conquer the anger. The moment he wins the anger he will be Brahmarshi.’ Hearing the whispering words, tears of repent began to flow. He knocked the door. Vashishth opened the door and saw Vishwaamitra with surprise. Vishwaamitra fell down and started to wash his feet with tears. Vashishtha hugged him calling Brahmarshi.
When I leave my ego and bow down, I win the world. The small plants beside the river bow down before the devastating flood and always survive. The big trees stand erected their chest are uprooted and destroyed in the deluge. Raam became successful to defeat world's most powerful Raavan due to his politeness and latter's ego.Kauravs were defeated due to their ego and Pandav's politeness. Krishna's weapon was gentleness and Kans was most egoistic and so he was killed. Now , say which is more powerful, politeness or ego?
Though, Raam had capacity to dry the sea but he first worshipped it. When it didn’t give way, he showed a bit anger. --------------------------------------------------------Namo Bhagvate Shree Ramanay.
Gentleness is the seed of the tree ‘Ajaatshatru (whose enemy has not taken birth). ‘Asaadhunaamapi saadhunaa (politeness even with stupid, to love even to abuser).’ This is not easy. Only Gyaanees (realized soul) can do this. Can an ordinary person love to his enemy? To conquer the heart is real victory. Some may say you coy or coward. But this is not so. The person who has no enemy is the bravest of all. Was Gandhijee a coward? He was the bravest in the world at the time. His weapons satya (truth) and ahinsaa (non-violence) are still the most powerful. Anna Hajare implemented them and forced the government to bow down.

Never condemn anybody. Always see the qualities of others and praise them. The wave of admirers or decriers reaches immediately to the person or persons for whom these acts have been performed, even though done secretly. Human babies, animals and plants also feel the love and hate.
Suppose, you praise the qualities of your condemner. This message reaches to him through any source. He will repent and remain no more your enemy. Maharshi (the great saint) Vishwaamitra always criticized the great sage Vashishtha [brahmarshi- the sage who has won kaam (will), krodh (anger), lobh (greed) & moh (attachment)]. But, Vashishtha never said a single word against him. Vashishtha was called Brahmarshi and was honoured more everywhere. Vishwaamitra also wanted to be called by the same name. But, everyone called Vishwaamitra Maharshi. Vashistha also called him by the same name. This aggravated Vishwaamitra’s anger more. One day, he went with his sword to Vashishtha’s cottage in the mid night, to kill him. He silently stood behind the cottage and started to watch the internal activities. He heard the whispering sound of husband and wife (Arundhatee). Arundhatee:- ‘Why don’t you call Vishwaamitra Brahmarshi?’ Vashishtha:- ‘At present, Vishwaamitra is the greatest saint and penance performer in the universe. He is my dearest and I always wish and pray for his long life, name and fame. The only thing to be achieved by him is to conquer the anger. The moment he wins the anger he will be Brahmarshi.’ Hearing the whispering words, tears of repent began to flow. He knocked the door. Vashishth opened the door and saw Vishwaamitra with surprise. Vishwaamitra fell down and started to wash his feet with tears. Vashishtha hugged him calling Brahmarshi.
When I leave my ego and bow down, I win the world. The small plants beside the river bow down before the devastating flood and always survive. The big trees stand erected their chest are uprooted and destroyed in the deluge. Raam became successful to defeat world's most powerful Raavan due to his politeness and latter's ego.Kauravs were defeated due to their ego and Pandav's politeness. Krishna's weapon was gentleness and Kans was most egoistic and so he was killed. Now , say which is more powerful, politeness or ego?
Though, Raam had capacity to dry the sea but he first worshipped it. When it didn’t give way, he showed a bit anger. --------------------------------------------------------Namo Bhagvate Shree Ramanay.
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