“Sarvatra bhayvarjanah”. Gandhijee never feared from anything and gave this slogan, which is the main thought of our religious-epics. Due to this very fearlessness, he was able to fight boldly with the world’s most powerful kingdom, defeated it and forced it to fly to its country, crossing the seven seas.
Fearing from antisocial elements, so many persons bow down. But, gyanees never surrender and prefer to sacrifice their lives than to compromise with their principle. Gyanees are few and bad elements become successful in spreading their activities by horrifying the society. They dance blatantly on the main chowk-chauraahaa and people don’t dare to speak against them. Rather, they are silent spectators. In the main crowded market, terrorists perform crime but in the court we find no witness. Getting the advantage, the criminals manage to escape and do another crime.
Always remember The Almighty. No one can harm you if He is pleased. And He is always pleased on them who eagerly call Him. Remember the story of Prahlaad, Dhruv, Gaj-Grah (the elephant and the crocodile) and Draupadee. How many persons are there who call Him like Draupadee. When one realizes the fact that only He can save him and totally surrenders to Him, he is saved. None can harm him. The only thing is to have full faith and piety.
“Nainan chhindanti shastraani nainan dahati paawakah. Nachainan kledyantyapo na shoshayati maarutah.” Aatmaa (soul) is immortal. This cannot be cut by weapons, the fire cannot burn it, the water cannot sink and the wind cannot blow it. When we are always in the light of the knowledge of immortality of the soul, we don’t fear from anything.
There is no question of fear at all. If, I am afraid, I have no faith on my deity. It means I have neither devotion nor the knowledge of immortality of the soul.-----------------------NAMO BHAGVATE SHREE RAMANAAY.
Fearing from antisocial elements, so many persons bow down. But, gyanees never surrender and prefer to sacrifice their lives than to compromise with their principle. Gyanees are few and bad elements become successful in spreading their activities by horrifying the society. They dance blatantly on the main chowk-chauraahaa and people don’t dare to speak against them. Rather, they are silent spectators. In the main crowded market, terrorists perform crime but in the court we find no witness. Getting the advantage, the criminals manage to escape and do another crime.
Always remember The Almighty. No one can harm you if He is pleased. And He is always pleased on them who eagerly call Him. Remember the story of Prahlaad, Dhruv, Gaj-Grah (the elephant and the crocodile) and Draupadee. How many persons are there who call Him like Draupadee. When one realizes the fact that only He can save him and totally surrenders to Him, he is saved. None can harm him. The only thing is to have full faith and piety.
“Nainan chhindanti shastraani nainan dahati paawakah. Nachainan kledyantyapo na shoshayati maarutah.” Aatmaa (soul) is immortal. This cannot be cut by weapons, the fire cannot burn it, the water cannot sink and the wind cannot blow it. When we are always in the light of the knowledge of immortality of the soul, we don’t fear from anything.
There is no question of fear at all. If, I am afraid, I have no faith on my deity. It means I have neither devotion nor the knowledge of immortality of the soul.-----------------------NAMO BHAGVATE SHREE RAMANAAY.
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