The tutor prepares the child to deal with the society and the world. Thus, he not only gives the knowledge of books but also teaches the formulae to be successful in the world. “Vin guru gyaan na hohin.” Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavir all had guru. Sometimes, we she a gyanee without guru. This is his past life’s guru’s teaching and grace. Atmaa (the soul) is the ultimate guru of all. Although, gyaanees may not have physical guru, he is always with his permanent guru (atmaa). “Gururbrahmaa gururvishnu gururdevo maheshwarah. Guruh saakshaat parambrahma tasmai shree guruve namah.” Guru (tutor, teacher) is Brahmaa (the creator), Vishnu (the tamer, the domesticator), Mahesh (the protector, the god of knowledge). He is Almighty Himself and therefore I bow before him. Parents gave birth. But, I was like a blind person wandering in the darkness. I went to my guru. He gave me a lamp and divine eye. Now, I can move freely and unafraid in the world. One question arises whether parents are great who gave birth to me or the tutor who gave knowledge-eye to me and made me man from a two footed animal. The comparison should not be done and it is not proper. But, if only one option is given I would prefer the tutor. However, we should always remember that parents are called the first guru of a child.
“Guru Govind dou khare kaake lagoon paay, Balihaaree guru aapkee Govind diyo bataay.” The poet has put the guru above God. That is, guru is above all. And it is his uncontroversial position due to his work. The child is the father of the man. The society is formed by the individual. If individual is good, society will be good. If individual is bad society will be bad. Thus he not only reforms individual but the society also. The child becomes father and he makes his children according to his education and culture. Hence, the tutor reforms the generations.
Like sadshishya, sadguru is rare. Like the sadshishya,sadguru also searches the sadshishya more eagerly. Raamkrishna Paramhans used to go to the top of the building and called loudly to his hidden disciples. Lastly they were bound to come to him. Vivekanand became the rarest disciple who not only spread his own name and fame but also his guru and our country. A citizen of a dependency, established the gurudom in the whole world and made them his followers. The society should give full regard to all tutors. The poise of the gurus cannot be lessened seeing some teachers below standard. Our old gurukul system was ideal and that should be again established. The professionalism of education has reduced the dignity of teachers but it should not be taken as general. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ohm guruve namah.
“Guru Govind dou khare kaake lagoon paay, Balihaaree guru aapkee Govind diyo bataay.” The poet has put the guru above God. That is, guru is above all. And it is his uncontroversial position due to his work. The child is the father of the man. The society is formed by the individual. If individual is good, society will be good. If individual is bad society will be bad. Thus he not only reforms individual but the society also. The child becomes father and he makes his children according to his education and culture. Hence, the tutor reforms the generations.
Like sadshishya, sadguru is rare. Like the sadshishya,sadguru also searches the sadshishya more eagerly. Raamkrishna Paramhans used to go to the top of the building and called loudly to his hidden disciples. Lastly they were bound to come to him. Vivekanand became the rarest disciple who not only spread his own name and fame but also his guru and our country. A citizen of a dependency, established the gurudom in the whole world and made them his followers. The society should give full regard to all tutors. The poise of the gurus cannot be lessened seeing some teachers below standard. Our old gurukul system was ideal and that should be again established. The professionalism of education has reduced the dignity of teachers but it should not be taken as general. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ohm guruve namah.
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