Up till now, we are hearing about slow and steady. The present era is of fast and sturdy. The competition has become global. By the tortoise speed we cannot come in the race. It is impossible to tour the world on bullock cart. Can the plow with oxen compete with the modern ploughing instrument which can plough several acres of land in a few hours and in better way. I have seen students of dull brain doing well due to hard labour. But, they cannot be genius who can compete in global competition. Slow and steady was winner in bullock cart era. Charkha (hand spinning wheel) cannot come in the race with hi-tech mills where everything is automatic. To top in the world one will have to be fast and sturdy.
There was a tortoise and a rabbit. The rabbit laughed at the speed of the tortoise. The tortoise challenged for a race. The rabbit thought to rest in the midway and slept. The tortoise continued its walking until it reached the goal. When the rabbit awoke, it ran to the goal where the tortoise was already present. The rabbit became too much ashamed. This story is symbolic but it happens daily. So many important lessons are hidden in the story. One should not laugh on others; rather see one’s own fault. When I resolve to do a job with full heart, I surely become successful in it. The ego will surely be defeated. All egoistic are defeated, though they seem most powerful and undefeatable. One should not take rest until he reaches the goal. And the main lesson is, ‘Slow and steady wins the race’.
Now one question arises, ’if slow and steady wins the race, what the result of fast and sturdy would be’. The answer is obvious, ‘It will break all records’. ---Ohm Namo Bhagvate Shree Ramanaay.
There was a tortoise and a rabbit. The rabbit laughed at the speed of the tortoise. The tortoise challenged for a race. The rabbit thought to rest in the midway and slept. The tortoise continued its walking until it reached the goal. When the rabbit awoke, it ran to the goal where the tortoise was already present. The rabbit became too much ashamed. This story is symbolic but it happens daily. So many important lessons are hidden in the story. One should not laugh on others; rather see one’s own fault. When I resolve to do a job with full heart, I surely become successful in it. The ego will surely be defeated. All egoistic are defeated, though they seem most powerful and undefeatable. One should not take rest until he reaches the goal. And the main lesson is, ‘Slow and steady wins the race’.
Now one question arises, ’if slow and steady wins the race, what the result of fast and sturdy would be’. The answer is obvious, ‘It will break all records’. ---Ohm Namo Bhagvate Shree Ramanaay.
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