‘Upadeso hee moorkhaanaan prakopaay na shaantaye. Payahpaanan bhujangaanaan kewalan vishvardhanam’. To preach a fool does not give him peace rather increases his anger. If you feed milk to a snake, its poison increases more. I was allotted a building where I started to reside. So many creatures lived in the house with me. Among them there were three cobras also. A situation came when they were ordered to leave the house. Two of them willingly left. Senior most did not leave. He came to me and prayed to allow him to stay. Taking mercy, I allowed him to live till further order. That was a blunder decision. People search points to kick out this type of creature. But, person like me has so many diseases like simplicity, laziness, kindness, anxieties and harmlessness. When the message of harmlessness spreads, people will not value you. The more the power to sting, the more value is given. When Narad,s cobra bit and killed persons, people left to go on that route. Narad preached it not to bite and it left biting. The persons walking by threw stones and wounded it. In the returning journey, Narad saw the wounded cobra and asked about his condition. The snake told about his preaching and it’s behaving saintly. Narad uttered that he had forbidden biting, not hissing. This is true for every person. If you have no nuisance value, your value is zero. The cobra bit me very silently. I didn’t know anything and continued behaving as usual.
A time came when I was ordered to leave the house. The house was allotted to another person. The new person did the first thing that he kicked the cobra out. Now, he spent his time peacefully.
The poison of the snake is still in my body and always reminds me about the cobra type man. There is a proverb- ‘When you see a cobra and a cobra type person, first kill the cobra type person and then cobra’. I have seen and experienced the proverb. --------------------- Ohm Namo Ramanaay.
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