Thursday, December 11, 2014


Mr. Surendra prasad is a retired professor of Mithila University, Darbhanga. His son is my friend. Once he came to me regarding health problem. He had to stay at my residence for fifteen days. He had to consult an eye specialist as he was suffering from eye disease, perhaps cataract (motiyavind). I was feeling pleasure hosting him. The very first day, he became friends of all of my family members. To my great surprise, when I awoke in the morning, I saw him sweeping the rooms, verandah and courtyard. I wanted to stop him but till then he had finished the work. From morning to evening, he was always busy in doing something. Sometimes, he was supporting in cooking works like cutting vegetables, making tea, cleaning utensils etc. Sometimes, he was busy in teaching my three children and sometimes playing with them. Sometimes he was preaching shaastras to all of us. During holidays (Sunday etc) he took my three children to zoo or any historical place like museum, zoo, gurudwara or Hanuman Temple at station. In a very short time, he became friends of all of us. He became an essential family member. After his check up, when he was departing, we all were weeping. My children were not leaving his hands.

                                                I want to recall another memorable period of my life. In those days I was residing at Doranda, Ranchi. One of my friends was also with me. There was great scarcity of water there. We were purchasing water from a water man who was bringing it from a nearby well. The cost of one tin (container) was 50 paisa. About 10 tins of water was sufficient for our daily purposes. The same water was used as cooking, drinking, bathing etc. Those days, mineral water, aqua guard or Kent water was not available. Our ego did not allow us to go outside and take fresh pure water in clean container. My one close friend was residing at Ramgarh cantonment area. He was teacher in the Central School in cantonment area. He occasionally used to come to me. He saw the water problem. Also, the waterman did not come the very day. My friend who was residing with me permanently was smarter. He went to a hotel, took his bath and performed other daily works there. But, my Ramgarh friend went to the well, took his bath and brought two buckets fresh water for me also. I used the water but was very ashamed. Since then, I left my ego and started to go on the well daily. Taking bath there brought two buckets fresh pure water for drinking and other purposes.

                           The third memorable period is also describable. I was residing at Darbhanga those days. I was totally dependent on my servant. The servant brought water from nearby tube-well and cooked food. He also brought water for my bathing and other purposes. Sometimes he came late and I waited for him. My so many daily works were delayed due to his coming late. One day my father-in-law came. He was headmaster of a high school. He saw this delay and understood the matter. He started to go to the nearby tube-well and did his daily work and brought two buckets water for me also. This opened my eyes and I also started to go to the tube-well and did every necessary work. Regarding water my problem was totally solved which was delayed due to my ego.

                                To-day, when I look behind, I see that most of my problems are due to my ego. When I leave ego, my life becomes comfortable which seems miserable due to my own fault. These types of events occur in everyone’s life but repetition of events shows my indolence and forgetfulness of the previous lessons. There is no cause of humiliation in doing my works by my own hands. I remember the period of Baapu at Johannesburg. In his ashram, there was rule to do all works by own hands. Everybody was producing corns and vegetables. They were cleaning their toilets by their own hands. Some friends who came to meet Baapu did not know the rules of the ashram and Gandhijee disposed their night soil carrying the container on his head. This was unbearable to Baa and she started to do the job but not by heart. Baapu felt this and he scolded her. For this scolding, he realized his unfair behavior towards Baa in her later days and has expressed his repent in his autobiography. When our great Baapu can do such work, what are we to show ego? 
            All above examples are similar. I think, if I perform tiny and inferior works, I become inferior. But, the things are just opposite. No work is inferior. If I do my work by my own hands, I become ideal, popular, make place in everyone's heart and I become Baapu, the greatest leader of all time.

Saturday, November 29, 2014


                                             “Buraa jo dekhan mai chalaa buraa na miliyaa koy; jab aapan dis dekhiyaa mujhasaa buraa na koy.” I started to search bad but found none. When I saw myself, found none worse than me. Always see towards yourself. Do I know my duty as a son or daughter, father or mother, brother or sister, friend, citizen, neighbor, servant or master and so on? Do I perform my duty well? The answer is no. Then who am I to blame others when I myself do not do my duty? “Chalani doose soop ke jisme bahattar go chhed”. The sieve (having unlimited holes) abuses the soop (a circular shallow shaped corn separator from husk or some unwanted elements, made of bamboo thin bits having bamboo rim and which has no hole). The proverb has been said about a person who has unlimited demerits but abuses others. This is normal practice of these days. We are always busy in criticizing others and never look towards ourselves

. In the eyes of the bad the whole world is bad. When I am good I see the world good.
                                                         Without studying deeply and without knowledge of any subject, I start criticizing it. Sometimes, I speak unpleasant words about our ancestors, culture and epics. Somebody criticize Lord Krishna about His ‘Rashleela’. But, they don’t know that at the time of Rashleela He was only eight year old.


Friday, November 7, 2014

सरल हृदय

"वज्रादपि कठोराणि मृदूनि कुषुमादपि"- अहि श्लोकान्श मे चारि गोट शब्द आयल अछि। बज्र, कठोर, कोमल आ फूल। कठोरतम पदार्थ भेल बज्र आ कोमलतम फूल। साधु पुरुष लेल दूनू विरोधाभाषी विशेषण कहल गेल अछि। एके व्यक्ति मे दूनू एक दोसरा क विरोधी गुण सुनबा मे उटपटांग लगैत अछि, मुदा विल्कुल सही अछि। समय के अनुकूल दूनू रूप ध'र' पड़ैत छैक, मुदा ह्रदय मे कल्याणकारी भाव रहैछ। विपरीत स' विपरीत परिस्थिति मे गलत के विरोध, ई पहिल गुण। बिना भय, पक्षपात के सत्य के पक्ष मे ठाढ़ हैब, केवल साधु पुरुष स' संभव अछि। असत्य के पक्षधर रावण, कंश, दुर्योधन, बालि, हिरण्यकशिपु-हिरण्याक्ष, महिषासुर, शुम्भ-निशुम्भ, रक्तबीज, मेघनाद, कुम्भकरण इत्यादि सदृश दुर्दांत के विरोध मे राम, कृष्ण, नृसिंह, दुर्गा, युधिष्ठिर, अर्जुन सनक साधुए के ठाढ़ होम' पड़ैछ। 'चोर-चोर मसियौत' आ ' बर्ड्स ऑफ़ ए फेदर फ्लॉक टुगेदर' सदृश बदमाश के दोस्त बदमाश होइछ। ओकरा परास्त साधुए क' सकैछ। आगि जले स' मिझाइछ; बारूद-पेट्रोल तीव्रता के वृद्धि करैछ। अंग्रेज के भगावक लेल गांधी के आब' पड़ै छइ। अहि दृष्टि स' साधु पुरुष के बज्र  स' कठोर कह' मे कोनो अतिशयोक्ति नहि। इतिहास साक्षी अछि जे कंचन -कामिनी के प्रलोभन द' एक स' एक दिग्गज के फँसायल गेल अछि। मुदा राम, कृष्ण, युधिष्ठिर, शंकर, रामकृष्ण-विवेकानंद, रमन महर्षि, गांधी के कियो नहि प्रलोभित क' सकल।
सिद्धांत पर एते कठोर व्यक्ति के फूलो स' कोमल कोना कहल गेल अछि? साधु पुरुष के ककरो कष्ट वर्दास्त नहि होइछ,  पर पीड़ा देखि नेत्र स' झड़-झड़ अश्रुपात होम' लगै छनि। मनुष्य त ' मनुष्य, निकृष्ट पक्षी घायल  जटायु के कोरा मे ल' राम'क विलाप कोमलताक अप्रतिम उदाहरण अछि। रामायणक रचनाकार वाल्मीकि क्रौंच मिथुन के आहत देखि द्रवित भ' जाइ छथि आ अनायास श्लोक प्रस्फुटित होइछ, आ ब्रम्हांड'क पहिल काव्यक सर्जन होइछ। वुद्ध घायल पक्षी के बचाबक लेल भीड़ जाइछ।          

Saturday, October 18, 2014


The food habit is based on the religion, society and the region. Eatables of Hindus are different from Muslims and Christians and vice-versa. Similarly, people of different societies have different food habits. Food habit of cold zone is different to hot zone. Flood area people eat rice and fish where as dry zone people eat litti-chokaa.  

Sunday, October 12, 2014

पिता- बेटियाँ

गर्भ से लेकर मृत्यु पर्यन्त पुत्री के हिस्से में कष्ट ही कष्ट प्रदान किया गया है। बेटियां पति/ प्रत्येक पुरुष को पिता को डैटम्  मानकर तौलती हैं। पिता के दुर्गुणों को शून्य कर दीजिये तथा केवल गुणों को रहने दीजिये और तुला के एक पलड़ा पर रखिये। पति/अन्य पुरुषों के  सारे दुर्गुणों सहित गुण  (अर्थात् गुण- दुर्गुन ) को दूसरे पलड़े पर रखिये। अगर पति /अन्य पुरुष का पलड़ा बराबर या भारी है तो ठीक, नहीं तो आप का वैल्यू जीरो है। लेकिन पिता की नजर में पुत्री का मूल्य नेगेटिव टू जीरो है। इसीलिये गर्भ से लेकर मृत्यु पर्यन्त पिता उसके अस्तित्व को नकारने/मिटाने  में लगे रहते हैं। खासकर मैथिल पिता इस मामले में औअल हैं। आधुनिक औषधि विकास का सहारा लेकर गर्भ में ही कन्या-भ्रूण ह्त्या करने में यह समाज प्रथम पाङ्क्तेय है। संयोग से अगर गर्भ में नहीं  मार सका तो जन्म के बाद भी पूरा प्रयास करता है।


Friday, October 10, 2014


सुनै छियै जे ठेस लगला स' बुद्धि बढ़ै छै। बच्चा मे सुनिऐ त' रस्ते-पेरे खूब ठेस लगबै छलहुँ, मुदा बुद्धि बढ़बाक कोनो स्पष्ट अनुभव नहि बुझायल। उलटे पैर'क आँगुर मे घा भ' जाइत छल। भ' सकैत अछि बढ़लो हैत, भगवान जाने। जखन बढलहुँ त' सुनलहुँ जे एकर विशेष अर्थ छैक। मानि लिय' जे आहाँ कोनो काज करै छी। ओइ मे आहाँ असफल भ' गेलहुँ। जाहि कारणे असफल भेलहुँ, ओकरा पता लगाक' ओकर निदान क'क' पुनः सफल भ' गेलहुँ। एकरे कहै छै - ठेस…… । कहबा मे भले जे हौ, मुदा प्रत्यक्ष अनुभव भेल जे व्यवहार मे एकर पालन बहुत कम व्यक्ति करैछ। शीला  दम्मा के रोगी छली। बच्चे स' ओ दम्मा के रोग स' परेसान छली। जखन-जखन जोर पकड़ै  छलनि त' मिरतुक्की भ' जाइ छली। रामूक विवाहक दिन हुनकर मोन किछु बेसिये खराप भ' गेल छलनि। शीलाक पति आ भाय सेहो बरियाती मे छला। भोरे बुधियार बजाब' गेल रहथिन्ह। पहिले दुसंझू बरियातिक प्रचलन छल। ओ दूनू गोटे गाम आबि हुनकर उपचार केलनि आ पुनः बेरखन पहुँचला। ओना ई बात दिगर जे ओइ दिन स' शीलाक पतिक  मुँह में हरदम ई शब्द आब' लगलन्हि- ' इमहर रामूक क विवाह आ ओमहर शीलाक दम्मा', मानो  रामूक  विवाह आ हुनक दम्मा मे कोनो अकाट्य सम्बन्ध हो वा ज' रामूक  विवाह नहि होइत त' शायद हुनका दम्मा नहि होइतनि। हुनकर  शब्द सूनि रामूक मोन  कोनादन कर' लगैत छलैक  आ होइ छलै  जे काश! हमर विवाह नहीं होइ त' शीला  दम्मा स' बाँचल रहितथि। शीलाक पति  के बाचालता'क रोग छनि। ओ निछच्छ बहीर सेहो छथि। बाचाल व्यक्ति के झूठ बेसी बाज' पड़ैत छै। शीला आब नहि  छथि। पतिक झूठ हुनका नीक नहि  लगैत छलनि। ओ सीना तानि   क' अपन गलत- सही कृत्य/ कथन पर अडिग रह' बाली छली। पति  नून-मिरचाइ लगाक' बात के सरिअबैत छला, मुदा पकर' बला बात के बुझिये जाइत छैक। ऐ मामला मे शीला के पति  स' नीक मानै छियैन। ओ अपन कृत्य के स्वीकारैत छली। पति  केवल नीक फल'क श्रेय लेब'बला छथि, दोष अनका  पर म'ढ़' मे निपुण। विषयान्तर भ' गेल। ठेस पर गप्प चलै छल आ शीला'क चर्चाक कारण कहै छी। दम्माके रोगी के गर्दा, अम्मत  दही, केरा इत्यादि स' परहेज कर' पड़ैत छैक। शीला जखन दुखित रहैत छली त' अहि बस्तु'क सेवन नहीं करवाक किरिया खाइत छली, मुदा ठीक भेलाक बाद  पुनः खट्टा स' खट्टा दही, केरा आ फटकीयाक गर्दा खूब लैत छली आ पुनः वीमार पड़ैत छली। ई घटना असंख्य बेर भेल हेतनि आ अंततः  रोग स' आनो -आनो वीमारी भ' गेलनि आ प्रस्थान कर' पड़लनि। अज्ञानी अबोध बच्चो के आगि मे पाकि गेलाक बाद पुनः डर होइत छैक आ ओ आगि स' दूर भागैत अछि। जानवरो के जै खेत मे पीटल जाउक / कोनो व्यक्ति भाला भोंकि दौक वा अन्य तरहेँ डेरा दौक त' पुनः ओइ खेत/व्यक्ति स' सदिखन भयभीत रहैछ। मुदा मनुष्य ओकरो स' बदतर होइछ। बेर-बेर एके अकृत्य के दोहराबैत अछि।
आब अपने बारे मे कहै छी। कतेको दुर्गुण स' भरल छी। जनै छी जे ई त्याज्य अछि।  मुदा छुटि नहि रहल अछि। निकोटिन पूर्ण रूपेण छोर' चाहैत छी , छुटि  नहि  रहल अछि। तीन महिना स' पान-जर्दा छोड़ने छलहुँ, दुर्गा पूजा मे गाम गेलहुँ त' फेर खा लेलहुँ।  एखन फेर छूटल अछि। ' ज्ञानिनामपि चेतान्सि देवी भगवती हि सा।  बलादाकृष्य मोहाय महामाया प्रयच्छति।'- भगवती महामाया ज्ञानियो के चित्त के बलपूर्वक खीचक' मोह मे जकरि दैत छथिन्ह।   

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

माँ दुर्गे

माता आद्याशक्ति हैं। सृष्टि के सर्जन, पालन एवं विनाश के मूल आधार ये ही हैं। श्रद्धा-भक्ति के साथ माँ के ध्यान भजन से इनकी कृपा तुरत प्राप्त होती है। " तामुपैहि महाराज शरनम् पर्मेश्वरीम् । आराधिता सैव नृणान्  भोग स्वर्गापवर्गदा।"आराधना से प्रसन्न होकर भोग, स्वर्ग और मोक्ष सहज ही प्राप्त हो जाता है। सकाम भक्त राजा सुरथ ने अपना साम्राज्य पुनः प्राप्त किया और अगले जन्म के लिए भी नष्ट न होनेवाला राज्यप्राप्ति का वर पाया। वैश्य संसार से खिन्न और विरक्त हो गया था। साथ ही वह वुद्धिमान भी था। ऐसे अवसर पर तुच्छ-नाशवान चीज़ नहीं मांगकर, ममता और अहंतारूप आसक्ति का नाश करनेवाला ज्ञान माँगा।    

Friday, September 12, 2014


                                                      No work is small. When I start a project, it begins from zero. When a work is assigned to you, try to complete it ideally. Do it in such a way that no one can do it like you. Be the expert of the work. Jobs will run after you. There is no scarcity of job, scarcity is of the expert.
                                                                               In India we are ‘Jacks of all treads but master of none’. Contrary to this, Russia, U.S.A., Japan, China produce experts. I have seen Russian Engineers. One person is doing only one job the whole life. Suppose, you have to construct a house. In Russia, so many experts of different components are employed and the model unique type building is completed in a very short time. In our case, only one group of mason does everything and completes the work after a good period and of poor quality. The same person does brick work, lintel, roof, shuttering, steel work, plaster work, flooring and all finishing work. Now a day, in cities we have started employing experts. But, in villages, traditional method of employing only one group for the whole work is followed.
                                                                                     I am remembering one event. Those days, milk booths were started functioning. The estimated cost of one booth was approximately 40 thousand. So many booths were to be constructed in one district. One very old and expert person approached and willed to construct one booth. The milk society was feeling uncomfortable to allot such a small job to the famous agency. But, the agency showed utmost interest and the society offered him one work. The person utilized his full skill and his booth became most beautiful. The tiny construction became a model and the society showed it to every senior officials of the department. Now, the person is expert in construction of booths and he is overloaded. He has expert team and constructs the booth in just half period specified. The society utilizes him everywhere when such booth is required to be constructed.

                                                                                        I want to describe another event of my child hood. Perhaps, in the year 1968-69, the scheme of state deep tube well boring was started with the help of Russia. A group of experts of the work headed by Russians were going village to village to perform the work. One night time was fixed for the work. They started the work at 10.00 P.M. and finished the work all complete at 5.00 A.M. The whole villagers gathered at the sight to see the miracle. The tube wells still exist in our villages. One operator was employed at each tube well. But we could not maintain them and almost all tube wells are non functional. We could not give proper electricity, could not maintain the transformers and could not keep operators.       

Sunday, August 31, 2014



                                                  Nature is my mother. The pleasure in mother’s lap is incomparable. When a child is tortured by someone, it runs to its mother. Seeing its mother, it forgets all worries and fright. Paryaavaran is not different from nature. Human of any age when comes in close contact to the nature, our eternal mother (closer to nature- river, forest, sea, mountain, fountain etc), he is filled with special joy and enthusiasm forgetting all anxieties and fear.                                                                                                                                                                   Once, I went to Pondicherry with one of my friends. We went to take sea view in the evening. Before this trip I had never seen the sea. Aurovindo Ashram is on the western coast of Bay of Bengal where we were halting. We stayed on a bench on the sea sore for a good time and my friend became tired. Dark surrounded us. He wanted to return. But I was not quenched. I refused to return. He went to the Ashram. I stayed there till nine P.M. This may be called immense love towards nature. One Australian citizen met me there. He was alone. I asked him about his travelling throughout the world alone. I was surprised to hear his ideology which was quite similar to my thought. I have come to the earth alone and have to depart from here alone. It is ideal to lead life alone. If it becomes impossible, one friend is enough but not more than that. When I am alone, I stay most of the time at my home (permanent home= heart). When I make friends, I spend more time outside. Bapoo (Gandhijee) has preached the same. When I am alone I can journey according to my will. When more people are with me my will has less importance and sometimes it is totally ignored if there is any arrogant person in the group.
                                                                       Now, come to the main topic. I planted some mango plants in my garden. I irrigated it daily and started to see it growing. I gave village manure (cow dung= compost). My happiness cannot be explained in words, seeing the plant growing. The pleasure is heavenly, beyond expression. One of my friends had tamed so many animals – cats, dogs, rabbits, mice, mongooses etc. Most of the time, he was playing with his pets. I saw him always pleased with his animal friends. I never saw him sad. Whenever he returned home, the animals jumped on him and showed their love. I was afraid of animal scratching/biting and rabies but he was playing/dancing and laughing. I cannot describe his pleasure. I asked him to explain the expressions of pets. And, I was surprised to hear his words that he knew every expression of his pets. I went in the past when people understood the birds’ voice. When I come in close contact and love someone with my heart, I become blessed to know its expressions. Human new born child is incapable to express but mother knows it's every requirement. Among the pets, dog is the oldest friend of man. It knows how to express happiness and sorrow where as other pets don’t know this art and their languages are same every time. Raman Maharshi talked with monkeys, peacocks, cows, dogs, cats, birds etc. He used to mediate when two groups of monkeys quarreled seriously. Once, Maharshi was walking on Arunaachalaa hill. The nest of wasp came under his  foot. Wasps started to bite. Some disciples wanted to move wasps but he forbade doing so, saying that he had demolished their house and their anger was genuine. The great Indian scientist, Sir J. C. Bose researched on plants and proved that plants and trees also laugh and weep. When I show love, irrigate and give manure, they become pleased. When someone goes to cut them they become angry and weep. The feelings were shown on a monitor. The indicator showed the direction of happiness/ love, quite opposite to the direction of sorrow/ anger.
                                                         My eldest son offers food to the birds of a park daily. I become surprised to see the birds sitting on his shoulders when he enters into the park. My son-in-law feeds the leprous daily. Though, his family members don’t like the habit, his pleasure is beyond words.   
                                                                                     The helpless persons also repay very precious thing which I don’t understand. They give ethereal blessings which remove our all odds and create joys. Sometimes physical return is also received. I want to recall one memorable event. The leprosy hospital of DMCH, Darbhanga is in the northern portion. Once I was deputed to construct a new building for the leprous near the leprosy hospital. My one subordinate Raj was with me. During construction, I knew many new things about leprous which were not known to me before. Persons of different castes and religions reside together as families. They have no feelings of caste and marry among themselves. They love each other too much, more than we healthy people do. I and Raj were taking tea offered by the leprous. Suddenly, Raj fell down and became senseless. I was nervous, but the leprous started primary care. They brought a cot and put Raj on it. Four persons took the cot on their shoulders and started towards emergency ward. Doctors checked him up and gave some medicines. He became well. The event made deep root in my memory and always makes me remember the help of those helpless persons who are discarded and hated by the society. I was ashamed to think that we extremely dislike them and don’t like to even touch them, but they have immense love for us and can help us up to the extent of their lives.
                                                                                               I want to suggest one medicine to everybody. Enjoy the moments of feeding corn to the pigeons on the roof, offering food to the fishes in the pond, feeding the hungers, serving the ill and helping the helpless and needy. This medicine will cure you from all diseases. No medicine is so helpful as the tonic of blessings.
                                                                                Once, I was going to Deoghar by Jan satabdee express. An old lady was begging in the compartment. She came to me and spreaded her hand. I usually give one or two rupees to the beggars. But seeing the wretched condition of the old lady or perhaps I had no change, I put five rupees in her hand. The old lady started pouring blessings on my head for long with her inner heart. Have you helped to free a creature from a trap? Have you forgiven the fault of a person? Have you served an ill person? Have you fed a hungry man? Have you given water to thirsty person? The pleasure cannot be imagined doing even one of the above. Forgiveness is such a weapon which can win the heart of any big enemy. We know the story of a saint and a scorpion. A scorpion was flowing in the river flow. A saint saw and wanted to save its life. He took it in his palm and started to bring it to the bank. The scorpion stung him. His hand trembled and the scorpion fell in the river. Again the saint lifted, it stung, hand trembled and it fell in the river. The action and reaction was being repeated several times. Another person who was taking bath beside the saint, saw this. He forbade doing so saying that the creature cannot change its nature. The saint said, ‘if the tiny creature cannot change its nature, why should I’? This shows the love towards nature and climax of forgiveness.
                                        Now a day, we have become our enemies ourselves. Cutting trees I have started digging well of death. The Pran-vau (life air) Oxygen comes from these trees and plants. If I cut all these greeneries, Oxygen will vanish and a day may come when the earth will become life less like other planets. When I go to walk in the zoo, I feel that I am taking some life saving medicine. I start taking more and more air in my lungs. In summer, the temperature of the botanical garden area is below one or two degrees Celsius compared to that of town area. When I was returning from secretariat to my residence in the evening on my scooter, I always entered the green zone near Lalit Bhavan leaving the widest and maintained Bailey Road in the temptation to enjoy the Oxygen zone and cool atmosphere. The increase in temperature may cause melting the Himalayas resulting increase in sea water level. So many islands are on the verge of sinking in the sea. A day may come when entire earth may burn to ashes due to rising temperature or may sink in water due to rising sea water level, causing catastrophe. 
                                                     Environmental balance is utmost necessity. In the past we had this equilibrium. But in recent days, this has been disturbed. The main culprits are men themselves. In temptation we cut trees, kill animals, disturb the mountains, river*s natural flow, pollute rivers and atmosphere and do all adverse acts to pollute our surroundings. Our natural scavengers, vultures are seen nowhere on the earth. Due to ignorance, we hated these birds in old days. But, they are our best cleaners. Use of medicines have killed them causing pollution of the atmosphere. We have polluted the rivers by throwing garbage, corpses, dropping gutters and drains in the stream. We have disturbed the mountains through quarries. We have polluted the atmosphere by creating harmful gases. We have weakened the Ozone layer which checks the dangerous Ultraviolet rays to come on the earth. Cutting plants we have disturbed the soil conservation.                                                                                         
                                                                                                       The nature is not different from The God. It is the expanded form of The Almighty. When someone loves the nature (plants, creatures, rivers, sea, forest etc), he loves The Almighty. The nature may be symbolically taken as the wife (female) of The Great Purush (male) and the plants, creatures etc as their children. If you hate mother and children, father can’t be pleased. Try to love the nature and all the plants and creatures, if you want to please God.                                                                                           

Friday, August 29, 2014

जिनके हिरदय श्री राम बसय

'जिनके हिरदय श्री राम बसय, तिन और का नाम लिया न लिया।'
यह वाक्य सांकेतिक है। भावार्थ है कि राम परब्रह्म हैं। सभी देवी-देवता उनके चाकर हैं। ऐसे में जिनके हृदय में श्री राम का निवास है, उन्हें अन्य छोटे-मोटे देवों की उपासना की क्या आवश्यकता है? जब राजा ही मिल गए तो अदना सिपह-सालार   के आगे-पीछे भटकने की क्या आवश्यकता ? कल्पवृक्ष मिल गए तो साधारण अंडी के वृक्ष का क्यों सेवन करें ?समुद्र मिल गया तो फिर कुआँ-बाबरी क्यों खोदें ? कामधेनु पास में हो  तो फिर साधारण गाय को क्यों खोजें ? अ,आ, सीखना प्रारम्भिक अवस्था है। जब लड़का एम. ए. कर ले तो फिर प्रारंभिक ज्ञान प्राप्त करने की क्या आवश्यकता है ? सीढ़ियों से छत पर चढ़ना मुख्य उद्देश्य है। जब छत पर चढ़ गए तब सीढ़ी पर फिर क्यों पैर धरें ? लक्ष्य दिल्ली पहुँचना था। जब लक्ष्य तक पहुँच गए तो फिर जहाँ से यात्रा प्रारम्भ की वहां फिर क्यों जाएँ ?


“Naaryaah yatra poojyante ramante tatra devataah”. Lady is the form of Lakshamee (the goddess of riches). Where Lakshamee (lady) is worshipped, all gods reside there. Gods are masters of all five elements (kshiti, jal, paawak, gagan, sameera), all indriyaas (gyaanendriyaas and karmendriyas), all vibhooties (riddhi-siddhi) and of everything of the universe. These five elements and all other matters are children of Maayaa (illusion). Goddess Lakshamee is the mother of Maayaa. All ladies are nothing but form of Lakshamee.

Society should give honor to women like Lakshamee. We should not kill female child in the very womb. The female should be given equal opportunity like male. She should not be restricted to perform any tough event. Saaniyaa Mirza, Saainaa Nehbal, Kalpanaa Chaawalaa and all other celebrities are not less than any male. In the past we have Seetaa, Saavitree, Ahilyaa, Taaraa, Mandodaree, Draupadee, Lakshamee Baai and so many other famous ladies who are parallel to men.
  In old time we were giving due respect to our ladies. No rituals were performed without wife. During ashwamedh yagya the golden statue of maa Sita was place in the left of Ram. Woman is called ardhaanginee (half part of the body). Who can ignore his half part to become handicapped ? Perhaps in the middle era, ladies were ignored. The orthodox started hating women and prohibited to study Vedas and Puranas. 'Dhol, ganwaar, shoodra, pashu, naaree' type sentence were written in the very period. Tulsidas can not write such line. A cunning person might have put the line in the epic (Ramayana). 

Sunday, August 24, 2014


So many people used to come to Ramkrishna Paramhans while he was living at Dakhineshwar Kaalee Mandir. The temple was built by Raanee Raashmani. His son-in-law Mathur Babu was the administrator and care taker of the temple and her whole property. Most of the time, Ramkrishna remained in trance. By intuition he knew the inner thought and mental status of the person who came before him. Once Raanee came to worship Maa Kaalee. Ramkrishna was beside her to help her. Suddenly, he went in trance and gave a big slap to her saying ‘Your mind is away even being before Maa Kaalee’. This was a very embarrassing situation. A staff went to Mathur and told him the whole matter. He ran to the spot and started to rebuke Ramkrishna. But, Raanee stopped him and accepted her fault. Realy,her mind was not concentrated but was away. In the same way, Ramkrishna new the inner status of all visitors. Whenever he saw a person of black heart, he used to wash the seating place of the person with Gangaajal after his departure.

This type of riddhi-siddhi (blessings to know everything- present, past and future and hidden matters, and achieve all what one wants) come automatically when one goes ahead on the path of spiritualism. But one should not go behind them. The main purpose is to reach to goal. If one goes behind them, he will not reach the destination (The truth).

Sunday, August 17, 2014




 ‘ Roop yauvan sampannaa, vishaal kul sambhavaah;                                                                           Vidyaa heenaa na sobhante,nirgandhaa iv kinsukaah.’

A youth is very handsome, his family is also famous but he has not got education. He is similar to the flower of 'flame of the forest tree' (kinsuk= palaash) which has no scent. Similar is the case with a beautiful girl. Suppose she is very beautiful but quarrelling nature. She does not love her in-laws. Her character is not descent. Her physical beauty is in vain. She is also like the same flower. The shlok (Sanskrit poem) is old so I have not mentioned education in the case of a girl. Similarly the behavior & character have not been mentioned in the case of a boy. At present these words should be added.
I saw an old man. He was very handsome but his wife was ugly. He became close to me. Once I enquired about his marriage. He understood the matter and smiled. Laughingly he said that he had done love marriage. I was surprised but he stressed to believe me.
The man was living as paying guest at Kolkata during his P.G classes. His land lady was a widow having four marriageable daughters. He became very close to the family. The eldest was ugly by face and the rest three were beautiful. The eldest was doing all works of the family. The younger three were doing nothing and were totally dependent on the eldest. The man became impressed with the eldest and gave proposal before the widow. She was surprised to hear the proposal. Earlier, proposals were received for youngers because they were beautiful. The widow found the proposal as impossible blessings from The God. She agreed and married her daughter to the person. I was surprised and very much impressed hearing the story and his sacrifice.

                                        Now, it is clear regarding the beauty. It is not the physical appearance. The internal qualities are main beauty. If physical beauty is also there, it is like scent in the gold. But, physical beauty is not of much importance.  

Sunday, August 10, 2014

अवांछित पाहुन (७ )

सारनाथ स' लौटलहुँ मुदा तरुण के मौसीक ओहिठाम नहीं गेलहुँ। हमर ग्रामीण नूनूजी राजघाट मे रहैत छथि, ओतहि चलि गेलहुँ । नूनूजी के भेट गेलाक उपरांत आनंदे-आनंद। मुदा एकटा बड़का गलती भ' गेल; तरुण के नहि खबरि क' सकलियैक जे हम राजघाट जा रहल छी आ राति मे नहि लौटब। ओहि समय मे मोबाईल के सुविधा नहि छलैक आ ने हमरा लग तरुण के मौसा-मौसीक नम्बर छल।  देर राइत तक दूनू गोटे विभिन्न साधु-महात्मा सब स' सत्संग करैत रहलहुँ । फेर भोरे गंगा-स्नान क' क' काशी-विश्वनाथ के दर्शन केलहुँ आ पुनः अनेक मंदिर आ संत-समागम मे लागि गेलहुँ। ओही दिन करपात्रीजीक जन्मदिन छलनि । हुनका आश्रम में नंदना नन्द सरस्वतीजी  स' बेसी देरी तक हम दूनू गोटे धर्म-चर्चा मे व्यस्त रहलहुँ। पुनः टाउन हॉल मे जन्म दिवश समारोह मे शामिल भेलहुँ । अहि क्रम मे साँझ भ' गेल । साँझखन नूनू जी अपना डेरा गेलाह आ हमहूँ तरुण के मौसीक आवास पहुँचलहुँ।
ओहि आवास पर पहुँचलाक बादक वर्णन कठिन अछि। पूरा परिवार हमरा घेरि क' ठाढ़ भ' गेल आ अजीब प्रकार स' देखैत रहल। तरुण के मसियौत भाय अपन मोनक भरास निकालि देलक- ' हम बुझैत छलहुँ जे ई साधु  संत के चक्कर मे हेता। हमारा सबके चैन छीनि लेलाह। एखन हमर डेरा खाली करू।' अवाञ्छित पाहुन के देखितहि ओ पहिले दिन आक्रोषित भ' गेल छल होयत आ अपना माय आ पत्नी लग व्यक्त केने होयत, जे हमरा अज्ञात छल ।  आब मौक़ा भेटला संतां भभाक' बाहर निकलि गेलैक।
हम जेना पाहिले स' नियार केने होइ तहिना विना कोनो सफाई देने पांच मिनट मे सामान ल'क' बाहर निकललहुँ। आब तरुण आ ओकर मौसी आग्रह कर' लगलथि । मुदा हम नहि  मानलियन्हि। ओहो सब अंदर अंदर खुशी मनबैत दुराग्रह नहि केलथि। मजबूरी मे तरुण के सेहो विदा होम' पड़लैक। असहनीय गर्मी मे राति भरि मुगलसराय मे मच्छर कटाक' भोर मे डीलक्स-एक्सप्रेश  पकड़ि लौटलहुँ। काशीक ओ यात्रा जीवन भरि स्मरण रहत। काशीक पहिल यात्रा- विश्वनाथ मंदिर मे पंडा सबहक व्यवहार- सारनाथ भ्रमण आ ठक-गाइड स' भेट - नाव स' घाट दर्शन- करपात्रीजीक आश्रम मे नंदनानन्द सरस्वती जीक संग सत्संग- आ सबस'प्रमुख तरुणक मसिऔतक अवाञ्छित पाहुन संग स्वाभाविक व्यवहार।            

Saturday, August 9, 2014


मिथिलाञ्चल मे भाय-बहीनक एकटा पावनि भ्रातृ-द्वितीया प्रसिद्ध अछि। रक्षाबन्धन दिन  बुज़ुर्ग अपना स' छोट के राखी  बान्हैत छलाह आ अहि मन्त्र के पाठ करैत छलाह -' येन बद्धो वलि राजा दानवेन्द्रो महाबलः, तान्त्वान् प्रतिबध्नामि रक्षेमाचलमाचल'. आन ठाम भाय-बहीन'क पावनिक रूप मे प्रख्यात अछि जाहि मे बहीन भाइक सुख-समृद्धिक कामना करैछ आ भाय ओकर रक्षाक संकल्प लैछ। आब  मिथिला मे सेहो अहि पावनि के भाय-बहीन मनाब' लगलीह अछि।
अनेको पौराणिक कथा रक्षा-बंधन मनाब' के उपलक्ष मे प्रचलित अछि। दैत्यराज बलि के पराक्रम स' भयभीत /अपमानित देवराज इन्द्र के रक्षा हेतु हुनक पत्नी शची भगवान विष्णु के शरण मे जाइत छथि। विष्णु शची के सूत स' बनल एकटा बलय (कंगना ) दैत छथिन्ह। शची ओहि रक्षा-सूत्र के इन्द्र के हाथ मे बान्हि दैत छथिन्ह। इंद्र विजयी होइत छथि।
एकटा अन्य उपाख्यान मे भगवान विष्णु द्वारा वामन भेष मे अपना गुरू द्वारा मना केलाक बादो दैत्यराज बलि ठकल जाइछ। विष्णु द्वारा वरदान प्राप्त करैछ जे ओ सदिखन बलिक सामने रहताह। बैकुंठ मे लक्ष्मी दुखी भ' गेली। दैत्यराज के हाथ मे राखी /रक्षा-सूत्र बान्हैत छथि आ ओकरा भाय बनबैत छथि। तत्पश्चात् ओकरा स' विष्णु के प्राप्त करैत छथि आ बैकुन्ठ ल' जाइत छथि।
शिशुपाल बध के समय कृष्ण के तर्जनी कटा जाइत छन्हि। द्रौपदी साड़ी फारिक' हुनका आंगुर मे बान्हैत छथि।भगवान चीरहरणक काल हुनक लाज बचा क' ऋण मुक्त होइत छथि।
अही प्रकारक अनेक कथा भेटैत अछि जखन पत्नी अपना पतिक रक्षाक हेतु शत्रु पक्ष के राखी पठेलन्हि आ शत्रु द्वारा पतिक अभयदान प्राप्त केलन्हि।
आधुनिक काल मे रक्षाबंधन वृहत् रूप मे मनाओल जा रहल अछि, मुदा जे बालिका बहीन बनती तिनका गर्भहि मे मारक प्रयास होइछ। जखन  बहीने नहि रहती त' फेर रक्षाबंधन कोना। भाय-बहीनक प्रेम नैसर्गिक होइछ। बहीन के भाय स' रुपैया-पैसा कथुक अपेक्षा नहि छन्हि। ओ मात्र प्रेम'क भुक्खल छथि। पत्नीक वश मे भाय, बहिन'क उपेक्षा क' सकैत छथि मुदा बहीनक प्रेम/स्नेह शास्वत रहैछ।

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


परम मित्र ललन के पिताक देहांत'क समाचार सूनि मोन दुखी भ' गेल। काल्हिये हुनका भेट क'र' गेल रही । कते टन-टन बजैत छलाह। तुरत हुनका गाम पर विदा होइत छी। शिवपुरी पहुञ्चि क' देखैत छी जे आन्गन मे तुलसी चौरा ल'ग मृत देह राखल अछि आ ललन आ हुनक पत्नी दहो-बहो नार बहा रहल छथि।आस-पड़ोसक लोक सभक करमान लागल अछि। इलाका के लोक सब जुटल अछि।  एतेक कलामी आदमी फेर जनम नहि लेत। जाबत पैरुख छलनि, हुनक धोती- कुरता पर कियो सिलवट्ट नहि देखलक। लील-टीनोपाल देल कलफ कैल चम-चम वस्त्र हुनक शान बघारैत छल। दू-तीन साल स' ओछौन ध' लेलाह। सुनै छियैक जे अइ जन्म मे जकरा जतेक कष्ट होइ छै ओकरा अगिला जन्म में ओते सुख भेटै छै। से हुनका सैह भेल। कियो-कियो दबल मूहे पूर्व जन्मक पापक फल कहैत छन्हि।खैर जे बात होइक मुदा हुनक कष्ट देखल नहि जाइत छल। दर्द स' अहुरिया काटैत छलाह, सौंसे घर ओंघराइत छलाह।
 जेबार के नोत पड़ल ।एहन भोज आइ तक नहि  देखलहुँ। पेपछ पड़ि गेलै।मिठाई, दूध-दही के  धार बहि गेल। बर-बरना भोज, सर सोल्हकन,पौनी-पसारी उइघ नहि सकल । कूकुर कौआ तक अघा गेल ।
माछ-माउस के भोज सेहो गाम ल'क' भेल। कैकटा खस्सी कटलै, कोनो गिनती नहि। 
एकटा फंटुश दबले मूँहे अनगौँवा बूझि कान मे फ़ुसफ़ुसायल- " सबटा टोप-टहंकार बेकार अछि।  जखन जीबै छला त' एकोटा बेटा घुरिक' नहि ताक' एलनि। 'जिवता मे गूहा भत्ता; मुइला मे दूधा भत्ता ।' एक गिलास पानि  लै टिटियाइत रहैत छलाह, कियो घुरि क' ताक' बला नहि। हुनका स' नीक त' मंटू, बाप के सेवा मे नोकरी तक छोडि देलक मुदा एकोटा माछी के बाप के देह पर नहि बैस' देलकै ।"
ओइ फंटुश के बात स' मोन खिन्न भ' गेल ।  चोट्टे गाम पड़ेलहु। दरबज्जा पर एकांत मे चिंतन मे लागल छी -" की अही लै लोक हाय-हाय करैत अछि? सबहक गरदनि काटि संतान लेल जमा कर' मे लागल रहै अछि, मुदा सब व्यर्थ। माया-मोह में फसल जीव आन्हर होइछ। यैह थिक दुनिया। सबके संग अहिना होइछ।"  मोन कोनादन कर' लागल आ दुर्गा मंदिर दिस ध्यान कर' लेल विदा भ' गेलहुँ।                  

Friday, July 25, 2014

अर्थ वनाम भाव

एक व्यक्ति स्तोत्र का पाठ करता जाता है लेकिन अर्थ नहीं समझता है। दूसरा अर्थ समझ-समझ कर पाठ करता है। इस कथन पर एक कहानी याद आ रही है। पुरोहित गीता पाठ कर रहे हैं  और क्षेत्रीय भाषा में अर्थ भी समझा रहे हैं । एक बूढ़ी महिला न तो मूल समझ रही है न' अर्थ ,चूंकि वह किसी अन्य क्षेत्र की है तथा संस्कृत भी नहीं जानती है। लेकिन पाठ श्रवण करते हुए उसके दोनों नेत्रों से अश्रुधार बह रहे हैं।अन्य श्रोताओं में वैसी प्रतिक्रिया नहीं परिलक्षित होती है। पाठ समाप्ति के पश्चात्  पण्डितजी उक्त बूढ़ी  महिला की ओर मुखातिव होते हैं- "माताजी आप क्या अर्थ समझ रही थी? आपके सदृश श्रोता बहुत काम मिलते हैं।" वृद्धा- "मै तो अर्थ विल्कुल नहीं समझ रही थी । मैं तो केवल देख रही थी कि कृष्ण सारथी हैं और अर्जुन रथ पर बैठे हैं। दोनों को देख कर मेरे नेत्रों से अश्रु बह रहे थे।"
                                      अब प्रश्न उठता है कि अर्थ की प्रधानता है या भाव की। साधारण व्यक्ति के लिए भाव का प्राधान्य है। मध्यम कोटि का व्यक्ति अर्थ समझ लेता है लेकिन उसी में उलझ कर रह जाता है। भाव पैदा नहीं कर पाता है। ज्ञानी को अर्थ एवं भाव दोनों प्राप्त होते हैं।
प्रथम भगवान को प्रिय है। अंतिम (ज्ञानी ) भगवान का स्वरुप ही है ।  बीच का कोई महत्व नहीं है।  कभी-कभी संदेह पैदा होने  पर नास्तिकता में वृद्धि हो जाती है। "संशयात्मा विनश्यति। "            

Thursday, July 24, 2014

"तस्य स्वर्ग इहैव ही"।

'पुत्राः यस्य वशीभूताः भार्या छन्दानुगामिनी ; विभवे यस्य  संतुष्टिः तस्य स्वर्ग इहैव ही' . स्वर्ग की कल्पना की गयी है -ऐसा स्थान जहाँ दुःख नाम के पदार्थ का स्तित्व नहीं हो, सुख भोग हेतु सभी वस्त्तु उपलभ्ध हो।
                    कवि ने तीन तथ्यों की चर्चा की है। तीनो दुर्लभ हैं। लाखों-करोड़ों लोगों में कोई एक भाग्यशाली होगा जिसे एक भी प्राप्त हो।  तीनो तो किसी-किसी विरले मनुष्य को ही प्राप्त होते हैं ।
    श्रवण कुमार दुनिया में कितने हैं ? इतर से वश में होने की कल्पना व्यर्थ है। सीता, सावित्री,अनसुइया कितनी  हैं ? फिर अन्यों से अनुगामिनी होने के बारे में सोचना ही नहीं चाहिए। प्रारब्ध से जो वैभव प्राप्त है उसी में सन्तुष्टि कितनो को है ? अयाची मिश्रा कितने  हैं ? साक्षात् शंकर को उनका पुत्र होना पड़ा। माँ भी कैसी कि घोर अभाव में रहते हुए भी प्रसूती कराने वाली धाय को प्रशव के समय गछा हुआ "पुत्र की पहली कमाई तुझे दूंगी" को स्मरण रखती है। राज दरवार से पुरस्कार में प्राप्त सोना-अशर्फी सभी आया को दे देती है। आया उनकी गरीबी को जानती है और नहीं लेना चाहती है। लेकिन उनकी जिद्द के आगे उसे लेना पड़ता है । कान को सहसा विश्वास नहीं होता है। अयाची की संतानों को याद रखना चाहिए।    

दुःख (sorrow)

दुःख मेरा अभिन्न मित्र है। माँ के गर्भ से जो इसका साथ मिला तो फिर इस शरीर के साथ ही छूट पायेगा। हम क्यों नहीं इस अनन्य दोस्त का खुशी-खुशी स्वागत करें ? ऐसा दोस्त कहाँ मिलेगा जो सदैव परब्रह्म की याद दिलाता रहे। सुख में हम परमात्मा को भूल जाते हैं। दुःख का प्रत्येक क्षण हमेशा याद रखते हैं लेकिन दुखी मन से।नहीं, आइये सुख से इसको याद करने की आदत डालें । 
दुःख को अनुग्रह रूप में लेना, जीव के अपने ईस्ट देव के प्रति परम भक्ति का प्रतीक है। अगर हम दुःख को हँसते हुए बिताते  हैं और परमात्मा की इक्षा/आशीर्वाद समझते हैं तो यह अपने ईस्ट देव के  प्रति मेरी असीम निष्ठा  को दर्शाता है, इसके विपरीत अगर दुःख से दखी हो जाते हैं तथा रोते  हुए/चिंतित भाव से समय व्यतीत करते हैं तो परमात्मा में निष्ठा का अभाव दर्शाता है। 
ईश्वर अपने परम भक्तों की अनन्य निष्ठा की जाँच के लिए अनेक परीक्षा लेते हैँ। रोग-व्याधि, आर्थिक शंकट एवं अन्य अनेक प्रकार के कष्टों को इसी रूप में ग्रहण करना चाहिए। कभी भी धैर्य नही खोएं । अनन्य भक्ति से अविचलित रहते हुए अच्छे दिनों की प्रतीक्षा करें। 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

जिन्दगी नजदीक से

प्रॉस्टेट के ऑपरेशन के क्रम में विभिन्न स्थानों पर जांच और चिकित्सकों से संपर्क का मौक़ा मिला। क्या है जिंदगी ? इसी शरीर पर हम इतना इतराते हैं जिसे ऑपरेशन टेबुल पर एक सामान्य बस्तु की तरह रख दिया जाता है और एनेस्थेशिया देकर एक निर्जीव के जैसा चीर-फाड़ किया जाता है। क्यों हम इस देह को इतना महत्व देते है ? इस शरीर के लिए क्या-क्या नहीं करते। माया-मोह में जीव क्या -क्या उल्टा-पुल्टा करता रहता है जिसका कोई मतलब नहीं होता। माया शरीर से सम्बंधित है। जब शरीर ही क्षणभंगुर, महत्वहीन है तो इससे सम्बंधित माया का क्या स्तित्व है। शरीर मेरा घर है, इस दृष्टि से इसका देखभाल करना चाहिए। भूकम्प,जल-प्रलय, अग्नि काण्ड आदि आकस्मिक आफत-विपत के समय घर से निकलता पड़ता है और अन्यत्र सुरक्षित स्थान की तलाश करनी पड़ती है। पुराने घर का मोह त्यागना सर्वथा श्रेयस्कर होता है और जान माल की रक्षा हो पाती है।    

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Life is simple and charming.


   God created the universe. He put all arts to beautify His creations. He made sun, moon, earth, sky, sea, islands, rivers, rainbow, birds, animals, plants, men etc. See the sun. When it arises, the world is lighted and we go in darkness when it sets. See the moon. What a cool light it reflects; just reverse the sun hot rays! But a balancing situation is its peculiarity. The temperature is maintained to keep the creatures alive. See the percentage of Oxygen in the atmosphere. See the construction of human body. Every part has its importance. See the creation of male and female. Every creature has its opposite sex to produce a new young one similar to it.

                        The most special creation is human. Every creature is satisfied with the things what the nature has provided it. It enjoys and remains pleased. But, human mind is never satisfied. He always wants to know and feel the situation which has not been provided to him. He wants to fly in the sky like birds (creation of airplane, rocket, satellites etc.), swim in the water (creation of boat, ship and submarine), run faster on the earth like the horse, leopard, tiger etc. (creation of car, jeep, truck, train etc.) and feel and enjoy all the things not granted him. The nature has provided a very simple and charming life. But, we make it tougher in the temptation to possess all which we do not have.

                                                           I think, it may be taken good and interesting to enjoy the whole universe.  But, the most negative thing is that we sink in sorrow when things go adverse.. Till I enjoy, it’s all right; when I go in sorrow, it is worst. I go in depression and I become the most inferior creature of the world.

                                 The mind is the root of joys and sorrows. Only the realized souls can remain in bliss. They never go in sorrow. If I continue to remain in permanent joy, it’s alright; otherwise simple position provided by the nature is the best.
                                          Always remain like a child. He is always in the present. He forgets the thing which goes out of site. I enjoyed playing with my grand  daughter. She went away, I miss her too much. When I see her on the Skype, I go in the past and become sad. I miss her too much. But, she is busy in her own activities and never remembers me. I think she is my guru (tutor) in this context.   


Thursday, April 24, 2014


"आत्मा त्वन्  गिरिजा मतिः सहचराः प्राणाः शरीरं गृहं
पूजा ते विषयोपभोगरचना निद्रा समाधिस्थितिः।
संचारःपदयोः प्रदक्षिणविधिः  स्तोत्राणि सर्वा गिरो
 यद्यत्कर्म करोमि तत्तदखिलन्  शम्भो तवाराधनं।"
                                         हे शंभु! हमर आत्मा आँहाँ छी, बुद्धि गिरिजा छथि, प्राण अहाँक गण छथि, देह अहाँक मंदिर अछि संपूर्ण विषय भोगक रचना अहाँक पूजा थिक,निद्रा समाधि अछि, हमर चलनाइ-फिरनाइ अहाँक प्रदक्षिणा थिक,आ मुँह स' निकसल प्रत्येक शब्द अहाँक स्तोत्र अछि आ हम जे-जे काज करैत छी सब अपनेक आराधना थिक.   

Friday, April 18, 2014


Grihit iv kesheshu

                              "Ajaraamarwat praagyo vidyaamarthanch chintayet.
Grihit iv kesheshu mritunaa dharma maacharet."

No one is ‘ajar= which cannot be old’ and ‘amar= which cannot die’. But the poet says that everyone should think himself ajar and amar while learning and earning. Suppose, a man knows that he will die the next day. For him everything is useless. There is no purpose to learn or earn. All these things relate to the body. Hence, while trying to earn these two, one should think as if he cannot be old and is immortal. But, the poet further utters, while doing dharma, one should act as if the death has caught his hair and he will  be killed at any moment. Here, 'dharma' means to help the helpless, orphans, handicaps and down troden. 'Paropkaaraay punyaay, paapay par peednam'. The great scholar Vyas is the writer of all the four Vedas, eighteen Puraanaas, the great epic Mahabharat etc. In all those shaastraas he has written only two things- 'To help others is punya and to give sorrow to others is greatest sin.' I think that very 'punya' is the dharma.
The meaning is symbolic. While doing things related to the physical world, never make hurry. While doing heavenly things (matter related to spiritualism- like helping others, doing good for the universe), always do hurry, never leave for tomorrow. "Kal kare so aaj kar, aaj kare so ab. Pal me parlay hoyagee bahuri karoge kab?"

Sunday, April 13, 2014


"युग युग जिबथु बसथु लाख कोस, हमर अभाग हुनक नहि दोस". पति-पर्मेश्वर मात्र मैथिलानी टा सही माने मे मानैत आ जिबैत छथि. हुनका अलग स' किछु नहि क'र' पडैत छनि; पति सेवा स' हुनका सब धर्म'क प्राप्ति भ' जाइत छनि. मैथिलानिक आदर्श मा सीता छथि. सीताक जिनगी के देखला स' बुझाइछ जे ओ सबदिन दुखे मे  जीली. मुदा यदि एकर सकारात्मक पक्ष सोची त' पायब जे शीर्ष पद पर आसीन होमक लेल दुख भोग' पडैछ. ज' ओ दुख नहि भोगितथि, राम'क संग बोन नहि जैतथि, नैहर चलि जैतथि आ सामान्य नारी सदृश आचरण करितथि त' की आइ ओ मातृ पद पर आसीन भ' सकितथि ? कदापि नहि, हुनका आन महिला सदृश लोक याद नहि रखैत, विसरि जाइत.
इतिहास गवाह अछि, जे दुख नहि ग्रहन केलक, सुखे मे डूबि गेल; विसरा देल गेल. दुनिया ओकरे याद राखैछ जे अपन सुख त्यागि समाज'क लेल दुख सहैछ. राज-पाट त्यागि बुद्ध सत्य के खोज मे निकलि जाइत छथि. राम राजसी भोग त्यागि दुर्दान्त राक्षस सभक विनाश लेल चौदह बर्ख बनबास ग्रहन करैत छथि. गान्धी बैरिष्ट्री त्यागि बिष्ठी ग्रहन करैत छथि. जवाहर गोल्डेन स्पून छोडि  आजादीक आन्दोलन मे कूदि जाइत छथि. राजेन्द्र प्रसाद ब्रिलिएन्ट करिअर त्यागि जेल स्विकार करैत छथि.      

Friday, March 28, 2014


सियारक कथा पुराण  स' ल' क' आधुनिक इतिहास मे सेहो देखना  अबैछ्. ऐ तरहक जीव के कतबो दैबी डाङ् पडय , कोनो अन्तर नहि पडइ छै.  कहानी में सदैव एकर निन्दा भेटत, मुदा  तै स' की? ऐ प्रवृत्ति में मजे-मजा छैक. पर निंदा में भले कतबो दोष हउक  मुदा  ओकर आनन्द वर्णनातीत अछि.
            मानि  लिय' जे एकटा बाघ अछि. ओ उम्रक कारणे वा प्रतिष्ठाक कारणे दौडि -दौडि क' शिकार नहीं क' सकैत अछि. ओकरा एकटा एहन चेला चाही जे ओकरा हाँ में हाँ करय, ओकर सब प्रकारक सुविधा के ख्याल राखय आ बझा-बझा क' शिकार सबके ओकरा लग आनय. जाहिस' ओकरा विना परिश्रम के सब सुविधा प्राप्त होइत रहैक, वदनामी नहि होइक आ फ़'स'क समय चेलाक  नाम लगा क' बाञ्चि जाय. चेला सियार टाइप लुहेरा पर एकसय इल्जाम् मे एकटा आरो बढि गेला स' की अन्तर पडतै.
                                                चेला-सियार के सेहो लाभे-लाभ. ओ- कायर शिकार क' नहि सकैछ. बझा क' आनल निरीह के शेर स' हत्या करवा अपन पेट चलवैछ, ओकर ऐठ-कूठिक मजा ळैछ.            


Saturday, January 4, 2014

पहिलुका आपकता

पहिलुका आपकता वर्णनातीत अछि. शायद पहिल कक्षाक छात्र रहल हैब. उम्र पाँच बरख रहल होयत। पूरा गच्छ (दियाद, महल्ला) मे किनको कुटुम्बक ओहिठाम कोनो उत्सव रहनु, सबके नोत भेटिते छलैक। बच्चा सब ओतहि रहि जाइत छल, जवान-बूढ़ महीस-बरद-गै आदि माल जाल आ खेती बारी देखक लेल अप्पन गाम आबि पुन: साँझखन भोजक बेर में पहुँचि जाइत छलाह। कालिकापुर मे हमरा गच्छक एक व्यक्तिक कुटमैती छलन्हि। ओतय उपनयन छलैक। कुमरम दिन साँझखन क' सब कियो विदा भेलाह। रस्ता मे कैकटा धार; बाढ़िक उमरल पानि। याद क' एखनहुँ भय भ' जाइत अछि। बच्चा सब जबान बूढक  कनहा  पर चढ़िक' धार पार भेल. अंतत: आइरे-धूरे, खत्ता-खुत्ती पार क' क' कालिकापुर पहुँचिये गेलहुँ। भलेही लोक भोज खौका भाभन कहय मुदा ताहिदिनक आपकता क सन्दर्भ में आजुक व्यक्ति बहुत संकीर्ण भ' गेल अछि. टोलो पडोश में भोज खाय लेल नहीं जाइत अइछ. करमौली स'  कालिकापुर लगभग ६ किलोमीटर हेतैक, मुदा  भोजक नाम पर कोनो आसकैत नहि. भोज त' बहन्ना छल; असली प्रेमे छल जे घीच क' ल' जाइत छल.