Tuesday, November 13, 2012

दीपावली 2012

 'तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय'. अन्धकार स' हमरा प्रकाश मे ल' चलू . अग्यानान्धकार स' ज्ञान-प्रकाश दिस ल' जयवाक संकेत. ज्ञान स' तात्पर्य अक्षर-ज्ञान वा शास्त्रीय ज्ञान नहि, अपितु आत्म-ज्ञान दिस संकेत अछि. लक्ष्मी आ गणेश दूनूक पूजन होइछ. लक्ष्मी सुख-समृद्धिक प्रतीक, त' गणेश विघ्नहरन. संगहि 'गणानां ईशः गणेशः'   

Sunday, September 16, 2012

अवान्छित-पाहुन (6)

                           कुसियार'क रस देखि मोन ठन्ढेवाक इच्छा व्यक्त केलक. संग्रहालयक चहारदिवारिक आगू गाछ सबहक छाहरि मे दू गिलाश पीलहु. रस पिबैत काल एकटा अपरिचित लग मे आयल. बाजल- हम गाइड छी, मात्र 5 रुपैया मे संम्पूर्ण सारनाथ घुमा देव. हम सशन्कित भ' मना केलिऐक- नै-नै, हमरा लग पाइ-कौडी नहि अछि; हम अपने स' घूमि लेब, अहा हमर पिङ्ड छोडू. मुदा ओ मङ्नीएके घुमाब' पर तैयार भ' गेल, मात्र एक कप चाह पिया देवाक आग्रह केलक. हमरा सनक शुद्धा आदमी; विसवास क' लेलिऐक, ई नहि सोच' लगलहु जे ऐ घोर कलियुग मे विना लोभ के कियो नहि अहाक पाछू घुमि सकैत अछि. ओ हमरा पश्चिम भागक दक्छिन-उत्तर सडक पर ल' गेल. खुदाई-स्थल देखाइ छल, मुदा रस्ता सुनसान छल. हमरा सन्देह भेल आ हम चोट्टे घूमि क' तेजी स' दक्षिन दिसा मे भगलहु. ओ बहुत सोर पारलक मुदा हम ओकरा दिस तकबो नहि केलहु. कुसियार बेच'बला लग आबि गेलहु जत' बेसी भीड छल. ओतहि पूरा सारनाथक जानकारी पाबि, सन्ग्रहालय, ख़ुदाई-स्थल, चिडिया-घर सब ठाम एसगरे घुमलहु. एसगर घूमक आनन्द वर्णनातीत होइछ. ने कियो रोक'बला आ ने टोक'बला.
मोन परिगेल पाण्डीचेरीक यात्रा। एकटा आस्ट्रेलियन भेट भेल छल । हम गप्पक क्रम मे पूछि देने छलिऐक-"आर यू एलोन?" चोट्टहि उत्तर देलक -"जर्नी एलोन इज़ दी बेस्ट". ओहि समय ओकर बात पर ध्यान नहि देलिऐक, हम दू गोटे छलहु। कतेको बेर विभिन्न विषय पर मत-भिन्नता भ' जाइत छल। कतेको बेर इच्छा के विपरीत यात्रा/कार्य कर' पड़ल। गांधी जी सेहो एसगर रहवाक अधिक महत्व देने छथि। ज' एसगर रहब मुश्किल हो त' दोसगर, मुदा ताहि स' बेशी कदापि नहि।
  आइ एसगर मे ओकर बात सही बुझा रहल अछि। कियो व्यवधान कर'बला आइ  नहि अछि। जत' मोन हो जाउ, जाहि वस्तुक इच्छा हो खाऊ। एसगर मे लोक अपना असली घर (हृदय ) मे रहि सकैत अछि मुदा समूह मे सान्सारिकताक आनन्द ल' सकैत अछि, आत्मस्थ भेनाइ मुश्किल छैक. ऐ मामला मे हम गलत भ' सकै छी। सत्संग के सामुहिक प्रचलन छैक । अनेको सम्प्रदाय मे  सामुहिक पूजा-अर्चना होइछ।  -------------      


Thursday, August 23, 2012


हिन्दू-धर्म मे एकहि संग साकार, निराकार, द्वैत, अद्वैत, विशिष्टाद्वैत sab bhaavak samaavesh achhi. Yesterday, I happened to go to Kapariya. कपरिया स' हमर वाल्यावस्थाक स्मृति जुरल अछि. वर्ग चारि स' सात धरि कपरिया मिडिल इसकुल मे पढने छी. गाम स' बाधे-बाध चारि वर्ष धरि  तीन किलोमिटर  पैदल चलिक'  क्लास केने छी. सुबोध'क घर गुमनी पोखरि के दक्षिणवरिया भीड पर छलनि; हमर इसकुल पछ्वरिया भीड पर छल. हुनकर बेटा लक्षमन हमर संगी छल. सुबोध बान्स'क पथिया-सूप -चङ्गेरा इत्यादि बनाबैत छलाह. हुनकर कनिया घरे-घर जा क' बान्स'क बनाओल बस्तु बेचैत छली. कोनो-कोनो कुलीनक घर जा क' टीन मे मानव-मल जमा क' दूर फ़ेकि अबैत छली. लक्षमन'क माय बहुत सुन्दरी छली. हुनकर समाज मे एतेक सुन्दरि महिला शायदे भेटैछ. टिफ़िन काल मे हमसब लक्षमन के आन्गन मे बैसि सुबोध आ हुनकर पत्नी स' खूब गप्प करैत छलहु. बान्सक बनल बस्तु के निर्माणक विधि जानि गेल छलहु.                                                                      लक्षु प'ढ' मे बहुत तेज छल. मुदा आर्थिक विपन्नताक कारणे चौथा स'आगा नहि पढि सकल. ओकरा कैक दिन स' क्लास नहि अबैत देखि टिफ़िन मे ओकरा आन्गन गेलहु. ओकर माय सूप बनबैत छली. हम लक्षुक मादे पूछि लेलिऐक. ओ साफ़ शब्द मे बाजलि- 'आब लक्षु नहि पढि सकत.' हम- किऐक? ओ- 'हम सब पूर्व जन्मक पापी छी, ऐ जन्म मे फल भोगि रहल छी.' हमर बालमन किछु नहि बूझि  सकल.                                                                                                                   इसकुल'क छुट्टी भेल. गाम अबैत काल भरि रस्ता यैह सोचैत एलहु जे पुनर्जन्म की थिक. मनुख मरिक' कत' जाइत अछि? फेर जन्म होइत छैक वा जन्म-मृत्यु स' मुक्त भ' जाइत अछि ? के फेर जन्म लैत अछि आ के मुक्त भ' जाइत अछि? पूर्वजन्म'क पाप की होइत छैक? ऐ जन्म मे किऐक क्यो पैघ घर वा निम्न कुल मे जन्म लैत अछि? जन्म लेनहार'क  की दोख? किऐक ने एहन व्यवस्था होइत छैक जे सब बच्चा एके संग रहय, एके संग खै, एके रङ्ग पहिरै-ओढय, एके संग पढय-लिखय आ खेलै? किऐक ने एहन व्यवस्था होअय जाहिस' बापक संपन्नता वा विपन्नता स' बच्चा मुक्त रहय आ सबके एके समान अवसर भेटैक? यैह सोचैत-सोचैत गाम पहुन्चि गेलहु. बेरहटिया खाक' संगी सभक संग खेलाय चलि गेलहु.             

Thursday, August 16, 2012

पूतना-बध (1)


Kans took the newborn baby from his sister’s hand and threw it to a stone to kill it. Yogmaayaa (The newborn girl) slipped from his hands and flew to the sky. She showed her original form. She was none, but Aadi-Shakti Yogmaayaa which is the cause of creation, domestication and destruction of the universe. She had eight hands having weapons like bow, trishool, arrow, shield, sword, shankh (conch), chakra and gada. Gods and goddesses were praying and offering so many presentations. Yogmaayaa disappeared telling him that his killer had taken birth elsewhere. He repented (The Almighty had come in the womb of Devakee and Devakee-Basudev had seen his original form. Seeing such pious souls whom The Almighty chose as his parents, heart changing is quite possible) and freed Devakee-Basudev. But, the words of Yogmaayaa always haunted in his mind. He called all his courtiers and sought advices. The foolish courtiers (the ill advisors) unanimously advised to kill all newborn children.

                                               The giantess Pootanaa was famous in killing children. She was chosen for this very purpose.   

Thursday, August 9, 2012


                                                                                            For perfection, you have to get experience of every subject. You have to have skill to face all kinds of odds. But, skill neither fall from the sky nor can be donated by someone else.  You will have to go yourself under rigorous training. The training starts from the very womb to prepare a child to fight all calamities. Kanhaiyaa felt the situation of his parents in jail, always afraid of the greatest terror, Kansa. The child’s mind acts according to mother’s thought. Abhimanyu got half training in the womb because his mother slept after that, and the training remained incomplete which caused the defeat and death of Abhimanyu. In London Olympic, China was on top. Even having short height, its participants have special skill to win. What is the reason? You will feel pity to see the tough training and exercise of the infants there. Children of two-three years are sent to training camps. Such minors are put on rigorous practices for hours. The cruel trainers don’t show mercy. We see the results. We are nowhere in the challenge whereas, we are next to China in population. Even to-day, we don’t allow our children to adopt sports as career. While studying in schools and colleges, they enjoy playing games as a fun. They never learn sport's technics seriously to make career. The greater the competition, the greater the preparation. Preparation of village level competition is different to that of district level and so on. To compete in Olympic, training from the very childhood or even in the womb is necessary. Putting photos of the great persons of the field in the mother’s room, listening, reading and thinking their stories and having nutritious food by the mothers, are the training of the womb’s children. My hero, Kanhaiyaa, also prepared himself (got training) in the womb itself, to defeat the greatest enemy of the universe, Kansa along with his all supporters.                                                                 These are normal preparation (training), which our universal mother, the nature, provides to its children, all creatures. Preparation for survival in the cold zone is quite different from hot zone. Creatures in the water, on the earth, in the sky, in the forest are quite different in physiques and habits.

                                   My Kanhaiyaa’s training was up to the extent of perfection (100%). It was full proof. This type of preparation has been done only once by the nature to honour its Lord, Yogeeshwar Krishna. Naturally, miracles started happening from the very birth. The jail-guards slept, the huge gates automatically opened, manacles became loose, the flooded river Yamuna gave way, Yogmaayaa slipped from Kansa’s hands and flew in the sky, Putanaa was killed in the very sixth day, Shakat-bhanjan, Trinavarta killing, Yamalarjun’s liberation, Vatsasur, Vakasur and Aghasur's killing, Brahma’s liberation from doubt, killing of Dhenukasur, Kaliya-nag, Pralambasur; protecting Brajbasis from forest’s fire, lifting Govardhan-Mountain to protect from devastating flood caused due to anger of lord Indra, Kansa’s killing along with his associates Keshee, Vyomasur, Kubaliyapeer, Chanur, Mustik etc are some miracles performed by Lord Krishna in the very childhood.

                                                                      In latter days Jarasandh-badh, Sisupal-badh, ispiration to Arjuna, killing all Kauravas and victory of Pandavas are all miracles. After performing infinite wonders, He willingly left the world. The collection of teachings to Arjuna, the book Geeta is the gist of all epics of the universe. This type of character is the unique in the world’s history. He has the climaxes of all qualities. Only The Almighty can perform like this. That is why we call him God’s full incarnation. -----------On Krishnashtamee, the 10th August, 2012. -------Ohm Namo Bhagvate Shree Ramanaay.         

Monday, July 23, 2012


                                                               Lalan always remained silent in the class. I always saw him in thoughtful mood. By physical appearance, he was like a speechless, dull, rustic child. So many other boys were more out spoken and self-appraisers. In reality, they had no depth; rather they had only scratching knowledge. They had smart looks and were well dressed. More often, our eyes are deceived. What I think real may be false and what seems wrong may be right. One day it happened that Lalan and I met in the mango orchard near our hostel, where only we two were present. I started talking about a topic, which had not been taught in the class. To my surprise! He was the master of the topic where as I had simply scratching knowledge, upon which I was priding myself.

                                                         Once I attended one week gathering of KFI at Rajghat. My senior Mr SPS took me there. He is a very religious person having knowledge of all religious books of Hinduism and of so many other religions. In the gathering, I saw so many males and females of different countries and of different cultures wearing peculiar dresses. Not knowing them, I commented before SPS, ‘Sir, perhaps they have simply come on tour to enjoy the new places and they have nothing to do with KFI ideologies.’ He did not answer and kept mum. Groups were made to discuss about the speeches of the main speakers. When I heard them and found their introduction, I became amazed. They were famous personalities of their fields. Before them, I was a learner and thought as if I were a tourist and I had nothing to do with the ideologies.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


'दुष्ट संग जनि देहु विधाता'. जे विना कारणे ककरो दुःख देव' के मौका नहि चूकय, दोसर के दुःखी देखि अति प्रसन्न हुअय आ  ककरो नीक नहि चाहय; सैह दुष्ट थिक. I recall a story of my childhood. A traveller being tired, slept in the shade of a tree. After a while the direction of the sun changed and it's scorching rays came directly over the traveller's face through the gap of the leaves. The saint among birds, the swan saw this and could not tolerate. It spreaded it's feathers over the gap of the leaves. The traveller again became away from the sun and went in deep sleep. A crow came in the tree. It saw the scene and laughed at the swan's foolishness. In the mind of the wicked, the saint has such a very view. According to it's nature, the scene became unbearable for the crow. This is the normal feature of the wicked, unable to tolerate nobilty. The crow sat just below the swan and right above the traveller. It secreted on the face of the traveller and flew away. The traveller awoke and saw above. He saw the swan. He became too much angry on the swan and killed it by his arrow. This always happens. A wicked is seldom caught. So, avoid the company of wickeds.                                                                                                         When I come in the contact of a saint, I can not remain ungraced. The axe is bound to have the scent of the sandal wood if it cuts it. The wicked must give their signs if you go to them. 'Kaajal ki kothali me ek daag laagi hai pay laagee hai'. Ramkrishna Paramhans used to wash the sitting place of the wicked who came to see him. He had the vision to see the inner views of every person. What about the great saint like him, every one has the capacity to know the inner views of others. I willingly fall in trap due to my greed & past deeds. By the grace of The Almighty, I can put myself away from these wickeds. -------NAMO BHAGVATE SHREE RAMANAY. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012


काल्हि प्रातःकालीन भ्रमन मे बाल्यशखा बेचन भेटि गेलाह. हम दूनू मित्र लगातार चारि वर्ष तक गाम स' एक कोस दूर कपडिया मिडिल स्कूल मे अध्ययन केने छी. बाधे-बाध पैदल, जाड-गर्मी-वर्खा सब ऋतु मे प्रतिदिन चलिक' क्लास केने छी. गर्मी-छुट्टी मे आमक गाछी मे पटिया पर बैसि संगे-संग स्कूलक टास्क तैयार केने छी. संगहि गै-बरद चरेने छी. अनका खेत मे चोराक' बदाम उखाडि, घास-फ़ूस मे आगि लगा ओरहा बनाक' नून संगे खयबाक आनन्द फ़ाइव-स्टार के मात करै छल. दूनू आदमी जखन टापि ल'क' पोखरि मे पैसैत छलहु त' पाञ्च-दस किलो माछ निकालियेक' निकलैत छलहु. चूरा भूजि क' माछक कुटिया संग दूनू दोस्त पेटक तोरे ने पबैत छलहु. परसनाहरि जखन क'ल जोडि लैत छली, तखनहि  पेट, मुह आ जी तृप्ति स्वीकारैत छल .                                                                                   संगहि-संग दूनू गोटे मिडिल आ हाइ स्कूल पास क' कालेज मे नाम लिखेलहु. तकर बाद रस्ता बदलि गेल. ओ केन्द्र सरकार आ हम टाटा कम्पनी.                                                                                                   दूनू गोटे संगहि रिटायर केलहु आ पटने मे रहै छी. मुदा आइ स' पहिले ई बात नहि बूझल छल. कालेजक बाद एके-दू बेर भेट भेल छल . ओ अपन कहानी कह' लगला. सुनैत-सुनैत आन्खि डबडबा गेल.                                                                      हुनका चारिटा पुत्र छनि. पत्नी किछु बर्ख पहिने स्वर्गवासी भ' गेलथिन्ह. चारू पुत्र अपनहि मे मस्त. जिनगी भरिक कमाइ स' एकटा घर बनेला. पत्नी के मरिते चारू बेटा सब कमरा दखल क' लेलकनि आ हिनकर ओछाओन सरभेन्ट रूम मे लगा देल गेलनि. भरिदिन घर मे जस्नक माहौल. पुतहु सबहक सहेली आ नैहरक लोकक धमाचौकरी हरदम होइत रहैछ. घर मे सदिखन नीक-निकुत बनैत रहैछ, मुदा बेचन लेल धनोधन सन. कूकुर जेका कखनो बान्चल-खुचल कारा पठा देल जाइत छलनि, खेला-नहि खेला तै स' ककरो मतलब नहि, सब अपनहि मे मस्त.                                                 पेन्सनक पाइ चारू बेटा के बराबर क' बान्टि दैत छेथिन्ह. हम कहलियैन, भाइ! एकटा नोकर राखि लीय' वा कोनो तीर्थ-बर्थ चलि जाउ. कहला- भोर स' सान्झ तक प्रतिदिन यैह सोचैत-सोचैत मरक समय आबि गेल, आब कत' जैब, जे लिखल हेतै, एतै भोगब. याद परि गेल बेचनक प्रथम पुत्रक जन्म. संतान होम' मे विलम्ब भेलाक कारणे कते कबुला-पाती, ओझा-गुनीक शरण मे गेलाक बाद संतान भेल छलनि. बुझाइत छल बेचन संसार पर विजय प्राप्त क' लेलनि. तकर बाद पीठे-पीठे तीन आर पुत्र भेलनि, पुत्री एको नहि. चारि पुत्रक माय हेवाक गौरव बेचनक पत्नी पचा नहि पबैत छली, स्वाभाविक अभिमान बात-विचार, हाव-भाव स' प्रकट भैये जाइत छलनि. एक दिन एकटा महात्मा पुत्रीक अभाव मे कोखिक अशुद्धिक चर्चा क' देलकनि. बेचनक गौरवे आन्हरि कनिया, मारवे टा नहि केलखिन; आर सब कर्म क' देलखिन. आइ बेचन पुत्रीक अभावक व्यथा व्यक्त क' देलक. संतानक अभावक परिताप जिनगी भरि सहैत हमरा आइ आत्म तोष बुझाइछ जे एहन चारि-चारि संतान स' निःसंतान नीक.                                                                                                                                                                  एतेक दुर्गतिक बादो, बेचन'क पुत्र-पौत्रक मोह देखि नारदजीक कथा याद आबि गेल. मोह कतेको जन्म तक खिहारैत छैक. मरलाक बाद कूकुर मे जन्म भेलाक बादो, मोह भङ्ग नहि भेलाक कारणे व्यक्ति परिवारेक चक्कर काटैछ, परन्च मुक्ति नहि चाहैछ. अञ्जान मे भेल अपराधक कारणे सूगर योनि भेटलाक बादो लोक ओही मे मस्त रहैछ, मुक्ति नहि चाहैछ                                                                            

Monday, July 9, 2012


आइ साउन'क पहिल सोमवारी अछि . भोलेनाथ'क प्रिय दिन. औढरदानी, बौराहा के साउन मास पसंद हेवाक कारण मुशलाधार वर्षा कहि सकैत छी. संसार'क विष (दुख-दर्द,ताप  ) पान क' जगत के शीतलता प्रदाता'क माथ मे गर्मी भरि जयवाक कल्पना; तापक शमन हेतु जलाभिषेक, दुग्धाभिषेक वा कोनो अन्य पदार्थ जे बाबा के शीतलता प्रदान करनि तकर अर्पन, भक्त सभक अभीष्ट. विल्वपत्र, पञ्चगव्य, शुद्ध शाकाहार'क अर्पन, गङ्गाजल स' अभिषेक शीतलतेक  द्योतक. सोम (चन्द्रमा) के शीश पर धारन, माथ पर गंगा, हिमालय-वाश इत्यादि शीत दिश इङ्गित करैछ. ताही  कारणे सोम दिन  बौराहा क पूजा'क प्रशस्ति.
                                भोला माने बुरबक, दुनियाक छल -प्रपञ्च स' दूर. संपूर्ण ज्ञान'क स्रोत के सान्सारिकता की प्रभावित क' सकत? माया जनिक दासी, कामदेव जिनका प्रभावित नहि क' सकल वल्कि स्वयम् भस्म भ' गेल; तिनका घोर सान्सारिक लोकसब बुरबके बुझतनि ने. अइ स' बुरबक के हैत जे अमृत छोरि विष के अपनाओत. नीक-निकुत छोडि, आक-धथुर, भाङ्ग बउरहवे खा सकैत अछि. सत्-असत् सबहक देव, देवता-दानव दुहूक पूज्य, राम-रावण दुहुक आराध्य बम्भोळा छोडि के भ' सकैत अछि?                    

Sunday, July 8, 2012

नवरथ (9)

नवरथ'क द्विरागमन भेलनि. कनिया अतीव सुन्दरी. बहीनक खुशी वर्ननातीत. राइते स' भोज-भात शुरू भेल से भरफ़ोरी तक चलैत rahlani. Mudaa ee kee? kaniyaa bharforik praate sa ghoghe tar sa टभक' laglee. Nanadi-bhaaujak jhagda ilaakaa men naamee bha gel. Mudaa wah re hamar naayak. Sansaar me aai tak wirle kyo patneeke tyaagi baheen ke paksh lene hait. Baheenak lel alag ghar kichu dooree par banaa delkhin. ektaa dokaan kholi delkhin. Ohi dokaanak sampoorna amadanee baheenke bhetal karani. hunkar gujar-vasar me kono takleef kahiyo ne bhelani. Balki marwaak kaal pacheesh hajaar rupaiyaa, pandrah mon chaaur aa doo bighaa jameen da gelthin.
                                                                                     Alag rahwaak kaarane dheere-dheere nanadi-bhauj me prem seho badlani. Bain-tehaar seho chaaloo bha gelani. ekthaam rahalaa sa doo taa wartano kharkharaaite chhaik, manukkhak baate kee. Door bhelaa sa dheere-dheere purankaa prem punah panapi jaait chhaik. taahi karane bharisak prayash karee je saajhee aashram me kewal prem pradaataa banee. kono kaaj ankaa par nahi chhodi swayan karee. prayaas karee je dosar ke adhik sa adhik aaraam kara dee.            

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


काल्हि बरियाती गेलहुँ। श्रीमती जीक नैहर पक्षक रहवाक कारणे हुनक जिद्दक आगू झुक' पड़ल।  एक सै स' बेसी संख्या मे लोक। के कत' बैसल तकर कोनो ठेकान नहि।  कुर्सी लेल छीना झपटी। किछु लोक बैसला, किछु ठाढे, किछु टहलैत राति बितेलाह। के बरियाती आ के सरियाती किछुओ  चीन्ह' मे नहि आयल। शुद्ध शाकाहारी व्यवस्था ; लहसुन-प्याज रहित। सबस' पहिले भुक्खड़  सरियाती भोजन पर टुटल, तकर बाद बरियाती सब सेहो धक्का-मुक्की करैत भोजनक टेबुल धरि पहुँचला। किछु खेलाह, किछु भुखले रहला। किछु मूड बनाब' मे लागल छलाह, देरी स' पहुँचला।  अरे ई की ! भोजनक की कहू, पीबाक लेल जलो नदारद।  हमर युवा पुत्र सेहो संग मे छलाह।  भीड़  छटक प्रतीक्षा करैत रहलाह।  जलो नसीब नहि भेलन्हि। डेरा पर आबि खिचडि -चोखा जल्दी स' बनबा क' भूख मेटेलाह। राति भरि जगलाक कारण तवियत सेहो खराब भ' गेल। फेर बरियाती जयबाक नामे कान पकडलहुँ।                  


                                                                             Agyaan timiraandhasya gyaanaanjan shalaakayaa; Chakshurunmeelitan yen tasmai shree guruwe namah.” I was wandering in the darkness of ignorance. A man developed my eyes with a stick of anjan (kajal- a black colour applied on the eyebrow) of knowledge. I began to see the universe vividly. I became able to see good and bad. I came to know the humanity and animality. Briefly, I took re-birth as a man.

                                        The place of the guru is too much higher than the parents. Suppose you make a statue. Some body gives life in it. Who should be called superior? Obviously, the life-giving person. Without knowledge, we are not better than a statue. It is better to die than to wander like an animal without knowledge.

                                                                     Parents are called first gurus of a child. Hence, they are creators, tamers, and educators. That is why they are superior to all. Think about the children who do not serve their parents. We cannot repay the debt of our parents even offering our lives. ‘Sheesh diye jo guru mile, to bhee sastaa jaan’. It is cheaper to have guru even offering our heads.

                                                   ‘Aatmaiv guruh’. The soul is the very guru. It is foolishness to wander hither and thither in search of guru, when this is in everyone’s heart. ‘Tera sai tujh me jyon puhpan me baas; Kastooree kaa mrig jyon phir phir soonghe ghaas.’ God is in you like the scent in flowers. The scented kastooree is in the very deer, but it smells grass again and again to have the very perfume. ------- On Guru Purnima, 3rd July,2012.--- Ohm Namo bhagvate shree Ramanaay.



Saturday, June 16, 2012

FATHER’S DAY, 17 June 2012

                                                                 “Bhoomergareeyasee maataa, swargaatuchchatarah pitaa”. Mother is superior to the earth; father is higher than the heaven. Everybody wants to defeat all; he wants to be defeated by his son only. He wants his son to be the greatest in the word. He wants all good qualities should come in his son. He is the first tutor of the child. The child starts copying its father. If the father is good, the child will automatically become good. Bad person’s son will be bad. Even the robber wants his son to become good and so he puts him in the company of good persons, far away from his atmosphere.

                                                                                   Once King Baber’s son Humanyu became ill. All doctors failed to cure him. Baber moved three rounds around his son’s bed and prayed God to save his son and take his life instead. A miracle happened; Baber became ill and died; Humanyu became cure. This is the climax of the sacrifice. Only father can do such sacrifice.

                                                 A few days ago, I was talking with a lean and thin rickshaw puller. His condition was very pitiable. I felt guilty seating in the rickshaw, but consoled myself thinking his employment and his family members depending on his earning. To my surprise! His son was also reading in the same school where officers’ sons were studying. He was bearing the expenses by the earning from the rickshaw. I wanted to give him some more fare but he refused, took only the appropriate fare, and returned the extra amount. I forgot my purse on the rickshaw in which there were some money and important papers. I was very anxious and cursing my memory. After half an hour, I saw the rickshaw puller coming. He gave my purse and advised to keep the material carefully. I offered some money but he again refused. I was surprised to see his honesty even in such a wretched condition.

                                                                        Years passed, I forgot the event and the rickshaw puller. One day, a man came to me with a sweet-packet in his hand. I did not recognize. He memorized me the past event and his identity. I recalled. He was extremely pleased. There was a glazing of self-content on his face. His son had first position in the class. I saw a father’s happiness when his son achieves some better things.

                                                    I wish my sons to be blessed all qualities of mine and of the world; all happiness go to them and their all sorrows to me. "Pitri charnabhyan bande."--------namo bhagvate sri Ramanaay.   

Friday, June 15, 2012


 Ramlal was my neighbor. He was a very rich man. He was not educated but grace of goddess Lakshami (goddess of wealth) was always on him. It is called that Lakshami and Saraswati (goddess of knowledge) cannot live together. Scholars of the village were in wretched condition and always spread hands before him. Males and females of his family worked hard in the field and produced sufficient crops of all varieties. He had thirty acres of land. Due to hard labor, the yield of the field was highest in the village though so many honorable persons had more landed property than he had. The reason was that honorable persons did not work in the field, their all works were done by labors where as Ramlal’s sons, and grandsons worked hard labor themselves. Respected persons got only half of the produced; there was none to have share in Ramlal’s crops. Moreover, there cannot be comparison between the work done by self and that of done by labors. When farmer is not active and work is left on labors, some quantity is wasted and some stolen. The remaining is divided in two parts. Few portions come to farmer’s door. A story about Ramlal’s riches is famous. His eldest daughter found a copper jar filled with gold coins while she was digging field. She came home and gave the jar to her father very secretly. No one knew the matter. He encased the gold coin very slowly and purchased land. Now he became a big property owner. Every year he purchased some land by selling crops.

                                                                     Though, Ramlal had become rich, his food habits and dress did not change. He became pleased when every member ate only bread and salt and wore ragged clothes. New generation did not tolerate and changed food habits and dresses. Ramlal could not bear and started abusing every member. Family members found out a clue. In the presence of Ramlal they pretended to eat only salt and bread. When Ram went towards fields, they ate good dishes. Ram was very pleased eating salt and bread daily, thinking that all used the same food.       

Saturday, June 9, 2012


                         Karat karat abhyaas te jadmati hot sujaan; Rasree aawat jaat te sil par padat nisaan’. Man is bound to obey habits. Adoption of good habits is a bit tougher and less interesting; bad habits are simpler and charmful. Good habits are like moving upward on a slope, bad habits are like coming downward.

                                   Everybody knows his bad and good habits. Initially it is very simple to adopt or leave a habit, good or bad. After some period, roots go deeper and habits become nature. To get rid of one’s nature is very difficult task. Only very strong determination and sadguru’s grace can change one’s nature.

                                                          In the childhood, the baby is ignorant about the good or bad habits. It may accept either of the two without any reason or according to the past life’s deeds. It is the duty of the parents to inspire good habits of the children and discourage bad habits.

                                                 When one grows to know things, he better understands his qualities and demerits. I should select habits good or bad. I should start to practise to leave bad habits. Not all evils can be removed at a time. I have to start with one. Conquering one, start the next. Similarly, good habits should be practised one by one. Initially, it may be tedium, but after sometime, I start to enjoy.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


                                                            Do you know what the best day to cut your nail is? When to cut hair or when to wear new clothes is a very tough question for scholars. Which day is the best to start a journey in a particular direction? What is the best date to start the construction of a new house or the best date to start living in a new house? Do you know the best direction to sleep or eat? Which color-cloth should be worn in a particular day is the most important. In Bhadvaa (Panchak), starting journey or initiating new work is completely prohibited.

                                                  I know a person whose family obeys peculiar traditions. There is no good quality wooden or iron door in his house though he is capable to purchase it and which is most essential. Ordinary very weak shutters made of bamboos (chachri) tied with rope or iron rings havebeen used which are quite unsafe. Often cases of theft and other nuisances are heard.

                                                        I know another family, which follows another abnormal ritual. After marriage, there is a festival ‘Madhushraawani’ for new brides. On this occasion, a burning flame is touched with bride’s knee and is extinguished on the very limb. Sometimes the burnt skin wound becomes severe and causes even death. Some families have left this custom and only the cold wick is touched.

                                            In some societies, women are banned to recite ‘Gayatri-Mantra’ or Ved-Mantras. During four days of menses, they are barred to take part in religious functions. Sometimes, their involvements become must but they cannot participate due to the custom. The secrecy is disclosed and they feel great humiliations. In the present Hi-Tec period these all are superfluous. Women have become parallel to men and in some fields, they are doing better. Men cannot be equal in nursing field. In air hostesses, more percentage of  girls are allowed.    


Sunday, June 3, 2012


                                                                      “Jald kaam saitaan kaa”. Haste makes waste. The work will surely be performed if there is strong will and regular endeavor. However, it shall take time. A time is fixed for every work. If you make haste, you are weakening the strength and quality. Sometimes it may destroy the product and cause the failure of the mission. The human baby comes out of mother’s womb after being matured in nine months. Due to any reason, if it comes out before, it becomes too weak and sometimes dies. Before seven months, only dead body can come out. Similarly, every creature has fixed time to take birth. Every plant grows from its seed after a fixed time.

                                                        While taming our child we show impatience. ‘My child is not getting good marks or he is not doing well in the classes', this type of question is always heard. My suggestion to all guardians is to keep patience. Sometimes, student doing well in the primary classes does not do better in the higher classes while a very dull beginner starts getting top in the higher classes. I have seen a naughty boy of the childhood doing miracles in his future life. Early days of everybody are approximately same. Guardians have to watch the habits and the companies of their wards. Rest remains the duty of the teachers. The student himself goes on the track according to his choice. If I strengthen the embankments of a river and allow the water to flow, the river will flow between the embankments. Only diverson towards the evils is to be restricted.

                                                Very few parents allow their kids to take sports as their career. But, Tendulkar, Gawaskar, Vishwanathan Anand are incomparable. Few scholars have got such name and fame.                                 


Saturday, June 2, 2012


Leelaajee ke sabse bade saadhoojee se aaj bhet huee. Sabse chhote saadhoo ki iklautee santaan Preetee kee saadee ek army ke Dr se 8.6.12 ko hone jaa rahee hai. Preeti swayan bhee doctor hai. Delhi me internship kar rahee hai. Ladke balon ne kaafee tyaag dikhaayaa hai. Unhone dahej men kuchh bhee lene se manaa kar diyaa hai. Ladkee ke pitaa Shree B.N. Chaudhary Bareli me J.K.Sugar men pratishthit pad par kaam karte hain. Seemit kharch ke chalte aarthik drishti se majboot hain. Inhone ek gaaree dene kee baat kahee lekin ladke ke pitaa ne manaa kar diyaa. Unkaa ek hee demand hai ki baaraat kaa swaagat shaahee andaaj men ho.
                                                        Kitane udaar vichaar hain? Is udaartaa kee jitnee prashansaa kee jaay kam hogee. Ek mahatwapoorna baat kee or dhyaan aakrishta karnaa chaahtaa hoon. Baraat ko swaagat ke shivaa aur kyaa lenaa denaa hai? Aaj- kal ke baaraat ke swaagat se main vilkul sahmat nahee hoon. Log daan-dahej men kaafee kharch karte hain lekin baaraat ke swaagat me gareebee dikhaate hain. Sankhyaa ke maamle men kaafee vriddhi ho gayee hai. Pahale ke das-bees ki jagah sau-derh sau to mamoolee baat hai. Keval daal-bhaat khilaa do, ho gayaa swaagat. Kaee jagah to bhojan par bhee aafat hai. Baaraatee ke swaagat ke liye mukhya jawabdehee ladkaa paksh kee hai. choonkee wahee baarat le jaate hain. Agar we tyaag dikhaayenge to saandaar swaagat ho saktaa hai. Lekin aisaa ho nahee paataa hai. Unhe swayan ke liye bharpoor daan dahej mil gayaa, kaafee hai. Baarat ke swagat se unhe kuchh bhee lenaa-denaa nahee hai. Ladkee waalaa bhee kewal samadhee ko khush rakhnaa chaahtaa hai. Baarat ke swaagat ki ushe kuchh bhee chintaa nahee. 'Miyaan-bibi raajee to kyaa karegaa kaajee.' Bahuto ladkee ke baap ko kahte sunaa hai 'I don't care for baaraats.'
                                                Ladke ke pitaa kee iksha hai ki shaadee Patna men ho. Kewal yahi thoda kathin kaam hai, lekin jahaan ladke ke pitaa ne itnaa tyaag dikhaaya wahan yah kathinai phool sadrish hai. Bareli me to unkaa saamraajya hai. Wahaan sachmuch shaahee swaagat hotaa. Lekin Chaudharyjee kaafee udaar vyakti hain. Swaagat men koee kor-kasar nahee chhodenge.
                                                 Leelaajee ke sabse bade saadhoojee ke baare men kaafee-kuchh sunaa thaa, aaj pratyaksh darshan hue. kuchh log door se sunane men bade lagate hain, najdeek pahunchane par baune dikhai padte hain. Iske wipareet kuchh log door se jitnee oonche sunane me aate hai, najdeek jaane par aur oonchaa maaloom padte hain, wilkul pahaad kee tarah. Bade saadhoo doosaree koti ke moorta roop hain. Sansaar ke sabhee vishayon par we saadhikaar bole sakte hain. Unkaa prakriti-prem anupam hai. Vishaakhaapatnam Steel Plant se kaafee uchch pad se retire hue hain. Town planner ke roop men inkee sevaa saraahneeya rahee hai. Plannedway men inhone aavaaseeya kshetra ko ek vrihat udyaan kaa roop diyaa hai.
                                             Unkee jeevan shailee anukarniya hai. Unhe koee wimaaree nahee hai. Abhee unkee umra shaayad 72 warsh hai. Is umra men BP, Diabetese, hriday-rog aadi anek wimaariyon ka hona swaabhaavik hai. Lekin parhej se rahnaa to koi unse seekhe. Cheenee khaanaa wilkul chhod diyaa hai unhone; tel-mashaalaa ki aadat hee nahee hai. Ek-do rotee kaafee hai. Sab-kuchh chhod sakte hain lekin subah-shaam kaa tahalnaa nahee. Bahattar saal ke yuvaa ko dekhnaa ho to aap unhe dekhen.
              Saamajik reeti-riwaaj ki unhe poorna jaankaaree haiaur kathortaa poorvak paalan karna koi unse seekhe.
                          Unkaajeevan poorna aadhyaatmik hai.Guru Baabaa (Bhagvaan Ramana Maharshi) ke vichaar ki unhe pooree jaankaaree hai. Aur bhee guruon ke gyaan ke ware me unse jaankaaree prapt kar sakte hain.
       Leelaajee sabhee saadhoo bahut achchhe hain. Sabse bade ko to sabse vrihat hona hee chaahiye.   

Friday, June 1, 2012

nanhi paree

'Mere ghar aayee ek nanhi paree.' Meethee naam hai uskaa. 24 Nov. 2011 ke theek nau baje raat me Jyoti nurshing home me sijerian dwaaraa uskaa padaarpan hua. Daadaa-Daadee kee dularee apanee peedhee ki pahalee aur abhee tak kee akelee santaan hai. Daadaajee ne maa Saardaa ke naam par uskaa naam Vaani rakha hai. Yahee naam uske passport me ankit huaa hai.
                                                                                           Uske janm ke samay ki ek baat hameshaa yaad rahegee. Main, uskee daadee, Nutan, Sapnaa ki maan, Shishirjee, Dipu uske aagman kee prateekshaa kar rahe the.Nurse operation theatre se baahar laakar hamlogon ke kamre me de gayee. Winaa bakhshish ke daadee ke haath me nahee de rahee thi. Bharpoor bakhshish lekar hee jaan chhodee. Uskee daadee god me lekar palag par baith gayee. Abhee-abhee duniyaa me aayee Meethee kamare me upasthit sablogon ko ghoor-ghoor kar dekh rahee thee. Haath munh dhokar jab Dr Jyotee hamlogon ke kamre me aayee to hamlogon ne unhe bataayaa ki sabko ghoor rahee hai. Wah bolee-'operation table par se hee sabko ghoor rahee hai.' Ho sakta hai ki nirdhaarit tithi ke chaar din baad aane ke kaaran aisaa hua ho. Uske janm kee tithi dr dwaara chaar din poorva nirdhaarit thee. Hamlogon ne normal delivery kee prateekshaa kee. Jab labor pain kaa kuchh bhee sanket nahee milaa to doctor ne sigerian kaa faislaa liyaa.
24 Nov. 2012 ko uskaa pratham janm din thaa. Abhee wah apne maataa-pitaa ke saath United States ke Sen Antoniyo sahar me hai. Hamlog pratyek din skype par use dekhte hain aur baat karte hain. Apnee umra se bdee dikhtee hai. Apne dost Sahaanaa ke saath daily khelthee hai. Khilonaa ke liye dono doston me hameshaa jhagda hotaa rahtaa hai.
            Maa Saarde kee jarror kripaa hogee aur naam ke anuroop vidyaa prapt karegee.  

Saturday, May 19, 2012

नवरथ (8)

नवरथजी कई दिन शुबह से शाम तक सभा में बैठे लेकिन एक भी लडकी के  पिता ने उनका साक्षात्कार नहीं लिया। अंतिम दिन उन्होंने तय   किया कि आज किसी   भी सूरत में शादी करनी  ही है। कई दलाल (घटक) लगाए गये। कुछ लेन-देन करके  मेरे नायक की शादी एक अति धनाढ्य परिव़ार में तय हुई. काफी धूम धाम से शादी हुई. वहन क़ी खुशी का क्या कहना? ख़ुशी से उसके पर लग गए गये थे। चतुर्थी के भोज के लिए पूरे गाँव को न्योता दे आई. भाई के ससुराल में रेहू मछली,चूडा-दही, आम, केला, चावल, ख़ाजा, लड्डू, जलेबी और रसगुल्ले के भार का छोड़ लग गया। गाँव में आज तक किसी के यहाँ से  ऐसा भार न तो विदा किया गया था और न पहुंचा ही था। यश-यश हो गया। नयी दुल्हन के लिए नवरथ की वहन ने खूब सुन्दर साड़ी और रत्न जड़ित सोने का हार भेजा. सुन्दर साड़ी  और गहने पहनकर दुल्हन परी लग रही थी।                    

Sunday, May 13, 2012


'कुपुत्रो जायेत क्वचिदपि कुमाता न भवति।' सब कुछ मिल सकता है लेकिन माँ  नहीं मिल सकती. स्वयं भूखी रहकर बच्चे को खिलाना, स्वयं गीले में रहकर बच्चे को सूखे में रखना, अपने दुःख की परवाह न कर सदा बच्चे के सुख की चिन्ता केवल माँ ही कर सकती है।
                                                        'ए माँ तेरी सूरत से अलग भगवान् की सूरत क्या होगी ? जिसको नहीं देखा हमने कभी फिर उनकी जरूरत क्या होगी ?' भगवान् सब जगह नहीं रह सकते, इसलिए उसने माँ को बनाया ताकी उनकी प्रतिमूर्ति सदा-सर्वदा मेरे सामने उपस्थित रहे और मैं उन्हें हमेशा देख सकूं.
                                                                           "चाहें लाख करो तुम पूजा और तीरथ करो हजार, मात -पिता   को ठुकराया तो सब कुछ है बेकार"। सभी तीर्थ माँ के चरणों में है।
                                                                 'मात्रि  देवो भव।' "जननीजन्म्भूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी". माँ के विना मेरे अस्तित्व की कल्पना भी नहीं हो सकती.
                                                                   शीश देकर भी मैं माँ  के ऋण से उरिन नहीं हो सकता।
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  "हैप्पी  मदर्स डे".            

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Countryside Maturity

In old time village people were very simple and great hospitable. ‘Atithi devo bhav- the guest is god’ was their main ideology. I have seen Paritoshjee in my village. He was famous for the warm welcome to unknown visitors. Very few want to host the unknown. But, he was special. Everybody knew his generosity. His kindness was famous in the area. Shelter-less persons gathered at his door and stayed there as long as they wished. He heartily welcomed all the guests. In the mango season, passers-by were compellingly fed mangoes and they were forcibly offered to take some mangoes for their family members. What a grand welcome! This type of cordiality is seldom found to-day. The cheater may misuse this type of generosity but, this type of heavenly character is the rarest. I have heard from my own ears a bhajaar (the person of a famous family wanders hither and thither in search of food and attends every occasion of joint feast without invitation) abusing Paritoshjee. Paritoshjee had put a condition that after taking food at his home, no guest should again eat at another house. A comedian type person forcibly fed the bhajaar some rice and fish curry just after the feast he had eaten at paritoshjee door. The comedian called Paritoshjee and showed him bhajaar eating. Paritoshjee banned him to come to his door again. That was the reason to abuse. But, banning did not last long. It was impossible for so generous person like Paritoshjee to bear distance of bhajaar. He went to bhajaar himself and invited him honorably to take food. Now the situation is completely changed. The urban people have become more simple than the rural. When I go home, I become astounded to see the cunningness of the rural. The evils of cities have come in the villages. Village youths have become liquor and drug-edicts. They are lying beside the road and in village market in drunken state. They are busy in gambling and prostitution. They are unnecessarily abusing and fighting. Majority of youths have become notorious frauds. The old generosity has disappeared and cunningness has captured their lives. Some of them have gone to big cities and are involved in crimes. An urban fraud went to a remote village. He had kept the old view about the rural people that they are very meek. He sat on a tea-shop and ordered for a special tea. The shopkeeper demanded some money to purchase sugar, tea-leaf and milk. He gave him a hundred rupee note. The seller prepared tea and gave him. He took tea and asked for the balance amount. The seller did not return and began to fight. The seller was a wrestler. He tore his clothes and beat him black and blue. Seeing him helpless, he fled. He went to another village and sat on a food shop. He ordered for food. He ate, washed his hands, gave the seller a thousand rupee note, and asked him to return the rest amount. Seeing him unknown, the seller did not return the balance amount, instead gave him a hard blow. Again he fled and saved his life. The visitor was a notorious fraud of a town. But here the situation was quite reverse. He went to another village. He had some fake notes. He mixed them with some good notes and gave a shopkeeper for exchange. The shopkeeper saw the notes and understood the fake notes. He exchanged his all money and gave him double other fake notes. The visitor spoke some words but the seller dragged him on the ground and snatched all his possessions. The visitor ran away and caught his ears to go to village again.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tyakt Lajja Sukhee Bhavet.

Rani is very sentimental and broad. She is extreme gentle. There is no ‘no’ in her dictionary. She can bear all difficulties but cannot hurt anybody by mind, expression, or action. She always looks herself in the eyes of others. Her every action is based on the view ‘What others will think about her?’ This notion sometimes puts her in trouble but she is firm on her views. Her husband is working in railways. A railway quarter is allotted to him. People from mother’s side and in-law’s side most often come for medical aids in DMCH and other marketing purposes and stay in her quarter for months. Her quarter looks like an inn. She faces too much trouble in hosting the guests but she takes it as Almighty’s grace. Her husband sometimes murmurs but she never speaks a single word against the guests. Until a guest himself wants to depart, she cannot show any posture to show dishonor. This behavior puts her in economic crisis but she does not bother. Due to her nature, some persons are permanent guests. I remember one occasion when one of her husband’s close friends came with a new man. This man’s daughter lived in the same town. However, Rani’s warm welcome forced him to stay at her residence and he refused to go to his daughter’s home. Later on, whenever he visited the town he never stayed at his daughter’s residence and always halted at Rani’s home. This is one example. There are so many other events when she has gone in trouble and hosted known and unknown persons for long.
Nikky is one of the close friends of Rani. She is ready-witted. She is so clever and out spoken that a guest never dares to stay at her home. Sometimes, her in-laws come but soon depart due to her behavior. She can hardly offer a cup of tea and for that, you will have to hear so many abuses. Sometimes, she even starts fighting on minor matters. Who will dare to stay at such place where probablity of being abused and getting blows is more. So close persons also search another shelter. Her husband is a noble person. He is popular everywhere due to his nobleness but no one dares to visit his home due to his wife.