Sunday, June 3, 2012


                                                                      “Jald kaam saitaan kaa”. Haste makes waste. The work will surely be performed if there is strong will and regular endeavor. However, it shall take time. A time is fixed for every work. If you make haste, you are weakening the strength and quality. Sometimes it may destroy the product and cause the failure of the mission. The human baby comes out of mother’s womb after being matured in nine months. Due to any reason, if it comes out before, it becomes too weak and sometimes dies. Before seven months, only dead body can come out. Similarly, every creature has fixed time to take birth. Every plant grows from its seed after a fixed time.

                                                        While taming our child we show impatience. ‘My child is not getting good marks or he is not doing well in the classes', this type of question is always heard. My suggestion to all guardians is to keep patience. Sometimes, student doing well in the primary classes does not do better in the higher classes while a very dull beginner starts getting top in the higher classes. I have seen a naughty boy of the childhood doing miracles in his future life. Early days of everybody are approximately same. Guardians have to watch the habits and the companies of their wards. Rest remains the duty of the teachers. The student himself goes on the track according to his choice. If I strengthen the embankments of a river and allow the water to flow, the river will flow between the embankments. Only diverson towards the evils is to be restricted.

                                                Very few parents allow their kids to take sports as their career. But, Tendulkar, Gawaskar, Vishwanathan Anand are incomparable. Few scholars have got such name and fame.                                 


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