There was an old black cobra in a forest. It had made its permanent abode in a deep big hole just beside the footpath passing through the mid of the forest. Hearing foot sound of the passersby, it bit them. Its poison was so sharp that its bitten creature hardly lasted few minutes. In its lifetime, it bit thousands of creatures. Now it was about hundred year old. The older the snake faster the poison. Once the great sage, Narad passed through the forest. His disciples told him about the cobra. He thought to preach the snake.
Here, you can ask some questions like how a man can talk with the snake. How a snake can hear the preaching. Why it should obey and why the sage was not afraid of the furious snake. The answer is very simple but not everyone can understand & believe things. It is a highly spiritual matter. Only the person who believes can understand and who understands can believe. I have seen people talking with their pets. Mother talks with her newborn baby and even with her baby in the womb. Abhimanyu got the knowledge of Chakrabyuh in the very womb. On discovery and so many other channels, we see person loving furious animals, which one cannot imagine in his normal life. We have heard the name of Kakbhusundi who was preaching people. Parrots were talking in Sanskrit scholarly in Mandan Mishra’s home. What is this? This is intuition. Maharshi Raman experienced the feelings of animals like cows, dogs, peacocks. In his ashram, all animals are worshiped. We have heard saints knowing animals voice. When I love and wish welfare of anybody, the wave reaches to him whether it is two footed, four footed or plants. Indian scientist Dr J C Bose proved the theory that plants also laugh and weep seeing friends and foe respectively like us. Wicked persons gave a house to lord Buddha. It was full of snakes. Lord Buddha spent the whole night among these poisonous creatures. He was not harmed at all.
Maharshi Narad sat there with his disciples. The snake came near him and bowed down. Narad gave guru-mantra- not to bite anybody and departed. After a good time he returned by the same rout. Disciples reminded about the cobra. Narad stopped there. They searched and found the snake with so many wounds on the body. When asked about the wound it told the story. It had stopped biting. Passersby threw stones on it. That was the reason of being wounded. Narad knew the reason. He again preached to the snake. Everyone should be gentle by heart. We should always follow ahinsa (non violence). It should be by mind, speech and work. But the message should not be mild. When the message is mild, people under estimate you. Your working is disturbed. You face too much difficulties in performing your duty according to rule. Whereas fifty percent problems fly away without effort, by rough and tough message. Internally we should have love for the whole world but externally behavior should be like tough person. Father’s tough behavior is for the benefit of the child. Mother’s cruelty is only to reform her dearest son. The little baby does not know the harm effect of fire. It is attracted by the red charming colour. Mother forbids touching it. The child feels mother’s cruelty. When it grows and become matured, feels the internal unselfish love of the parent. The feeling reaches climax when the baby becomes youth and father. I am recalling one event. There was an old man of the age of fifty-five. His son was twenty-seven year old. His grandson was one year old. Once the youth was on the roof. Suddenly it began to pour. The old man called his son repeatedly but he didn’t come down. The old man felt very sad but thought a solution. He went in the room and took his grandson. He came out with the little baby and stood in the rain. The youth shouted and in angry mood came down. He took the baby and ran into the room.

Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
‘TAVAT BHAYASYA BHETABYAM YAVAT BHAY NANAAGAT; AAGATAN TU BHAYAN BEEKSHYA PREETI KURYAT YATHOCHITAM’. More often, I hear the name of some renowned personality. I have hesitation to meet him. Accidently I meet him. I interact with him. When I depart, someone tells me the name of the famous person with whom I had become so familiar. I suddenly become surprised. Unknowingly I do some miraculous job, which is impossible, if I know the things. I am telling you an event of Jagdish Bhai. First of all Kari Bhai went to Mumbai. He settled there. He was a taxi driver. The taxi was on per day income basis. The owner gave certain percentage of the income to him. Latter he took so many persons to Mumbai. Jagdish Bhai also went with him. In the very next morning he reached Mumbai, he saw a man throwing his empty bucket from the line of the water tap and putting his own in the place. He has good health and his height is about 7’0”. That time his age was twenty-one and he was a good wrestler. The event evoked his male hood and challenged his poise. He jumped over the man and gave him so many stronger blows on his mouth with his feasts. The strength of the village pure milk and ghee made the man senseless. The crowd saw the scene and clapped loudly. Kari Bhai was sleeping. The noise awoke him. He came out and saw the scene. The man was below and Jagdish Bhai was sitting on his chest. In the beginning, he did not pay much attention. When he came nearer, he saw the face of the man below. He was stunned with hands and feet swollen. The man below was the don of the street and he belonged to the notorious Leopard Gang. The gang had captured the whole city. It was in the root of all crimes of the city. The name was enough to terrorize a man. He caught Jadish’s hand and drew him inside. He freed the man and apologized. The matter could be settled & cooled only after Jagdish’s most humble apologies and surrender before the gang.
I recall one event of my own. I was a fresher of Sindri. One evening some seniors came to my hostel. They entered into so many rooms and started ragging the freshers. By luck, one senior who came to my room was known to me. He took me out and ordered to rag the Nepali students of my neighbor room. I entered the Nepali student’s room. All stood up. A few remained sitting. In a grave mood, I reached to the sitting students. Everyone stood except one. Salute to my boldness! I reached to the sitting boy. In an angry mood ordered the boy to stand up. The boy also stood up. Latter I took introduction of all the students and silently started to come out of the room. In the mean time, the senior who had sent me to rag, came and started to laugh loudly. The students who remained sitting after my entry were seniors. The last student whom I forced to stand was the boss of all. As soon as my identity disclosed, the boss caught my hand. However, my known student freed me. I fled at once. After one day, the seniors called me in their hostel. I was pardoned after humble apology from my side and rigidness of my known senior.
I recall one event of my own. I was a fresher of Sindri. One evening some seniors came to my hostel. They entered into so many rooms and started ragging the freshers. By luck, one senior who came to my room was known to me. He took me out and ordered to rag the Nepali students of my neighbor room. I entered the Nepali student’s room. All stood up. A few remained sitting. In a grave mood, I reached to the sitting students. Everyone stood except one. Salute to my boldness! I reached to the sitting boy. In an angry mood ordered the boy to stand up. The boy also stood up. Latter I took introduction of all the students and silently started to come out of the room. In the mean time, the senior who had sent me to rag, came and started to laugh loudly. The students who remained sitting after my entry were seniors. The last student whom I forced to stand was the boss of all. As soon as my identity disclosed, the boss caught my hand. However, my known student freed me. I fled at once. After one day, the seniors called me in their hostel. I was pardoned after humble apology from my side and rigidness of my known senior.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
'TYAKTA LAJJA SUKHEE BHAWET'. I recall an event of the year 1990. Vimaljee was five, Dipu seven and Nilu nine year old. I was living in a rented house at Punaichak. The landlord was a fine person. He had one son Gopal and three daughters. Like his name, Gopal was very popular and simple boy. He respected me too much. When I came to Patna for the first time to live, I stayed with Barunjee in 1990 January at Hanumannagar. I wanted a rented house near secretariat where I was then posted. Ashokjee was then living at Punaichak. He was also posted in secretariat. He was with his mother, two brothers and two sisters. I stayed the night with him to see a house for rent at Punaichak. Next morning Ashokjee and I went to meet Satyadeo Babu to take his house on rent. The house was vacated by Er. R.C. Chaudhary who had gone to Birpur to join Road Subdivision. There was one famous J.E., in that subdivision, without writing about whom the article will be incomplete. He was a veteran man. The SDO and EE were in his feast. He used to visit local leaders daily and got advantage of the nearness with them. Due to him, Chaudharyjee’s charge became late. He propagated false cast politics against him.
When we went to Satyadeo Babu, he was out of station. Gopal and his cousin were there. His mother was behind the curtain. I was in need and he was also in search of a tenant. I accepted the rent. I called Aditya, my 2nd brother in law who was residing at Makhaniya Kuan. He was doing postgraduate course in Maithili from Patna University. Professor Amresh Pathak was his head. My family (wife and three sons) was at Birpur at that time. Gopal gave one cot and Aditya brought another from his old lodge. After some months, all materials were brought from Birpur. Wife and children had already come to Karmauli a few days before. They came to Patna just after the materials were brought.
Gopal was very noble and egoless. Though he was landlord’s son, he with his cousin Uday did the whole painting work of the house. I was amazed to see his hard work like a labour. He taught that one should not be ashamed in doing one's work. I remember Gandhi’s work at Johannesburg. In Gandhi’s ashram so many renowned persons were living. Everyone was allotted a piece of land. They were producing some types of crops for their food. There was no toilet and everyone collected the night soil in a pot and disposed it in the morning. The new comers didn't know the rule and Gandhijee himself did the same. But Baa didn't allow Bapu and took the duty. Once Baa's face language was not normal while disposing the same. Gandhijee didn't tolerate it and caught her hair and dragged. While writing his atma-katha he wrote the event and repented. Everybody should do some physical labour; whether he is great scholar, no matter. Mental and physical works should be done side by side. In the present context, when people have become more conscious towards their health, it is too much remarkable. Every intellectual should remember Gandhi’s lesson. I recall my Ranchi period. I and my friend Surendra Prasad lived together at Doranda. This is the period of my first joining at Ranchi. My office was in the barrack just before combined office building. Surendra was in another office adjacent to my office. We met the next day of joining and became familiar. I had taken a two-roomed flat on rent. Surendra was staying with a distant relative. He enquired me about my residence and showed his will to live together. I was also searching a partner. The rent was a bit more which I thought heavy according to my income. More over it was a two-roomed flat and only one room was sufficient for a bachelor like me. I gave another room to surendra. We started self-cooking. There was problem of water in the flat. There was a water-tape on the road before my house. There was no force of water and a big crowd always gathered there. We started taking water from a coolie who brought some buckets of water for us from a nearby well and we paid fifty paisa for each bucket. Sometimes the coolie became absent. We were then very troubled. Anyhow, we brought one-bucket water from roadside tape and did essential works. There was a hotel in the nearby market where we took breakfast and lunch. The hotel owner was very obedient. He became pleased to see us because we were spending more on our meals. Those days Chandramohan was a PG Teacher in the Central School at Ramgarh Cantonment and was also doing PHD under a Ranchi University professor. He came to me very often when he came to Ranchi and stayed with us. He is a man of the land and has no ego and complex. He felt the problem. He went to the well, took bath there and brought two-bucket water for me. This was height of demoralizing and I also started to go to the well for water purpose. Thus, my water problem was solved and my ego decreased a little bit.
When we went to Satyadeo Babu, he was out of station. Gopal and his cousin were there. His mother was behind the curtain. I was in need and he was also in search of a tenant. I accepted the rent. I called Aditya, my 2nd brother in law who was residing at Makhaniya Kuan. He was doing postgraduate course in Maithili from Patna University. Professor Amresh Pathak was his head. My family (wife and three sons) was at Birpur at that time. Gopal gave one cot and Aditya brought another from his old lodge. After some months, all materials were brought from Birpur. Wife and children had already come to Karmauli a few days before. They came to Patna just after the materials were brought.
Gopal was very noble and egoless. Though he was landlord’s son, he with his cousin Uday did the whole painting work of the house. I was amazed to see his hard work like a labour. He taught that one should not be ashamed in doing one's work. I remember Gandhi’s work at Johannesburg. In Gandhi’s ashram so many renowned persons were living. Everyone was allotted a piece of land. They were producing some types of crops for their food. There was no toilet and everyone collected the night soil in a pot and disposed it in the morning. The new comers didn't know the rule and Gandhijee himself did the same. But Baa didn't allow Bapu and took the duty. Once Baa's face language was not normal while disposing the same. Gandhijee didn't tolerate it and caught her hair and dragged. While writing his atma-katha he wrote the event and repented. Everybody should do some physical labour; whether he is great scholar, no matter. Mental and physical works should be done side by side. In the present context, when people have become more conscious towards their health, it is too much remarkable. Every intellectual should remember Gandhi’s lesson. I recall my Ranchi period. I and my friend Surendra Prasad lived together at Doranda. This is the period of my first joining at Ranchi. My office was in the barrack just before combined office building. Surendra was in another office adjacent to my office. We met the next day of joining and became familiar. I had taken a two-roomed flat on rent. Surendra was staying with a distant relative. He enquired me about my residence and showed his will to live together. I was also searching a partner. The rent was a bit more which I thought heavy according to my income. More over it was a two-roomed flat and only one room was sufficient for a bachelor like me. I gave another room to surendra. We started self-cooking. There was problem of water in the flat. There was a water-tape on the road before my house. There was no force of water and a big crowd always gathered there. We started taking water from a coolie who brought some buckets of water for us from a nearby well and we paid fifty paisa for each bucket. Sometimes the coolie became absent. We were then very troubled. Anyhow, we brought one-bucket water from roadside tape and did essential works. There was a hotel in the nearby market where we took breakfast and lunch. The hotel owner was very obedient. He became pleased to see us because we were spending more on our meals. Those days Chandramohan was a PG Teacher in the Central School at Ramgarh Cantonment and was also doing PHD under a Ranchi University professor. He came to me very often when he came to Ranchi and stayed with us. He is a man of the land and has no ego and complex. He felt the problem. He went to the well, took bath there and brought two-bucket water for me. This was height of demoralizing and I also started to go to the well for water purpose. Thus, my water problem was solved and my ego decreased a little bit.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
neki kar dariyaa me daal
To-day, I met a man. He was eighty year old. He was repenting all the time while talking. I felt he was betrayed by his brother. According to him he sacrificed all his possessions to make his brother a doctor. But now his brother doesn't even talk to him. He (doctor) lives seperately with his wife and children. The old man with his wife and seven children is in wretched condition. He was thinking that the doctor would bring a very able bridegroom for his daughter. But the thought remained in the mind itself. Just after getting MBBS degree,doctor became seperate. He went to Madhubani to live with his wife. There he has purchaged a very big house. He has roaring practice. He has constructed a very beautiful house at his home also. He has purchased a flat at patna. He tours the whole world. On 1st January he goes for picnic to Singapur and enjoys the whole week there. He spends 1.5 lacs in seven days. Here in the village his brother lives like a beggar. This is the world. Don't think any thing about return. Neki kar dariya me daal.
There is a dense forest in the northern side of the village Karmauli. There are two ponds also in northern side. One is Khabas pokhar and another is Baba pokhar. Khabas Pokhar is older. There was one Lakshaman Khabas who served Darbhanga Maharaj well. Maharaj being pleased gave him a big jamindari of about 1100 acres of land of Karmauli Panchayat. Lakshaman got dug a big pond which was named after his title ‘Khabas Pokhar’. On the eastern bank Buddhee Babu, Kanteerji, Shyamakantji and Shivi Babu’s sons live. On the southern bank Abhaykantji’s sons, Vanshidarji's brothers and Naiyayakji’s sons live. On western bank Late Kusheshwar jha’s family members and late Asheshwar jha's family members reside. Chaupari Sthan is situated on the northern bank. Nabah Sankirtan (nine days Ram-Naam recitation twenty four hours) is performed here for the last fifty two years.
Karmauli’s first family resides on the southern bank of Baba pokhar. The first family (the person’s family who came to live first of all) is also called Deehee. They are also called Baba family. The pond was dug on being agitated. One lady of Baba family was washing clothes with shop in Khabas Pokhar. The famous Khabas told undignified words in angry mood. She came weeping to her father. The very day, Baba took oath to dig a pond. The next morning labors started digging. The northern and western side’s land belonged to Khabas. He declared to fight if a single lump of soil fell in his land. It was British period. The law and order was very tight. People were regarding government officials like gods. Seeing red-capped persons (police personnel), they hid in the house. Forces were deployed to keep the situation normal. The whole villagers were co operating except the Khabas family. The time was of severe famine in the state. The famine crop Arhar pulse was too much produced and this was only source of wages to the digging labors. Thus, with the help of whole village, Baba Pokhar came in existence.
Now the whole villagers started to gather on Baba Dalan. So many cultural programs were started. Now they had their own pond. All gathered in Bhagvat Katha. All the time the dalan was full of persons. Some played chess, some playing cards, some talked spiritual matters. In our childhood, I have seen people of the whole village gathering on occasions to perform chhath on the very pond. I, Chandu and Ameer used to sleep at dalan. Vaidik Muktinath came to take bath at 3.0 A.M. daily. We awoke hearing his shlokas and started to read. In the childhood, we were afraid of thieves and ghosts. In the night the fear was much more. But after 3.0 A.M. we were fearless. Thus indirectly we were much benefited by Vaidikjee. During Navah Sankirtan period, which is performed twenty four hours for nine days on Chaupari (Brahma shthan), we were totally fearless and enjoyed too much.
Karmauli’s first family resides on the southern bank of Baba pokhar. The first family (the person’s family who came to live first of all) is also called Deehee. They are also called Baba family. The pond was dug on being agitated. One lady of Baba family was washing clothes with shop in Khabas Pokhar. The famous Khabas told undignified words in angry mood. She came weeping to her father. The very day, Baba took oath to dig a pond. The next morning labors started digging. The northern and western side’s land belonged to Khabas. He declared to fight if a single lump of soil fell in his land. It was British period. The law and order was very tight. People were regarding government officials like gods. Seeing red-capped persons (police personnel), they hid in the house. Forces were deployed to keep the situation normal. The whole villagers were co operating except the Khabas family. The time was of severe famine in the state. The famine crop Arhar pulse was too much produced and this was only source of wages to the digging labors. Thus, with the help of whole village, Baba Pokhar came in existence.
Now the whole villagers started to gather on Baba Dalan. So many cultural programs were started. Now they had their own pond. All gathered in Bhagvat Katha. All the time the dalan was full of persons. Some played chess, some playing cards, some talked spiritual matters. In our childhood, I have seen people of the whole village gathering on occasions to perform chhath on the very pond. I, Chandu and Ameer used to sleep at dalan. Vaidik Muktinath came to take bath at 3.0 A.M. daily. We awoke hearing his shlokas and started to read. In the childhood, we were afraid of thieves and ghosts. In the night the fear was much more. But after 3.0 A.M. we were fearless. Thus indirectly we were much benefited by Vaidikjee. During Navah Sankirtan period, which is performed twenty four hours for nine days on Chaupari (Brahma shthan), we were totally fearless and enjoyed too much.
Monday, November 29, 2010
victory of NITISH KUMAR
Congratulations to honourable Nitish kumarjee for his overwhelming three fourth majority. He with his co alliance BJP got 84% seats in the present assembly election 2010. RJD, LJP, Congress and other parties are nowhere in the contest. Every other party is not even in the position to have opposition leadership. This is a historical victory. After Shrikrishna Singh who got 86% in 1951 and 3 fourth majority in 1956, only Nitishjee has got such thumping majority.
Everyone is analyzing the miraculous victory. Nitishjee put his hand on the paining nerve of the society very honestly. He played mahadalit and extremely backward cards. He never spoke a single word against forward castes. He helped Muslims honestly. Punished Bhagalpur right culprits and gave justice to the victims. Fifty percent seats reserved for extremely backward class women in Panchayat Election. Gave cycles to ninth passed girls. Stipend of Rs ten thousand to first division girls of tenth class was given. Ten thousand to each of tenth passed Muslim students was also given. He started development in all fields. Roads, schools, hospitals, agriculture and almost all fields were paid due attention. Law and order situation came in control.
One thing became clear in this election that you cannot befool the public for long time. Public like grave leader who can think over the problems seriously. By joking or comedy, one can enjoy public but development can be done only by deeply thinking over all the aspects. Regular and deep thinking over any problem give automatic good and matured result. Cunningness and dishonesty do not last long. If you are so selfish that you think only about your family (your wife, brother-in-laws, brothers, nephews etc.), you cannot lead people. You cannot cheat people longtime. People know everything. ‘Ye public hai, sab jaanti hai’. You have no faith even in your party members. When you are bound to leave the chair, you choose your wife. What is this? This is not the way of democracy. This is totally Kingship, when you make your homemaker other half your successor. In democratic state, everyone has equal right. There is no place of false pride and ego. The public, who keep you on their head, will throw you in the garbage box. There was a time when Indira Gandhi was on her peak. She was working like a smart statesman and strict administraror. Indira is India and India is Indira was also called. No one dared to speak against her descision. Allahabad High Court gave ruling against her election. Instead of giving resignation honoring the judgment, she declared emergency. In emergency during 1974-77, all opposition leaders were in jail. Indira Gandhi had full majority. She took so many good decisions. Government servants went to offices in time. Crime was totally controlled. Trains were running in time. In spite of all such good steps, people thought them undemocratic. Public did not accept the steps taken in that period. Her spy gave false report. Election was declared in 1977. But, alas! The result was quite adverse. She lost even her own seat. Janta-Party got absolute majority.
Due to strict and solid steps of election commission, bogus voting and booth capturing has become the old matter. Thanks and grand salute to ECI for these steps. Now actual mandate comes. A few years ago, criminals captured and robbed the booths. What about women, even male did not took full interest being afraid of the bad elements. Percentage of women voters was more compared to male voters in this election. Girls cycle scheme, fifty percent reservation for women in Panchayat election, rupees ten thousand stipend to the girls getting first division in tenth examination arose new hope in them for Nitish’s governance. Law and order improvement was another factor. Women felt secured in his rule. Now, one can move even in mid night fearlessly.
Development totally depends on law and order situation. Multinationals were watching the first tenure of Nitishjee. In NDA-2 regime, industries will be established in abundance. If everything remains favorable, Bihar will be number one state of the country. In adverse situation, without much help from centre and by our own resources, we have developed too much in these five years. Our growth rate is 11.5% which is higher than the country’s GDP and second highest among all states. The first is Gujarat whose GDP is 11.7%.
Congratulations to honorable Nitishjee for grand success. Good wishes and best of luck for the all round development of the state under his smart leadership in his new tenure.
Everyone is analyzing the miraculous victory. Nitishjee put his hand on the paining nerve of the society very honestly. He played mahadalit and extremely backward cards. He never spoke a single word against forward castes. He helped Muslims honestly. Punished Bhagalpur right culprits and gave justice to the victims. Fifty percent seats reserved for extremely backward class women in Panchayat Election. Gave cycles to ninth passed girls. Stipend of Rs ten thousand to first division girls of tenth class was given. Ten thousand to each of tenth passed Muslim students was also given. He started development in all fields. Roads, schools, hospitals, agriculture and almost all fields were paid due attention. Law and order situation came in control.
One thing became clear in this election that you cannot befool the public for long time. Public like grave leader who can think over the problems seriously. By joking or comedy, one can enjoy public but development can be done only by deeply thinking over all the aspects. Regular and deep thinking over any problem give automatic good and matured result. Cunningness and dishonesty do not last long. If you are so selfish that you think only about your family (your wife, brother-in-laws, brothers, nephews etc.), you cannot lead people. You cannot cheat people longtime. People know everything. ‘Ye public hai, sab jaanti hai’. You have no faith even in your party members. When you are bound to leave the chair, you choose your wife. What is this? This is not the way of democracy. This is totally Kingship, when you make your homemaker other half your successor. In democratic state, everyone has equal right. There is no place of false pride and ego. The public, who keep you on their head, will throw you in the garbage box. There was a time when Indira Gandhi was on her peak. She was working like a smart statesman and strict administraror. Indira is India and India is Indira was also called. No one dared to speak against her descision. Allahabad High Court gave ruling against her election. Instead of giving resignation honoring the judgment, she declared emergency. In emergency during 1974-77, all opposition leaders were in jail. Indira Gandhi had full majority. She took so many good decisions. Government servants went to offices in time. Crime was totally controlled. Trains were running in time. In spite of all such good steps, people thought them undemocratic. Public did not accept the steps taken in that period. Her spy gave false report. Election was declared in 1977. But, alas! The result was quite adverse. She lost even her own seat. Janta-Party got absolute majority.
Due to strict and solid steps of election commission, bogus voting and booth capturing has become the old matter. Thanks and grand salute to ECI for these steps. Now actual mandate comes. A few years ago, criminals captured and robbed the booths. What about women, even male did not took full interest being afraid of the bad elements. Percentage of women voters was more compared to male voters in this election. Girls cycle scheme, fifty percent reservation for women in Panchayat election, rupees ten thousand stipend to the girls getting first division in tenth examination arose new hope in them for Nitish’s governance. Law and order improvement was another factor. Women felt secured in his rule. Now, one can move even in mid night fearlessly.
Development totally depends on law and order situation. Multinationals were watching the first tenure of Nitishjee. In NDA-2 regime, industries will be established in abundance. If everything remains favorable, Bihar will be number one state of the country. In adverse situation, without much help from centre and by our own resources, we have developed too much in these five years. Our growth rate is 11.5% which is higher than the country’s GDP and second highest among all states. The first is Gujarat whose GDP is 11.7%.
Congratulations to honorable Nitishjee for grand success. Good wishes and best of luck for the all round development of the state under his smart leadership in his new tenure.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Ethnicity is the backbone of life’s journey. Parents are the last link of the chain before us whom we can see, talk, copy and follow. They are the visible gods before us. When the gods in the human forms are present before us, what is the necessity to search imaginary gods? “Bhoomer gareeyashi maataa, swargaat uchchatarah pitaa.” None can take place the position of father and mother. One can show and pretend to love but the natural love of parents is beyond description. They are the roots of the family. If the roots are stronger, the tree will automatically be strong. Deeper the roots, longer the tree.
‘Kuputro jaayet, kwachidapi kumaataa na bhavati’. Mother may be bad for others but she has selfish less love for her children. Child gets first training under its mother. If the mother is good, child will automatically be good. When we enquire about a girl or a boy regarding marriage, we first ask about the behavior of the parents. If someone ill behaves, his parents are abused. Shivajee always gave credit to his mother for his success. ‘One who rocks in a cradle, rules the world’. A wicked beloved of a youth begged heart of his mother. He killed his mother and took the heart. While bringing, he fell down. The heart cried,”Oh my son! Did you hurt severely?” Grand salute to the mother’s heart!
Father is the first guru. In our society, no one can take guru mantra from his father. The hidden thought is, father is automatic guru and there is no need to make the same person guru again. No person wants to be defeated by any other person but his son. The son may have so many demerits, but father always praises him. People laugh on him due to his words for his son, but no matter; he always speaks good words for his son. He always tries to hide the defects of his son. He wants all happiness of the world for his son. Dhritrashtra is ill famed due to Duryodhan.
‘Kuputro jaayet, kwachidapi kumaataa na bhavati’. Mother may be bad for others but she has selfish less love for her children. Child gets first training under its mother. If the mother is good, child will automatically be good. When we enquire about a girl or a boy regarding marriage, we first ask about the behavior of the parents. If someone ill behaves, his parents are abused. Shivajee always gave credit to his mother for his success. ‘One who rocks in a cradle, rules the world’. A wicked beloved of a youth begged heart of his mother. He killed his mother and took the heart. While bringing, he fell down. The heart cried,”Oh my son! Did you hurt severely?” Grand salute to the mother’s heart!
Father is the first guru. In our society, no one can take guru mantra from his father. The hidden thought is, father is automatic guru and there is no need to make the same person guru again. No person wants to be defeated by any other person but his son. The son may have so many demerits, but father always praises him. People laugh on him due to his words for his son, but no matter; he always speaks good words for his son. He always tries to hide the defects of his son. He wants all happiness of the world for his son. Dhritrashtra is ill famed due to Duryodhan.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
real worship
A person rises at 3.0 A.M., coming from toilet and brushing teeth takes bath. He performs 1000 Gayatri japas. He meditates one hour daily. He goes to the Hanumanji temple 3.0 km away from his residence. Thus, he exercises along with worshipping god. In the daytime, he always keeps himself busy in talks about God. In the evening, he daily goes to bhagvati sthan Rajeshwar. In this way, he passes his time piously.
Having all these spiritual things, there are some peculiarities in him. He is very selfish. He knows only his wife, his children and wife’s side in-laws. He never talks to his father, mother, sisters and brothers. He never gives single paisa to the beggars. Instead, he beats them. He earns a lot. He builds a grand house. His single sister lives with her two daughters in nearby hut. She is widow. Nevertheless, he has no time to see her. Her condition is very pitiable. Anyhow, she manages food for herself and for her daughters.
Time passes. His sister’s son-in-laws earn too much. She with her daughters and son-in-laws lives in Delhi. Sister leads a pleasant life. The man adopts bad habits. Drinking, gambling and visiting red light areas became his regular habit. His sons did not get education. They also adopted the bad habits of his father. The person became poor. His condition became like beggar. Sister hears this. She becomes eager to see her brother. Her daughters and son-in-laws forbid her to go there. But, sister is unable to stop. Her sleep disappears. She stops taking food until she meets her brother. Ultimately, she goes to her brother with all her children. She requests her brother to live with her. He is ashamed. But sister does not know formality. Her love is real and not for show. She bounds her brother to live with her. Grand salute to sister’s natural love which does not know revenge or any other thing. She only knows love.
God is the treasure of love and pity. Everything of the world belongs to God. We become rich or poor according to His will. What is one’s fault in taking birth in a rich or poor family? All are God’s children. He keeps His children in the role of king or beggar on the world stage. Who am I to comment or to hate with His creation? Nothing is in our hand. Not a single leaf shakes against His will. Our duty is to perform our roles (duties) properly and love all. When we love one’s child, he becomes pleased. Similarly, God becomes pleased when we love all creatures (His children). Without love and affection all spiritualities are useless.
A person rises at 3.0 A.M., coming from toilet and brushing teeth takes bath. He performs 1000 Gayatri japas. He meditates one hour daily. He goes to the Hanumanji temple 3.0 km away from his residence. Thus, he exercises along with worshipping god. In the daytime, he always keeps himself busy in talks about God. In the evening, he daily goes to bhagvati sthan Rajeshwar. In this way, he passes his time piously.
Having all these spiritual things, there are some peculiarities in him. He is very selfish. He knows only his wife, his children and wife’s side in-laws. He never talks to his father, mother, sisters and brothers. He never gives single paisa to the beggars. Instead, he beats them. He earns a lot. He builds a grand house. His single sister lives with her two daughters in nearby hut. She is widow. Nevertheless, he has no time to see her. Her condition is very pitiable. Anyhow, she manages food for herself and for her daughters.
Time passes. His sister’s son-in-laws earn too much. She with her daughters and son-in-laws lives in Delhi. Sister leads a pleasant life. The man adopts bad habits. Drinking, gambling and visiting red light areas became his regular habit. His sons did not get education. They also adopted the bad habits of his father. The person became poor. His condition became like beggar. Sister hears this. She becomes eager to see her brother. Her daughters and son-in-laws forbid her to go there. But, sister is unable to stop. Her sleep disappears. She stops taking food until she meets her brother. Ultimately, she goes to her brother with all her children. She requests her brother to live with her. He is ashamed. But sister does not know formality. Her love is real and not for show. She bounds her brother to live with her. Grand salute to sister’s natural love which does not know revenge or any other thing. She only knows love.
God is the treasure of love and pity. Everything of the world belongs to God. We become rich or poor according to His will. What is one’s fault in taking birth in a rich or poor family? All are God’s children. He keeps His children in the role of king or beggar on the world stage. Who am I to comment or to hate with His creation? Nothing is in our hand. Not a single leaf shakes against His will. Our duty is to perform our roles (duties) properly and love all. When we love one’s child, he becomes pleased. Similarly, God becomes pleased when we love all creatures (His children). Without love and affection all spiritualities are useless.
Monday, October 25, 2010
“Wasansi jeernaani yathaa vihaay nawaani grihnaati naroparaani; tathaa shareeraani vihaay jeernaanyanyaani sanjaati navaani dehee.” When our clothes become old, we change them and become pleased. Similar should be the case with the body. We should be cheerful with the pleasant feeling that old diseased body will be changed and a new body will be replaced. But, the situation is different. We become aggrieved hearing the name of death. This is because all worldly relations are with this body. Once one leaves his body, none will like to continue the relation with the soul. All fear with the soul (ghost). Everyone tries to burn the body as soon as possible. Just after the funeral ceremony, people take bath and give tilanjali (having sesame, kusha and water in the hand and offering to the departed soul). It is symbolic to detach (break) all relations from the dead person.
The name ‘pralay’ is very fearful. We become afraid hearing the name. Nevertheless, in the broad sense, it is nothing but mass death (destruction). Like individual’s death, mass destruction is necessary. When the society becomes old i.e. it is captured by rotten customs, replacement becomes essential. We should not live in garbage. The garbage must be burnt. The old rotten traditions must be replaced by the new. We get rid of our defects (sins).
This is neither pessimistic nor suicidal view. This is like falling of ripe fruits, getting rid of old diseases, defeating stronger enemy in the battle and like pleasure after getting rid of fearful dreams when awakened.
“Wasansi jeernaani yathaa vihaay nawaani grihnaati naroparaani; tathaa shareeraani vihaay jeernaanyanyaani sanjaati navaani dehee.” When our clothes become old, we change them and become pleased. Similar should be the case with the body. We should be cheerful with the pleasant feeling that old diseased body will be changed and a new body will be replaced. But, the situation is different. We become aggrieved hearing the name of death. This is because all worldly relations are with this body. Once one leaves his body, none will like to continue the relation with the soul. All fear with the soul (ghost). Everyone tries to burn the body as soon as possible. Just after the funeral ceremony, people take bath and give tilanjali (having sesame, kusha and water in the hand and offering to the departed soul). It is symbolic to detach (break) all relations from the dead person.
The name ‘pralay’ is very fearful. We become afraid hearing the name. Nevertheless, in the broad sense, it is nothing but mass death (destruction). Like individual’s death, mass destruction is necessary. When the society becomes old i.e. it is captured by rotten customs, replacement becomes essential. We should not live in garbage. The garbage must be burnt. The old rotten traditions must be replaced by the new. We get rid of our defects (sins).
This is neither pessimistic nor suicidal view. This is like falling of ripe fruits, getting rid of old diseases, defeating stronger enemy in the battle and like pleasure after getting rid of fearful dreams when awakened.
Monday, October 11, 2010
‘NINDAK NIYARE RAAKHIYE AANGAN KUTI CHHAVAY, BIN PAANI SAABUN BINAA NIRMAL KARE SUBHAY’. There may be so many criticizers of your activities. Never try to quarrel with them. Think deeply on the criticizes. There may be so many facts against you, which are not known to you, or you may be paying little attention towards those demerits. Try to conquer those defects. Never hate critics. Never say ill words in the presence or in absence of them. Rather pray God to give them good thoughts. To hate or telling ill words increase bitterness and enmity. Praising the foes in the absence, forces them to repent and they become your stronger friends. Thus, you increase the number of your friends. ‘JO TOKO KANTA BUE TAAHI BOY TOO FOOL, TO KO FOOL KO FOOL HAI WAAKO HAI TIRSHOOL’. Never lose patience. Get good things from hostiles’ speeches and leave bad for them. In every event, there are hidden opportunities. According to our worldly knowledge, we become aggrieved seeing adverse happenings. However, everything, which happened, what is happening and what will happen is for the good sake of the person. The great saint Naarad knew his previous births. In one of his previous births, he was the son of a maidservant. A group of sages visited the village for some days. His mother served them. The child also went with his mother and copied her. Saints loved the child too much and gave good food and affection. When they started to depart for other place, the child began to cry. He prayed the saints to take him with them. But, they did not agree and preached him to remain with his mother. After some time, a snake bit his mother. The only shelter was snatched. Regarding worldly view, worst happened with the boy. But spiritually, the boy became free. He joined the sages group and became famous saint.
There is no matter of shame to make apology upon ones mistake. To err is human. If you apologize, you become greater. Even the cruelest bows before apology. I conquer my biggest enemy ‘ego’. I come nearer to God crossing this very barrier.
----------------------------------------Ohm Ramanarpanmastu.
There is no matter of shame to make apology upon ones mistake. To err is human. If you apologize, you become greater. Even the cruelest bows before apology. I conquer my biggest enemy ‘ego’. I come nearer to God crossing this very barrier.
----------------------------------------Ohm Ramanarpanmastu.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
शर्मनाक क्षण.
It was December 1968. I was reading in class nine in TNHE School Kaluahi. Mahendra was in class five in Karmauli Middle School. Kripa was also with him. The block level examination was held in the Khajauli Middle School, to select better students for district level examination. I taught Mahendra too much for the test. Though he was not so brilliant, test time preparation made him capable to understand the questions. Fresh preparation caused his success in the block. Kripa could not succeed. District level test was to be held at district headquarter Darbhanga. The venue was Zila School Darbhanga. Many intelligent students of different blocks appeared in the test. I took a room in a roadside hut on the western chauraha of DMCH. That hut belonged to the breakfast hotel owner, which was in the front portion. The room was in the backside. My room was in the southern portion. There was another room also in the northern side. In that room two other students stayed. I had brought rice, pulse, beaten rice and all necessary things from home. The only problem was to cook food. The hotel owner cooked food and I paid for the same. We took bath on the roadside PHED tap. The toilet was backside big mango orchard. Hundreds of men, women and children gathered there with water-pot in the hand in the morning and evening. Among them majority were of rickshaw-pullers, hawkers, beggars and outside new comers like us. There was a single cot in the room. I had brought one blanket and one bed sheet. One teacher was sent from the school to see the student. I was ignorant about the teacher. The very first day I saw him in the Zila School. I am forgetting his name but he was from village Bengra. I didn’t think that he had reached for my shake. When we started from there he came with us in the hut. He took dinner with us and stayed with us. In the morning, he gave me a bill of Rs five of bus and rickshaw fair. I refused to pay the same. He became annoyed and at-once became ready to leave the place in angry mood. I said him about scarcity and promised to pay later. Initially I was pleased about his presence. I thought he would guide Mahendra. But he was useless. The whole day he was wandering hither and thither. He visited cinema daily. He came to us only at the time of taking meals and to sleep at night. It was winter of December. I had only one blanket, which was insufficient for three persons. Moreover, he was a guest who was eligible to have major share of it. The purpose for which he was sent was not fulfilled, rather he proved himself a burden. Furthermore, he was a very low quality person. Once I heard him talking with his friend. He was talking very cheaply using vulgar words, which is generally not expected from a teacher.
The test was to be taken for one week. One day I was sitting in the field, which was in the backside of the examination hall. Perhaps the test subject was mathematics. One student brought the question in the field. I also became tempted. I solved the questions, went to the window and called Mahendra. He was not expecting the help, so he heard my voice after a good time. I totally forgot what I was doing. It was illegal which was to be done hurriedly. Two senior students came silently and caught me. They took me before a teacher who was taking class under a tree in the field. The teacher shouted on me and slapped me strongly. I was very ashamed and returned with a heavy mind. I promised not to repeat the work in future.
The test was to be taken for one week. One day I was sitting in the field, which was in the backside of the examination hall. Perhaps the test subject was mathematics. One student brought the question in the field. I also became tempted. I solved the questions, went to the window and called Mahendra. He was not expecting the help, so he heard my voice after a good time. I totally forgot what I was doing. It was illegal which was to be done hurriedly. Two senior students came silently and caught me. They took me before a teacher who was taking class under a tree in the field. The teacher shouted on me and slapped me strongly. I was very ashamed and returned with a heavy mind. I promised not to repeat the work in future.
Friday, October 1, 2010
महात्मा गाँधी.
आज राष्ट्रपिता महात्मागांधी का जन्मदिन है. उनके समान कर्मयोगी का अवतरण कभी-कभी होता है. एक लंगोटीधारी ने दुनिया के सबसे ताकतवर साम्राज्य को सत्य-अहिंसा के अस्त्र से पस्त कर दिया। ' अहिंसा सत्य अस्तेय ब्रह्मचर्य असंग्रहः, शरीरश्रम अश्वाद सर्वत्र भयवर्जनह, सर्वधर्मीसमानंत्व स्वदेशी अस्पर्शभावना' यही उनका मूलमंत्र था। अहिंसा- मनसा, वाचा, कर्मणा किसी की बुराई नहीं करना। अहिंसा का itanaa सम्मान करते थे कि विरोधियों का भी अहित नहीं चाहते थे.४ फरबरी, १९२२ को चौरी चौरा में शराव दूकान के विरोध में करीव २००० प्रदर्शनकारियों पर पुलिस ने गोली चलाई। तीन मरे और अनेक घायल हो गए। यह देखकर भीड़ हिंसक हो उठी और लोगो ने चारो तरफ से पुलिस पर हमला कर दिया। हजारो प्रद्रशंकारियो को देखकर पुलिस घवड़ा गयी और पीछे मुरकर थाने में लौट गयी। भीड़ ने अपने मृत दोस्तों का बदला लेने के इरादे से चारो तरफ से थाने में आग लगा दी। दारोगा सहित बाईस पुलिसकर्मी ज़िंदा जला दिए गए। उन दिनों asahyog aandolan chal rahaa था। विदेशी वस्त्र, शिक्षा, नौकरी, पद एवं सम्मान का सर्वत्र बहिस्कार किया जा रहा था. aandolan shirsha par tha. chauri chaura ki ghatnaa ke बाद गांधीजी ने देखा कि यह हिंसा की or jaa rahaa hai aur sabhi kiya karaya par paani fir जायेगा। उन्होंने अवज्ञा आन्दोलन को तुरत समाप्त करने का आह्वान किया। १० मार्च १९२२ को उन्हें गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया और उन्हें ६ साल कि सजा सुनाई गयी। गांधीजी सत्य को भगवान मानते थे। चोरी नहीं करना, ब्रह्मचर्य व्रत (ब्रह्म में विचरण) धारण करना, संग्रह नहीं करना, शारीरिक श्रम, स्वाद नहीं देखना, कही भी भय नहीं करना, सब धर्मो की समानता, स्वदेशी भाव और अस्पृश्यता का त्याग। उनके इस मूल मंत्र को अगर हम सदा स्मरण रखे तो कल्याण ही कल्याण है।
Saturday, September 25, 2010
My senior friend late Prem bhai is not among us. I pay great homage to him. May God give eternal peace to his soul! I was four classes junior to him and so was the age difference. From the very child hood, I enjoyed his company. Another senior friend was Ramesh. He was three classes senior, but according to age, he was older than Prem. We three always played and studied together. I was too much benefited by their company. When juniors and seniors become friends, juniors are more benefited, if seniors are good. Likewise, bad seniors harm more. A man is known by the company he keeps. I always followed and copied them. I took admission at Kapariya Middle School instead of Karmauli, only due to them. Life is but a chance. Had I not taken admission at Kapariya, I could not have succeeded. On the other hand, were if they of bad natures, I would have been spoiled. Compared to other boys of the village, Prem and Ramesh were more refined and disciplined. Ramesh's father had died when he was simply four year old. His elder Hareesh bhai was working as a pandit in an industrialist’s bungalow at Bombay (Mumbai). He had no issue those days. Ramesh, his mother and his sister-in-law lived at Karmauli. Hareesh bhai was earning well to maintain his four-member family properly. He came home after a year or more. Ramesh had no guidance. He only got love by the two women but no rebuke. Prem’s father was working as a pandit at Calcutta (Kolkata). He also earned sufficient money to maintain his eight-member family well. Prem's mother was a very tight and miser woman. She had very tough discipline over her children. My situation was quite different compared to Prem and Ramesh. I had no mother. She died when I was only four year old and my younger was only two year old. Father was not earning. Sister-in-laws were formal. I had no much sentimental attachment with them. Thus, we three had different situations. Hence, our natures were different. Man is the product of the atmosphere, he lives. He adjusts according to the circumstances. When you have no money, your requirement is nil and you spend no money. When you have surplus money, you lead lavish life. However, the sum of sorrows and joys are constant. When you perform penance in early life, you enjoy in later days. One, who enjoys in early life, gets sorrows latter. In Hinduism past life’s actions also affect the present life. According to our penance, Ramesh left his study after Matriculation (11th) and started doing job. Prem left his studies after Pre University (12th) and went to Kolkata. He started a service in a steel firm there. I became an engineer.
Prem became more civilized and disciplined. In the steel firm at Kolkata, he proved his ability. He got many promotions in a few years. After five years of service, he became branch manager of Madras (Chennai) branch. Now he earned a lot. He started to lead a very lavish life. He started journeying by plane and in A.C. coach in train. He took a costlier house on hire. Bihar’s public at Chennai made him secretary of the Bihar Association and later president. When he came home, villagers honoured him too much. Some bad habits also came in him. Occasionally, he started drinking and gambling. Nasanhi kaal vinashanhi buddhi. He resigned the service of the steel firm and started his own in the same trade. His younger also went there to co-operate him. Initially he progressed too much. Younger sat in the shop and Prem did outside contact work. Nevertheless, Prem's hand did not stop spending more and more. The capital diminished day by day and ultimately became zero. The younger came home and engaged himself in village politics. At last, Prem stopped his business and again joined the old firm. Now, the respect was not as before, there. Once he was manager and now he was an ordinary staff. The person once working under him was his boss. His salary was very low. He was unable to meet the expenses. Ameeri ki kabra par panpi hui gareebi baree jahreeli hoti hai. He got his daughter married by his rest capital, and one day left Chennai, leaving his articles in the house for assurance to the landlord to come again, because the rent was unpaid. He never went there again. The landlord waited for some months and then broke the house. He took all materials against the unpaid rent. This was communicated to him through his son-in-law and his daughter’s father-in-law. His daughter’s father-in-law was very annoyed which he expressed at Karmauli at the time of his daughter's second marriage. Prem became a strong devotee of Asharam Bapu. He spent more time in meditation. He was living peacefully at Karmauli. He took too much interest in general functions of Karmauli. He was made cashier of Durga Pooja and the great Maharudra Yagya committees. He became a permanent member of the pandit’s evening pooja at durga mandir.
God has given an instrument to all persons by which one become rich and another poor, one stay in peace and another unstable. This is the result of the past life penance. Ramesh took loan from so many persons on interest. He constructed a brick built house and purchased a piece of land in the residential area, which was very costlier. The interest of the loan increased. A time came when the principal amount and the interest became beyond his capacity. The lenders began to come from morning to evening for interest and principal also. One day Prem left Karmauli and went to Chandigarh where his eldest son lived. He took a house there on rent and started his new life. He took a shop on rent and started to sell Asharam Bapu’s books and medicines. Lenders used to go Chandigarh also.
One day the news of Prem’s brain hemorrhage came to me. That was perhaps 29 June 2008. I was at Kolkata with my youngest son Vimal for an examination. The next day the news of his death came. I was too much shocked. He was very close to me. He was a very fine person, most popular among all. I miss him too much. He had all qualities. He was ajatshatru (one who has no enemy). The only minus point was that he did not know financial discipline. Ramesh is in good position. He knows financial discipline. His sons are well placed.
Prem became more civilized and disciplined. In the steel firm at Kolkata, he proved his ability. He got many promotions in a few years. After five years of service, he became branch manager of Madras (Chennai) branch. Now he earned a lot. He started to lead a very lavish life. He started journeying by plane and in A.C. coach in train. He took a costlier house on hire. Bihar’s public at Chennai made him secretary of the Bihar Association and later president. When he came home, villagers honoured him too much. Some bad habits also came in him. Occasionally, he started drinking and gambling. Nasanhi kaal vinashanhi buddhi. He resigned the service of the steel firm and started his own in the same trade. His younger also went there to co-operate him. Initially he progressed too much. Younger sat in the shop and Prem did outside contact work. Nevertheless, Prem's hand did not stop spending more and more. The capital diminished day by day and ultimately became zero. The younger came home and engaged himself in village politics. At last, Prem stopped his business and again joined the old firm. Now, the respect was not as before, there. Once he was manager and now he was an ordinary staff. The person once working under him was his boss. His salary was very low. He was unable to meet the expenses. Ameeri ki kabra par panpi hui gareebi baree jahreeli hoti hai. He got his daughter married by his rest capital, and one day left Chennai, leaving his articles in the house for assurance to the landlord to come again, because the rent was unpaid. He never went there again. The landlord waited for some months and then broke the house. He took all materials against the unpaid rent. This was communicated to him through his son-in-law and his daughter’s father-in-law. His daughter’s father-in-law was very annoyed which he expressed at Karmauli at the time of his daughter's second marriage. Prem became a strong devotee of Asharam Bapu. He spent more time in meditation. He was living peacefully at Karmauli. He took too much interest in general functions of Karmauli. He was made cashier of Durga Pooja and the great Maharudra Yagya committees. He became a permanent member of the pandit’s evening pooja at durga mandir.
God has given an instrument to all persons by which one become rich and another poor, one stay in peace and another unstable. This is the result of the past life penance. Ramesh took loan from so many persons on interest. He constructed a brick built house and purchased a piece of land in the residential area, which was very costlier. The interest of the loan increased. A time came when the principal amount and the interest became beyond his capacity. The lenders began to come from morning to evening for interest and principal also. One day Prem left Karmauli and went to Chandigarh where his eldest son lived. He took a house there on rent and started his new life. He took a shop on rent and started to sell Asharam Bapu’s books and medicines. Lenders used to go Chandigarh also.
One day the news of Prem’s brain hemorrhage came to me. That was perhaps 29 June 2008. I was at Kolkata with my youngest son Vimal for an examination. The next day the news of his death came. I was too much shocked. He was very close to me. He was a very fine person, most popular among all. I miss him too much. He had all qualities. He was ajatshatru (one who has no enemy). The only minus point was that he did not know financial discipline. Ramesh is in good position. He knows financial discipline. His sons are well placed.
Friday, September 24, 2010
All successful persons have some special qualities which common people lack. There is little difference among top ten students of any competition. Suppose the cut off marks is seventy-five. One candidate gets seventy-four point nine marks. He does not succeed. Now say, what difference between the two candidates is. There may not be any difference. The unsuccessful candidate may be more intelligent. Nevertheless, one thing special must be in successful candidate. Stability of mind is of prime importance. Regular study is essential. Professionalism is very useful for sure success. How this professionalism will come. You solve the same problem unlimited times. Do not think that you have already solved that sum and there is no need to solve it again. I have seen the students who had memorized even the answers of all probable questions. Others laughed on such type of students. Now the scene has changed. The laughers are unemployed. The professionals got better jobs. The successful laugh on the unemployed. Do not pay attention to laughers. There is no substitute of the labour.
Rekha was reading in class five. Her mother used to take her with her when she went to the market. Little Rekha calculated the prices of purchased materials in seconds. The shopkeepers were astonished seeing the calculation correct up to two decimals. Seeing her activities, I recalled my own childhood. In my childhood, father took me with him at Madhubani and all other places, he went. I also calculated the prices. Sometimes I became irritated when he started my praise. When I was reading in Kaluahi high school, so many students of surrounding villages read there. Majority of them was from Dhanga East & West, Karmauli, Bhalni, Dihtole, Kaluahi, Maltole, Majrahi, Bharatpatti, Malmal, Mureth etc. In all most all functions, I went to Dhanga, the native place of my father, with him. It was very pleasant. Now, after my admission at Kaluahi, every student knew me. I felt a little ashamed while attending any feast. And later I ignored going there on such occasions.
Mental exercise helps too much to memorize anything and enhances one’s mental power. Calculation of price was unknowingly a big mental exercise. My advice to the students is, to solve sums, first mentally and then by writing. By this method, sum’s solution lasts longer in the brain.
One day I visited Rekha’s home. She was preparing for tenth examination those days. She was in the kitchen with her mother. Her mother was cooking. Rekha was sitting on a cot and solving sums. I was amazed seeing her speed. She was writing a sum and within no time solving it. That is why she got good results in all examinations and competed so many competitions. Being a girl, she has visited England and doing job in Infosys. Sunil wrote a book of eight hundred pages while preparing for the UPSC Examination. See the dedication towards study. Once I visited his hostel when he was doing his graduation. I was very pleased to see his preparation. He had prepared notes going through so many books of the topic. He had written fifty questions' answers of each subject. Now he had no need to go through different books. He had memorized all answers. The result was that as expected. He got first class first in the Hindi Honours exam. Latter he competed UPSC Exams. He got allied services. He is at present on a higher post of CAG.---------------CONTD.
Rekha was reading in class five. Her mother used to take her with her when she went to the market. Little Rekha calculated the prices of purchased materials in seconds. The shopkeepers were astonished seeing the calculation correct up to two decimals. Seeing her activities, I recalled my own childhood. In my childhood, father took me with him at Madhubani and all other places, he went. I also calculated the prices. Sometimes I became irritated when he started my praise. When I was reading in Kaluahi high school, so many students of surrounding villages read there. Majority of them was from Dhanga East & West, Karmauli, Bhalni, Dihtole, Kaluahi, Maltole, Majrahi, Bharatpatti, Malmal, Mureth etc. In all most all functions, I went to Dhanga, the native place of my father, with him. It was very pleasant. Now, after my admission at Kaluahi, every student knew me. I felt a little ashamed while attending any feast. And later I ignored going there on such occasions.
Mental exercise helps too much to memorize anything and enhances one’s mental power. Calculation of price was unknowingly a big mental exercise. My advice to the students is, to solve sums, first mentally and then by writing. By this method, sum’s solution lasts longer in the brain.
One day I visited Rekha’s home. She was preparing for tenth examination those days. She was in the kitchen with her mother. Her mother was cooking. Rekha was sitting on a cot and solving sums. I was amazed seeing her speed. She was writing a sum and within no time solving it. That is why she got good results in all examinations and competed so many competitions. Being a girl, she has visited England and doing job in Infosys. Sunil wrote a book of eight hundred pages while preparing for the UPSC Examination. See the dedication towards study. Once I visited his hostel when he was doing his graduation. I was very pleased to see his preparation. He had prepared notes going through so many books of the topic. He had written fifty questions' answers of each subject. Now he had no need to go through different books. He had memorized all answers. The result was that as expected. He got first class first in the Hindi Honours exam. Latter he competed UPSC Exams. He got allied services. He is at present on a higher post of CAG.---------------CONTD.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Lord Buddha has said, “Dukkham, dukkham, dukkham”. The worldly materials are full of sorrows. We cannot extract oil from sand because there is no oil in the sand. The thing, which has no existence, cannot be found. If anyone searches happiness in physical substances, it is quite foolishness. Now one question arises, “who is the happiest person in the world?” Is the king happiest? Is American president happiest? Is Indian prime minister happiest? Is the richest person happiest? No, none of them is.
Happiness is the internal thing. It has no connection with external materials. The person, who is contented with the material that God has given, is the happiest. ‘Godhan gajdhan baajidhan, aur ratandhan khaan; jab aabay santosh dhan, sab dhan dhoori samaan’. There was a king. He was always anxious about his realm. He heard the name of a famous sage. Someone told that his anxieties would be removed if he wore the sage’s clothes. The armed forces were sent to search the sage and bring his dress. After too much searching, the sage was found. However, searching effort went in vain. The sage was completely naked. He had no clothes at all.
Happiness is the internal thing. It has no connection with external materials. The person, who is contented with the material that God has given, is the happiest. ‘Godhan gajdhan baajidhan, aur ratandhan khaan; jab aabay santosh dhan, sab dhan dhoori samaan’. There was a king. He was always anxious about his realm. He heard the name of a famous sage. Someone told that his anxieties would be removed if he wore the sage’s clothes. The armed forces were sent to search the sage and bring his dress. After too much searching, the sage was found. However, searching effort went in vain. The sage was completely naked. He had no clothes at all.
Today is a day of happiness that three abducted persons Abhay yadav, Rupesh kumar sinha and Ehsan ahmad have been released by abductors. One week ago in an encounter, seven police personnel were killed, many injured and four kidnapped. Out of four kidnapped persons one Mr. Tete was killed five days ago. Three were freed today. During these seven days the whole state was tentionised. Almost all people were begging grace for the safe rescue of the four kidnapped. But unfortunate Tete was killed. Abductors did not show mercy on the poor orphaned tribal children and on the poor widow. Now the scene is dropped with the safe release of these three.
Now, one question before us is what the solution of this vital problem is. All matured persons of the society have to think over this problem without cast, creed and politics and without any prior inclination or antagonism. Who are these fellows? What are their demands? They are none but our brothers who have adopted the path of weapons to get their problems solved or to take revenge from anybody. We see, things not happening according to our wills, in our day to day life. What do we do? We take the help of court or police. It is time taking and expensive. But everyone has not patience to wait for justice from court or police. He at once reacts.
He never thinks that he may be wrong. What an anarchism will arise when everyone thinks that he is alone right. In democracy one should listen to others more, than to speak himself. Even in worst situation, one should not lose patience. There is none else than self. Due to ignorance I think mine or others. But in reality all are one and the only one Almighty exists in all. When I am in every one and all are in me, then where is the question of fighting. No one can fight with himself. The parts of the body never fight. Similarly all persons are the parts of the society (body). All should live together like brothers or members of the family or parts of the same body. All problems will be surely solved when we sit together and think over it. -----------------------Ohm Namo Bhagvate Shree Ramanay.
Now, one question before us is what the solution of this vital problem is. All matured persons of the society have to think over this problem without cast, creed and politics and without any prior inclination or antagonism. Who are these fellows? What are their demands? They are none but our brothers who have adopted the path of weapons to get their problems solved or to take revenge from anybody. We see, things not happening according to our wills, in our day to day life. What do we do? We take the help of court or police. It is time taking and expensive. But everyone has not patience to wait for justice from court or police. He at once reacts.
He never thinks that he may be wrong. What an anarchism will arise when everyone thinks that he is alone right. In democracy one should listen to others more, than to speak himself. Even in worst situation, one should not lose patience. There is none else than self. Due to ignorance I think mine or others. But in reality all are one and the only one Almighty exists in all. When I am in every one and all are in me, then where is the question of fighting. No one can fight with himself. The parts of the body never fight. Similarly all persons are the parts of the society (body). All should live together like brothers or members of the family or parts of the same body. All problems will be surely solved when we sit together and think over it. -----------------------Ohm Namo Bhagvate Shree Ramanay.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Greed is sure to lead us to ruin. There is a monkey. It wanders in the village. It looks a metallic jar in a courtyard. In the bottom of the jar, there is beaten rice. The monkey puts its right hand in the jar. It Takes beaten rice in the fist. The mouth of the jar is narrow. The open (empty) hand can enter and come out of the jar, but the fist cannot. Now the question is how the monkey’s hand will come out. The answer is quite clear but the monkey will not do it. Similar is the case with man also. We all are like monkeys. We have caught hold the illusion but say that it has entrapped us. What a fallacy!
There was an old lion. It was too weak for hunting. It took a golden ornament and sat in a marshy land. It told all passersby to take the ornament. It was taking oaths not to harm and was giving faith showing its toothless mouth and nail less foot. No one believed and passed quickly. One poor greedy Brahman passed through the way. The lion repeated the same version to give him faith. The greed captured the Brahman. He thought, “What is the fault to test the words of the lion? Shastras say to believe all. There is no place of doubt. The only Brahma is everywhere and in all creatures in the world.” He started to go towards the lion. His feet went deep into the mud. The lion started coming towards him saying, “Oh, very sad! You have been trapped in the mud. I am coming to pull you out.” It came to him and killed him. This is the very climax of the greed. "Lovah paapasya karnam. Makkhi baithee doodh par, pankh gayo laptay; haath male aur sir dhune, laalach buri balay."
There was an old lion. It was too weak for hunting. It took a golden ornament and sat in a marshy land. It told all passersby to take the ornament. It was taking oaths not to harm and was giving faith showing its toothless mouth and nail less foot. No one believed and passed quickly. One poor greedy Brahman passed through the way. The lion repeated the same version to give him faith. The greed captured the Brahman. He thought, “What is the fault to test the words of the lion? Shastras say to believe all. There is no place of doubt. The only Brahma is everywhere and in all creatures in the world.” He started to go towards the lion. His feet went deep into the mud. The lion started coming towards him saying, “Oh, very sad! You have been trapped in the mud. I am coming to pull you out.” It came to him and killed him. This is the very climax of the greed. "Lovah paapasya karnam. Makkhi baithee doodh par, pankh gayo laptay; haath male aur sir dhune, laalach buri balay."
Thursday, September 16, 2010

In Railway school at Dhanbad, Mithu passed class three and got first position. Before him, a girl named Damyanti was getting first position. The whole day she was weeping and cursing him because she got second position. He took admission in class four in the same school. In the month of March in 1963, his thread ceremony (Upnayan Sanskar- Yagyonpaveet Sanskar) with Ugree and Mahe, was decided to be performed. Therefore, he came to karmauli bag and baggages. Loss due to change of school in the middle of the session, was of little importance. There was not so much value of his education. Moreover, elders were themselves not so qualified to give importance to the education of Mithu. No one can take the place of the father and mother. Only they, can sacrifice anything for their children without selfishness. All other’s activities are for show. Others can help with their surplus to some extent. Nevertheless, parents can sacrifice their whole. No other can sacrifice to such an extent. Truly speaking, he was not better than an orphan. his mother died when he was four year old. Father was a simple farmer. The economic condition was very poor. Although, two eldest brothers were earning, there was not proper management. Father was a good farmer but the yield was low. The clever persons used to purchase rice and other necessary corns in the month of Agrahan (November-December) for the whole year. This is harvesting month when corns become cheaper. Nevertheless, in Mithu's family the process was not so. The corns produced in his own fields lasted hardly six months. His family was very dependent on the village market (Tuesday and Saturday) for the next six months. When earning two elders came, the family felt like function for a few days. When they went, they were again bound to lead life on bread and salt. Marua (a corn like mustard seed) was the main crops. The marua bread with salt was the main food. Rice was seldom cooked. It was cooked on festivals. Now a days, he does not take rice for health problem. What a peculiar man’s life is! When you are in need, you have no means. Perversely, when you have means, you have no need.
After the thread ceremony, he took admission in Kapariya Middle School in the month of April 1963. Life is but a chance. He did not take admission in Karmauli Middle school, which was in his own village. A student of class four cannot decide. Perhaps it was Almighty’s will. His attraction was to go in a new atmosphere. Moreover, the school was very famous. Intelligent students of so many nearby villages came to the school due to its fame. his two neighbors Amee and Chan, three and four classes ahead to him respectively, were also reading in the same school. Baidyanath Ray, Chandramohan, Tilak Thakur, Sitaram Yadav, Dhorhai Yadav and Soman Pandit were his class fellows. The books, which he brought from Dhanbad, were not taught here. The syllabus was quite different. He studied the whole year without books. He used to prepare lessons taking books from his friends or going himself to them. During holidays taking books from his friends, he solved problems day and night. When his friends played or slept, he studied. He was always anxious, for not having books. This caused his advanced studies. Now the situation became such that he got the knowledge of whole syllabus in advance. Friends asked questions and he started to teach them. Thus, by teaching others, he memorized the whole books. He was bound to do so, but this type of study helps too much and the success is sure. There were so many brilliant students of nearby villages, but he got the first position. This is the best example of the God grace, how the adverse situation becomes boon by His will. Had he got all books, he might not have topped.
The headmaster’s name was Shree Yamuna Prasad Singh. Other teachers were Sri Ghooran Jha, Sri Ramswartha Singh, Sri Bhagloo Singh and Maulabi Saheb. All of them were well qualified. Yamuna Sir had started a new high school in the same campus. So many learned teachers had joined in the high school. All those teachers taught in the middle school also. Some of them were Rajkarna babu, Abhimanue babu, Rajendra pd yadav babu, sri Pratap Narayan Jha, Sanskrit Panditjee from Pirsoliya etc. Rajkarna Babu taught English and Sanskrit. He was very tough teacher. He was beating black and blue, even on smaller mistakes. Sanskrit teacher of Pirsoliya loved him too much. During teaching period, he used to ask him in every sentence whether he understood the subject or not. Sometimes, he was too much irritated internally, but never expressed the feeling due to his affection. He always gave him hundred percent marks with the entreaty that he deserved it. Abhimanue babu was very good teacher of science subjects. He was topper of P.G. of his subject. He never beat the students. Rajedra babu was a prominent Mathematics teacher. He was such a good teacher that he was always ready to solve student's mathematics problems. During morning school in summer time, Mithu with Chan and Amee used to go to school in the evening, taking breads and pickle for dinner. He read in the evening from Rajendra Babu, slept at night on the benches and attending morning classes came home at twelve noon. The guidance of Rajendra Babu and his hard labor helped him too much. His mathematics became strong which helped him latter. -----------contd. Ohm Namo Bhagvate Shree Ramanay.
After the thread ceremony, he took admission in Kapariya Middle School in the month of April 1963. Life is but a chance. He did not take admission in Karmauli Middle school, which was in his own village. A student of class four cannot decide. Perhaps it was Almighty’s will. His attraction was to go in a new atmosphere. Moreover, the school was very famous. Intelligent students of so many nearby villages came to the school due to its fame. his two neighbors Amee and Chan, three and four classes ahead to him respectively, were also reading in the same school. Baidyanath Ray, Chandramohan, Tilak Thakur, Sitaram Yadav, Dhorhai Yadav and Soman Pandit were his class fellows. The books, which he brought from Dhanbad, were not taught here. The syllabus was quite different. He studied the whole year without books. He used to prepare lessons taking books from his friends or going himself to them. During holidays taking books from his friends, he solved problems day and night. When his friends played or slept, he studied. He was always anxious, for not having books. This caused his advanced studies. Now the situation became such that he got the knowledge of whole syllabus in advance. Friends asked questions and he started to teach them. Thus, by teaching others, he memorized the whole books. He was bound to do so, but this type of study helps too much and the success is sure. There were so many brilliant students of nearby villages, but he got the first position. This is the best example of the God grace, how the adverse situation becomes boon by His will. Had he got all books, he might not have topped.
The headmaster’s name was Shree Yamuna Prasad Singh. Other teachers were Sri Ghooran Jha, Sri Ramswartha Singh, Sri Bhagloo Singh and Maulabi Saheb. All of them were well qualified. Yamuna Sir had started a new high school in the same campus. So many learned teachers had joined in the high school. All those teachers taught in the middle school also. Some of them were Rajkarna babu, Abhimanue babu, Rajendra pd yadav babu, sri Pratap Narayan Jha, Sanskrit Panditjee from Pirsoliya etc. Rajkarna Babu taught English and Sanskrit. He was very tough teacher. He was beating black and blue, even on smaller mistakes. Sanskrit teacher of Pirsoliya loved him too much. During teaching period, he used to ask him in every sentence whether he understood the subject or not. Sometimes, he was too much irritated internally, but never expressed the feeling due to his affection. He always gave him hundred percent marks with the entreaty that he deserved it. Abhimanue babu was very good teacher of science subjects. He was topper of P.G. of his subject. He never beat the students. Rajedra babu was a prominent Mathematics teacher. He was such a good teacher that he was always ready to solve student's mathematics problems. During morning school in summer time, Mithu with Chan and Amee used to go to school in the evening, taking breads and pickle for dinner. He read in the evening from Rajendra Babu, slept at night on the benches and attending morning classes came home at twelve noon. The guidance of Rajendra Babu and his hard labor helped him too much. His mathematics became strong which helped him latter. -----------contd. Ohm Namo Bhagvate Shree Ramanay.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
‘Brahma satyam jaganmithya.’ Put water in the dish and keep it in the open sky. What do you see? The whole sky comes in the dish. You see the sun, the moon and the stars in the dish. Is it true? No, it is not true; it is false. In the night, you sleep. You go in dreams. Now you are in another world. You talk, eat, drink, and move like awakened state. Is it true? No, it is also not true. In deep sleep, the world is vanished. Similarly, in trance, the world vanishes. In the darkness, you see a rope and think it to be a snake. Nevertheless, the only thing, which always exists and never vanishes, is ‘I’.
We say about the dream false and the world true. Is that so? If both vanish, then how one can be false and another true. The only difference is duration. The dream is shorter compared to awakened state. Hence, when we awake, we think the dream false. When we will think about the awakened state world from the dream world, it will seem false. That is why, in deep sleep and in trance, both the world vanish.
‘ Man eb manushyanan karanan bandh mokshayoh.’ The world is nothing but the assumption of the mind. The mind is itself collection of thoughts. When it rests in its home (Heart), all thoughts vanish. In deep sleep and in trance the mind is in its home. At those times the only thing remains is pleasure. There is only bliss.
The mind is itself ‘I’. When it is in its home (heart), it is pure I (The Soul). When it is outside it is false I (mind). This is the only source to get liberation or to feel bondage. The mind is like the stick, which burns the body (thoughts). When the body is burnt, the stick is also put on the same funeral pile.
What happened in the past was good, what is being at present, is good and what will be in the future, will be good. Only I (Soul, Brahma) shines everywhere irrespective of time and space. There is nothing else. I am the whole world and the whole world is in me. Thus, the whole world with the Brahma is true and without Him is false. Only Gyani knows the truth. We should do our duty without thinking ourselves doer. Samjho jag ko na nira sapna, path aap prasasta karo apna. – Ohm Namo Bhagvate Shree Ramanay.
We say about the dream false and the world true. Is that so? If both vanish, then how one can be false and another true. The only difference is duration. The dream is shorter compared to awakened state. Hence, when we awake, we think the dream false. When we will think about the awakened state world from the dream world, it will seem false. That is why, in deep sleep and in trance, both the world vanish.
‘ Man eb manushyanan karanan bandh mokshayoh.’ The world is nothing but the assumption of the mind. The mind is itself collection of thoughts. When it rests in its home (Heart), all thoughts vanish. In deep sleep and in trance the mind is in its home. At those times the only thing remains is pleasure. There is only bliss.
The mind is itself ‘I’. When it is in its home (heart), it is pure I (The Soul). When it is outside it is false I (mind). This is the only source to get liberation or to feel bondage. The mind is like the stick, which burns the body (thoughts). When the body is burnt, the stick is also put on the same funeral pile.
What happened in the past was good, what is being at present, is good and what will be in the future, will be good. Only I (Soul, Brahma) shines everywhere irrespective of time and space. There is nothing else. I am the whole world and the whole world is in me. Thus, the whole world with the Brahma is true and without Him is false. Only Gyani knows the truth. We should do our duty without thinking ourselves doer. Samjho jag ko na nira sapna, path aap prasasta karo apna. – Ohm Namo Bhagvate Shree Ramanay.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Human brain has unlimited power. One can get everything what he wants. We see man doing so many miracles in our day-to-day life, which seem impossible. In circus, we see artists doing audacious jobs. We come to know about a person who can recite the whole Gita without the help of the book. I have seen Naiyayikjee (Pt. Tofalal) and Pt. Tarakant jha praying the whole Durga- Saptasati before Man Durga without the help of the book. Even to-day there are so many persons who can recite the whole book. It has become due to regular practice. By strong will, courage and hard labor one can do impossible acts. When we do a job with full heart and labor, we enjoy it. The job is performed easily and seems amusement.
The ancient society was based on specialization. In Hinduism, we believe in rebirth. After the death, the soul becomes free and chooses the family according to its will. In previous life, so many wills remain unfulfilled. When the soul gets freedom to choose the womb according to its choice, it chooses the place where such wills can easily be fulfilled. This theory also supports specialization. Suppose you are alone in a crowd. You have to make a friend. To whom will you choose? Obviously, the person whose behavior matches with me. Thus, the very baby has the seed of the occupation of the family. Abhimanue knew the tricks of breaking chakrabueh in the very womb. Krishna, Ram, Maharshi Ramana, Ramkrishna Paramhans, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu etc. were born having previous birth virtues. The genius in any field is the output of the training started in the very childhood. Sankaracharge, Vivekanand, Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore, Tendulkar, Don Bradman, Vishwanathan Anand, Pele, William sisters, Einstein, C.B. Raman, Newton etc. have not become in a day. Potter’s son is expert in pottery, goldsmith’s in ornament making, cobbler’s in shoe making, barber’s hair cutting, tailor’s tailoring, fisherman’s fishing, Brahman’s education (studying and teaching) and spiritualism, Rajput’s bravery, businessmen’s trading etc. Persons of one field may do the job of another field, but cannot be expert and genius. Brahmin’s son cannot be expert in shoe making and cobbler’s son cannot be topper of pottery.
Our shastras have always said about prarabdha. We should expertise ourselves in the profession, which has been allotted to us. Change of occupation seldom produces genius. There may be exception but rare.
Now a day we see people cursing their situations. We always praise other’s occupations and circumstances and weep on ours. If I fail, I blame my conditions. Shastras say to make one’s situation ideal rather cursing it. The Almighty has put me in the best place. Alternatively, one should think that he has himself willfully chosen the situation. The success is in your feet. The only necessity is to leave laziness and do your allotted jobs full heatedly. When I proceed one step, Almighty brings the destination two steps nearer. God helps those who help themselves. His grace is always with us. -----------------------------OHM NAMO BHAGVATE SHREE RAMANAY.
The ancient society was based on specialization. In Hinduism, we believe in rebirth. After the death, the soul becomes free and chooses the family according to its will. In previous life, so many wills remain unfulfilled. When the soul gets freedom to choose the womb according to its choice, it chooses the place where such wills can easily be fulfilled. This theory also supports specialization. Suppose you are alone in a crowd. You have to make a friend. To whom will you choose? Obviously, the person whose behavior matches with me. Thus, the very baby has the seed of the occupation of the family. Abhimanue knew the tricks of breaking chakrabueh in the very womb. Krishna, Ram, Maharshi Ramana, Ramkrishna Paramhans, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu etc. were born having previous birth virtues. The genius in any field is the output of the training started in the very childhood. Sankaracharge, Vivekanand, Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore, Tendulkar, Don Bradman, Vishwanathan Anand, Pele, William sisters, Einstein, C.B. Raman, Newton etc. have not become in a day. Potter’s son is expert in pottery, goldsmith’s in ornament making, cobbler’s in shoe making, barber’s hair cutting, tailor’s tailoring, fisherman’s fishing, Brahman’s education (studying and teaching) and spiritualism, Rajput’s bravery, businessmen’s trading etc. Persons of one field may do the job of another field, but cannot be expert and genius. Brahmin’s son cannot be expert in shoe making and cobbler’s son cannot be topper of pottery.
Our shastras have always said about prarabdha. We should expertise ourselves in the profession, which has been allotted to us. Change of occupation seldom produces genius. There may be exception but rare.
Now a day we see people cursing their situations. We always praise other’s occupations and circumstances and weep on ours. If I fail, I blame my conditions. Shastras say to make one’s situation ideal rather cursing it. The Almighty has put me in the best place. Alternatively, one should think that he has himself willfully chosen the situation. The success is in your feet. The only necessity is to leave laziness and do your allotted jobs full heatedly. When I proceed one step, Almighty brings the destination two steps nearer. God helps those who help themselves. His grace is always with us. -----------------------------OHM NAMO BHAGVATE SHREE RAMANAY.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Today is Krishnashtami. It is most pious day. It is the birthday of Lord Krishna. He is the perfect personality. He is all rounder. He is the climax of all fields. The Almighty manifested Himself as Krishna. His representatives have come so many times to the earth having perfection in one or two fields. Ram came to establish social dignity. He showed the ideal love among brothers. The kingship was like football among the brothers. For this very crown, kings of later days killed their so many brothers and even put their fathers in prison. Ram showed to love and obey stepmother more than one’s own mother. He showed the idealism of sacrifice by leaving king’s most beloved queen for ordinary public remarks. Buddha established non-violence. Harishchandra truth, Vaman to kill ego of charity of king Bali and Parasuram came adopting angriness. When kshatriya kings started doing injustice, he killed all kshatriyas of the world seventeen times.
From the very beginning (at the time of taking birth), Krishna chose the toughest situation, the womb of a woman prisoner whose husband was also in the prison. A very cruel and fearful enemy was ready with a sword in the hand to kill, as soon as the new baby comes out of the womb. The cruel enemy had already killed his six elder newborn babies and one became miscarriage. Therefore, repetition of the same event was dead sure. The time was mid night of Bhadrapad Krishnapaksha Ashtami, which is famous for its darkness. Ashtami might have been chosen for his being the eighth son or for other reasons; otherwise, it should have been Amavashya. Moreover, it was raining cats and dogs. The baby was to be carried to Gokul from Mathura prison. In between, the river Yamuna was over flooded with high current. That was the climax of the adverse situation. But all adverse situations became normal. Heavy iron gates of jail were automatically unlocked, soldiers slept, river Yamuna became calm and water was lowered and a new baby girl took birth in Baba Nand’s home at Gokul which was replaced by Krishna. Basudev brought the baby girl to Mathura prison. Everything became normal as usual and no one knew the event. In the morning, Kans came to know about Devaki’s delivery. Seeing the baby girl, he took her in his hand and threw her on a stone to kill her. But the baby girl slipped from his hand and fled in the sky speaking ‘ Your killer has taken birth’. His earlier prophets had taken births in better situations. The maximum the pain in the start, the better the result in future.
Miraculous works were begun to be performed in the very childhood. Pootna, Keshi, Kaliya Nag, Trinavart, Shakat- bhanjan, Vatsasur, Vakasur, Aghasur, Dhenukasur, Pralambasur, Arishtasur, Vyomasur, Kuvaliyapir, Chanur, Mushtik and Kans himself were killed in the very beginning. So many other miraculous works like Yamalarjun release from sin, lifting of Govardhan Mountain, bringing of Nand baba from Varunlok, bringing of Guru Sandipan’s son from Yamlok etc, were performed in the very childhood.
World’s best book Gita has come directly from Lord Krishna’s mouth. The book is the collection of preachings of the Lord to Arjun (His most favorite devotee). Gita is the summary of Vedas. All shastras have come from Vedas. Vedas have come from Brahma’s mouth. Brahma has taken birth from the navel of the Lord (Vishnu-Krishna). Therefore, there have been many deviations between shastras and Lord. But Gita has come out from the very mouth of Lord. Karmayog and Sankhyayog are same. When we do not worry about the result of any work, only do our duty is Karmayog. When we do not think ourselves doer of any work, it is Sankhyayog. ‘Gita sugita kartavya,kimanyaih shastra vistaraih; yaa swayan padmanavasya, mukh padma dwinihsrita.’
‘Ohm Krishnay Vashudevay Haraye Parmatmane, Pranat klesh nashay Govinday namo namah’. --------Ohm Ramanarpanmastu.
From the very beginning (at the time of taking birth), Krishna chose the toughest situation, the womb of a woman prisoner whose husband was also in the prison. A very cruel and fearful enemy was ready with a sword in the hand to kill, as soon as the new baby comes out of the womb. The cruel enemy had already killed his six elder newborn babies and one became miscarriage. Therefore, repetition of the same event was dead sure. The time was mid night of Bhadrapad Krishnapaksha Ashtami, which is famous for its darkness. Ashtami might have been chosen for his being the eighth son or for other reasons; otherwise, it should have been Amavashya. Moreover, it was raining cats and dogs. The baby was to be carried to Gokul from Mathura prison. In between, the river Yamuna was over flooded with high current. That was the climax of the adverse situation. But all adverse situations became normal. Heavy iron gates of jail were automatically unlocked, soldiers slept, river Yamuna became calm and water was lowered and a new baby girl took birth in Baba Nand’s home at Gokul which was replaced by Krishna. Basudev brought the baby girl to Mathura prison. Everything became normal as usual and no one knew the event. In the morning, Kans came to know about Devaki’s delivery. Seeing the baby girl, he took her in his hand and threw her on a stone to kill her. But the baby girl slipped from his hand and fled in the sky speaking ‘ Your killer has taken birth’. His earlier prophets had taken births in better situations. The maximum the pain in the start, the better the result in future.
Miraculous works were begun to be performed in the very childhood. Pootna, Keshi, Kaliya Nag, Trinavart, Shakat- bhanjan, Vatsasur, Vakasur, Aghasur, Dhenukasur, Pralambasur, Arishtasur, Vyomasur, Kuvaliyapir, Chanur, Mushtik and Kans himself were killed in the very beginning. So many other miraculous works like Yamalarjun release from sin, lifting of Govardhan Mountain, bringing of Nand baba from Varunlok, bringing of Guru Sandipan’s son from Yamlok etc, were performed in the very childhood.
World’s best book Gita has come directly from Lord Krishna’s mouth. The book is the collection of preachings of the Lord to Arjun (His most favorite devotee). Gita is the summary of Vedas. All shastras have come from Vedas. Vedas have come from Brahma’s mouth. Brahma has taken birth from the navel of the Lord (Vishnu-Krishna). Therefore, there have been many deviations between shastras and Lord. But Gita has come out from the very mouth of Lord. Karmayog and Sankhyayog are same. When we do not worry about the result of any work, only do our duty is Karmayog. When we do not think ourselves doer of any work, it is Sankhyayog. ‘Gita sugita kartavya,kimanyaih shastra vistaraih; yaa swayan padmanavasya, mukh padma dwinihsrita.’
‘Ohm Krishnay Vashudevay Haraye Parmatmane, Pranat klesh nashay Govinday namo namah’. --------Ohm Ramanarpanmastu.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Kameshwar’s eldest son is TNJ. He was very intelligent in his primary stage. Having fair complexion his physical appearance was very attractive. The only minus point was his short height. He is perhaps 5’ 4” tall. He is a good orator. He can speak for several days uninterrupted. He knows all shastras. He is jack-of-all-trades but master of none. He has little school knowledge. He never visited any modern school. However, he has gained some knowledge of Sanskrit in traditional school of old time, Brahmacharyashram.
Mithila is famous for Sanskrit education. Janak, Gautam, Yagyawalkya, Maitrey, Kanad, Mandan Mishra where Shankaracharya was defeated, Sir Ganganath Jha, Amarnath jha, Vidya Vachaspati Madhushudan Mishra, Umesh Mishra, Jay Madhav Thakur, Munishwarjha, Jaymant Mishra, Sadanand Jha and so many uncounted scholars have taken birth here who are the pride of our country. There is a Sanskrit vidyalaya at Karmauli. This vidyalaya is about 100 year old. Previously it was called Vidyapati Brahmacharyashram Sanskrit Vidyalaya. Now it is called Sanskrit Uchcha Vidyalaya. When it was Brahmacharyashram, all Sanskrit subjects (Veda,Vyakaran-grammar,Jyotish, Sahitya etc) were taught here. Teachers were great scholars. I have seen Gurujee-Pt. Jaymadhav Thakur, Vidya Kaka-Pt. Vidyanand Jha, Jyotshijee-Pt Raghavendra Jha, Vaidikjee-Pt. Harishchandra Mishra teaching students there. They all were well versed in their subjects. The Acharya level (M.A.) teaching was given in the vidyalaya. Great scholars were created there. When it was converted to Sanskrit Uchcha Vidyalaya, teaching of so many modern subjects was started. What was the necessity to start the teachings of physics, chemistry, mathematics, English, history etc. in Sanskrit school, is beyond my understanding. There are so many established modern high schools for the better education of these subjects. Perhaps there was long-term politics to destroy the Sanskrit education. Moreover, it became so and anty sanskrit persons became successful in their mission. Now there is no student and no teacher there. Due to government policies, the 100-year-old vidyalaya could not get recognition, while the new born vidyalayas managed to get it. Ignorance, simplicity and laziness of teachers also caused the event.
Guruji was teaching Sahitya and Vyakaran, but he had the knowledge of all subjects. All Sanskrit scholars of the area honored him too much. Most of them were his students, some were friends and a few were seniors. Pt. Vidyanand taught Sahitya and Vyakaran. Pt. Raghvenra taught Jyotish and Vaidik Harishchandra taught Vedas. All these teachers were Guruji’s students also. When Vedas were recited by brahmacharis, passersby stayed for a while to listen and enjoyed too much.
Brahmacharyashram was beside the main road. There was a playground beside it. A beautiful garden was before it. Flowers of different varieties were there. The vidyalaya was east facing. Walls were mud built and the roof was thatched. In the back, there were big trees of kaners (funnel shaped yellowish or white small flowers). In the north, there was a Karauna bush (fruits are smaller size like small berry; taste is sour and are used as sauce or pickle). In the front (eastern side), there was a 4’0” wide pathway in the middle of the garden. Bigger size Genda was main attraction. East to the garden there was a small lawn of size 40’*40’. There was beautiful green grass there. In the evening people used to sit in the lawn. Sometimes Guruji also sat with some disciples there. Generally, Guruji sat in the vidyalaya on a cot and people sat around him. In the eastern side of the lawn, there was 8’ pathway north to south. It started from the main road and ended to the primary school, which was latter converted to middle school. East to the pathway there was a garden of bigger flowers’ trees. Kaner, Goldmohar, Ashok, Kadamb etc were the main attraction. It was under primary school. Naiyayakji (Pt. Tofalal) was the headmaster. Jyotshiji (Pt. Bhagirath) was assistant teacher. There was a teacher of Babupali. A teacher Tatma Master was very tough and well known in the area for beating students. Nevertheless, the teaching was very good. The headmaster Naiyayakji was very coward. He became nervous whenever deputy inspector of schools visited the school. Jyotshiji was a balanced person and was managing things. At the age of five, when I was a student of class one in the school, the deputy inspector was the biggest officer for us. It was because we were afraid of the teachers and they were afraid of the deputy inspector. I was always thinking to be a deputy inspector to take revenge from the teachers.
TNJ was a student of Brahmacharyashram. Brahmacharis begged in the villages. Collected grains and other materials were their meal. They brought wood from the forest and brought water from pond to cook and to drink. They slept on the ground. Their duty was to serve guruji. When guruji was pleased, he taught one lesson. They got the lesson by heart. Then next lesson was taught. Again, it was repeatedly recited to get by heart. The lessons were recited loudly in groups. So this was stable lifelong. TNJ, Nathuni and so many others have all those shlokas in their memory even today, although they are in eighties. Karmachariji (Shrikrishna thakur) took the brahmacharis to nearby villages in-group to rich persons. They gave grains, woods, bamboos and grass for thatching the roof. TNJ was most intelligent brahmachari. His brain was very sharp. Contrarily Nathuni was very dull. Bramacharis visited yagyas. Scholars took their interviews. TNJ was always selected to participate. TNJ’s cousin KNJ was in railways at Ashansole. Once he fled with his cousin to Ashansole. He worked for some days with A.H.Wheeler & Co. Latter started job in railways. He became a good driver. He was the driver of Howrah- Delhi Rajdhani express also. He retired in 1995. Since then he lives at Karmauli.
At Karmauli he has no work at all. His younger HNJ retired in 1996 one year later after TNJ. However, he is a good farmer and is always busy in farming. TNJ goes Durga Mandir in the morning and evening regularly. In the evening pandits (Sanskrit scholars) gather at durga mandir. They recite Sanskrit shlokas about two hours. Among them Pt. Lakshaman, Pt. Raghav, Pt. Bhagirath, Pt. Harishchandra, Abhaykant, Tnj, Nathuni and so many others were regular. Last year resp. Abhaykant died. This is a great attraction and reputation of Karmauli. People of far off villages praise karmauli. Previously due to Guruji, the evening was famous. Scholars gathered around him and discussed different shastras. In the last of durga puja festival, after immersion of statues, we gather at durga mandir every year. We talk about Bhagvati and her grace and prayers are offered by scholars. Scholars preach and audiences are advantaged. This function is also praised in the area.-----------contd.
Mithila is famous for Sanskrit education. Janak, Gautam, Yagyawalkya, Maitrey, Kanad, Mandan Mishra where Shankaracharya was defeated, Sir Ganganath Jha, Amarnath jha, Vidya Vachaspati Madhushudan Mishra, Umesh Mishra, Jay Madhav Thakur, Munishwarjha, Jaymant Mishra, Sadanand Jha and so many uncounted scholars have taken birth here who are the pride of our country. There is a Sanskrit vidyalaya at Karmauli. This vidyalaya is about 100 year old. Previously it was called Vidyapati Brahmacharyashram Sanskrit Vidyalaya. Now it is called Sanskrit Uchcha Vidyalaya. When it was Brahmacharyashram, all Sanskrit subjects (Veda,Vyakaran-grammar,Jyotish, Sahitya etc) were taught here. Teachers were great scholars. I have seen Gurujee-Pt. Jaymadhav Thakur, Vidya Kaka-Pt. Vidyanand Jha, Jyotshijee-Pt Raghavendra Jha, Vaidikjee-Pt. Harishchandra Mishra teaching students there. They all were well versed in their subjects. The Acharya level (M.A.) teaching was given in the vidyalaya. Great scholars were created there. When it was converted to Sanskrit Uchcha Vidyalaya, teaching of so many modern subjects was started. What was the necessity to start the teachings of physics, chemistry, mathematics, English, history etc. in Sanskrit school, is beyond my understanding. There are so many established modern high schools for the better education of these subjects. Perhaps there was long-term politics to destroy the Sanskrit education. Moreover, it became so and anty sanskrit persons became successful in their mission. Now there is no student and no teacher there. Due to government policies, the 100-year-old vidyalaya could not get recognition, while the new born vidyalayas managed to get it. Ignorance, simplicity and laziness of teachers also caused the event.
Guruji was teaching Sahitya and Vyakaran, but he had the knowledge of all subjects. All Sanskrit scholars of the area honored him too much. Most of them were his students, some were friends and a few were seniors. Pt. Vidyanand taught Sahitya and Vyakaran. Pt. Raghvenra taught Jyotish and Vaidik Harishchandra taught Vedas. All these teachers were Guruji’s students also. When Vedas were recited by brahmacharis, passersby stayed for a while to listen and enjoyed too much.
Brahmacharyashram was beside the main road. There was a playground beside it. A beautiful garden was before it. Flowers of different varieties were there. The vidyalaya was east facing. Walls were mud built and the roof was thatched. In the back, there were big trees of kaners (funnel shaped yellowish or white small flowers). In the north, there was a Karauna bush (fruits are smaller size like small berry; taste is sour and are used as sauce or pickle). In the front (eastern side), there was a 4’0” wide pathway in the middle of the garden. Bigger size Genda was main attraction. East to the garden there was a small lawn of size 40’*40’. There was beautiful green grass there. In the evening people used to sit in the lawn. Sometimes Guruji also sat with some disciples there. Generally, Guruji sat in the vidyalaya on a cot and people sat around him. In the eastern side of the lawn, there was 8’ pathway north to south. It started from the main road and ended to the primary school, which was latter converted to middle school. East to the pathway there was a garden of bigger flowers’ trees. Kaner, Goldmohar, Ashok, Kadamb etc were the main attraction. It was under primary school. Naiyayakji (Pt. Tofalal) was the headmaster. Jyotshiji (Pt. Bhagirath) was assistant teacher. There was a teacher of Babupali. A teacher Tatma Master was very tough and well known in the area for beating students. Nevertheless, the teaching was very good. The headmaster Naiyayakji was very coward. He became nervous whenever deputy inspector of schools visited the school. Jyotshiji was a balanced person and was managing things. At the age of five, when I was a student of class one in the school, the deputy inspector was the biggest officer for us. It was because we were afraid of the teachers and they were afraid of the deputy inspector. I was always thinking to be a deputy inspector to take revenge from the teachers.
TNJ was a student of Brahmacharyashram. Brahmacharis begged in the villages. Collected grains and other materials were their meal. They brought wood from the forest and brought water from pond to cook and to drink. They slept on the ground. Their duty was to serve guruji. When guruji was pleased, he taught one lesson. They got the lesson by heart. Then next lesson was taught. Again, it was repeatedly recited to get by heart. The lessons were recited loudly in groups. So this was stable lifelong. TNJ, Nathuni and so many others have all those shlokas in their memory even today, although they are in eighties. Karmachariji (Shrikrishna thakur) took the brahmacharis to nearby villages in-group to rich persons. They gave grains, woods, bamboos and grass for thatching the roof. TNJ was most intelligent brahmachari. His brain was very sharp. Contrarily Nathuni was very dull. Bramacharis visited yagyas. Scholars took their interviews. TNJ was always selected to participate. TNJ’s cousin KNJ was in railways at Ashansole. Once he fled with his cousin to Ashansole. He worked for some days with A.H.Wheeler & Co. Latter started job in railways. He became a good driver. He was the driver of Howrah- Delhi Rajdhani express also. He retired in 1995. Since then he lives at Karmauli.
At Karmauli he has no work at all. His younger HNJ retired in 1996 one year later after TNJ. However, he is a good farmer and is always busy in farming. TNJ goes Durga Mandir in the morning and evening regularly. In the evening pandits (Sanskrit scholars) gather at durga mandir. They recite Sanskrit shlokas about two hours. Among them Pt. Lakshaman, Pt. Raghav, Pt. Bhagirath, Pt. Harishchandra, Abhaykant, Tnj, Nathuni and so many others were regular. Last year resp. Abhaykant died. This is a great attraction and reputation of Karmauli. People of far off villages praise karmauli. Previously due to Guruji, the evening was famous. Scholars gathered around him and discussed different shastras. In the last of durga puja festival, after immersion of statues, we gather at durga mandir every year. We talk about Bhagvati and her grace and prayers are offered by scholars. Scholars preach and audiences are advantaged. This function is also praised in the area.-----------contd.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Kameshwar was himself a very gentle person. You can say him Ajatshatru. The whole villagers were his friends. The neighbors were so rough and tough that his very survival was difficult but he was very obedient to the maternal uncles. Their orders were his duty. Although he was sharer of half property, he never thought so. Too much joint properties were sold by one of them and latter the thumb impression of Kameshwar was taken, but he never hesitated even once. He never claimed for his right rather only requested when ever required. When distribution of residential land was being done Kameshwar was given backside and they took the front side beside the road. What an unfair distribution! but Kameshwar accepted it gladly. When distribution of land of darbaja (out house) was being done they were not ready to give even a small piece. After arbitration, one piece was given and this very was also impossible without the help of the villagers. Even then Kameshwar never spoke anything and remained obedient. Thanks to the sacrifice and the tolerance. The Almighty knows each and every man. He gives the judgement according to the deeds. In heaven, the simple, straight and gentle are given higher chairs. Contrarily, the cunning, clever and wicked are kept outside the door and Yamdoots torture them badly. Kameshwar's neighbors are not in better position . Their children are not in good position. Kameshwar's children are gentle, popular and educationists. His children are also financially sound and meet their needs well. His grandsons and great grandsons also do better jobs. His one grandson is in United States. His one son is superintending engineer. The small plants (sarpat) beside the river never die. When flood comes and current increases, they bow down before it. The big trees due to ego stand straight keeping their heads upward. The flood current uproots and destroys them.---NAMO RAMANAY.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Sitaram lived at Dhanga. His father's name was Heebharan. He had three sons, Bule, Kameshwar and Tuna. Sitaram was married to Lakshmidutta’s daughter at Karmauli. Lakshmidutta had two sons and three daughters. His both sons died without son. Kameshwar started to help his nanaji at Karmauli. The eldest Bule and the youngest Tuna remained at Dhanga and Kameshwar became permanent resident of Karmauli. Kameshwar had five sons and one daughter. Serially they were Tejnarayan, Harinarayan, Ghurani, Ugresh, Kamal and Mahendra. The single daughter Ghurani died at the age of thirty in 1970. She had four children, two sons and two daughters. They are Babu saheb, Amar, Meena and Ameera. Babu Saheb is doing job at Patna. Amar is director of a coaching institute. Meena was married at Pali and her husband is doing job at Kolkata. Ameera was married at Balha and her husband is doing job somewhere. Ghurani was very gentle. She was exceptional. But God does not allow good persons to live in the world more. He calls such persons near him soon. Ghurani’s husband Chandrakant is also a gentle person. He is a spiritual man and worships daily. But his single negative action spoiled his all gentleness. After the death of Ghurani, he married at Balha. There may be so many excuses. However, there can’t be any answer regarding the age difference. What can be told about the Maithil Brahmins social rules that after the death of wife, male can marry with a maid. He is not allowed to marry with a widow or divorcee. Nevertheless, after the death of husband, female is not allowed to marry. She has to lead her life alone being the widow of her late husband. What a privilege to men! If women can lead her whole life being a widow, why not men as a widower? On the other hand, why not female can marry a bachelor like male, after the death of her husband. Chandrakant’s second wife is also a very pious woman. She is always busy in worshipping God. She is ill fated. That is why she was born in a poor family and her parents got married their beautiful young daughter to a widower of the age of her father. She has one son of her own. He is also doing job somewhere. She is very popular and always praises us. She behaves us like own sister. She never treated our sister’s children like stepmother, rather these kids are faulty. Their behaviour is perhaps not matured. However they love their step mother and step brother too much. The eldest son of my sister is Babu Saheb. His mother died when he was twelve year old. He was in class six or seven. I was in class eleven. He became an orphan. After the death of mother, when stepmother comes, father’s behavior also changes. Anyhow, he passed matriculation. He stopped his study and started to search a job. In the course of searching job, he visited so many places and met different types of persons. He became matured and got better knowledge of politics.So many clues of politics automatically came in him. He began visiting veteran politicians. This experiance helped him too much. Now the situation is that he has become master of politics. Though he is a simple clerk in state government, he keeps so many legislures in his pocket. Kaluahi block came in existace so earlier due to him. He has earned a good amount of money and purchased so many acres of land in the village. He has constructed a good house and a good darwaja (a sitting space where guests stay). Now he has become a famous person of the village and society. He has personal relation with so many IAS. One can get detailed knowledge about any IAS from him. His relatives also regards him too much. His eldest maternal uncle Tejnarayan is also matured and experianced. He has good tuning with him. He is occassionally busy in his proclamation. TNJ got his youngest daughter Babloo married at Maltole and the mediator was Babu Saheb. Nevertheless, the rest four maternal uncles have not so much attachment. That is why he and his family has close relation only with TNJ and has little relation with other fours. There was a bit relationship with the fourth kamaljee. Once his one son became seriously ill. He did not inform kamaljee who was living in the same city. Kamaljee came to know through another person. He at once went to IGIMS. After enquiring about the patient, he knew that he was dead. He sent his eldest son at Maltole to console. Nevertheless, Babu Saheb did not give value to this consolation. He only thought about Kamaljee’s presence and spoke about the matter to TNJ, which was latter communicated to Kamaljee through him. Once on the ‘Jagyonpavit’ ceremony of his stepbrother, Kamaljee and Tejnarayan visited Maltole.Babu Saheb did not give much importance to Kamaljee regarding offering dishes. Even then, Kamajee stayed there for more than eight hours. However, thanks to the greatness of Babu Saheb! He criticized negatively in Tejnarayan’s ears about Kamaljee. This was again communicated to him through TNJ. But over all I am proud of my this very nephew. He is self made and has established his family. He has struggled too much. he has earned name and fame in the society. He has got married his two sisters and two brothers. He is the back boon of his family. Even leading his life in wretched condition, he has given his family a pleasant life. May god bless him more success.
The 2nd son of Ghurani is Amar. He has become matured. He has also induced by the character of his elder. He has his own talent also. He is also progressing too much. He is also very brave to fight with odds. The daughters Meena and Ameera are better and they are obedient to their all maternal uncles. They know their brothers and maternal uncles well. The nature has given peculiar nature to each and every creature. When you get all comforts your progress is retarted. When you are struggling, you shine more like gold coming out of fire. The plant in the shade does not develop. Contrarily, the plant in the open field which faces the sun, the rains, the winds gets all round development. -----------contd.
The 2nd son of Ghurani is Amar. He has become matured. He has also induced by the character of his elder. He has his own talent also. He is also progressing too much. He is also very brave to fight with odds. The daughters Meena and Ameera are better and they are obedient to their all maternal uncles. They know their brothers and maternal uncles well. The nature has given peculiar nature to each and every creature. When you get all comforts your progress is retarted. When you are struggling, you shine more like gold coming out of fire. The plant in the shade does not develop. Contrarily, the plant in the open field which faces the sun, the rains, the winds gets all round development. -----------contd.
Monday, August 23, 2010
I am very thankful to professor Gyanchand that he obliged me by giving me a copy of his lifetime thoughts under different heads. He has sketched the actual picture of present day’s situation. It is the life history of a person struggling the whole life. Though he has faced so many Heavenly blows, he is shining more, like the gold after putting into the fire. In spite of so many unbearable socks, his steps never deviated from the path of truth. He has at last conquered those odds. He has unlimited specialties. One of them is his equal behavior with sons and daughters. Charity begins from home. Not only verbally but he has proved it practically. He always distributed his earnings equally among his four children, two sons and two daughters..
One of his articles is chamchas. In this article, he has cautioned the world from chamchas, kalchhuls and belchas. He has vividly sketched these white dressed criminals, through his practical knowledge and long experience. He has deeply studied those fellows. However, one thing I want to tell that chamcha and his lord are made for each other. One cannot survive without other. No other can be substitute of either of the two. So far, reality is concerned, chamchas are never the well-wishers and true advisers but they are dangerous enemies of their lords. Like clouds surrounding the sun, chamchas surround their lord and never allows truth to come near him. Due to these chamchas so many important personalities did not know the actual position and they failed in their mission. The whole world is ill affected by these chamchas. They pressurize and terrorize people to fulfill their wrong aim. They are the root cause of all evils in the society. Due to these fellows, fair election is impossible. Corruption in the society is mainly due to them. They utilize all unfair means. They can betray everyone and even their lords. They are most treacherous fellows. They are collection of all negatives. They are more furious than cobras. If you see these twos, first kill them and then cobras. Due to them honest officers cannot perform their duty honestly. Businesspersons, doctors, engineers, professors and the whole society cannot sleep well due to these elements.
There was a dutiful officer. A chamcha got sanctioned a project, to construct a community hall from his lord’s quota. Lords recommend certain schemes and allotment is given by the government. The work is performed departmentally but in between there is a chamcha who performs like agency. He is nowhere in the picture but is advantaged by contractor benefit. Moreover, he has no risk at all. What a pitiable condition of the officers is! When you have no risk, you are not bound to do the work according to the specification. You will like to earn more and more. The more you earn the less quality you maintain. But the chamcha was very matured. You can say him belcha. He was willing to grab the whole amount without doing the work. He chose the site in the riverbed, which could easily be washed in the flood, and a suitable reason might be manufactured. But the officer did not agree. The lower and higher authority bowed down before the belcha fearing from his lord. The officer was willing to change the site but the belcha was rigid on his proposed site. He was looking only his benefit. The vulture looks only the dead body from a far distance in the sky. Ultimately, the project was dropped in that village and it was transferred to another village. After sometime the officer and the lord were sitting together in a meeting. While both were discussing, the old matter came during their talk. The lord was very reasonable. He was totally unaware of the matter. When he knew the whole matter he appreciated the officer. The belcha had changed his lord. Now he was in another party with another lord.
One of his articles is chamchas. In this article, he has cautioned the world from chamchas, kalchhuls and belchas. He has vividly sketched these white dressed criminals, through his practical knowledge and long experience. He has deeply studied those fellows. However, one thing I want to tell that chamcha and his lord are made for each other. One cannot survive without other. No other can be substitute of either of the two. So far, reality is concerned, chamchas are never the well-wishers and true advisers but they are dangerous enemies of their lords. Like clouds surrounding the sun, chamchas surround their lord and never allows truth to come near him. Due to these chamchas so many important personalities did not know the actual position and they failed in their mission. The whole world is ill affected by these chamchas. They pressurize and terrorize people to fulfill their wrong aim. They are the root cause of all evils in the society. Due to these fellows, fair election is impossible. Corruption in the society is mainly due to them. They utilize all unfair means. They can betray everyone and even their lords. They are most treacherous fellows. They are collection of all negatives. They are more furious than cobras. If you see these twos, first kill them and then cobras. Due to them honest officers cannot perform their duty honestly. Businesspersons, doctors, engineers, professors and the whole society cannot sleep well due to these elements.
There was a dutiful officer. A chamcha got sanctioned a project, to construct a community hall from his lord’s quota. Lords recommend certain schemes and allotment is given by the government. The work is performed departmentally but in between there is a chamcha who performs like agency. He is nowhere in the picture but is advantaged by contractor benefit. Moreover, he has no risk at all. What a pitiable condition of the officers is! When you have no risk, you are not bound to do the work according to the specification. You will like to earn more and more. The more you earn the less quality you maintain. But the chamcha was very matured. You can say him belcha. He was willing to grab the whole amount without doing the work. He chose the site in the riverbed, which could easily be washed in the flood, and a suitable reason might be manufactured. But the officer did not agree. The lower and higher authority bowed down before the belcha fearing from his lord. The officer was willing to change the site but the belcha was rigid on his proposed site. He was looking only his benefit. The vulture looks only the dead body from a far distance in the sky. Ultimately, the project was dropped in that village and it was transferred to another village. After sometime the officer and the lord were sitting together in a meeting. While both were discussing, the old matter came during their talk. The lord was very reasonable. He was totally unaware of the matter. When he knew the whole matter he appreciated the officer. The belcha had changed his lord. Now he was in another party with another lord.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Moral Teachings
‘If wealth gone nothing gone, if health gone something gone but if character is gone everything is gone’. I can say it ill fate of the society that among the three words above mentioned, wealth is first, health is second and character is third (last) priority of the present day. In schools and colleges everything is taught except moral teachings. In all examinations (lower and higher), all types of questions are asked except questions related to moral values. For nothing gone matter (wealth), we can do everything. For something gone matter (health), some consciousness has developed and youths have started going zims, swimming pools and health clubs. Some consciousness towards diet has also come. But everything gone matter (character) is paid little attention. Due to moral character man is man, otherwise he is also an animal. There is nothing difference between a man and an animal except moral values.
I may be very intelligent & may compete so many competition and may be doctor, engineer and IAS/ IPS. I may be great scholar of so many shastras. But everything is a big zero if I don’t know moral values. What is moral value? It may vary from society to society. It may vary with religions. But there are some special things which all socities and religions have accepted. They are love to all creatures, stay on truth, due respect to all, honesty, dutiful and well behaved. Some values which are vriables should also be obeyed, i.e, food- habits, dress code, customs, marriages and other ceremonies.
The field in which we were the tutor of the world is paid little attention. In the first two fields we are far behind the developed countries. But in the third, we were ‘jagadguru’ and can again avail the same post. Today is 15th August 2010. Maharshi Arvind was born on the very day. He has pointed out towards the same views. Bapu always taught morality. He has said about his own children, ’Although my children did not become doctor, engineer or IAS/IPS, they have gained much better knowledge than those worldly knowledge, and that is morality’. -------------------contd.
I may be very intelligent & may compete so many competition and may be doctor, engineer and IAS/ IPS. I may be great scholar of so many shastras. But everything is a big zero if I don’t know moral values. What is moral value? It may vary from society to society. It may vary with religions. But there are some special things which all socities and religions have accepted. They are love to all creatures, stay on truth, due respect to all, honesty, dutiful and well behaved. Some values which are vriables should also be obeyed, i.e, food- habits, dress code, customs, marriages and other ceremonies.
The field in which we were the tutor of the world is paid little attention. In the first two fields we are far behind the developed countries. But in the third, we were ‘jagadguru’ and can again avail the same post. Today is 15th August 2010. Maharshi Arvind was born on the very day. He has pointed out towards the same views. Bapu always taught morality. He has said about his own children, ’Although my children did not become doctor, engineer or IAS/IPS, they have gained much better knowledge than those worldly knowledge, and that is morality’. -------------------contd.
Shantanu had one son Satyabrata(latter Bhishma) from Ganga, Chitrangad and Vichitravirya from Satyabati. Bhishma had taken oath that neither he would be king nor he would marry. Shantanu died when Chitrangad and Vichitravirya were teen ages. After Shantanu, Chitrangad was made king. But he was killed by the same name Yaksha (a specie of god). Though Vichitravirya was mere a child, Bhishma made him king and started to protect him and the kingdom. When Vichitravirya became youth, Bhishma brought Kashi Naresha's three daughters Amba, Ambika and Ambalika; winning from the shwayambar(where girls chose bridegrooms themselves but the bravest person used to lift them defeating all others). Amba prayed Bhishma to free her because she loved Shalwa Naresh and mentally she treated him as her husband. So she was freed. Ambika and Ambalika were married to Vichitravirya. Vichitravirya suffered from a serious disease and died soon. Bhishma started to rule and defend the kingdome without being king. There was a problem for the continuation of the dynasty. But in those days there was system of ‘niyog’(disabled persons’ wives could have children by other persons with due permission) which had social recognition. Ambika and Ambalika had one son each Dhritrastra and Pandu respectively by ‘niyog’ from Vyas (writer of Vedas, Mahabharat, Puranas and so many famous epics). Vidur was born from a maid servand by Vyas. He was a great scholar and knew all shastras. Dharmaraj had directly come in the form of Vidur. Dhritrashtra was elder but he was blind. Vidur was a maid servant’s son. So Pandu (the youngest) became the king of Hastinapur. He was suffering from the disease Joundice (Piliya disease in which the whole body becomes yellow). He had two wives named Kunti and Madri. He was unable to produce child. Kunti got three sons Yudhishthir, Bheem and Arjun under 'niyog' from Dharmaraj, Pavan(god of wind) and Indra (the king of gods) respectively. Madri had two sons Nakul and Shahdeo from Ashwinikumars. Sons of Pandu were called Pandav. Dritrashtra had hundred sons. They were called Kaurav. The eldest was Duryodhan and the second Dussasan. Among the hundred Kauravs, the eldest Duryodhan is the most ill known because he was collection of all evils. Dussasan is also famous because he had snatched Dropadi’s sari (crossed the limit of social discipline).
Duryodhan had not become so notorious in a day or two. His father was blind. We can take it symbolic. People who do not pay attention towards their children are blind, although they have physical eyes. Naturally the son will be Duryodhan whose father is Dhritrastra(blind). All most all fathers are Dhritrashtra. They cannot see (blind) and hear (deaf) anything against their sons. When Duryodhan becomes matured (well versed in ill doing, adult, master of all evils) and starts biting the society as well as his parents, they start pretending. They never accept their fault. If a child is paid due attention, ninety-nine percent chance is for his becoming better. Only one percent may have adverse result. It is better not to have parents than having deaf, dumb and blind. Deaf, dumb and blind are not related to physical condition.
These type of Duryodhans are like street dogs. Pets live in the premises and only bark. They do not harm passersby. They know their owner, owner's friends and relatives. Street dogs do not recognize gentle or wicked, relatives or others. Duryodhans only know their ego. They only recognize Sakunis, Karns, Dussasans who encourage their ego. Those all, who oppose and come in the way, are their enemies. They may be Vidur, Krishna, Bhishma, Yudhishthir and even Dhritrashtra himself, no matter. ----------contd.
Duryodhan had not become so notorious in a day or two. His father was blind. We can take it symbolic. People who do not pay attention towards their children are blind, although they have physical eyes. Naturally the son will be Duryodhan whose father is Dhritrastra(blind). All most all fathers are Dhritrashtra. They cannot see (blind) and hear (deaf) anything against their sons. When Duryodhan becomes matured (well versed in ill doing, adult, master of all evils) and starts biting the society as well as his parents, they start pretending. They never accept their fault. If a child is paid due attention, ninety-nine percent chance is for his becoming better. Only one percent may have adverse result. It is better not to have parents than having deaf, dumb and blind. Deaf, dumb and blind are not related to physical condition.
These type of Duryodhans are like street dogs. Pets live in the premises and only bark. They do not harm passersby. They know their owner, owner's friends and relatives. Street dogs do not recognize gentle or wicked, relatives or others. Duryodhans only know their ego. They only recognize Sakunis, Karns, Dussasans who encourage their ego. Those all, who oppose and come in the way, are their enemies. They may be Vidur, Krishna, Bhishma, Yudhishthir and even Dhritrashtra himself, no matter. ----------contd.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Guru, Govind and I
I was a little child. I was totally ignorant of the world. My mind was full of darkness. I was just like an animal having two legs, two hands, two eyes, two ears, one nose and one mouth. I was hankering after loaves and fishes. I only knew my own requirement- food, clothes and house. I only knew my parents, brothers and sisters. I became youth and got married. I became father of so many children. Now I forgot my parents, brothers, sisters and all relatives. I know only my individual family- I, wife and children. I started speaking lie. All evils entered into my mind. I started quarrelling with others for worldly things. I wanted to snatch every material for me and for my individual family. I fought with my own brothers and parents. I became worse than an animal. Animals have a few requirements but men’s have infinite necessities. When I meet one, another comes and so on. I was too much busy in solving problems and had no time to think anything else.
When I was in total sleeping state, a man came near me with a lamp in his hand and awoke me. I awoke like an elephant seeing a lion in the sleep. He completely removed the darkness. This awakening was not temporary. It was permanent. I started weeping for wasting my time in the past. The lamp man wiped my tears and consoled me. He forbade me to repent. ‘Subah ka bhoola sham ko wapas aane par bhoola nahi kahlata’. He had a magic lamp. He removed my all doubts. He showed me the right path to reach goal and conquer the whole world. He taught me to conquer the hearts of all creatures (the diamond treasure). He taught me to snatch sorrows and tears of the world. He taught me to robe love. He taught me to throw stones of respect on older and beat younger with a stick of affection. He taught to worship downtrodden like Bhagvan Ramana the human form of Lord Shiva.
I was hypnotized by the lamp man. I blindly started to follow the path shown by him. The path was simple and straight. It was the path of Self enquiry- ‘removing all thoughts and abidance in the Self.’ It was ‘Who am I’ method which is the practice to draw the mind to heart. Infinite thoughts may come. Ask all of them, ’To whom it came?’ The answer is, ‘It came to me’. The next question is, ‘Who am I?’ The answer is nothing but to enquire ‘I’ in the heart, the right side of the chest. Biological heart is in the left side. The process is nothing but only to draw the mind in the heart which was wandering hither and thither. The process should be repeated all the time. Initially this type of enquire is essential. After regular practice thoughts vanish and mind starts to stay in the heart (in the Self- in the original home). After regular meditation I start to live in my home (heart). The body organs work automatically. Ordinary person think yogi doing similar action like him. But in reallity he does nothing. He is like the child whose mother feeds him in the sleeping state and in the morning he asks if he had taken food at night. When mother says yes, he becomes satisfied. The mind is nothing but the collection of thoughts. When the mind (jeeva) merges in heart (Self), the false ego becomes real ‘I’. ‘I’ (mind, jeeva, false ego) vanishes in Self (real I, Atman, Govind ) and both become one. The Self (atman) is the guru. Om Namo Bhagvate Sri Ramanay. --------------------contd.
When I was in total sleeping state, a man came near me with a lamp in his hand and awoke me. I awoke like an elephant seeing a lion in the sleep. He completely removed the darkness. This awakening was not temporary. It was permanent. I started weeping for wasting my time in the past. The lamp man wiped my tears and consoled me. He forbade me to repent. ‘Subah ka bhoola sham ko wapas aane par bhoola nahi kahlata’. He had a magic lamp. He removed my all doubts. He showed me the right path to reach goal and conquer the whole world. He taught me to conquer the hearts of all creatures (the diamond treasure). He taught me to snatch sorrows and tears of the world. He taught me to robe love. He taught me to throw stones of respect on older and beat younger with a stick of affection. He taught to worship downtrodden like Bhagvan Ramana the human form of Lord Shiva.
I was hypnotized by the lamp man. I blindly started to follow the path shown by him. The path was simple and straight. It was the path of Self enquiry- ‘removing all thoughts and abidance in the Self.’ It was ‘Who am I’ method which is the practice to draw the mind to heart. Infinite thoughts may come. Ask all of them, ’To whom it came?’ The answer is, ‘It came to me’. The next question is, ‘Who am I?’ The answer is nothing but to enquire ‘I’ in the heart, the right side of the chest. Biological heart is in the left side. The process is nothing but only to draw the mind in the heart which was wandering hither and thither. The process should be repeated all the time. Initially this type of enquire is essential. After regular practice thoughts vanish and mind starts to stay in the heart (in the Self- in the original home). After regular meditation I start to live in my home (heart). The body organs work automatically. Ordinary person think yogi doing similar action like him. But in reallity he does nothing. He is like the child whose mother feeds him in the sleeping state and in the morning he asks if he had taken food at night. When mother says yes, he becomes satisfied. The mind is nothing but the collection of thoughts. When the mind (jeeva) merges in heart (Self), the false ego becomes real ‘I’. ‘I’ (mind, jeeva, false ego) vanishes in Self (real I, Atman, Govind ) and both become one. The Self (atman) is the guru. Om Namo Bhagvate Sri Ramanay. --------------------contd.
The gist of knowledge is stability. After study, mental exercise makes the subject stable. ‘Adhyayan ke baad manan.’ Keep water in the pot. Start to shake it. Will the water remain in it? As the speed increases, all the water will come out. So is the case with mind. In unstable mind no subject can stay. Unstable mind makes unlimited planning, starts so many projects at a time but does not complete even one. The result is that it wastes time and money and ultimately output is zero, rather negative. In stead, stable mind plans single scheme, works full heartedly on it and does not take rest until finishes it. After that it starts another project and completes it. This is the prime mystery of success. All successful persons have adopted this formula.
Today is Tuesday, Aug 3, 2010. The day before yesterday (on Aug 1, 2010), Mane left this world. He was merely 35 year old, tall handsome youth. Born in a very cultured family, he seemed very sober externally. But nobody knows the mind of an unstable man. His father is a very learned person. He is the Acharge of Jyotish Shastra. He is also land surveyor. He knows every inch land of village Karmauli. He is also a very good farmer. He is a retired teacher having good knowledge of mathematics. He had three sons. The eldest is Boolanjee, the 2nd Jibu and the third late Mane. Boolanjee is a very matured and able person having matured brain. He is at Bermo doing work of LIC. He is a senior agent there. He earns enough to maintain his family. He is the back bone of the family. He is strong devotee of his parents and serves them with full heart. He is a self pride person and can not tolerate anything against his will. He honors my suggestions only. Jibu is a simple youth having private job. There are many assets and liabilities of the family but Boolanjee manages all properly. About ten days before Mane poisoned himself. Doctor treated him but after ten days he collapsed.
Previously I did not know Mane well. Now I have concluded that he had an unstable mind. He had two wives. The first is from Sibipatti. She and Mane quarreled too much. The matter became very tense and situation of divorce came. Bulanjee and his father tried their best to patch it up but it could not be settled. Mane revolted against his father and brothers. He consulted a village lawyer Barunjee. Barunjee forbided him to do that and suggested to wait. The unstable brain of Mane was not ready to wait. In the mean time, Mane’s father-in-law Bambhola spoke some abusive words against Jyotshijee which pained him too much. Jyotshijee and Bulanjee started to keep themselves away from the mater. Mane got good opportunity and married another girl. This act was a blunder in his life. He had two daughters from the first wife and two daughters and one son from 2nd. Initially the first wife lived with her father but after some years she also came to Karmauli. Prominent persons of the village decided that she would also live in the family and would get necessary means to lead life. Her daughters would also have their rights. Mane agreed. For some years they spent peacefully. But human nature does not allow anybody to lead life on a track. Slowly the two women started to quarrel. The height of the quarrelling resulted Mane’s poisoning.
What may be the reason but the whole village and relatives are aggrieved. One can imagine the sorrow of the parent whose youngest beloved son has departed. Who is the defaulter? I strongly say non but the unstable mind of Mane. Had he compromised with his first wife, the situation would have changed. The story is very pitiable but remarkable. Everybody will have to face the same situation who have such type of unstable mind. May Guru Baba grace peace to the departed soul.--------contd.
Today is Tuesday, Aug 3, 2010. The day before yesterday (on Aug 1, 2010), Mane left this world. He was merely 35 year old, tall handsome youth. Born in a very cultured family, he seemed very sober externally. But nobody knows the mind of an unstable man. His father is a very learned person. He is the Acharge of Jyotish Shastra. He is also land surveyor. He knows every inch land of village Karmauli. He is also a very good farmer. He is a retired teacher having good knowledge of mathematics. He had three sons. The eldest is Boolanjee, the 2nd Jibu and the third late Mane. Boolanjee is a very matured and able person having matured brain. He is at Bermo doing work of LIC. He is a senior agent there. He earns enough to maintain his family. He is the back bone of the family. He is strong devotee of his parents and serves them with full heart. He is a self pride person and can not tolerate anything against his will. He honors my suggestions only. Jibu is a simple youth having private job. There are many assets and liabilities of the family but Boolanjee manages all properly. About ten days before Mane poisoned himself. Doctor treated him but after ten days he collapsed.
Previously I did not know Mane well. Now I have concluded that he had an unstable mind. He had two wives. The first is from Sibipatti. She and Mane quarreled too much. The matter became very tense and situation of divorce came. Bulanjee and his father tried their best to patch it up but it could not be settled. Mane revolted against his father and brothers. He consulted a village lawyer Barunjee. Barunjee forbided him to do that and suggested to wait. The unstable brain of Mane was not ready to wait. In the mean time, Mane’s father-in-law Bambhola spoke some abusive words against Jyotshijee which pained him too much. Jyotshijee and Bulanjee started to keep themselves away from the mater. Mane got good opportunity and married another girl. This act was a blunder in his life. He had two daughters from the first wife and two daughters and one son from 2nd. Initially the first wife lived with her father but after some years she also came to Karmauli. Prominent persons of the village decided that she would also live in the family and would get necessary means to lead life. Her daughters would also have their rights. Mane agreed. For some years they spent peacefully. But human nature does not allow anybody to lead life on a track. Slowly the two women started to quarrel. The height of the quarrelling resulted Mane’s poisoning.
What may be the reason but the whole village and relatives are aggrieved. One can imagine the sorrow of the parent whose youngest beloved son has departed. Who is the defaulter? I strongly say non but the unstable mind of Mane. Had he compromised with his first wife, the situation would have changed. The story is very pitiable but remarkable. Everybody will have to face the same situation who have such type of unstable mind. May Guru Baba grace peace to the departed soul.--------contd.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Today is Monday, 26 th July, 2010. Ugresh bhaiya left this world the day before yesterday i.e. on 24 th July 2010. His two sons and one daughter Manoj, Vinod and Anita live at Chandigarh. They were coming so the dead body was kept in ice. Initially when I heard about his death, I was planning to come to Karmauli after five or six days due to work load in the office and thinking my back pain. There would be two trips up and down each. When Manoj telephoned and told that the funeral ceremony would be on 26 th, I changed my mind & decided to join in it.
We started at 4.00 pm on 25th and reached Belahi at 9.0 pm. Sent the driver from Madhubani. Stayed at Belahi in the night. Came to Karmauli at 7.00 am today. Manoj with all members came at 8.00 am. Went to Dhadhhara Gaachhi in our mango orchard. 69 people were present in the funeral ceremony.
Seeing him on funeral pyre, every scene of his life crossed before the eyes like cinema reel. His primary schooling, marriage, getting training of farming with father and latter becoming an independent farmer, his single daughter Anita’s marriage ceremony, separation of the family, quarrelling among brothers during division of land, his illness and lastly his death; all came at once in my memory. This is the very life of every person in the world. We ignorant persons spend the life in quarrelling for wealth and worldly things but nothing goes with us. We come alone having nothing with us and go alone leaving land, building, cars, friends, children, wife and everything. ‘Ghar ki nari ko kahe tan ki nari janhi.’
I remember his early life. I was five brothers and one sister. Serially, the names are Tejnarayan, Harinarayan, Ghurani, Ugresh, Kamalakant and Mahendra. Thus he was fourth among the six issues and third among the five sons. His one elder brother and one younger brother had died. One sister elder to Ghurani had also died. So she was named ‘Ghuranni- who had again come’. She was very beautiful and gentle. She was married to Chandrakant of village Maltole. She had two sons and two daughters- Babu saheb, Amar, Meena and Ameera. She died at the age of 40 due to paralytic attack. My mother died when I was mere four years old. My sister loved me too much. In my early life I spent more time at Maltole with my sister.
Ugresh Bhaiya was very intelligent student in his early life. I remember one event when I had started to go to school. He had got first position in class 4. He was also taking interest in farming. Father also required an assistant to help him. He was himself uneducated and did not know even his signature. He never paid much importance to education. I started to go to school with some of my friends of my age. I was four years old. One day when I was in the school, heard the news of my mothers death. Godavari, the neighbour girl told me the message. I ran to my courtyard with her and fell down on my mother’s body. My younger Mahendra was only two years old. Besides the last event there is nothing in my memory about my mother.
Life is but a chance. When I was in class two I went to Dhanbad. In class four I got admitted in Kapariya Middle School. At Dhanbad a better schooling in Railway school changed my study style. At Kapariya school I came in open competition with so many near by village’s students. Though high school teaching had been started in Kapariya School, I took admission at Kaluahi High School. There I again fought tougher competition. This type of revolutionary steps- taking admission in Kapariya Middle School in stead of Karmauli, adopting Kaluahi High School in stead of Kapariya High School helped me too much. Our brain becomes sharper when we solve tough problems and face tougher competition. Had I not visited Dhanbad, Kapariya and Kaluahi, I would have never succeeded. When I passed seventh from Kapariya Middle School, the then head master Sri Yamuna Pd Singh pressed me too much for taking admission in Kapariya High School. He convinced my father and Ramchandra Kaka who had gone for SLC. They surrendered before his arguments but I straightly denied and took admission in Kaluahi High School. This very decision was great step in my life and proved a mile stone. The 2nd student Pandit and third Thakur took admission in newly started Kapariya High School and spoiled their lives. They were better students but did not maintain their intelligence and became ordinary students.
Parents take primary role in children’s education. Especially during primary education, they have keen interest in playing, talking and all other activities except studying. When father encouraged towards farming, Ugresh Bhaiya left the school and became full time farmer. He became prominent farmer of the village. He had very good health and strength. He attended all the funeral ceremonies of the village and nearby relatives. Whenever anybody started work which required higher strength, Ugresh Bhaiya was necessarily called. He used to attend happily and became very pleased thinkig that he was also a useful person. He was like Jarbharat. He was so simple that even a child could make fun of him. He attended all the marriages ceremonies, thread ceremonies (Upnayan), after death rituals (shraddha karma) with full interest. In the villages, farmers use to weigh the produces. But all are not able to weigh the same. Specially while paddy weighing, there were huge heaps. A few persons in the village were able to weigh. Ugresh bhaiya was a prominent weigher. He could weigh hundred quintals in a sitting. While lifting of heavy wooden logs, mud built heavy grain containers (kothi), large thatched rooves etc, he was necessarrily called. May Guru Baba grace peace to his soul. ----------------------- contd.
We started at 4.00 pm on 25th and reached Belahi at 9.0 pm. Sent the driver from Madhubani. Stayed at Belahi in the night. Came to Karmauli at 7.00 am today. Manoj with all members came at 8.00 am. Went to Dhadhhara Gaachhi in our mango orchard. 69 people were present in the funeral ceremony.
Seeing him on funeral pyre, every scene of his life crossed before the eyes like cinema reel. His primary schooling, marriage, getting training of farming with father and latter becoming an independent farmer, his single daughter Anita’s marriage ceremony, separation of the family, quarrelling among brothers during division of land, his illness and lastly his death; all came at once in my memory. This is the very life of every person in the world. We ignorant persons spend the life in quarrelling for wealth and worldly things but nothing goes with us. We come alone having nothing with us and go alone leaving land, building, cars, friends, children, wife and everything. ‘Ghar ki nari ko kahe tan ki nari janhi.’
I remember his early life. I was five brothers and one sister. Serially, the names are Tejnarayan, Harinarayan, Ghurani, Ugresh, Kamalakant and Mahendra. Thus he was fourth among the six issues and third among the five sons. His one elder brother and one younger brother had died. One sister elder to Ghurani had also died. So she was named ‘Ghuranni- who had again come’. She was very beautiful and gentle. She was married to Chandrakant of village Maltole. She had two sons and two daughters- Babu saheb, Amar, Meena and Ameera. She died at the age of 40 due to paralytic attack. My mother died when I was mere four years old. My sister loved me too much. In my early life I spent more time at Maltole with my sister.
Ugresh Bhaiya was very intelligent student in his early life. I remember one event when I had started to go to school. He had got first position in class 4. He was also taking interest in farming. Father also required an assistant to help him. He was himself uneducated and did not know even his signature. He never paid much importance to education. I started to go to school with some of my friends of my age. I was four years old. One day when I was in the school, heard the news of my mothers death. Godavari, the neighbour girl told me the message. I ran to my courtyard with her and fell down on my mother’s body. My younger Mahendra was only two years old. Besides the last event there is nothing in my memory about my mother.
Life is but a chance. When I was in class two I went to Dhanbad. In class four I got admitted in Kapariya Middle School. At Dhanbad a better schooling in Railway school changed my study style. At Kapariya school I came in open competition with so many near by village’s students. Though high school teaching had been started in Kapariya School, I took admission at Kaluahi High School. There I again fought tougher competition. This type of revolutionary steps- taking admission in Kapariya Middle School in stead of Karmauli, adopting Kaluahi High School in stead of Kapariya High School helped me too much. Our brain becomes sharper when we solve tough problems and face tougher competition. Had I not visited Dhanbad, Kapariya and Kaluahi, I would have never succeeded. When I passed seventh from Kapariya Middle School, the then head master Sri Yamuna Pd Singh pressed me too much for taking admission in Kapariya High School. He convinced my father and Ramchandra Kaka who had gone for SLC. They surrendered before his arguments but I straightly denied and took admission in Kaluahi High School. This very decision was great step in my life and proved a mile stone. The 2nd student Pandit and third Thakur took admission in newly started Kapariya High School and spoiled their lives. They were better students but did not maintain their intelligence and became ordinary students.
Parents take primary role in children’s education. Especially during primary education, they have keen interest in playing, talking and all other activities except studying. When father encouraged towards farming, Ugresh Bhaiya left the school and became full time farmer. He became prominent farmer of the village. He had very good health and strength. He attended all the funeral ceremonies of the village and nearby relatives. Whenever anybody started work which required higher strength, Ugresh Bhaiya was necessarily called. He used to attend happily and became very pleased thinkig that he was also a useful person. He was like Jarbharat. He was so simple that even a child could make fun of him. He attended all the marriages ceremonies, thread ceremonies (Upnayan), after death rituals (shraddha karma) with full interest. In the villages, farmers use to weigh the produces. But all are not able to weigh the same. Specially while paddy weighing, there were huge heaps. A few persons in the village were able to weigh. Ugresh bhaiya was a prominent weigher. He could weigh hundred quintals in a sitting. While lifting of heavy wooden logs, mud built heavy grain containers (kothi), large thatched rooves etc, he was necessarrily called. May Guru Baba grace peace to his soul. ----------------------- contd.
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