Shantanu had one son Satyabrata(latter Bhishma) from Ganga, Chitrangad and Vichitravirya from Satyabati. Bhishma had taken oath that neither he would be king nor he would marry. Shantanu died when Chitrangad and Vichitravirya were teen ages. After Shantanu, Chitrangad was made king. But he was killed by the same name Yaksha (a specie of god). Though Vichitravirya was mere a child, Bhishma made him king and started to protect him and the kingdom. When Vichitravirya became youth, Bhishma brought Kashi Naresha's three daughters Amba, Ambika and Ambalika; winning from the shwayambar(where girls chose bridegrooms themselves but the bravest person used to lift them defeating all others). Amba prayed Bhishma to free her because she loved Shalwa Naresh and mentally she treated him as her husband. So she was freed. Ambika and Ambalika were married to Vichitravirya. Vichitravirya suffered from a serious disease and died soon. Bhishma started to rule and defend the kingdome without being king. There was a problem for the continuation of the dynasty. But in those days there was system of ‘niyog’(disabled persons’ wives could have children by other persons with due permission) which had social recognition. Ambika and Ambalika had one son each Dhritrastra and Pandu respectively by ‘niyog’ from Vyas (writer of Vedas, Mahabharat, Puranas and so many famous epics). Vidur was born from a maid servand by Vyas. He was a great scholar and knew all shastras. Dharmaraj had directly come in the form of Vidur. Dhritrashtra was elder but he was blind. Vidur was a maid servant’s son. So Pandu (the youngest) became the king of Hastinapur. He was suffering from the disease Joundice (Piliya disease in which the whole body becomes yellow). He had two wives named Kunti and Madri. He was unable to produce child. Kunti got three sons Yudhishthir, Bheem and Arjun under 'niyog' from Dharmaraj, Pavan(god of wind) and Indra (the king of gods) respectively. Madri had two sons Nakul and Shahdeo from Ashwinikumars. Sons of Pandu were called Pandav. Dritrashtra had hundred sons. They were called Kaurav. The eldest was Duryodhan and the second Dussasan. Among the hundred Kauravs, the eldest Duryodhan is the most ill known because he was collection of all evils. Dussasan is also famous because he had snatched Dropadi’s sari (crossed the limit of social discipline).
Duryodhan had not become so notorious in a day or two. His father was blind. We can take it symbolic. People who do not pay attention towards their children are blind, although they have physical eyes. Naturally the son will be Duryodhan whose father is Dhritrastra(blind). All most all fathers are Dhritrashtra. They cannot see (blind) and hear (deaf) anything against their sons. When Duryodhan becomes matured (well versed in ill doing, adult, master of all evils) and starts biting the society as well as his parents, they start pretending. They never accept their fault. If a child is paid due attention, ninety-nine percent chance is for his becoming better. Only one percent may have adverse result. It is better not to have parents than having deaf, dumb and blind. Deaf, dumb and blind are not related to physical condition.
These type of Duryodhans are like street dogs. Pets live in the premises and only bark. They do not harm passersby. They know their owner, owner's friends and relatives. Street dogs do not recognize gentle or wicked, relatives or others. Duryodhans only know their ego. They only recognize Sakunis, Karns, Dussasans who encourage their ego. Those all, who oppose and come in the way, are their enemies. They may be Vidur, Krishna, Bhishma, Yudhishthir and even Dhritrashtra himself, no matter. ----------contd.
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