Monday, October 11, 2010


‘NINDAK NIYARE RAAKHIYE AANGAN KUTI CHHAVAY, BIN PAANI SAABUN BINAA NIRMAL KARE SUBHAY’. There may be so many criticizers of your activities. Never try to quarrel with them. Think deeply on the criticizes. There may be so many facts against you, which are not known to you, or you may be paying little attention towards those demerits. Try to conquer those defects. Never hate critics. Never say ill words in the presence or in absence of them. Rather pray God to give them good thoughts. To hate or telling ill words increase bitterness and enmity. Praising the foes in the absence, forces them to repent and they become your stronger friends. Thus, you increase the number of your friends. ‘JO TOKO KANTA BUE TAAHI BOY TOO FOOL, TO KO FOOL KO FOOL HAI WAAKO HAI TIRSHOOL’. Never lose patience. Get good things from hostiles’ speeches and leave bad for them. In every event, there are hidden opportunities. According to our worldly knowledge, we become aggrieved seeing adverse happenings. However, everything, which happened, what is happening and what will happen is for the good sake of the person. The great saint Naarad knew his previous births. In one of his previous births, he was the son of a maidservant. A group of sages visited the village for some days. His mother served them. The child also went with his mother and copied her. Saints loved the child too much and gave good food and affection. When they started to depart for other place, the child began to cry. He prayed the saints to take him with them. But, they did not agree and preached him to remain with his mother. After some time, a snake bit his mother. The only shelter was snatched. Regarding worldly view, worst happened with the boy. But spiritually, the boy became free. He joined the sages group and became famous saint.
There is no matter of shame to make apology upon ones mistake. To err is human. If you apologize, you become greater. Even the cruelest bows before apology. I conquer my biggest enemy ‘ego’. I come nearer to God crossing this very barrier.
----------------------------------------Ohm Ramanarpanmastu.

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