‘Shambhun bhajanti bhuvi kepi mude pumanso, Vishnun namanti nanu kaamadmev chaanye. Devendra mauli sumano rajsaa sujustan, Kankaalikaa charanamev wayan shrayaamah.’ One cannot get knowledge without the grace of maan Bhagvatee. Brahma and his power are inseparable. Maan is the energy of Brahma. Without maan Lord Shiva is only shaav (dead body). Raam Lakshaman and Sita are going in the forest. The foot-path is very narrow. It’s both sides are covered with thorny dense bushes .Raam is in the front, Sita in the middle and Lakshaman is in the back. Until Raam is in the vision of Lakshaman, he is normal and talks like realized soul. When they come on straight path in the dense bushes, Maan Sita covers Raam and he becomes out of vision of Lakshaman. Lakshaman starts to talk like ignorant. He starts to wander in the physical world full of sorrow. He prays maan. Maan sita pours grace and starts walking keeping her a bit left or right. Lakshaman gets vision of Lord and again come in light of knowledge. When Lakshaman (jeeva-creature) is in the contact of Raam (Almighty), he is in full knowledge. When illusion (Maan Sita’s disciple) covers, he becomes total ignorant. When Maan pours grace, illusion disappears and the creature comes in bliss. Durgaa-Poojaa festival is the celebration of victory of gods (moralistic, noble persons) over giants (sinners, terrorists). Giants always disturb the peace of the universe. Bad elements seem undefeatable horrors, but they are internally very weak. When someone is involved in anti-social activities, his moral is lost. Though, externally he seems tougher, he is very weak internally. When nobles unite, they always defeat terrorists. In the past, we have seen the victory of goodness over wickedness so many times. Raam killed Raavan and all giants of the universe. Lord Krishna killed Kans and infinite wicked-elements in the very childhood. Nrisingh (God, incarnation of half man and half lion) killed Hiranyakasipu, the demon-king. Vaarah (hog embodiment of God) killed the giant Hiranyaaksh.
Once, gods and demons battled hundred years. Gods were defeated. Demon’s leader, Mahishasur (demon in the form of buffalo) became the king and sat on the chair of god Indra, the king of gods. Gods were kicked out of heaven and walked on the earth like mortals. Mahishasur and demons started to enjoy the shares and assets of gods. Gods gathered and in the leadership of Brahma, reached where Shiva and Vishnu were sitting. Vishnu and Shiva became too much angry. A light came out from Vishnu. Similarly a light from Shiva and from every god came out. All the lights were collected at one place. The collection of energies touched the sky and lighted all directions. It took the form of a divine lady, Maan Durgaa. All gods gave their weapons, ornaments and other useful articles to her. Maan sat on the lion given by the king of mountains, The Himalayas. Maan first killed Mahishasur’s armies, then army chief Chikshur and at the last she killed the demon Mahishasur. Gods showered flowers on Maan and prayed her heartily. Maan being pleased asked them to beg whatever they willed. They narrated that their all problems were solved with the end of Mahishasur and further requested to appear whenever they prayed. Maan Okayed and disappeared.
Again, once in the past, Shumbh and Nishumbh, two demons defeated the gods and started to enjoy their shares and possessions. Gods were kicked out of the heaven. Giants always humiliated them. Gods remembered Maan Durgaa’s word and started to pray her. Maan Parvati appeared. She killed the demons Dhumralochan, Chand-Mund, Rakta-veej (the giant whose every drop of blood produced one dreadful giant like him), Nishumbh and at last Shumbh. After the demon’s death gods became too much pleased. They rained flowers on Maan Ambika and started to pray her with full devotion. Maan promised to appear whenever they fell in trouble. Giving too much blessings, she disappeared.
These events are symbolic. We all have good and bad ideas. Most of the time good ideas are defeated by bad ideas. When we pray Maan Bhagvati, she pours grace and kills bad thoughts. The ill thoughts take birth again and again. Hence, we celebrate Durga-Pooja every year, with full devotion, to kill our inner evils and purify ourselves.
------------JAY MAAN AMBE. OHM ramanaarpanamastu.