Wednesday, October 26, 2011

अवांच्छित पाहुन (५)

सर्व-प्रथम संग्रहालय देख' गेलहुं। सामने में अशोक स्तम्भ देखि अप्रतिम आनंदक अनुभव भेल। राष्ट्रीय प्रतीक चिन्ह'क श्रोत प्रत्यक्ष ठाढ़ छल। सम्पूर्ण संग्रहालय'क भ्रमण केलहुं। एके ठाम भगवान् बुद्ध'क असंख्य प्रतीक देखि मोन आह्लादित भ' गेल। पुनः खुदाई स्थल पर गेलहुं। जतय स' अशोक स्तम्भ टूटिक' निकलल छैक ओ स्थान देखलहुं। पुनः बुद्ध स्तूप, बुद्ध मंदिर जतय भगवान् अपन प्रथम पांच शिष्य के उपदेश देने छलथिन्ह ओतय गेलहुं। भगवान् ओही पांचो व्यक्ति के जे हुनकर घोर विरोधी छलनि तकरे कियैक प्रथम शिष्य बनेलनि ई विचारणीय विषय अछि। संभवतः ओहि पांचो के सत्य पथ पर पूर्वे स' अग्रसर देखि ई निर्णय लेने हेताह। अथवा ज्ञान प्राप्तिक जांच अपन घोर विरोधिक हृदय जीतव जानि ई निर्णय केलनि। तत्पश्चात्  मृगवन गेलहुं। ओतय जानवर सब स्वक्षंद विचरण क' रहल छल। हरिण'क पर्याप्त संख्याक कारणे अहि स्थान'क नाम मृगदाव अछि । एकटा  गाइड ठकवाक पूरा प्रयास केलक जकर चर्चा बाद में करब। ----बाद में पुनः।

अवाञ्छित पाहुन (४ )

------------------------Coming out from Vishwanath Temple, we went to a nearby hotel to take breakfast. For adoration, we had taken nothing and were completely in fast. We were very hungry and ate to our quench. The food was made in pure ghee and was very tasty. After taking food, Vinod wanted to take rest; he was feeling feverish. Body acts according to your mind. When you feel pleasure in your mind, health is well. Health becomes ill when you feel unhappiness in your mind. This is my personal experience. Once I did not take rest for ten days and became ill. My head became hot and I started to speak uninterruptedly. I requested my friends to pour water on my head. They poured hundreds buckets water on my head. In other time, I would have been seriously ill but that day it suited me and I felt comfortable. Persons involved in worshipping God seldom fall ill. When we have tension, so many diseases capture us.
Vinod had visited Benares so many times. He was more interested in interaction with his aunt, uncle and cousins. I was more interested in walking and visiting more places. That was why Vinod fell ill. I left Vinod to take rest and myself started for Sarnath, the place where Lord Buddha gave his first preaching to his five disciples (old friends who had previously left him seeing him taking food), after realization.----------contd.                

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

अवाञ्छित पाहुन (३)

--------------------- After sitting some time in the temple premises, we again walked before all the statues. Bowed down again before all gods and prayed for mental peace. Till that time, we had become stable and familiar with the place. The natural fear while visiting unknown place had disappeared. Now, no one was looking towards us as if, pandas have third senses to identify the new entrants and cheated persons. Panda’s eyes are like C.C.TV cameras. Visitors are unknown but they are always in the vision of pandas and their every activity is captured by their C.C.TV cameras (eyes).
Now, I want to tell something about pandas. Their activities and conditions are not better than beggars. I think, this is due to mismanagement. They are busy from 3.0 AM to 12.0 PM, but get a few coins which are insufficient for maintaining their families. Their fees are not fixed. Some give more, some less and some don’t pay anything. They are totally dependent on visitor’s mercy. They can be called organized beggars who have the right to disturb the peace of pilgrims. In the modern high-tech era, the temples should be managed in planned way. All pandas should be kept salary-paid. They should act like waged guides. They should prove themselves friends and well-wishers, so that pilgrims may not be afraid and hatred may not develop in them about the pandas. -----------contd.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

अवांछित पाहुन (२)

After worshipping all gods and goddesses in the campus of Kashi-Vishwanath temple, I reached the last statue of Pawan-putra Hanumaan. Tarun was also brought there. His clothes were completely wet due to sweating. The atmospheric temperature was high and Pandaas (priests) had ragged him too much. Sweat’s drops were seen falling from his forehead while adoring Hanumaanjee. I was totally ignorant about the behavior of pandas with Tarun. After worshipping Hanumanjee, I gave a ten-rupee note on behalf of both of us to the pandas and got rid of them. We sat on a verandah to take rest and become normal, as the pandas had disturbed us badly. Tarun told me the whole story how pandas had cheated all the money by swearing him of father, mother, brothers and sisters. I went into deep thinking about this situation. People go to temples to get rid of worldly anxieties and to have peace. But, these pandas are big hurdles and they snatch our peace and we swear not to go again on the pilgrimages.
In most of the North-Indian temples, you will have this type of misconduct where people become vexed from these obstacles. In South-Indian temples, trusts or the government have made good arrangement for the visitors by taking some fees. Free entry is also there but in separate queue. Pandas do not disturb there. Perhaps they are waged. I am surprised why not this type of procedure is introduced in North-Indian temples. In Patna, at Mahaveeer Mandir near station, this type of arrangement has been done. There is free service for keeping foot wears. One can very peacefully worship there without anxieties of shoe-stealing or hindrance by the pandas. Many thanks to the Mahaveer Mandir managing committee.  ----------again next.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

अवाञ्छित पाहुन (१)

१९९२ के अगस्त माँस जिनगी भरि याद रहत। पहिलुक बेर काशी विदा भेलहु। संग में कार्यालयक मित्र तरुण  रहथि। बच्चे स' काशीक नाम सुनैत छलियैक। मिथिलाक अधिसंख्य  विद्वान् बनारस में अध्ययन-अध्यापन लेल जाइत छलाह आ ओहिठाम धाख जमौने छलाह। शंकर जीक त्रिशूल पर अवस्थित काशीक  कल्पना में भरि रस्ता डूबल रहलहुँ। उत्तर-भारतक सांस्कृतिक राजधानीक यात्रा पर जायब कोनो तेसर लोकक जात्रा जेकाँ बुझा रहल छल। तरुण  पहिलहुं कतेको बेर ओतय भ' आयल छल ताहि कारणे  ओकरा लेल ई यात्रा सामान्य छलैक। हमरा त' बुझू जे मोन होइत छल जे पाँखि लागि जाय आ उडिक'' चलि जाइ। संझुका बेर में हम सब पहुँचलहुं। ठहरवाक मादे निश्चिन्त छलहुँ। हमर त' मोन होइत छल जे एखने पूरा बनारस घूमि आबी, मुदा तरुण  स्थिर छल आ भोरुक घुमवा पर मतैक्य भेल। तरुणक मौसी-मौसाक स्नेह देखि अप्पन मौसा-मौसी याद आबि गेली।
हमर माय त' जखन हम मात्र चारि वरखक रही तखने चलि बसली, मुदा दुनू मौसी के देखने छियन्हि। कहावत छैक 'मरय माय, जीबय मौसी'। अर्थात मायक विकल्प मात्र मौसी भ' सकैत छथि। अहि स्वार्थी आ वैयक्तिक परिवारक युग में संबंधी आ ओकर मित्र दूनू के स्वागत ह्रदय स' मात्र माय, मौसी आ बहीन टा क' सकैत छथि। भोर होइते स्नान क' क' काशी-विश्वनाथक दर्शन लेल विदा भेलहुँ। ओहिठामक पंडा सबहक छीना-झपटी सब दिन याद रहत। हमारा दूनू गोटेके अलग-अलग क' देल गेल। पंडा सबहक चलाकी देखू जे अलग-अलग लूटब आसान बूझि ई प्रपंच रचलक। तरुण हमारा स' उम्र में कम छथि आ बड भावुक प्रवृत्तिक। जखने हुनका माय-बाप, भाय -बहीनक सप्पत देलकनि, हुनका संग में जते रुपैया छलनि सबटा द' देलखिन। हम बच्चे स' डोकहर -कपिलेश्वर में पंडा सबहक चालि स' परिचित छलहुं, तयं हमारा पर हुनकर मायाजालक कोनो असरि नहीं पड़लनि। -------------------क्रमशः।

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Natural Love.

Mother’s love towards her children is natural. No one can take the place of mother, even father cannot. ‘Maay marne, baap pitiya’. After the death of the mother, father behaves like uncle. Mother can sacrifice everything for her child. She sleeps in the wet clothes wetted by her child and keeps the child in the dry side. There is never artificiality. A son kills her mother and takes out her heart to offer and please his beloved. In the way, he fell down and the heart slipped from his hand. A voice came from the heart, ‘Oh my child! Aren’t you heart more?’ “Kuputro jaayet kwachidapi kumaataa na bhavati”. A bad son may take birth, but never a bad mother.
Naanee-daadee (grandmothers), Mausis (mother’s sisters) and sisters are on second position. Naanaa-daadaa (grandfathers) and brothers are on third and uncles are on fourth. All other blood relations are on fifth. Friends can come on any position. There have been persons who have sacrificed their lives for their friends. In the film Sholey, we have seen the friendship of Jay and Veeru.
Natural love and artificial love are quite distinguished. Even a child recognizes it. When a child is away from its mother, it feels some unsafe. As soon as it looks its mother, it runs towards her and feels safe. I have seen showy person pretending love towards the person whom he always hated. Nevertheless, the artificiality is always exposed and people laugh on the fake action.
Naturality needs no clarification. When confusion arises, imitator has to give explanation but natural lover becomes silent. Mocker has no hesitation in harming the person whom he pretends to love. Real lover cannot do so whether the person remains with him or go away from him. He only wishes his wellbeing. One child was missed from its mother in the crowd. The organizers found the child weeping alone. They announced about him on mike. There were two claimants. The child was too small to recognize its mother. Taking advantage of this a fake woman also became pretender. Now, before organizers there was a vital problem to detect the actual mother. One of the arrangers was very wise. He thought a plan. He gave the proposal to cut the child in two pieces and distribute them between the claimants. The fake mother agreed. The real mother began to weep and said to give the child to the other woman (the fake one). Thus, organizers detected the real mother and gave the child to her. A mother can accept the separation but cannot bear the death. ‘Yug-yug jiyo baso lakh kosh, more abhaag tohar nahi dosh’. My child may stay at far distance no matter, but he should remain well. It is my misfortune, not his fault.
All relations are based on mutual give and take except mother. Mother only knows to give. ‘Bhoomergariyashee maataa’. Mother is greater than the earth. One cannot repay her loan. ‘O maan teri surat se alag bhagvaan ki surat kyaa hogee’. I have not seen God, but He is always with me as my mother.----------Ohm Namo Bhagvate Shree Ramanaay.


The universe is formed by positive and negative particles. In the nucleus of every element (+) and (-) particles balance each other and make the element stable. Every creature is in pair. Male is positive and female is negative. Every work has positive and negative aspects. Coins have two faces, head and tail. Head may be called positive and tail, negative. Thoughts are positive and negative. It depends upon me which I choose. Positions are up and down. Up may be taken + ve and down - ve. Climbing up is difficult, falling down is easier. To remain in positive position is difficult and requires penance. To go in negative position requires no effort, rather one enjoys going and remaining there.
Good and bad are +ve and –ve respectively. Sat (good) and asat (bad) are also denoting them. To remain in sat (good habits- truthfulness, honesty, love to all, dutiful, non-violence= not to harm by mind, speech or action; and having satwik food= vegetarian fresh food) is a great penance. To go in asat (bad habits- to speak lie, to hate, fraudism, dishonesty, hinsa= to harm others, taamasee food= rotten non- veg with rich spicy food, drinking habits, quarrelling, kaam, krodh, lobh, moh etc.) is our natural weakness and we enjoy staying in it. By the grace of guru we do not fall and go towards sat and enjoy it. The pleasure of enjoying sat is indescribable. “Kaavya shaastra vinoden kaalogachchati dheemtaam. Vyasanen cha moorkhaanaam nidrayaa kalahen waa”. The scholars spend their time in enjoying books and discussing epics while the fools spend it in bad habits, sleeping and quarrelling.
Negativeness is more powerful. I spend my whole life remembering and talking about our bad events. We always remember sorrow and never talk about happiness moment. Suppose, you have done thousand helps to anybody, they all will be forgotten if one of your actions does not suit him. I remember one event. One person remained my intimate for more than five years. During this period, there was no day when we did not meet. One of my actions did not suit him. The result is that we have no communication for more than three years. There is another person who remained my intimate for more than twenty three years. One of my nearer actions made him annoyed. He stopped talking with me. We have no talk for more than three years.
Positive message spreads slowly. Negative news spreads all around in a moment. We take too much interest in hearing and spreading others’ vices. Hearing others’ praise we become jealous. We stop talking about his praise rather start to spread his evils.------------Ohm Namo Bhagvate Shree Ramanaay.

Monday, October 3, 2011

माँ दुर्गे.

‘Shambhun bhajanti bhuvi kepi mude pumanso, Vishnun namanti nanu kaamadmev chaanye. Devendra mauli sumano rajsaa sujustan, Kankaalikaa charanamev wayan shrayaamah.’ One cannot get knowledge without the grace of maan Bhagvatee. Brahma and his power are inseparable. Maan is the energy of Brahma. Without maan Lord Shiva is only shaav (dead body). Raam Lakshaman and Sita are going in the forest. The foot-path is very narrow. It’s both sides are covered with thorny dense bushes .Raam is in the front, Sita in the middle and Lakshaman is in the back. Until Raam is in the vision of Lakshaman, he is normal and talks like realized soul. When they come on straight path in the dense bushes, Maan Sita covers Raam and he becomes out of vision of Lakshaman. Lakshaman starts to talk like ignorant. He starts to wander in the physical world full of sorrow. He prays maan. Maan sita pours grace and starts walking keeping her a bit left or right. Lakshaman gets vision of Lord and again come in light of knowledge. When Lakshaman (jeeva-creature) is in the contact of Raam (Almighty), he is in full knowledge. When illusion (Maan Sita’s disciple) covers, he becomes total ignorant. When Maan pours grace, illusion disappears and the creature comes in bliss. Durgaa-Poojaa festival is the celebration of victory of gods (moralistic, noble persons) over giants (sinners, terrorists). Giants always disturb the peace of the universe. Bad elements seem undefeatable horrors, but they are internally very weak. When someone is involved in anti-social activities, his moral is lost. Though, externally he seems tougher, he is very weak internally. When nobles unite, they always defeat terrorists. In the past, we have seen the victory of goodness over wickedness so many times. Raam killed Raavan and all giants of the universe. Lord Krishna killed Kans and infinite wicked-elements in the very childhood. Nrisingh (God, incarnation of half man and half lion) killed Hiranyakasipu, the demon-king. Vaarah (hog embodiment of God) killed the giant Hiranyaaksh.
Once, gods and demons battled hundred years. Gods were defeated. Demon’s leader, Mahishasur (demon in the form of buffalo) became the king and sat on the chair of god Indra, the king of gods. Gods were kicked out of heaven and walked on the earth like mortals. Mahishasur and demons started to enjoy the shares and assets of gods. Gods gathered and in the leadership of Brahma, reached where Shiva and Vishnu were sitting. Vishnu and Shiva became too much angry. A light came out from Vishnu. Similarly a light from Shiva and from every god came out. All the lights were collected at one place. The collection of energies touched the sky and lighted all directions. It took the form of a divine lady, Maan Durgaa. All gods gave their weapons, ornaments and other useful articles to her. Maan sat on the lion given by the king of mountains, The Himalayas. Maan first killed Mahishasur’s armies, then army chief Chikshur and at the last she killed the demon Mahishasur. Gods showered flowers on Maan and prayed her heartily. Maan being pleased asked them to beg whatever they willed. They narrated that their all problems were solved with the end of Mahishasur and further requested to appear whenever they prayed. Maan Okayed and disappeared.
Again, once in the past, Shumbh and Nishumbh, two demons defeated the gods and started to enjoy their shares and possessions. Gods were kicked out of the heaven. Giants always humiliated them. Gods remembered Maan Durgaa’s word and started to pray her. Maan Parvati appeared. She killed the demons Dhumralochan, Chand-Mund, Rakta-veej (the giant whose every drop of blood produced one dreadful giant like him), Nishumbh and at last Shumbh. After the demon’s death gods became too much pleased. They rained flowers on Maan Ambika and started to pray her with full devotion. Maan promised to appear whenever they fell in trouble. Giving too much blessings, she disappeared.
These events are symbolic. We all have good and bad ideas. Most of the time good ideas are defeated by bad ideas. When we pray Maan Bhagvati, she pours grace and kills bad thoughts. The ill thoughts take birth again and again. Hence, we celebrate Durga-Pooja every year, with full devotion, to kill our inner evils and purify ourselves.
------------JAY MAAN AMBE. OHM ramanaarpanamastu.