‘Jaanaami dharman na cha me pravrittih. Jaanaamyadharman na cha me nivrittih.’ All creatures are bound to act according to their past life deeds. After death the soul is free to choose the womb and it chooses according to its unfulfilled desires. The above shloka (Sanskrit poem) has been told by Duryodhan. Someone asked him about his all actions against dharma (social rules). He replied that he knew dharma but had not inclination towards it and he also knew adharma but had not declination against it.
Duryodhan is symbolic. Previously his name was Suyodhan but according to his action, people started to tell him Duryodhan. Every person is Duryodhan and Dhritrashtra. Everyone knows dharma and adharma but likes and dislikes are according to past deeds. All are blind towards their children’s fault like Dritrashtra.
All know what is good and what is bad. But we are under God’s maayaa (illusion). Due to delusion, we are like blinds. We are like the monkey whose feast (full of corn) is in the jar. Due to greed, it does not open its feast and his feast is captured in the jar. The moment, the monkey opens its feast, it is free. Similarly, the moment we know the truth and get rid of maayaa (delusion), we are free from all sorrows and bondages. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ohm Ramanayaswaha.
Duryodhan is symbolic. Previously his name was Suyodhan but according to his action, people started to tell him Duryodhan. Every person is Duryodhan and Dhritrashtra. Everyone knows dharma and adharma but likes and dislikes are according to past deeds. All are blind towards their children’s fault like Dritrashtra.
All know what is good and what is bad. But we are under God’s maayaa (illusion). Due to delusion, we are like blinds. We are like the monkey whose feast (full of corn) is in the jar. Due to greed, it does not open its feast and his feast is captured in the jar. The moment, the monkey opens its feast, it is free. Similarly, the moment we know the truth and get rid of maayaa (delusion), we are free from all sorrows and bondages. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ohm Ramanayaswaha.