Monday, April 2, 2012

Uttamaa sahajaa (normal is the best)

Every creature in the world is special. You cannot find two persons who are hundred percent same. Sometimes we see twins looking quite similar. But, when we see minutely, some differences are always seen.
Almighty shines in everybody. The shape may be different but all are same. We are like sugar balls. Irrespective of quantity, all are similar sweet. The leaves of ‘Tulsee’ whether small or big have equal importance. The sea water whether in the small jar or in the big jar, are equally saline. By external appearance everyone is different but internally all are quite same. Except exceptions, every male is same and every female is same biologically also. Similarly, every creature of one kind is equal biologically. The water has same composition whether found from different sources.
There is no need to be special. My natural activities will make me special. If one tries to be special, he is the most foolish person. Special dress, special food, special look cannot make special. Being most common is most special. ‘Uttamaa sahajaa pooja.’ To remain in simple position is the best worship.
There are four brothers. Three were good in education. One was dull. After a long time, I met their father and asked about his sons. The three intelligent sons became spoiled. They were always drunk. They never cared for their parents. Only the fourth became good. He had not even a single bad habit. He served his parents like Shravan (the best serviceable son of the Indian history).
Now, you can judge who is special. Never be very anxious for your sons. Only proper schooling is necessary. Guardians have to watch their companies and habits. Good companies, good habits and better schooling will automatically make them good citizens. Don’t be much worried for their results. I have seen boys doing better in future life if root is strong. It is not necessary that meritorious boys will be most successful in future life. Average boys have done better in future life. Gandhi was average student. Tagore had not seen high school or college. Raman Maharshi was mediocre student. Kalidas, Tulsidas, walmiki were ordinary men.
Nevertheless, if you want to be special, I have some tips: - 1. Sacrifice your life to social service. 2. Cent percent dedication to truth, non- violence, honesty, helping helpless. 3. Do your duty honestly. 4. Love all creatures, rather worship them thinking Lord Shiva’ form. 5. Nekee kar dariyaa me daal (never think to have return of the help you have done to anybody). 6. Never think for name and fame. 7. Never be jealous. 8. Don’t be afraid from anybody. Even death cannot harm you; it will give you a better new body. 9. Never make fun of others. Only one Almighty enjoys and shines in all. Hence, there is no other. I am in all and all are in me. Who will abuse, frighten, comment, or make fun of himself? ------------- Namo bhagvate shree ramanaay.

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