An old man had two wives. He was living with newer having so many children. His condition was very pitiable. He hardly managed the two times meals. His wife always spread hands before neighbors. When a guest came, she became panicky. She walked so many houses in a moment. Many refused, but to save her modesty before the guest, so many willingly helped. The older wife lived with her only son quite separately. Her condition was well. She enjoyed good food and clothes. We came to know the fact very late that they were wife-husband. It was not less than a wonder for us to see wife better and husband in wretched condition. When I went in depth, found the husband guilty. Previously he had tortured her wife too much and the climax came when he married another young girl, leaving the older helpless. After sorrow happiness comes. Her son earned well and she became better. Husband with new wife and so many children had little resources and became poor.
There was another person who had only three members in the family; he himself, wife and only son. He was doing some job in Bombay. After retirement, he built a good house in the village. Nevertheless, great peculiarity was found that the couple was never found together in the house. When husband came home, wife remained at Bombay and vice-versa. I went deep into the matter and found that both were guilty. Once they quarreled like other couples but they took the bitterness in the heart and decided not to talk with each other forever.

The third example is also before me. One of our teachers was a prominent scholar. He had his PHD degree from MIT, USA. He and his wife loved each other very much. Once they went on long discussion. In the argument wife challenged to marry another girl. The husband took it in the heart and started at once for the mission. He was of great quality. What to talk about quality bridegrooms; Beautiful girls choose handicapped, or even notorious persons for marriage. He accepted the challenge and married seven girls one by one. The first wife became mental patient and died.
What do these events indicate? Quarreling between wife and husband is natural. But, at least one should yield. There should not be permanent knot. Permanent nub is generally sorrowful except some exceptional cases when Tulsidas and kalidas take birth.
Worldly relation is based on mutual give and take. It is quite transitory. When give and take ends, relationship also breaks. It is true for all persons, irrespective of educated or uneducated. When you forget worldly-cleverness and live for others, you join broader group and conquer the knotful relation.