Wednesday, August 31, 2011


“Kaaraj dheere hot hai, kaahe hot adheer. Samay pay fal hot hai, sau ghat seencho neer.” Every work has to be happened at fixed time. Human baby comes on the earth after living nine months in the mother’s womb. Cows and she-buffaloes give birth to their babies in one year. Mangoes ripe in four months after coming manjar (flower). Trees like mangoes, banyans, bamboos, neems, pippals, tars grow and start giving fruits after so many years. When we sow the seed of potato, pulses, paddy and wheat it takes time to grow and give crops. We have to keep patience and wait. If someone wants the fruit in haste, it is impossible and premature which will not last long. Who will want the human baby to take birth in six months? Will it survive? Who will like to eat unripe sour mangoes?
Sometimes, we attempt to perform a job so many times and become unsuccessful all the time. At last, we leave the attempt. It is not good. We have to attempt all the times and never yield. At due time, we will be successful. It is my personal experience that labor never goes in vain. When we become tired and total surrender before all mighty, I find the work miraculously performed. One of my colleagues tried so many times in a prestigious exam but couldn’t succeed. When only one chance was left, he surrendered before Lord and tried. He miraculously topped the list. When Draupadee was proud of her stronger five husbands, Krishna did not come and Dushshaasan started to take out her sari and make her naked. When she got no help from her husbands and elders in Dhritrashtra’s assembly, she totally surrendered before Krishna. Krishna at once came and Dushshaasan could not make her naked, rather he fainted.
We know the story of King Bruce and the spider. King Bruce was defeated seventeen times and became hopeless. He was so frustrated that once he decided to commit suicide. He was taking rest in his bed room. He saw a spider moving upward on the wall. It fell down on the ground. It tried 2nd, 3rd, and 4th----up to seventeen times and failed. But, in 18th time it became successful and reached to the ceiling. Seeing this event, Bruce was filled with zeal, attacked at the enemy king and won.
Once, Anna also became frustrated and decided to commit suicide. In the meantime, he saw a book on Swami Vivekanand. Reading the book, he was full of enthusiasm. He decided to serve the society. He got so many national awards for serving humanity. Recently, he brought a great revolution against corruption and became the 2nd Gandhi and Jayprakash.---------------------Ohm Namo Bhagvate Ramanay.

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