Saturday, August 20, 2011


To-day is 15th August. India got independence from the slavery of Britishers on this very day in 1947. We have progressed in every field and can do competition with so many top developing countries. To become number one in the world and lead all the countries are our dreams. These dreams are very far. Great sacrifice and full dedication of every person can make them possible. Patriotism, unity, brotherhood and so many heavenly qualities can again give us gurudom (Jagadguru-the tutor of the world). Till Satyug, Treta and Dwapar we were on the chair of the tutor. At present, we are far away. Rather we are among back benchers.
Now, the question arises why we were on top in the past and why on the back bench to-day. In Sat-Yug we took truth. In Treta, maryada (modesty, poise) was primary and in Dwapar, Dharma was supreme. In Kali-Yug, we forgot our moral values and adopted enjoying physical world. We forgot respecting the older and loving the younger. We forgot the teachings of our Vedas, Upanishads, Gita, Ramayana, Manusmriti and Puranas. We started blindly copying the west. We left the things in which we were tutor and adopted the matter which we always ignored. The result is quite obvious. We became blind followers of the west. The west is far ahead in the physical matter than us. Now, in the present situation, we are novice and they are old hand. We are students and they are tutors in the subject.
We have forgotten a veteran freedom fighter and great sage whose birthday occurs to-day। He is Maharshi Aurovind. He has clearly stated that if we want to sit on the chair of world tutor again, we will have to embrace spiritualism, moral values and humanity. Aspirants of all over the world came to India to learn these teachings. Our sages taught the lessons practically. Their life styles and daily routine were the practical lessons. In meditation, they saw the whole universe and knew the all minute things. The physical followers were ignorant of the penance, silence and trance (samaadhi). They could not imagine the sacrifice of Ram and his brothers; the crown was like dust for them for which the later princes did not hesitate to kill their brothers.--- Ohm Namo Ramanay.

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