“Kaaraj dheere hot hai, kaahe hot adheer. Samay pay fal hot hai, sau ghat seencho neer.” Every work has to be happened at fixed time. Human baby comes on the earth after living nine months in the mother’s womb. Cows and she-buffaloes give birth to their babies in one year. Mangoes ripe in four months after coming manjar (flower). Trees like mangoes, banyans, bamboos, neems, pippals, tars grow and start giving fruits after so many years. When we sow the seed of potato, pulses, paddy and wheat it takes time to grow and give crops. We have to keep patience and wait. If someone wants the fruit in haste, it is impossible and premature which will not last long. Who will want the human baby to take birth in six months? Will it survive? Who will like to eat unripe sour mangoes?
Sometimes, we attempt to perform a job so many times and become unsuccessful all the time. At last, we leave the attempt. It is not good. We have to attempt all the times and never yield. At due time, we will be successful. It is my personal experience that labor never goes in vain. When we become tired and total surrender before all mighty, I find the work miraculously performed. One of my colleagues tried so many times in a prestigious exam but couldn’t succeed. When only one chance was left, he surrendered before Lord and tried. He miraculously topped the list. When Draupadee was proud of her stronger five husbands, Krishna did not come and Dushshaasan started to take out her sari and make her naked. When she got no help from her husbands and elders in Dhritrashtra’s assembly, she totally surrendered before Krishna. Krishna at once came and Dushshaasan could not make her naked, rather he fainted.
We know the story of King Bruce and the spider. King Bruce was defeated seventeen times and became hopeless. He was so frustrated that once he decided to commit suicide. He was taking rest in his bed room. He saw a spider moving upward on the wall. It fell down on the ground. It tried 2nd, 3rd, and 4th----up to seventeen times and failed. But, in 18th time it became successful and reached to the ceiling. Seeing this event, Bruce was filled with zeal, attacked at the enemy king and won.
Once, Anna also became frustrated and decided to commit suicide. In the meantime, he saw a book on Swami Vivekanand. Reading the book, he was full of enthusiasm. He decided to serve the society. He got so many national awards for serving humanity. Recently, he brought a great revolution against corruption and became the 2nd Gandhi and Jayprakash.---------------------Ohm Namo Bhagvate Ramanay.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
To-day (28.08.2011, Sunday) Anna broke his ansan (fast) at 10.00 AM. One theory has again been proved successful to-day, which was proved greatest powerful for sure success long before, in 1947. The undefeatable Britishers were defeated by this theory. A half-clad, rural look person forced the super power of the world to leave India forever. The Brahmastra (the sure sot weapon) of truth and non-violence can force any ante power to bow down. One cannot fight with the government by mussel power. But, 12 days fast of Anna concentrated the whole world towards the issue of corruption and formation of Lokpal. The parliament unanimously accepted his all proposals. Prime Minister and Congress General Secretary Mr Rahul Gandhi saluted Anna.
Before moral values, all qualities are shorter. A seventh pass retired truck driver of Indian Army forced intellectuals and modern people to bow down before him. He is unable to speak English and cannot speak correct Hindi fluently. He can speak only Marathi correctly. The Indian famous rural dress dhotee, kurtaa and Anna topee are his dresses. He has nothing special but moral values, fearlessness and honesty. He has control over hunger and does not fear from death. Like Gandhi-giri, Anna-giri has become famous. He is pucca disciple of Gandhijee. His famous proverb ‘naach kare bandar aur maal khaaye madaaree’ has become famous. ‘Lokpal’ will be ‘brahmastra’ to eliminate corruption.----- Vande Maatram.
Before moral values, all qualities are shorter. A seventh pass retired truck driver of Indian Army forced intellectuals and modern people to bow down before him. He is unable to speak English and cannot speak correct Hindi fluently. He can speak only Marathi correctly. The Indian famous rural dress dhotee, kurtaa and Anna topee are his dresses. He has nothing special but moral values, fearlessness and honesty. He has control over hunger and does not fear from death. Like Gandhi-giri, Anna-giri has become famous. He is pucca disciple of Gandhijee. His famous proverb ‘naach kare bandar aur maal khaaye madaaree’ has become famous. ‘Lokpal’ will be ‘brahmastra’ to eliminate corruption.----- Vande Maatram.
Friday, August 26, 2011
There was a prince. His father, the king wished to handover the kingdom to his son and himself to go to the forest for penance. His Prime Minister was very cunning. He managed the army chief and captured the reign and put the king in jail. The prince fled to the forest. His condition became very wretched. He changed his dress and began to wander hither and thither. To get rid of hunger, he started begging. Once, he went to a village which belonged to another country. No one knew him. In disguise of a beggar, he went door to door and reached to a cottage of an old woman. She was a very pious and spiritual woman and great devotee of Lord Krishna. Seeing the beautiful young prince, she thought as if Krishna had come in disguise. She worshipped him and offered sweets and fruits. He took rest in the cottage. In the evening, he played with the village boys. The old lady introduced him as her distant related grandson. He stayed there for some days and spent the time in playing, singing and dancing with village boys. There, he heard about the swayamvar (self-choosing bridegroom ceremony by a marriageable girl) of the princess of the kingdom. He wanted to see the swayamvar and went to the ceremony place with his new village friends. The princes of so many countries were sitting on beautiful chairs, specially decorated for them. My prince sat among the rural boys with his friends on the ground. Even being in costume of a village boy, there was a special glazing on his face. The princess took wedding garland in her hands and started moving around. She reached to one prince, saw his face and moved ahead towards another. Here I recall one scene of ‘Kalidas’s Meghdootam’. “Sanchaarinee deep-shikhev raatrou, yan yan vyateetaay patibmveraa saa. Narendra maargatt iv prapede, vivarnabhaavan sah sah bhoomipaalah.” Like the above scene, in the swayamvar of Indumatee, the princes are sitting in the row. Garland in her hands, she moves before every prince. The scene seems like a female moving on the raajmaarg (state highway) having a lamp in her hand and passing across regal buildings one-by-one. The prince’s face in the front shines like the building in the front. The prince’s face left back seems dull like the building left back. This ‘Upamaa Alankaar-coparision’ appealed so much to the latter poets that they started to tell Kalidas ‘deepshikha kavi’.
My princess also gave two rounds and lastly chose my hero, the village boy sitting on the ground. My hero got married the princess. With the help of this neighbor king (his father-in-law), he attacked at his kingdom and won. The treacherous prime-minister and army chief were punished and the previous king (his father) was crowned.
Life is always a chance. I don’t know what will happen in the next moment. Before a second there is life and after a second we find death. ‘Man proposes, God disposes.’ God’s writing is fixed which is sure to be happened. I start my own dream which may be similar or adverse to the God's writing. If similar, the result is auspicious. If the line of action is reverse, result is adverse. Hence, it has been called to do the job ideally which has been allotted by the heaven. Never curse your circumstances or fate. Always think that God has given most favorable situation to all, which will best suit us. OHM NAMO SRI RAMANAY.
My princess also gave two rounds and lastly chose my hero, the village boy sitting on the ground. My hero got married the princess. With the help of this neighbor king (his father-in-law), he attacked at his kingdom and won. The treacherous prime-minister and army chief were punished and the previous king (his father) was crowned.
Life is always a chance. I don’t know what will happen in the next moment. Before a second there is life and after a second we find death. ‘Man proposes, God disposes.’ God’s writing is fixed which is sure to be happened. I start my own dream which may be similar or adverse to the God's writing. If similar, the result is auspicious. If the line of action is reverse, result is adverse. Hence, it has been called to do the job ideally which has been allotted by the heaven. Never curse your circumstances or fate. Always think that God has given most favorable situation to all, which will best suit us. OHM NAMO SRI RAMANAY.
Monday, August 22, 2011
In 1971,I wanted to take admission in C.M.College,Darbhanga in Intermediate First Year. My father-in-law went there and applied for the same. I had just passed Matriculation and was quite unknown to Darbhanga. This town seemed me to be a very big one because I had seen only Kaluahi, Khajauli, Jaynagar and Madhubani. These towns were very small compared to Darbhanga. After somedays, I was told to see myself, the position regarding the admission list. I went to C M College and saw the list.To my great surprise! the names of aspirants having lower marks were published in the list. Though I had more marks, my name was not there. When enquired about, found that students who had more marks, were eligible for direct admission. When seats remained vacant by direct admission, lower marks list was published. It was the mistake of the person who applied even having direct admission marks. Whether it was done so knowingly or unknowingly, I can't say. Because, in the refusal case, I would have been bound to take admission in R K College, Madhubani which is my district town and I could attend the classes from my village and the cost of my education would have been lesser. I was not knowing the things, started myself attempting for the same. 'Where there is will there is way.' By the grace of Almighty, I became successful in taking my admission in C.M.College, Darbhanga which was a prominent college of Mithila Region, a constituent college of Bihar University. This was a mile stone in my career. Had I taken admission in R K College, the line would have been changed.
I have seen so many times unexpected result coming. Unwillingly, I order somebody to do a work which I think impossible. After giving order I forget the matter. The person whom I order takes the job on his top most priority and becomes successful. Seeing the result I become surprised.-------Ohm Namo Ramanay.
I have seen so many times unexpected result coming. Unwillingly, I order somebody to do a work which I think impossible. After giving order I forget the matter. The person whom I order takes the job on his top most priority and becomes successful. Seeing the result I become surprised.-------Ohm Namo Ramanay.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
कृष्णाष्टमी (२)

KRISHNAASHTAMEE(2), 22,08,2011.
To-day is Krishnaashtamee, the birth day of Lord Krishna. We call him ‘Yogeeshwar- god of saints’. He is perfect God. Ram adopted ‘maryaada-dignity’, Parasuram anger, Buddha ‘samyakatwa-appropriateness’, Mahaveer-‘ahinsa-non violence’; but, Krishna is all-rounder. He is the collection of climaxes in all fields.
He is yogeeshwar. He is also called Achyut-one who has not fallen. Even though, dancing, playing and singing among infinite Gopies (milkwomen), he was away from kaamvikaar (gender-feeling).
‘Jaakee rahee bhaavanaa jaisee, prabhu moorat dekhee tin taisee.’ Devotees see their deities, Saints yogeeshwar and wicked persons get darsan of Yamraaj (god of death) in him.
He preaches all Yogas (Karma-yog, Sankhya-yog, Bhakti-yog, Gyan-yog, Dhyan-yog etc). Gita is the nucleus of Vedas and world’s best book where we see all solutions. This very great book has come direct from the mouth of the Lord Himself and hence there is no pollution-‘Geetaa sugeetaa kartabyaa kimanyaih shastravistaraih. Yaa swayan padmanaabhasya mukhpadmaadwinihsrita.’ Some people say that Geetaa is only for sanyasins and fearing for this very alarm, they forbid their children to read this book. They fear that their sons would be sanyasins and leave home. But, they should think that by getting the knowledge from the book, Arjun who had once refused to fight with his cousins, fought the battle Mahabharata, won it and became a good grihastha (a married person living with his family and indulged in worldly matter for the maintenance of the family). Then, how the adverse result can come by reading this book.
Some say that Geeta provokes violence because by hearing this book Arjun became ready to fight the battle Mahabharata. Gandhijee was the devotee of truth and non-violence. His ideal book was Gita. He always got inspirations from the book. Whenever, he did not find solution of any problem, he read the book and got immediate solution. The battle may be taken as to fight against evils. If I kill all my evils, what is harm in it? Will it be called violence if I get rid of my all bad habits? It is like punishing robbers, kidnapers, rapists, terrorists, killers etc; which should be called good and proper but not violence.-----------Ohm Namo Ramanay.
Saturday, August 20, 2011

To-day is 15th August. India got independence from the slavery of Britishers on this very day in 1947. We have progressed in every field and can do competition with so many top developing countries. To become number one in the world and lead all the countries are our dreams. These dreams are very far. Great sacrifice and full dedication of every person can make them possible. Patriotism, unity, brotherhood and so many heavenly qualities can again give us gurudom (Jagadguru-the tutor of the world). Till Satyug, Treta and Dwapar we were on the chair of the tutor. At present, we are far away. Rather we are among back benchers.
Now, the question arises why we were on top in the past and why on the back bench to-day. In Sat-Yug we took truth. In Treta, maryada (modesty, poise) was primary and in Dwapar, Dharma was supreme. In Kali-Yug, we forgot our moral values and adopted enjoying physical world. We forgot respecting the older and loving the younger. We forgot the teachings of our Vedas, Upanishads, Gita, Ramayana, Manusmriti and Puranas. We started blindly copying the west. We left the things in which we were tutor and adopted the matter which we always ignored. The result is quite obvious. We became blind followers of the west. The west is far ahead in the physical matter than us. Now, in the present situation, we are novice and they are old hand. We are students and they are tutors in the subject.
We have forgotten a veteran freedom fighter and great sage whose birthday occurs to-day। He is Maharshi Aurovind. He has clearly stated that if we want to sit on the chair of world tu
tor again, we will have to embrace spiritualism, moral values and humanity. Aspirants of all over the world came to India to learn these teachings. Our sages taught the lessons practically. Their life styles and daily routine were the practical lessons. In meditation, they saw the whole universe and knew the all minute things. The physical followers were ignorant of the penance, silence and trance (samaadhi). They could not imagine the sacrifice of Ram and his brothers; the crown was like dust for them for which the later princes did not hesitate to kill their brothers.--- Ohm Namo Ramanay.
Now, the question arises why we were on top in the past and why on the back bench to-day. In Sat-Yug we took truth. In Treta, maryada (modesty, poise) was primary and in Dwapar, Dharma was supreme. In Kali-Yug, we forgot our moral values and adopted enjoying physical world. We forgot respecting the older and loving the younger. We forgot the teachings of our Vedas, Upanishads, Gita, Ramayana, Manusmriti and Puranas. We started blindly copying the west. We left the things in which we were tutor and adopted the matter which we always ignored. The result is quite obvious. We became blind followers of the west. The west is far ahead in the physical matter than us. Now, in the present situation, we are novice and they are old hand. We are students and they are tutors in the subject.
We have forgotten a veteran freedom fighter and great sage whose birthday occurs to-day। He is Maharshi Aurovind. He has clearly stated that if we want to sit on the chair of world tu

Monday, August 15, 2011
पत्नीं मनोरमां देहि

Patneen manorman dehi
“Patneen manoraman dehi manovrittanusarineem. Tarineen durgsansaar saagarasya kulodbhavam-(O, Maa Durge! Kindly give me a beautiful wife belonging to a nice family, who can do according to my will and would lead me across the world sea).” Krishnakant studied all shastras (subjects) and attained a good knowledge. He became a great scholar and joined as a teacher in a Sanskrit college. He performed all daily religious activities of a pundit (Sanskrit scholar). Nevertheless, one thing was peculiar and special in him. He performed one thousand japas (recitations) of the above shloka (Sanskrit rhyme) daily, standing in the water. His friends, children and olders laughed seeing him reciting the shloka, because very few people recite this japa. Most of the people recite Gaayatree Mantra, their deity’s mantra or guru mantra. Krishnakant never cared for people's laughing and comments and continued his daily routine. After sometime, he married a very beautiful and gentle girl. She gave birth to four genius sons and a beautiful daughter. He wrote so many famous good books. His sons were very talented and became scholars. He got married his daughter to a very intelligent promising gentle person. The laughers’ sons became notorious and were indulged in anti social activities. Their wives were quarrelling all the time with their husbands and their lives were like those dwelling in hell.
Spouse’s role is very important in one’s life. If wife is pious having heavenly qualities, husband is very lucky and he can reach to any height. Contrarily, if she is bad, husband is very unlucky. In spite of having all worldly material, his life becomes wretched and pitiable. Ram
krishna Paramhans reached climax due to Maa Shaaradaa. Had a haraashankhini (notorious woman) come in his life, we would have seen another Ramkrishna involved in worldly wise and clever activities. Sita, Savitree, Dropadee, Ansuiya, Damyantee,Baa, Bhagvatee Devi Sharma etc, have played prominent roles in formation of their husbands. -------------Namo Ramanay.
“Patneen manoraman dehi manovrittanusarineem. Tarineen durgsansaar saagarasya kulodbhavam-(O, Maa Durge! Kindly give me a beautiful wife belonging to a nice family, who can do according to my will and would lead me across the world sea).” Krishnakant studied all shastras (subjects) and attained a good knowledge. He became a great scholar and joined as a teacher in a Sanskrit college. He performed all daily religious activities of a pundit (Sanskrit scholar). Nevertheless, one thing was peculiar and special in him. He performed one thousand japas (recitations) of the above shloka (Sanskrit rhyme) daily, standing in the water. His friends, children and olders laughed seeing him reciting the shloka, because very few people recite this japa. Most of the people recite Gaayatree Mantra, their deity’s mantra or guru mantra. Krishnakant never cared for people's laughing and comments and continued his daily routine. After sometime, he married a very beautiful and gentle girl. She gave birth to four genius sons and a beautiful daughter. He wrote so many famous good books. His sons were very talented and became scholars. He got married his daughter to a very intelligent promising gentle person. The laughers’ sons became notorious and were indulged in anti social activities. Their wives were quarrelling all the time with their husbands and their lives were like those dwelling in hell.
Spouse’s role is very important in one’s life. If wife is pious having heavenly qualities, husband is very lucky and he can reach to any height. Contrarily, if she is bad, husband is very unlucky. In spite of having all worldly material, his life becomes wretched and pitiable. Ram

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The innate love of a sister for her brother is expressed in the festival. She ties a sacred thread (raakhee) on the wrist of her brother and thus ties the whole world with love. ‘Bahnaa ne bhai ki kalaee pe pyar bandha hai, pyar ki ik dore se sansar bandha hai.’ She wishes and prays God for her brother’s long life and all happiness. Brother vows her protection. She gives to eat him the best sweets and food he likes. She knows his likes, dislikes, and makes preparations accordingly. Brother gives money, clothes and ornaments. Brothers may change but sister’s love is constant for life long. After marriage, brother inclines towards his father-in-law’s side and love for sisters decreases. But sister’s love is unvarying.
“Jen baddho Bali Raajaa, daanvendro mahaabalah; Tan twan pratibadhnami, rakshemaachalmaachla.” ‘I am binding you the thread with which the giant’s king Bali was bound and it will protect you forever and make you immortal like king Bali.’ In Mithila and some other parts of northern India, elders and priests bind rakhees on younger’s wrists reciting the above mantras wishing their all round protection.
This raksha-sutra (protection thread) saved so many women’s modesty in the history. In the very presence of her five most powerful husbands and celebrated father-in-laws, Dusshaasan tried to make Dropadee naked before Dhritrashtra’s assembly. Krishna alone came to protect her and saved her humility. Once there was bleeding in Krishna’s finger in some war. Dropadee tore her clothes and bound it on his finger. This touched the heart of the most powerful and yogeeshwar (king of saints) Krishna. He started to treat her more than his own sister. Dropadee is also called Krishna (Krishn’s sister). He vowed to protect her always. As the return, she got unlimited saarees and Dusshaasan could not make her naked.
In Mithila region, the intrinsic love of the sisters has been picturized in Raakhee and Bhratridwiteeyaa (Bhai-Dooj; a festival of brother and sister) vividly. The sister is shown hankering after the love of brothers. She thinks herself the most week and poor. ‘Baba ke bakhaari dheeyaa ke upaas; ham doordeshanee ho bhaiyaa tikulbe ker ho aas.’ These lines show the wretched condition of the women in the society. How a daughter can be poor when her father is rich. The law provides equal share in parent’s property to all children irrespective of gender. Moreover, girls have proved themselves equally competent in all fields compared to boys. In some cases, they have better results than boys in so many prestigious examinations and doing all types of jobs. They are better in housekeeping, children taming, cooking, cleaning, marketing and maintaining the family. Therefore, songs should also change which can show economic equality and bilateral affection.-------On Raakhee festival, 13th Aug, 2011.-------------------------------NAMO RAMANAY.
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Friendship (Dostee)
From the very childhood, thousands of friends have come in my life. Some stayed in days, some in months, some in years and some are for life long. ‘A man is known by the company he keeps.’ Man is a social animal. He cannot survive alone. From the very birth, a child is very dependent on its mother and surrounding persons. The newborn progeny of animals begins to walk after a few hours, but human infants cannot. Until so many years, he is dependent on the society. Even after attaining maturity, he is unable to live alone except some extraordinary cases. Saints and sanyasins come in this exceptional category.
Trust and respect are the prime criteria for a friendship to last long. You can say that wife is the very friend who lasts long life. She is more than a friend and life partner. She is called ‘ardhangini’, the half part of the body. But, there are certain wives which are more than enemies and even they try to kill their spouses. They are few and should not be taken for example. There were friends who sacrificed their lives for their friends. Remember the character of ‘Jay’ in
the film ‘Sholay’. Head and tail tosses were only to pretend for one-sided sacrifice for one’s friend. This was disclosed after Jay’s death and this sacrifice led the respect and depth of friendship to the climax. People say that friendship develops and becomes stable between equals. This may be true for worldly-wise friends. When we talk of devotional friends, this measurement is not true. Equality has been taken for give and take equally. When I think only to give, this definition does not fit appropriate. Krishna and Sudaamaa were not equal but their friendship is immortal all the time. 
This type of friendship is the rarest. Worldly people cannot think of such type of friendship. Devotee and his deity are such type of friends. Meera-krishna, Raadhaa-Krishna can be put in this type. Our friendship is based on selfishness and thought of getting return. I see a person making so many friends in a few days, then starting quarreling with everyone one by one and making everyone his enemy in a few days. There is another person who is very choosy and talks with a few persons cautiously. After some days chooses a person of his nature and makes him his friend. Now the second man has one good friend and several familiars but no enemy. Now judge,who is in better position. When I find that, my friend is of no use or he can demand something, I break relationship. ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed.’ A true friend is another form of self. To find a person who should be similar to my nature is rare. Perhaps due to this very thought, Bapu (Gandhi) has suggested to lead the life without friend. If it becomes essential, only one friend is enough. Good wishes to all my friends on this friendship day the 1st Sunday of August (7th August) 2011.-------------------------Namo Bhagvate Sri Ramanay.
From the very childhood, thousands of friends have come in my life. Some stayed in days, some in months, some in years and some are for life long. ‘A man is known by the company he keeps.’ Man is a social animal. He cannot survive alone. From the very birth, a child is very dependent on its mother and surrounding persons. The newborn progeny of animals begins to walk after a few hours, but human infants cannot. Until so many years, he is dependent on the society. Even after attaining maturity, he is unable to live alone except some extraordinary cases. Saints and sanyasins come in this exceptional category.
Trust and respect are the prime criteria for a friendship to last long. You can say that wife is the very friend who lasts long life. She is more than a friend and life partner. She is called ‘ardhangini’, the half part of the body. But, there are certain wives which are more than enemies and even they try to kill their spouses. They are few and should not be taken for example. There were friends who sacrificed their lives for their friends. Remember the character of ‘Jay’ in

This type of friendship is the rarest. Worldly people cannot think of such type of friendship. Devotee and his deity are such type of friends. Meera-krishna, Raadhaa-Krishna can be put in this type. Our friendship is based on selfishness and thought of getting return. I see a person making so many friends in a few days, then starting quarreling with everyone one by one and making everyone his enemy in a few days. There is another person who is very choosy and talks with a few persons cautiously. After some days chooses a person of his nature and makes him his friend. Now the second man has one good friend and several familiars but no enemy. Now judge,who is in better position. When I find that, my friend is of no use or he can demand something, I break relationship. ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed.’ A true friend is another form of self. To find a person who should be similar to my nature is rare. Perhaps due to this very thought, Bapu (Gandhi) has suggested to lead the life without friend. If it becomes essential, only one friend is enough. Good wishes to all my friends on this friendship day the 1st Sunday of August (7th August) 2011.-------------------------Namo Bhagvate Sri Ramanay.
Friday, August 5, 2011
नीलू (५)
NILU (5)
In Doranda I and Surendra Pd lived together for nine months. Chandramohan often visited my residence for a few months. He was doing his PHD in Chemistry under Dr H C Mishra. When selected for UGC grant, he left Ramgarh and started to live at Ranchi with me permanently. One of my cousins was living at Harmu Housing Colony with his villager in a rental flat. He was studying and maintaining his expenditure by giving tuition to some students. He frequently came to us on holidays. The rental flat was on the name of his friend’s father who was his villager also. His villager also came to us with him. After sometime, his friend’s father was transferred. They were vacating the house and wanted to let the house on rent to a close person. The rental flats meant to give accommodation to the government employees of Ranchi by the Housing Board, on nominal rent compared to market rent. As per rule, when an employee is transferred, he should vacate the flat and hand-over it to the board. However, few people vacated and gave it to their kith and kin on rent, which was illegal. When complaint was lodged, the relatives denied the rent matter. My cousin and his friend offered me to take the flat on rent on a bit higher to that of the board. I was in a mood to think over the matter because of the distance between Harmu and Doranda (where my office was situated) but Chanramohan was hastening seeing the large rent difference and more facilities. One day my cousin came told about the final decision. We decided to shift and went to Harmu.
The rental flats were two roomed flats having one verandah in the front and one in the back. Both rooms opened in both verandahs. There was no connection between the two rooms, hence there was full privacy between the rooms. Kitchen in one side and bathroom in another side opened in the back verandah. There was one front courtyard having three and half feet high boundary. Back courtyard had eight feet high enclosure wall. There were six units (flats) in one block of two storeys. Four flats were on GF and two on FF. In the middle, there was staircase. The FF units were just beside the staircase. There was open terrace for each of FF flats. There was a big triangular park. The triangle was equilateral having every side of about five hundred feet. There was a road along the three sides of the park. Flats were situated beside the road. Residence having full ventilation along with park and road is a very costlier thing today. I can say it very good arrangement of two roomed flats having special planning of land. When I look back, greed surrounds me for the location, seeing the present thronged and congested locations of Patna. When I started to go to office, I took Nilu on my scooter and gave one round around the park. The same action was repeated, when I returned from the office. Once, he was sleeping when I returned from the office. I kept the scooter on the verandah quietly. When he awoke, began to roll on the ground and did not stop until I took him on the scooter and gave a round of the park.
Nilu was nine month old when I took him and his mother to Ranchi in the flat. The neighbors were good. Nilu’s mother enjoyed the company. Nilu had started walking on his foot. Sometimes, he came out on the road and went near the cows grazing in the park. Once a cow shook her head, Nilu fell down and began to cry. Her mother ran but the cow had not harmed. Fearing from the cow, he had himself fallen down. Sometimes we locked the gate to keep Nilu inside. But, to our surprise! Nilu came out from the gap in the grill. Several times, he fled and we became too much anxious searching him. One day, I was in office. Nilu’s mother was cooking food. Nilu was playing in the front courtyard. A hawker came with some toys. Nilu came out of the grill and went with the hawker. When his mother did not feel her lal’s (son’s) presence, came out of the kitchen. She did not see him and began to cry. Fortunately, Mahendra (my younger) was with us. He ran to search and found him in the market with the toys-seller. Harmu market was very small; so he was easily found out. Had it been bigger, I would have faced more difficulties.
In Doranda I and Surendra Pd lived together for nine months. Chandramohan often visited my residence for a few months. He was doing his PHD in Chemistry under Dr H C Mishra. When selected for UGC grant, he left Ramgarh and started to live at Ranchi with me permanently. One of my cousins was living at Harmu Housing Colony with his villager in a rental flat. He was studying and maintaining his expenditure by giving tuition to some students. He frequently came to us on holidays. The rental flat was on the name of his friend’s father who was his villager also. His villager also came to us with him. After sometime, his friend’s father was transferred. They were vacating the house and wanted to let the house on rent to a close person. The rental flats meant to give accommodation to the government employees of Ranchi by the Housing Board, on nominal rent compared to market rent. As per rule, when an employee is transferred, he should vacate the flat and hand-over it to the board. However, few people vacated and gave it to their kith and kin on rent, which was illegal. When complaint was lodged, the relatives denied the rent matter. My cousin and his friend offered me to take the flat on rent on a bit higher to that of the board. I was in a mood to think over the matter because of the distance between Harmu and Doranda (where my office was situated) but Chanramohan was hastening seeing the large rent difference and more facilities. One day my cousin came told about the final decision. We decided to shift and went to Harmu.
The rental flats were two roomed flats having one verandah in the front and one in the back. Both rooms opened in both verandahs. There was no connection between the two rooms, hence there was full privacy between the rooms. Kitchen in one side and bathroom in another side opened in the back verandah. There was one front courtyard having three and half feet high boundary. Back courtyard had eight feet high enclosure wall. There were six units (flats) in one block of two storeys. Four flats were on GF and two on FF. In the middle, there was staircase. The FF units were just beside the staircase. There was open terrace for each of FF flats. There was a big triangular park. The triangle was equilateral having every side of about five hundred feet. There was a road along the three sides of the park. Flats were situated beside the road. Residence having full ventilation along with park and road is a very costlier thing today. I can say it very good arrangement of two roomed flats having special planning of land. When I look back, greed surrounds me for the location, seeing the present thronged and congested locations of Patna. When I started to go to office, I took Nilu on my scooter and gave one round around the park. The same action was repeated, when I returned from the office. Once, he was sleeping when I returned from the office. I kept the scooter on the verandah quietly. When he awoke, began to roll on the ground and did not stop until I took him on the scooter and gave a round of the park.
Nilu was nine month old when I took him and his mother to Ranchi in the flat. The neighbors were good. Nilu’s mother enjoyed the company. Nilu had started walking on his foot. Sometimes, he came out on the road and went near the cows grazing in the park. Once a cow shook her head, Nilu fell down and began to cry. Her mother ran but the cow had not harmed. Fearing from the cow, he had himself fallen down. Sometimes we locked the gate to keep Nilu inside. But, to our surprise! Nilu came out from the gap in the grill. Several times, he fled and we became too much anxious searching him. One day, I was in office. Nilu’s mother was cooking food. Nilu was playing in the front courtyard. A hawker came with some toys. Nilu came out of the grill and went with the hawker. When his mother did not feel her lal’s (son’s) presence, came out of the kitchen. She did not see him and began to cry. Fortunately, Mahendra (my younger) was with us. He ran to search and found him in the market with the toys-seller. Harmu market was very small; so he was easily found out. Had it been bigger, I would have faced more difficulties.
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