Tuesday, June 29, 2010
In Manigachhi School one of my friends’ sons of karmauli was also reading. He was in class five and Nilu was in class four. He was some older and matured too. But Nilu was lean and thin, childish and only eight year old. When I saw my friend's son I became very pleased. A senior friend to guide and taking care was there. Nilu’s mother had given him too much breakfast which could last long but his friends ate all in a few days. This was disclosed by Nilu after sometime when we asked him about lunch and breakfast. Nilu remained there for about eight months. During this period whenever I met him, found him speechless. Seeing me he became so emotional that words hardly came out; only eyes wetted. Some skin diseases had also developed. Second time I saw him with one J.E., Tiwary. His remark about the school was not good. I also formed the same opinion. In Durga puja vacation his nanaji took him to Belahi. For a few days he was always eating. He was making up the back log. We also visited Belahi a few days latter. Till then Nilu had become normal and enjoying the nanaji’s village. He narrated the story of Manigachhi. The beds were in continuation. Students slept with their body touching each other. That was the reason of skin diseases. Moreover, the catering was not of better quality. I don’t know whether my son got better education or not but we had missed him too much. Lastly it was decided not to send him again there. He again got admission at Birpur. After some months in December I was transferred to Patna. I took a two roomed flat on rent at Punaichak. My office was in Nirman Bhavan (now Vishweshwaraiya Bhavan). So the residence was nearer to the office. Nilu got admission in Nehru Academy and Dipu, Vimal at Mount Glory Academy at Punaichak which were nearer to my residence. Both schools were a few distant apart. All my three children used to go to school together. I was mentally free about my sons’ schools because the time was not good and kidnapping business had developed too much. Moreover, Aditya my second brother-in-law was with us studying in P.G. Maithily, Patna University and he took more care of my children. The time was very pleasant. This was my first posting at Patna. I was enjoying the place too much. The office was also very interesting. We were eight assistant engineers sitting in a big hall. Four executive engineers and one superintending engineer were in other separate rooms. The atmosphere was very light and we were always in jolly mood. Shrivastavji, Arvind, Naresh, Kwaja Kutubuddin, Vinod, Badri, Virendra are always in my memory with whom I spent six years without any tension. Er S.P.Singh, Superintending Engineer was very pious person. I used to discuss about Gita, Ramayan and so many spiritual matters. This was the time when I came to know Bhagvaan Ramana. S E Saheb was great devotee of Guru Baba. When he retired in Feb 1992, I visited Ramanashram with him.........................................cotd.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Ayachi Mishra was renowned Sanskrit scholar and great thinker of Mithila. The name plays vital role in one’s life. This is not hundred percent true but most of the time it dominates the life. Pawan becomes fast, Pappu-notorious, Chinku becomes chengra , Manish & Munish become meditator and thinker, Ameer becomes rich and Thakna becomes treacherous. We rarely put our children’s name on the persons who have defamed our society or betrayed their near and dear. We never put names like Ravan, Kans, Bibhishan (although he was a pious fellow, he had betrayed his own brother). Like his name Ayachi (a + yachi= who does not yach= who does not beg), he never asked for anything from any person.
Ayachi Mishra was a very poor Brahman. He had no issue. He had one kattha (1905 sq. ft.) land. In this very land he had his hut also. He and his wife were very pleased and contented. He used to produce vegetables in the land and lived on it. Only one crop was sufficient for his family of two members. The contentment is the root of all pleasure. When contentment comes, all worldly riches are like dust. `Godhan gajdhan bajidhan aur rataandhan khan; Jab abay santosh dhan sab dhan dhoori saman.’
He was a great devotee and was always busy in worshipping and meditation. Although he was contented in what he had but there was one big melancholy in life. He was always anxious about his after death rituals. In Hinduism, son is the only source for expansion of a family and the doer of after death rituals of the father and fore-fathers. Now a day, it is not true. Daughters have proved themselves more devotees compared to sons. But old thinkers are of old mind. They think daughters second grade issue. Although, law has been introduced of equal rights to sons and daughters, but there are few persons who can follow the rules. Parents have millions of rupees but daughters are poor. Nevertheless, daughters are blind supporters of their parents. In some cases they can even leave their husbands for their parents. But parents are dishonest. Especially in Mithila region daughters are more neglected. They are exploited. They are mentally so blind about their parents that they can’t think about their rights. The rich daughters can forgo her share but even wretched daughters can’t think of getting equal share in father’s property. These dishonest fathers are shameless. They can not give equal right to their daughters.They will always support their sons; although they might have tortured them. There is such father who always wanted to kill his daughter in the womb but God saved her. Latter she was thrown in the dustbin. Again she was saved by The God. One issueless family tamed her. She was married to a very fine person. Now she is very pleased with her noble husband and children. There is a father very gentle and honored. He gets his daughter married but the son-in-law dies after a few days of the marriage. The daughter lived with his mother. She served her honorable father blindly. She never desired to get her right nor she was offered. ‘Kupita jayet, kuputri na bhavati’. In the old age, she went to mother-in-law's village. Her brothers and sister in-laws forced her to leave their house on which she had equal right like her brothers. Ayachi worshipped, meditated and prayed for years for a son. The God Shiva became pleased and appeared before him and asked him to ask for anything he liked. Ayachi asked for a son. Shankar saw that there was no son in his fate. So, He decided to come Himself. After due time, a son was born and he was named Shankar. This Shakar and Adi Shankaracharya of Kerala are similar genius. Shakar’s mother had nothing to pay to the chamain (cobbler’s wife) who had looked after her during delivery period. In rural areas cobbler’s wives do the role of nurses during delivery. She promised to offer the first earning of her son to her. Shankar was blessed that he knew all Shasrtas from the early childhood. He was fluently speaking Sanskrit shlokas of old scholars' granthas as well as of his own. Once, Emperor Akbar passed through the way and saw the devine lighted child. He called the small child of simply five year old. Akbar told him to speak something. The boy asked him what he wanted to hear-‘Whether from shastras or mine’. Akbar replied-‘Of your own’. The little boy started to recite till so many ours like great scholars. ‘Baloham jagdanand, na me bala saraswati; apurne panchame warse warnayami jagatrayam’. Akabar was amazed seeing the miraculous child. He had not heard and seen such type of genius child. He took the child with him. He sent the boy in the treasure and told to take as much diamonds & jewels as he can. The simply five year old child had worn a small piece of cloth. He took some diamonds and jewels according to his capacity and gave them to his mother. The mother was not ordinary mother. God does not choose ordinary woman to be His mother. Although she was very poor but she was Ayachi’s wife and Shankar’s mother. According to her word to the cobler's wife, she gave all jewels to the chamine. This is the biggest sacrifice and the value of the word, which is impossible for an ordinary lady. The chamine was also not willing to take all but when pressed she was bound. She became the richest woman of the area. She got built so many temples and got dug so many ponds and wells. There is a famous Chmainiya-Pokhar near Basopatti which is the largest pond of the area.
We belong to that very famous dynasty of Ayachi and shankar. We have talent of shankar and character of Ayachi and his wife. We are contended on what we have but shall not spread our hands before anybody. This is the message to our children to be true followers of our forefathers. 'Teti panw pasariye jeti lambi saur = cut your coat according to your clothes'. Even in worst condition, don't spread hand before anybody. Always plan your life according to your means. Keep yourself always busy in earning knowledge. Always try to remain on your words. Worldly materials have zero value before truth. ……………………………contd.
Ayachi Mishra was a very poor Brahman. He had no issue. He had one kattha (1905 sq. ft.) land. In this very land he had his hut also. He and his wife were very pleased and contented. He used to produce vegetables in the land and lived on it. Only one crop was sufficient for his family of two members. The contentment is the root of all pleasure. When contentment comes, all worldly riches are like dust. `Godhan gajdhan bajidhan aur rataandhan khan; Jab abay santosh dhan sab dhan dhoori saman.’
He was a great devotee and was always busy in worshipping and meditation. Although he was contented in what he had but there was one big melancholy in life. He was always anxious about his after death rituals. In Hinduism, son is the only source for expansion of a family and the doer of after death rituals of the father and fore-fathers. Now a day, it is not true. Daughters have proved themselves more devotees compared to sons. But old thinkers are of old mind. They think daughters second grade issue. Although, law has been introduced of equal rights to sons and daughters, but there are few persons who can follow the rules. Parents have millions of rupees but daughters are poor. Nevertheless, daughters are blind supporters of their parents. In some cases they can even leave their husbands for their parents. But parents are dishonest. Especially in Mithila region daughters are more neglected. They are exploited. They are mentally so blind about their parents that they can’t think about their rights. The rich daughters can forgo her share but even wretched daughters can’t think of getting equal share in father’s property. These dishonest fathers are shameless. They can not give equal right to their daughters.They will always support their sons; although they might have tortured them. There is such father who always wanted to kill his daughter in the womb but God saved her. Latter she was thrown in the dustbin. Again she was saved by The God. One issueless family tamed her. She was married to a very fine person. Now she is very pleased with her noble husband and children. There is a father very gentle and honored. He gets his daughter married but the son-in-law dies after a few days of the marriage. The daughter lived with his mother. She served her honorable father blindly. She never desired to get her right nor she was offered. ‘Kupita jayet, kuputri na bhavati’. In the old age, she went to mother-in-law's village. Her brothers and sister in-laws forced her to leave their house on which she had equal right like her brothers. Ayachi worshipped, meditated and prayed for years for a son. The God Shiva became pleased and appeared before him and asked him to ask for anything he liked. Ayachi asked for a son. Shankar saw that there was no son in his fate. So, He decided to come Himself. After due time, a son was born and he was named Shankar. This Shakar and Adi Shankaracharya of Kerala are similar genius. Shakar’s mother had nothing to pay to the chamain (cobbler’s wife) who had looked after her during delivery period. In rural areas cobbler’s wives do the role of nurses during delivery. She promised to offer the first earning of her son to her. Shankar was blessed that he knew all Shasrtas from the early childhood. He was fluently speaking Sanskrit shlokas of old scholars' granthas as well as of his own. Once, Emperor Akbar passed through the way and saw the devine lighted child. He called the small child of simply five year old. Akbar told him to speak something. The boy asked him what he wanted to hear-‘Whether from shastras or mine’. Akbar replied-‘Of your own’. The little boy started to recite till so many ours like great scholars. ‘Baloham jagdanand, na me bala saraswati; apurne panchame warse warnayami jagatrayam’. Akabar was amazed seeing the miraculous child. He had not heard and seen such type of genius child. He took the child with him. He sent the boy in the treasure and told to take as much diamonds & jewels as he can. The simply five year old child had worn a small piece of cloth. He took some diamonds and jewels according to his capacity and gave them to his mother. The mother was not ordinary mother. God does not choose ordinary woman to be His mother. Although she was very poor but she was Ayachi’s wife and Shankar’s mother. According to her word to the cobler's wife, she gave all jewels to the chamine. This is the biggest sacrifice and the value of the word, which is impossible for an ordinary lady. The chamine was also not willing to take all but when pressed she was bound. She became the richest woman of the area. She got built so many temples and got dug so many ponds and wells. There is a famous Chmainiya-Pokhar near Basopatti which is the largest pond of the area.
We belong to that very famous dynasty of Ayachi and shankar. We have talent of shankar and character of Ayachi and his wife. We are contended on what we have but shall not spread our hands before anybody. This is the message to our children to be true followers of our forefathers. 'Teti panw pasariye jeti lambi saur = cut your coat according to your clothes'. Even in worst condition, don't spread hand before anybody. Always plan your life according to your means. Keep yourself always busy in earning knowledge. Always try to remain on your words. Worldly materials have zero value before truth. ……………………………contd.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
He is very simple, spiritual, harmless person. He is totally dependant on God Ramana. He is ignorant of most of the worldly affairs and in this context you can say him quite unsuccessful person. Clever and matured person can cheat him easily. He always requires a supporter. When the supporter is with him he becomes stronger. When he is alone he is the weakest person of the world. Spiritually he is stronger because worldly matter has no existence there. Rather weaker persons are stronger near God. Parents take more care of their weaker children. My children will always rise because I have kept them in the lap of God- the father of the whole universe. Clever and matured tames his children himself and that’s why his children become notorious, proud, drinker and criminal- the collection of all evils of their parents. Simple persons leave their children and even them under Gods guidance. The children learn heavenly characteristics which are most precious, costlier than the jewels and diamond.
You can see infinite examples and so this is a truth. There was an income tax commissioner. His sons became great drinker & gambler. The grand sons became dacoits. Kripa nand thakur was an engineer. He was very pious fellow and totally ignorant of the world. He was always remaining in Trans. He was totally cut off from the world, from his family and also from his wife. Once diarrhea attacked him at night. He was alone in the room. No one knew about his illness. He went in coma due to dehydration. In the morning family members knew but he was breathing his last. Doctor was called, but in vain and he got permanent peace. He had one daughter and two sons. The son-in-law was an engineer in state PWD. The elder son joined in GIC as AAO. The younger joined Central Excise as an inspector. By the God grace all became employed and no one was willing to get job on compassionate ground after the death of his father, a government employee. Nilu’s father is a flexible fellow and he is never rigid on any matter. But he cannot bow before lie. Due to his flexibility and simplicity people under estimate him. When faces meet they realize their fault. `Bajradapi kathorani, mriduni kushumadapi- harder than diamond and softer than flower’ is fit for him. His heart is softer than butter. He is very sentimental. He is at once hurted when something touches his heart. He is always graced by God Ramna. Although he is the devotee of Bhagvan Ramana who always teaches us to remain in self even in worst position and keep patience, he becomes tensonised whenever something seems to be wrong. It is due to his primary stage of meditation and spritualism. He has totally surrendered before Bhagvan Ramana and He has lighted his all loads. Otherwise, the very survival of such type of sentimental person is impossible.
He is the son of a simple farmer who didn’t know even his signature. He lived at Karmauli till the age of twenty five till he got the job. But one can surprise to hear that he knows nothing about the farming. One can laugh and say it false praise or proud show, but it is true. The reason is that his father was a very good farmer. When his elder Ugresh (at present he is very serious and I pray God Ramana to cure him and give him a new life) became youth he began to help his father and after sometime took all the load of farming on his shoulder. Thus he (Nilu’s father) became totally free. That was the reason of being ignorant of farming and using that energy in studies. Otherwise it was impossible for a poor farmer’s son to be an engineer.
------------------------- OM NAMO BHAGVATE SRI RAMANAY. ……….Contd.
You can see infinite examples and so this is a truth. There was an income tax commissioner. His sons became great drinker & gambler. The grand sons became dacoits. Kripa nand thakur was an engineer. He was very pious fellow and totally ignorant of the world. He was always remaining in Trans. He was totally cut off from the world, from his family and also from his wife. Once diarrhea attacked him at night. He was alone in the room. No one knew about his illness. He went in coma due to dehydration. In the morning family members knew but he was breathing his last. Doctor was called, but in vain and he got permanent peace. He had one daughter and two sons. The son-in-law was an engineer in state PWD. The elder son joined in GIC as AAO. The younger joined Central Excise as an inspector. By the God grace all became employed and no one was willing to get job on compassionate ground after the death of his father, a government employee. Nilu’s father is a flexible fellow and he is never rigid on any matter. But he cannot bow before lie. Due to his flexibility and simplicity people under estimate him. When faces meet they realize their fault. `Bajradapi kathorani, mriduni kushumadapi- harder than diamond and softer than flower’ is fit for him. His heart is softer than butter. He is very sentimental. He is at once hurted when something touches his heart. He is always graced by God Ramna. Although he is the devotee of Bhagvan Ramana who always teaches us to remain in self even in worst position and keep patience, he becomes tensonised whenever something seems to be wrong. It is due to his primary stage of meditation and spritualism. He has totally surrendered before Bhagvan Ramana and He has lighted his all loads. Otherwise, the very survival of such type of sentimental person is impossible.
He is the son of a simple farmer who didn’t know even his signature. He lived at Karmauli till the age of twenty five till he got the job. But one can surprise to hear that he knows nothing about the farming. One can laugh and say it false praise or proud show, but it is true. The reason is that his father was a very good farmer. When his elder Ugresh (at present he is very serious and I pray God Ramana to cure him and give him a new life) became youth he began to help his father and after sometime took all the load of farming on his shoulder. Thus he (Nilu’s father) became totally free. That was the reason of being ignorant of farming and using that energy in studies. Otherwise it was impossible for a poor farmer’s son to be an engineer.
------------------------- OM NAMO BHAGVATE SRI RAMANAY. ……….Contd.
Monday, June 14, 2010
She is a very pious lady. One can say her rarest rare. There is some devine qualities in her. In some cases she is far ahead than me. She is away from selfishness. She honors others more than her children and her husband which differentiates her from other lady. She is very hungry of love. Far away from ego, she becomes friendly even with servants. When she goes home, ladies of nearby houses gather around her and shares their joys and sorrows with her. She also goes deep in their problems and tries to short it out. When she cooks some special food, she herself takes a little and distributes major portion of it to others. She hates quarrelling. I have never seen her quarrelling with anybody. She can quarrel only with her husband and children. Like a common woman she loves her mother’s village and the people of that village more than any other place and people of the world respectively. She can believe even upon a child of Belahi. She can tell you the likes and dislikes of each and every person of Belahi even in the sleep.
She is totally egoless. Although being the wife a superintending engineer, mother of three able sons and mother-in-law of two able daughter-in-laws she behaves like a down trodden lady. She has keen interest in cooking. There is special taste in her cooked food. Every person who has tasted her food, praises her. She has got a very hard training of cooking in her primary stages of married life. In those days there was a training course for newly wedded ladies. Ours was a joint family of about twenty five members. When a new lady came, she had to cook food for the whole family until her younger did not come. One can say it a punishment in present context. But when I see today’s ladies paying little attention to cooking and preparing tasteless food, the necessity of old time training at once comes in my mind. She had no mother-in-law. But she has passed more rigorous training course under very tough trainers, her older sister in laws of the age of her mother. I am very much thankful to those ladies under whose rough and tough guidance she learnt so many valuable lessons, i.e hard working, cooking, cleaning the floors and cooking pans, preparation of rice from paddy, making beaten rice, boiling the paddy for ‘usana rice’ and so many important worldly behaviors. Now I can say proudly that she knows our rituals better due to her parents and her old sister in laws. You can learn from her so many old customs which we have totally forgotten, i.e. when to cut nail & hair, when to start for a journey, when to fast, when not to take salt and so many other old traditions. Every woman believes that husbands are fools and no lady should obey them unless certified by mother’s side and she is not exception. ….contd.
She is totally egoless. Although being the wife a superintending engineer, mother of three able sons and mother-in-law of two able daughter-in-laws she behaves like a down trodden lady. She has keen interest in cooking. There is special taste in her cooked food. Every person who has tasted her food, praises her. She has got a very hard training of cooking in her primary stages of married life. In those days there was a training course for newly wedded ladies. Ours was a joint family of about twenty five members. When a new lady came, she had to cook food for the whole family until her younger did not come. One can say it a punishment in present context. But when I see today’s ladies paying little attention to cooking and preparing tasteless food, the necessity of old time training at once comes in my mind. She had no mother-in-law. But she has passed more rigorous training course under very tough trainers, her older sister in laws of the age of her mother. I am very much thankful to those ladies under whose rough and tough guidance she learnt so many valuable lessons, i.e hard working, cooking, cleaning the floors and cooking pans, preparation of rice from paddy, making beaten rice, boiling the paddy for ‘usana rice’ and so many important worldly behaviors. Now I can say proudly that she knows our rituals better due to her parents and her old sister in laws. You can learn from her so many old customs which we have totally forgotten, i.e. when to cut nail & hair, when to start for a journey, when to fast, when not to take salt and so many other old traditions. Every woman believes that husbands are fools and no lady should obey them unless certified by mother’s side and she is not exception. ….contd.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
NILU, my eldest son (4)
Since the very day of our visit to Manigachhi public school, Nilu started to talk about the admission in the school. However, thinking about the unbearable departure we were delaying. When Nilu became too much impatient, we made our heart strong, thinking the betterment of our son. And one day I packed his necessary articles in a box and started to Manigachhi. I paid the fees and purchased some essential things for daily use for him. When I started to leave tears came in my eyes but Nilu was too much pleased and busy with his friends and paid little attention to my departure. Nilu’s mother was always weeping and she didn’t sleep the whole night. Dipu and Vimal were also very distressed but Dipu took it in another way. He thought that Nilu would study more there and so he should increase his time of reading. He started reading more. In the night when we slept, he used to go in the drawing room and read in the light coming in the room through the window from verandah. He didn’t put the light of the drawing room on, thinking that papa would awake and would be angry. Vimaljee was only four year old. He was too much socked. The sign of sorrow was always on his face. At times, we were afraid seeing his longer breath. When I consulted my doctor friend Dr. Arun Kr Jha, he checked and told not to worry. He further said that it had developed due to the sudden depart of his nearest and dearest the eldest brother and it would vanish in due course. This type of event often affects the mind of the children, which disappears after a few days.
I don’t know whether Nilu was benefited by Manigachhi school or not but one benefit became to Dipu that too much interest towards study arose in him. Dipu was simply in class one at that time and one can say that sincerity of that period doesn’t matter much. Nevertheless, morning shows the day and child is the father of the man. Interest can develop at any age. The sooner it comes, the quicker, bigger and stable result we have. The seed of the pippal or banyan tree starts developing quickly from the very beginning and becomes so greater. The baby elephant starts growing very fast from the very beginning. Labor never goes in vain and slow and steady wins the race. Dipujee started balanced study. He prepared the whole year and I think proportionate study is the best way of success. Contrary to it, Nilujee studied more when the exam was nearer. I remember his intermediate period. He sat on the study table in the evening and left the table after sunrise. ...............contd.
I don’t know whether Nilu was benefited by Manigachhi school or not but one benefit became to Dipu that too much interest towards study arose in him. Dipu was simply in class one at that time and one can say that sincerity of that period doesn’t matter much. Nevertheless, morning shows the day and child is the father of the man. Interest can develop at any age. The sooner it comes, the quicker, bigger and stable result we have. The seed of the pippal or banyan tree starts developing quickly from the very beginning and becomes so greater. The baby elephant starts growing very fast from the very beginning. Labor never goes in vain and slow and steady wins the race. Dipujee started balanced study. He prepared the whole year and I think proportionate study is the best way of success. Contrary to it, Nilujee studied more when the exam was nearer. I remember his intermediate period. He sat on the study table in the evening and left the table after sunrise. ...............contd.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
At the age of eight Nilu was admitted in class four in Manigachhi Residential Public school.The school was very famous and single residential school in the district.I was at Birpur at that time. I heard the name of the school from Chandu Bhai. He was at Madras (now Chennai). Mr. P. K. Jha of Tarauni who was at Madras and a very close friend of Chandu had told him about the school. When I heard the name of the school, I was tempted for my eldest son to be admitted there. I had one weakness that whenever I heard the name of an educational institution of reputation, I at once began to think for my children according to my financial position. I was at karmauli and my children were enjoying holidays. When I started for Birpur a thought came to see the school because it was on the way to Birpur. I saw the school and became too much pleased hearing the fees of the school, which was within my budget. Nilu ran inside the campus and in the classrooms and hostels. He visited the whole premises within half an hour. Nilu’s mother also saw the school. Amarnath, Mahendra, Dipu, Vimal all visited the campus. Nilu was too much delighted. All others also appreciated. Knowing the fee structure and getting prospectus we proceeded for Birpur.
Reaching Birpur we became busy in our routine life and my two children began to go to their schools. My third son used to copy his elders. Nilu and Dipu had to go to school very silently so that Vimaljee might not know. Otherwise, he started weeping and rolling on the ground. Someday when he was at the main gate, Rameshwar had to play a drama. He took a bag and put some papers in it. He put the bag on Vimal’s back and took all the three to school. Leaving the two in the school, he used to come back with Vimal through another route. This drama was enough for Vimal and he became satisfied as if this was the very process of going school. ………..contd.
Reaching Birpur we became busy in our routine life and my two children began to go to their schools. My third son used to copy his elders. Nilu and Dipu had to go to school very silently so that Vimaljee might not know. Otherwise, he started weeping and rolling on the ground. Someday when he was at the main gate, Rameshwar had to play a drama. He took a bag and put some papers in it. He put the bag on Vimal’s back and took all the three to school. Leaving the two in the school, he used to come back with Vimal through another route. This drama was enough for Vimal and he became satisfied as if this was the very process of going school. ………..contd.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Nilu, my eldest son (2)
At the age of four Nilu started to go to school. At that time, we were at Birpur, Saharsa. He was very meritorious. His memory was very sharp. Only one reading of a lesson was enough for him to memorize. He had memorized so many poems in the very start of his studies. Hearing from him some poems are still in my memory. One of them is- ‘Good morning mother good morning,
I am little baby,
I drink coffee,
Thank you mother thank you.’ This was his first poem. He sang this poem with full body expressions. While he was singing the first line, he put his right hand on his forehead in the pose to salute. On the second line, left hand was below and right above it keeping a little distance symbolizing a baby. On the third line, the right hand was used to reach near lips as if a cup of coffee was in the hand. On the fourth line he put his both hands on each side of his waist and shook it slowly. The pose was so charming that we always wanted to hear and enjoy. All parents enjoy their children’s activities. No one can take place the position of father and mother. Hearing repeatedly, the poem became favorite among us. My second son was about nine month old and he was copying his elder brother. In the cassettes, there are many childhood voices of my sons hearing which they will laugh and enjoy. At that time, Nilu was lean and thin. He used to put the bag on his back and walked in such a style as if a great student. There was a lodge in the campus where so many students resided. My both sons were favorite among them. They used to play with Nilu and Dipu the whole day. They all were very obedient and civilized students. Now a day’s one cannot imagine such a civilized group of students. I had visited so many students home and had taken meal there. They all were very homely. We also treated with them like our family members. My landlord Kashi Babu was also very fine gentle man He regarded me too much. Landlord like him is beyond imagination. He was always trying to please me. I had taken meal with him uncounted times. He was very fond of cooking dishes, especially non-veg items. Whenever he cooked special dishes, never forgot us. My sons were always busy in entertaining his wife, daughter and sons. I spent four years in that house and felt like my village.
I daily took Nilu on my scooter and took him to his school. At the end of the classes, I again used to go to his school and took him back home. Nevertheless, sometimes he came home in the tiffin time. I was always afraid because the school was at a great distance. One day I pretended to be very angry and after that, he left coming in the tiffin. ……………………..contd.
I am little baby,
I drink coffee,
Thank you mother thank you.’ This was his first poem. He sang this poem with full body expressions. While he was singing the first line, he put his right hand on his forehead in the pose to salute. On the second line, left hand was below and right above it keeping a little distance symbolizing a baby. On the third line, the right hand was used to reach near lips as if a cup of coffee was in the hand. On the fourth line he put his both hands on each side of his waist and shook it slowly. The pose was so charming that we always wanted to hear and enjoy. All parents enjoy their children’s activities. No one can take place the position of father and mother. Hearing repeatedly, the poem became favorite among us. My second son was about nine month old and he was copying his elder brother. In the cassettes, there are many childhood voices of my sons hearing which they will laugh and enjoy. At that time, Nilu was lean and thin. He used to put the bag on his back and walked in such a style as if a great student. There was a lodge in the campus where so many students resided. My both sons were favorite among them. They used to play with Nilu and Dipu the whole day. They all were very obedient and civilized students. Now a day’s one cannot imagine such a civilized group of students. I had visited so many students home and had taken meal there. They all were very homely. We also treated with them like our family members. My landlord Kashi Babu was also very fine gentle man He regarded me too much. Landlord like him is beyond imagination. He was always trying to please me. I had taken meal with him uncounted times. He was very fond of cooking dishes, especially non-veg items. Whenever he cooked special dishes, never forgot us. My sons were always busy in entertaining his wife, daughter and sons. I spent four years in that house and felt like my village.
I daily took Nilu on my scooter and took him to his school. At the end of the classes, I again used to go to his school and took him back home. Nevertheless, sometimes he came home in the tiffin time. I was always afraid because the school was at a great distance. One day I pretended to be very angry and after that, he left coming in the tiffin. ……………………..contd.
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