Monday, July 23, 2012


                                                               Lalan always remained silent in the class. I always saw him in thoughtful mood. By physical appearance, he was like a speechless, dull, rustic child. So many other boys were more out spoken and self-appraisers. In reality, they had no depth; rather they had only scratching knowledge. They had smart looks and were well dressed. More often, our eyes are deceived. What I think real may be false and what seems wrong may be right. One day it happened that Lalan and I met in the mango orchard near our hostel, where only we two were present. I started talking about a topic, which had not been taught in the class. To my surprise! He was the master of the topic where as I had simply scratching knowledge, upon which I was priding myself.

                                                         Once I attended one week gathering of KFI at Rajghat. My senior Mr SPS took me there. He is a very religious person having knowledge of all religious books of Hinduism and of so many other religions. In the gathering, I saw so many males and females of different countries and of different cultures wearing peculiar dresses. Not knowing them, I commented before SPS, ‘Sir, perhaps they have simply come on tour to enjoy the new places and they have nothing to do with KFI ideologies.’ He did not answer and kept mum. Groups were made to discuss about the speeches of the main speakers. When I heard them and found their introduction, I became amazed. They were famous personalities of their fields. Before them, I was a learner and thought as if I were a tourist and I had nothing to do with the ideologies.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


'दुष्ट संग जनि देहु विधाता'. जे विना कारणे ककरो दुःख देव' के मौका नहि चूकय, दोसर के दुःखी देखि अति प्रसन्न हुअय आ  ककरो नीक नहि चाहय; सैह दुष्ट थिक. I recall a story of my childhood. A traveller being tired, slept in the shade of a tree. After a while the direction of the sun changed and it's scorching rays came directly over the traveller's face through the gap of the leaves. The saint among birds, the swan saw this and could not tolerate. It spreaded it's feathers over the gap of the leaves. The traveller again became away from the sun and went in deep sleep. A crow came in the tree. It saw the scene and laughed at the swan's foolishness. In the mind of the wicked, the saint has such a very view. According to it's nature, the scene became unbearable for the crow. This is the normal feature of the wicked, unable to tolerate nobilty. The crow sat just below the swan and right above the traveller. It secreted on the face of the traveller and flew away. The traveller awoke and saw above. He saw the swan. He became too much angry on the swan and killed it by his arrow. This always happens. A wicked is seldom caught. So, avoid the company of wickeds.                                                                                                         When I come in the contact of a saint, I can not remain ungraced. The axe is bound to have the scent of the sandal wood if it cuts it. The wicked must give their signs if you go to them. 'Kaajal ki kothali me ek daag laagi hai pay laagee hai'. Ramkrishna Paramhans used to wash the sitting place of the wicked who came to see him. He had the vision to see the inner views of every person. What about the great saint like him, every one has the capacity to know the inner views of others. I willingly fall in trap due to my greed & past deeds. By the grace of The Almighty, I can put myself away from these wickeds. -------NAMO BHAGVATE SHREE RAMANAY. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012


काल्हि प्रातःकालीन भ्रमन मे बाल्यशखा बेचन भेटि गेलाह. हम दूनू मित्र लगातार चारि वर्ष तक गाम स' एक कोस दूर कपडिया मिडिल स्कूल मे अध्ययन केने छी. बाधे-बाध पैदल, जाड-गर्मी-वर्खा सब ऋतु मे प्रतिदिन चलिक' क्लास केने छी. गर्मी-छुट्टी मे आमक गाछी मे पटिया पर बैसि संगे-संग स्कूलक टास्क तैयार केने छी. संगहि गै-बरद चरेने छी. अनका खेत मे चोराक' बदाम उखाडि, घास-फ़ूस मे आगि लगा ओरहा बनाक' नून संगे खयबाक आनन्द फ़ाइव-स्टार के मात करै छल. दूनू आदमी जखन टापि ल'क' पोखरि मे पैसैत छलहु त' पाञ्च-दस किलो माछ निकालियेक' निकलैत छलहु. चूरा भूजि क' माछक कुटिया संग दूनू दोस्त पेटक तोरे ने पबैत छलहु. परसनाहरि जखन क'ल जोडि लैत छली, तखनहि  पेट, मुह आ जी तृप्ति स्वीकारैत छल .                                                                                   संगहि-संग दूनू गोटे मिडिल आ हाइ स्कूल पास क' कालेज मे नाम लिखेलहु. तकर बाद रस्ता बदलि गेल. ओ केन्द्र सरकार आ हम टाटा कम्पनी.                                                                                                   दूनू गोटे संगहि रिटायर केलहु आ पटने मे रहै छी. मुदा आइ स' पहिले ई बात नहि बूझल छल. कालेजक बाद एके-दू बेर भेट भेल छल . ओ अपन कहानी कह' लगला. सुनैत-सुनैत आन्खि डबडबा गेल.                                                                      हुनका चारिटा पुत्र छनि. पत्नी किछु बर्ख पहिने स्वर्गवासी भ' गेलथिन्ह. चारू पुत्र अपनहि मे मस्त. जिनगी भरिक कमाइ स' एकटा घर बनेला. पत्नी के मरिते चारू बेटा सब कमरा दखल क' लेलकनि आ हिनकर ओछाओन सरभेन्ट रूम मे लगा देल गेलनि. भरिदिन घर मे जस्नक माहौल. पुतहु सबहक सहेली आ नैहरक लोकक धमाचौकरी हरदम होइत रहैछ. घर मे सदिखन नीक-निकुत बनैत रहैछ, मुदा बेचन लेल धनोधन सन. कूकुर जेका कखनो बान्चल-खुचल कारा पठा देल जाइत छलनि, खेला-नहि खेला तै स' ककरो मतलब नहि, सब अपनहि मे मस्त.                                                 पेन्सनक पाइ चारू बेटा के बराबर क' बान्टि दैत छेथिन्ह. हम कहलियैन, भाइ! एकटा नोकर राखि लीय' वा कोनो तीर्थ-बर्थ चलि जाउ. कहला- भोर स' सान्झ तक प्रतिदिन यैह सोचैत-सोचैत मरक समय आबि गेल, आब कत' जैब, जे लिखल हेतै, एतै भोगब. याद परि गेल बेचनक प्रथम पुत्रक जन्म. संतान होम' मे विलम्ब भेलाक कारणे कते कबुला-पाती, ओझा-गुनीक शरण मे गेलाक बाद संतान भेल छलनि. बुझाइत छल बेचन संसार पर विजय प्राप्त क' लेलनि. तकर बाद पीठे-पीठे तीन आर पुत्र भेलनि, पुत्री एको नहि. चारि पुत्रक माय हेवाक गौरव बेचनक पत्नी पचा नहि पबैत छली, स्वाभाविक अभिमान बात-विचार, हाव-भाव स' प्रकट भैये जाइत छलनि. एक दिन एकटा महात्मा पुत्रीक अभाव मे कोखिक अशुद्धिक चर्चा क' देलकनि. बेचनक गौरवे आन्हरि कनिया, मारवे टा नहि केलखिन; आर सब कर्म क' देलखिन. आइ बेचन पुत्रीक अभावक व्यथा व्यक्त क' देलक. संतानक अभावक परिताप जिनगी भरि सहैत हमरा आइ आत्म तोष बुझाइछ जे एहन चारि-चारि संतान स' निःसंतान नीक.                                                                                                                                                                  एतेक दुर्गतिक बादो, बेचन'क पुत्र-पौत्रक मोह देखि नारदजीक कथा याद आबि गेल. मोह कतेको जन्म तक खिहारैत छैक. मरलाक बाद कूकुर मे जन्म भेलाक बादो, मोह भङ्ग नहि भेलाक कारणे व्यक्ति परिवारेक चक्कर काटैछ, परन्च मुक्ति नहि चाहैछ. अञ्जान मे भेल अपराधक कारणे सूगर योनि भेटलाक बादो लोक ओही मे मस्त रहैछ, मुक्ति नहि चाहैछ                                                                            

Monday, July 9, 2012


आइ साउन'क पहिल सोमवारी अछि . भोलेनाथ'क प्रिय दिन. औढरदानी, बौराहा के साउन मास पसंद हेवाक कारण मुशलाधार वर्षा कहि सकैत छी. संसार'क विष (दुख-दर्द,ताप  ) पान क' जगत के शीतलता प्रदाता'क माथ मे गर्मी भरि जयवाक कल्पना; तापक शमन हेतु जलाभिषेक, दुग्धाभिषेक वा कोनो अन्य पदार्थ जे बाबा के शीतलता प्रदान करनि तकर अर्पन, भक्त सभक अभीष्ट. विल्वपत्र, पञ्चगव्य, शुद्ध शाकाहार'क अर्पन, गङ्गाजल स' अभिषेक शीतलतेक  द्योतक. सोम (चन्द्रमा) के शीश पर धारन, माथ पर गंगा, हिमालय-वाश इत्यादि शीत दिश इङ्गित करैछ. ताही  कारणे सोम दिन  बौराहा क पूजा'क प्रशस्ति.
                                भोला माने बुरबक, दुनियाक छल -प्रपञ्च स' दूर. संपूर्ण ज्ञान'क स्रोत के सान्सारिकता की प्रभावित क' सकत? माया जनिक दासी, कामदेव जिनका प्रभावित नहि क' सकल वल्कि स्वयम् भस्म भ' गेल; तिनका घोर सान्सारिक लोकसब बुरबके बुझतनि ने. अइ स' बुरबक के हैत जे अमृत छोरि विष के अपनाओत. नीक-निकुत छोडि, आक-धथुर, भाङ्ग बउरहवे खा सकैत अछि. सत्-असत् सबहक देव, देवता-दानव दुहूक पूज्य, राम-रावण दुहुक आराध्य बम्भोळा छोडि के भ' सकैत अछि?                    

Sunday, July 8, 2012

नवरथ (9)

नवरथ'क द्विरागमन भेलनि. कनिया अतीव सुन्दरी. बहीनक खुशी वर्ननातीत. राइते स' भोज-भात शुरू भेल से भरफ़ोरी तक चलैत rahlani. Mudaa ee kee? kaniyaa bharforik praate sa ghoghe tar sa टभक' laglee. Nanadi-bhaaujak jhagda ilaakaa men naamee bha gel. Mudaa wah re hamar naayak. Sansaar me aai tak wirle kyo patneeke tyaagi baheen ke paksh lene hait. Baheenak lel alag ghar kichu dooree par banaa delkhin. ektaa dokaan kholi delkhin. Ohi dokaanak sampoorna amadanee baheenke bhetal karani. hunkar gujar-vasar me kono takleef kahiyo ne bhelani. Balki marwaak kaal pacheesh hajaar rupaiyaa, pandrah mon chaaur aa doo bighaa jameen da gelthin.
                                                                                     Alag rahwaak kaarane dheere-dheere nanadi-bhauj me prem seho badlani. Bain-tehaar seho chaaloo bha gelani. ekthaam rahalaa sa doo taa wartano kharkharaaite chhaik, manukkhak baate kee. Door bhelaa sa dheere-dheere purankaa prem punah panapi jaait chhaik. taahi karane bharisak prayash karee je saajhee aashram me kewal prem pradaataa banee. kono kaaj ankaa par nahi chhodi swayan karee. prayaas karee je dosar ke adhik sa adhik aaraam kara dee.            

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


काल्हि बरियाती गेलहुँ। श्रीमती जीक नैहर पक्षक रहवाक कारणे हुनक जिद्दक आगू झुक' पड़ल।  एक सै स' बेसी संख्या मे लोक। के कत' बैसल तकर कोनो ठेकान नहि।  कुर्सी लेल छीना झपटी। किछु लोक बैसला, किछु ठाढे, किछु टहलैत राति बितेलाह। के बरियाती आ के सरियाती किछुओ  चीन्ह' मे नहि आयल। शुद्ध शाकाहारी व्यवस्था ; लहसुन-प्याज रहित। सबस' पहिले भुक्खड़  सरियाती भोजन पर टुटल, तकर बाद बरियाती सब सेहो धक्का-मुक्की करैत भोजनक टेबुल धरि पहुँचला। किछु खेलाह, किछु भुखले रहला। किछु मूड बनाब' मे लागल छलाह, देरी स' पहुँचला।  अरे ई की ! भोजनक की कहू, पीबाक लेल जलो नदारद।  हमर युवा पुत्र सेहो संग मे छलाह।  भीड़  छटक प्रतीक्षा करैत रहलाह।  जलो नसीब नहि भेलन्हि। डेरा पर आबि खिचडि -चोखा जल्दी स' बनबा क' भूख मेटेलाह। राति भरि जगलाक कारण तवियत सेहो खराब भ' गेल। फेर बरियाती जयबाक नामे कान पकडलहुँ।                  


                                                                             Agyaan timiraandhasya gyaanaanjan shalaakayaa; Chakshurunmeelitan yen tasmai shree guruwe namah.” I was wandering in the darkness of ignorance. A man developed my eyes with a stick of anjan (kajal- a black colour applied on the eyebrow) of knowledge. I began to see the universe vividly. I became able to see good and bad. I came to know the humanity and animality. Briefly, I took re-birth as a man.

                                        The place of the guru is too much higher than the parents. Suppose you make a statue. Some body gives life in it. Who should be called superior? Obviously, the life-giving person. Without knowledge, we are not better than a statue. It is better to die than to wander like an animal without knowledge.

                                                                     Parents are called first gurus of a child. Hence, they are creators, tamers, and educators. That is why they are superior to all. Think about the children who do not serve their parents. We cannot repay the debt of our parents even offering our lives. ‘Sheesh diye jo guru mile, to bhee sastaa jaan’. It is cheaper to have guru even offering our heads.

                                                   ‘Aatmaiv guruh’. The soul is the very guru. It is foolishness to wander hither and thither in search of guru, when this is in everyone’s heart. ‘Tera sai tujh me jyon puhpan me baas; Kastooree kaa mrig jyon phir phir soonghe ghaas.’ God is in you like the scent in flowers. The scented kastooree is in the very deer, but it smells grass again and again to have the very perfume. ------- On Guru Purnima, 3rd July,2012.--- Ohm Namo bhagvate shree Ramanaay.