When someone performs a wonderful act, which is generally not expected from a common person, is said miracle. Nature's every action is miracle because no man can perform such act. We cannot make sun, moon, earth, sea, wind, men, animals, insects etc. There are seven wonders (man made) in the world. How does one do a miracle? When one has strong will power to do a job, has full faith and confidence on one’s efficiency, has extreme dedication to one’s work and has unlimited devotion for guru; miracle is performed automatically. If I start imitating Ram, Krishna, Gandhi, Jawahar, Rajendra Prasad, Lal bahadur shastri, Sankaracharya, Vivekanand and acquire their qualities, our all actions will automatically be miracles. Dr. Rajendra Prasad topped in the Entrance Examination of Calcutta University (the single university covering Bengal, Bihar and Orissa). This was not an ordinary thing, rather a miracle. When I concentrate my mind too deep in a subject, I know its detailed information. By the power of brahmacharya, output of tough penance and grace of 'Maa vagdevi-the goddess of intelligence'; everything is possible.
To do miracle in any field, super specialty is required. There should be a special skill, which only you can perform. This type of proficiency is achieved when practices in any field is started from the very childhood with hundred percent dedication. When I put into practice a job infinite time, I become unique. Only then, Sachin Tendulkar, Vishwanathan Anand,Sankaracgarya,Vivekanand, Kavindra Ravindra, Sir C.V. Raman, Rajendra Prasad can be produced.
Our ‘varna-vyavastha’ (jaati-pratha:-caste system) was introduced only for specialization. Brahmin’s son became expert in studies (gyan-vigyan; knowledge and science). Chhatriya’s sons were brave (warier, administrator). Vaishya’s sons became expert in business and Sudra’s sons in service of the society. Sudra’s work was most easier & the best of all when we consider the matter spiritually. Our all honourable ministers, MPs, MLAs are social servants. Are they inferior to anybody? They are on our heads. In the latter days, spiritualism decreased in the society. We began to hate our profession. Untouchability developed among castes. Attraction towards other professions developed. Naturally, experts vanished.
The creator has given infinite power in every person’s brain. We utilize only few percentage of it. Lord Krishna utilized hundred percent and so his life was full of miracles. Ram, Budhha, Parasuram, Barah, Vaaman, Matsya came with some less percentage. Even then, their actions were full of wonders. All of them were gyanies (realized soul) and were capable to do any miracle but they detested such actions. To perform miracles is of lower level work, which is a big hurdle in the path of penance. When you start to proceed in the path of spiritualism, these obstacles automatically come. Nevertheless, we have to proceed without looking towards these disruptions. ---Ohm Namo Bhagvate Sri Ramanay.
When someone performs a wonderful act, which is generally not expected from a common person, is said miracle. Nature's every action is miracle because no man can perform such act. We cannot make sun, moon, earth, sea, wind, men, animals, insects etc. There are seven wonders (man made) in the world. How does one do a miracle? When one has strong will power to do a job, has full faith and confidence on one’s efficiency, has extreme dedication to one’s work and has unlimited devotion for guru; miracle is performed automatically. If I start imitating Ram, Krishna, Gandhi, Jawahar, Rajendra Prasad, Lal bahadur shastri, Sankaracharya, Vivekanand and acquire their qualities, our all actions will automatically be miracles. Dr. Rajendra Prasad topped in the Entrance Examination of Calcutta University (the single university covering Bengal, Bihar and Orissa). This was not an ordinary thing, rather a miracle. When I concentrate my mind too deep in a subject, I know its detailed information. By the power of brahmacharya, output of tough penance and grace of 'Maa vagdevi-the goddess of intelligence'; everything is possible.
To do miracle in any field, super specialty is required. There should be a special skill, which only you can perform. This type of proficiency is achieved when practices in any field is started from the very childhood with hundred percent dedication. When I put into practice a job infinite time, I become unique. Only then, Sachin Tendulkar, Vishwanathan Anand,Sankaracgarya,Vivekanand, Kavindra Ravindra, Sir C.V. Raman, Rajendra Prasad can be produced.
Our ‘varna-vyavastha’ (jaati-pratha:-caste system) was introduced only for specialization. Brahmin’s son became expert in studies (gyan-vigyan; knowledge and science). Chhatriya’s sons were brave (warier, administrator). Vaishya’s sons became expert in business and Sudra’s sons in service of the society. Sudra’s work was most easier & the best of all when we consider the matter spiritually. Our all honourable ministers, MPs, MLAs are social servants. Are they inferior to anybody? They are on our heads. In the latter days, spiritualism decreased in the society. We began to hate our profession. Untouchability developed among castes. Attraction towards other professions developed. Naturally, experts vanished.
The creator has given infinite power in every person’s brain. We utilize only few percentage of it. Lord Krishna utilized hundred percent and so his life was full of miracles. Ram, Budhha, Parasuram, Barah, Vaaman, Matsya came with some less percentage. Even then, their actions were full of wonders. All of them were gyanies (realized soul) and were capable to do any miracle but they detested such actions. To perform miracles is of lower level work, which is a big hurdle in the path of penance. When you start to proceed in the path of spiritualism, these obstacles automatically come. Nevertheless, we have to proceed without looking towards these disruptions. ---Ohm Namo Bhagvate Sri Ramanay.
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