‘To err is human’. Never be too much sorrowed for a mistake, which has been committed by you unknowingly. To commit mistake is your nature. There is a brahmastra (the solid solution) to eradicate the errors. You immediately express regret. This brahmastra will surely wipe out your culpability whether done knowingly or unknowingly and cool down the reaction of opposite party. Thus, you get double benefits. I have personally experienced this medicine so many times and was always relieved.
I was a student of 2nd year and residing in the hostel no. 13. Dr. X was hostel superintendent. Dr. Y was chief warden of the institution. Bhaiya’s (T.N & H.N) friend was Mr C, a guard in Indian Railways at Dhanbad. His son-in-law was reading at Mesra, one class junior to me. He got transferred to our institution, the reason best known to him. I did not enquire and did not know. Getting my address from bhaiya, he came to me, told about his transfer and admission and wished to live in my hostel. Though it was for 2nd year, any student with due permission of chief warden, could live if room was found vacant. There was a room vacant just beside mine. I went to chief warden and got allotted the room for him. He shifted in the room. He had too much homesickness. He was newly married and most of the time went to his father-in-law’s residence at Dhanbad. I passed 2nd year and the hostel was changed, it was hostel no.14. I came to my new hostel. Mr. Chaudhari’s son-in-law's room was locked. The caretaker informed the hostel superintendent and told that he belonged to my reference. Dr. X ordered verbally that the room should immediately be vacated. The caretaker came to me and gave the message. I wanted to inform Jhajee (Chaudharijee’s son-in-law) but could not. Dr. X threatened the caretaker about his job. He started to come to me daily. One day, he came early in the morning. He awoke me from deep sleep. I became too much irritated and scolded him very roughly. He went to Dr. X and told him the whole thing about rebuking and telling words against the warden also. In those days, there was very tough discipline in technical institutes and it was not expected from a student to speak a single word against a teacher. Moreover, he was my departmental teacher and I was a noble student. Dr. X became fire. He summoned me. I understood everything. I thought about the matter and decided to tell him the whole fact calmly. I went to him very nobly, saluted and bowed before him respectfully and before his saying anything, expressed regret. He was cooled down because his ego was contented. He ordered the caretaker to put all the material in the common room till Chaudharijee’s son-in-law’s arrival. I was relieved from the tension and thanked The Almighty a lot.
Although, I apologized but was always afraid of Dr. X. To my great surprise, Dr. X went to a foreign for his research work and did not return till my study there. OHM RAMANAYASWAAHAA.
‘To err is human’. Never be too much sorrowed for a mistake, which has been committed by you unknowingly. To commit mistake is your nature. There is a brahmastra (the solid solution) to eradicate the errors. You immediately express regret. This brahmastra will surely wipe out your culpability whether done knowingly or unknowingly and cool down the reaction of opposite party. Thus, you get double benefits. I have personally experienced this medicine so many times and was always relieved.
I was a student of 2nd year and residing in the hostel no. 13. Dr. X was hostel superintendent. Dr. Y was chief warden of the institution. Bhaiya’s (T.N & H.N) friend was Mr C, a guard in Indian Railways at Dhanbad. His son-in-law was reading at Mesra, one class junior to me. He got transferred to our institution, the reason best known to him. I did not enquire and did not know. Getting my address from bhaiya, he came to me, told about his transfer and admission and wished to live in my hostel. Though it was for 2nd year, any student with due permission of chief warden, could live if room was found vacant. There was a room vacant just beside mine. I went to chief warden and got allotted the room for him. He shifted in the room. He had too much homesickness. He was newly married and most of the time went to his father-in-law’s residence at Dhanbad. I passed 2nd year and the hostel was changed, it was hostel no.14. I came to my new hostel. Mr. Chaudhari’s son-in-law's room was locked. The caretaker informed the hostel superintendent and told that he belonged to my reference. Dr. X ordered verbally that the room should immediately be vacated. The caretaker came to me and gave the message. I wanted to inform Jhajee (Chaudharijee’s son-in-law) but could not. Dr. X threatened the caretaker about his job. He started to come to me daily. One day, he came early in the morning. He awoke me from deep sleep. I became too much irritated and scolded him very roughly. He went to Dr. X and told him the whole thing about rebuking and telling words against the warden also. In those days, there was very tough discipline in technical institutes and it was not expected from a student to speak a single word against a teacher. Moreover, he was my departmental teacher and I was a noble student. Dr. X became fire. He summoned me. I understood everything. I thought about the matter and decided to tell him the whole fact calmly. I went to him very nobly, saluted and bowed before him respectfully and before his saying anything, expressed regret. He was cooled down because his ego was contented. He ordered the caretaker to put all the material in the common room till Chaudharijee’s son-in-law’s arrival. I was relieved from the tension and thanked The Almighty a lot.
Although, I apologized but was always afraid of Dr. X. To my great surprise, Dr. X went to a foreign for his research work and did not return till my study there. OHM RAMANAYASWAAHAA.
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