Kameshwar was himself a very gentle person. You can say him Ajatshatru. The whole villagers were his friends. The neighbors were so rough and tough that his very survival was difficult but he was very obedient to the maternal uncles. Their orders were his duty. Although he was sharer of half property, he never thought so. Too much joint properties were sold by one of them and latter the thumb impression of Kameshwar was taken, but he never hesitated even once. He never claimed for his right rather only requested when ever required. When distribution of residential land was being done Kameshwar was given backside and they took the front side beside the road. What an unfair distribution! but Kameshwar accepted it gladly. When distribution of land of darbaja (out house) was being done they were not ready to give even a small piece. After arbitration, one piece was given and this very was also impossible without the help of the villagers. Even then Kameshwar never spoke anything and remained obedient. Thanks to the sacrifice and the tolerance. The Almighty knows each and every man. He gives the judgement according to the deeds. In heaven, the simple, straight and gentle are given higher chairs. Contrarily, the cunning, clever and wicked are kept outside the door and Yamdoots torture them badly. Kameshwar's neighbors are not in better position . Their children are not in good position. Kameshwar's children are gentle, popular and educationists. His children are also financially sound and meet their needs well. His grandsons and great grandsons also do better jobs. His one grandson is in United States. His one son is superintending engineer. The small plants (sarpat) beside the river never die. When flood comes and current increases, they bow down before it. The big trees due to ego stand straight keeping their heads upward. The flood current uproots and destroys them.---NAMO RAMANAY.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Sitaram lived at Dhanga. His father's name was Heebharan. He had three sons, Bule, Kameshwar and Tuna. Sitaram was married to Lakshmidutta’s daughter at Karmauli. Lakshmidutta had two sons and three daughters. His both sons died without son. Kameshwar started to help his nanaji at Karmauli. The eldest Bule and the youngest Tuna remained at Dhanga and Kameshwar became permanent resident of Karmauli. Kameshwar had five sons and one daughter. Serially they were Tejnarayan, Harinarayan, Ghurani, Ugresh, Kamal and Mahendra. The single daughter Ghurani died at the age of thirty in 1970. She had four children, two sons and two daughters. They are Babu saheb, Amar, Meena and Ameera. Babu Saheb is doing job at Patna. Amar is director of a coaching institute. Meena was married at Pali and her husband is doing job at Kolkata. Ameera was married at Balha and her husband is doing job somewhere. Ghurani was very gentle. She was exceptional. But God does not allow good persons to live in the world more. He calls such persons near him soon. Ghurani’s husband Chandrakant is also a gentle person. He is a spiritual man and worships daily. But his single negative action spoiled his all gentleness. After the death of Ghurani, he married at Balha. There may be so many excuses. However, there can’t be any answer regarding the age difference. What can be told about the Maithil Brahmins social rules that after the death of wife, male can marry with a maid. He is not allowed to marry with a widow or divorcee. Nevertheless, after the death of husband, female is not allowed to marry. She has to lead her life alone being the widow of her late husband. What a privilege to men! If women can lead her whole life being a widow, why not men as a widower? On the other hand, why not female can marry a bachelor like male, after the death of her husband. Chandrakant’s second wife is also a very pious woman. She is always busy in worshipping God. She is ill fated. That is why she was born in a poor family and her parents got married their beautiful young daughter to a widower of the age of her father. She has one son of her own. He is also doing job somewhere. She is very popular and always praises us. She behaves us like own sister. She never treated our sister’s children like stepmother, rather these kids are faulty. Their behaviour is perhaps not matured. However they love their step mother and step brother too much. The eldest son of my sister is Babu Saheb. His mother died when he was twelve year old. He was in class six or seven. I was in class eleven. He became an orphan. After the death of mother, when stepmother comes, father’s behavior also changes. Anyhow, he passed matriculation. He stopped his study and started to search a job. In the course of searching job, he visited so many places and met different types of persons. He became matured and got better knowledge of politics.So many clues of politics automatically came in him. He began visiting veteran politicians. This experiance helped him too much. Now the situation is that he has become master of politics. Though he is a simple clerk in state government, he keeps so many legislures in his pocket. Kaluahi block came in existace so earlier due to him. He has earned a good amount of money and purchased so many acres of land in the village. He has constructed a good house and a good darwaja (a sitting space where guests stay). Now he has become a famous person of the village and society. He has personal relation with so many IAS. One can get detailed knowledge about any IAS from him. His relatives also regards him too much. His eldest maternal uncle Tejnarayan is also matured and experianced. He has good tuning with him. He is occassionally busy in his proclamation. TNJ got his youngest daughter Babloo married at Maltole and the mediator was Babu Saheb. Nevertheless, the rest four maternal uncles have not so much attachment. That is why he and his family has close relation only with TNJ and has little relation with other fours. There was a bit relationship with the fourth kamaljee. Once his one son became seriously ill. He did not inform kamaljee who was living in the same city. Kamaljee came to know through another person. He at once went to IGIMS. After enquiring about the patient, he knew that he was dead. He sent his eldest son at Maltole to console. Nevertheless, Babu Saheb did not give value to this consolation. He only thought about Kamaljee’s presence and spoke about the matter to TNJ, which was latter communicated to Kamaljee through him. Once on the ‘Jagyonpavit’ ceremony of his stepbrother, Kamaljee and Tejnarayan visited Maltole.Babu Saheb did not give much importance to Kamaljee regarding offering dishes. Even then, Kamajee stayed there for more than eight hours. However, thanks to the greatness of Babu Saheb! He criticized negatively in Tejnarayan’s ears about Kamaljee. This was again communicated to him through TNJ. But over all I am proud of my this very nephew. He is self made and has established his family. He has struggled too much. he has earned name and fame in the society. He has got married his two sisters and two brothers. He is the back boon of his family. Even leading his life in wretched condition, he has given his family a pleasant life. May god bless him more success.
The 2nd son of Ghurani is Amar. He has become matured. He has also induced by the character of his elder. He has his own talent also. He is also progressing too much. He is also very brave to fight with odds. The daughters Meena and Ameera are better and they are obedient to their all maternal uncles. They know their brothers and maternal uncles well. The nature has given peculiar nature to each and every creature. When you get all comforts your progress is retarted. When you are struggling, you shine more like gold coming out of fire. The plant in the shade does not develop. Contrarily, the plant in the open field which faces the sun, the rains, the winds gets all round development. -----------contd.
The 2nd son of Ghurani is Amar. He has become matured. He has also induced by the character of his elder. He has his own talent also. He is also progressing too much. He is also very brave to fight with odds. The daughters Meena and Ameera are better and they are obedient to their all maternal uncles. They know their brothers and maternal uncles well. The nature has given peculiar nature to each and every creature. When you get all comforts your progress is retarted. When you are struggling, you shine more like gold coming out of fire. The plant in the shade does not develop. Contrarily, the plant in the open field which faces the sun, the rains, the winds gets all round development. -----------contd.
Monday, August 23, 2010
I am very thankful to professor Gyanchand that he obliged me by giving me a copy of his lifetime thoughts under different heads. He has sketched the actual picture of present day’s situation. It is the life history of a person struggling the whole life. Though he has faced so many Heavenly blows, he is shining more, like the gold after putting into the fire. In spite of so many unbearable socks, his steps never deviated from the path of truth. He has at last conquered those odds. He has unlimited specialties. One of them is his equal behavior with sons and daughters. Charity begins from home. Not only verbally but he has proved it practically. He always distributed his earnings equally among his four children, two sons and two daughters..
One of his articles is chamchas. In this article, he has cautioned the world from chamchas, kalchhuls and belchas. He has vividly sketched these white dressed criminals, through his practical knowledge and long experience. He has deeply studied those fellows. However, one thing I want to tell that chamcha and his lord are made for each other. One cannot survive without other. No other can be substitute of either of the two. So far, reality is concerned, chamchas are never the well-wishers and true advisers but they are dangerous enemies of their lords. Like clouds surrounding the sun, chamchas surround their lord and never allows truth to come near him. Due to these chamchas so many important personalities did not know the actual position and they failed in their mission. The whole world is ill affected by these chamchas. They pressurize and terrorize people to fulfill their wrong aim. They are the root cause of all evils in the society. Due to these fellows, fair election is impossible. Corruption in the society is mainly due to them. They utilize all unfair means. They can betray everyone and even their lords. They are most treacherous fellows. They are collection of all negatives. They are more furious than cobras. If you see these twos, first kill them and then cobras. Due to them honest officers cannot perform their duty honestly. Businesspersons, doctors, engineers, professors and the whole society cannot sleep well due to these elements.
There was a dutiful officer. A chamcha got sanctioned a project, to construct a community hall from his lord’s quota. Lords recommend certain schemes and allotment is given by the government. The work is performed departmentally but in between there is a chamcha who performs like agency. He is nowhere in the picture but is advantaged by contractor benefit. Moreover, he has no risk at all. What a pitiable condition of the officers is! When you have no risk, you are not bound to do the work according to the specification. You will like to earn more and more. The more you earn the less quality you maintain. But the chamcha was very matured. You can say him belcha. He was willing to grab the whole amount without doing the work. He chose the site in the riverbed, which could easily be washed in the flood, and a suitable reason might be manufactured. But the officer did not agree. The lower and higher authority bowed down before the belcha fearing from his lord. The officer was willing to change the site but the belcha was rigid on his proposed site. He was looking only his benefit. The vulture looks only the dead body from a far distance in the sky. Ultimately, the project was dropped in that village and it was transferred to another village. After sometime the officer and the lord were sitting together in a meeting. While both were discussing, the old matter came during their talk. The lord was very reasonable. He was totally unaware of the matter. When he knew the whole matter he appreciated the officer. The belcha had changed his lord. Now he was in another party with another lord.
One of his articles is chamchas. In this article, he has cautioned the world from chamchas, kalchhuls and belchas. He has vividly sketched these white dressed criminals, through his practical knowledge and long experience. He has deeply studied those fellows. However, one thing I want to tell that chamcha and his lord are made for each other. One cannot survive without other. No other can be substitute of either of the two. So far, reality is concerned, chamchas are never the well-wishers and true advisers but they are dangerous enemies of their lords. Like clouds surrounding the sun, chamchas surround their lord and never allows truth to come near him. Due to these chamchas so many important personalities did not know the actual position and they failed in their mission. The whole world is ill affected by these chamchas. They pressurize and terrorize people to fulfill their wrong aim. They are the root cause of all evils in the society. Due to these fellows, fair election is impossible. Corruption in the society is mainly due to them. They utilize all unfair means. They can betray everyone and even their lords. They are most treacherous fellows. They are collection of all negatives. They are more furious than cobras. If you see these twos, first kill them and then cobras. Due to them honest officers cannot perform their duty honestly. Businesspersons, doctors, engineers, professors and the whole society cannot sleep well due to these elements.
There was a dutiful officer. A chamcha got sanctioned a project, to construct a community hall from his lord’s quota. Lords recommend certain schemes and allotment is given by the government. The work is performed departmentally but in between there is a chamcha who performs like agency. He is nowhere in the picture but is advantaged by contractor benefit. Moreover, he has no risk at all. What a pitiable condition of the officers is! When you have no risk, you are not bound to do the work according to the specification. You will like to earn more and more. The more you earn the less quality you maintain. But the chamcha was very matured. You can say him belcha. He was willing to grab the whole amount without doing the work. He chose the site in the riverbed, which could easily be washed in the flood, and a suitable reason might be manufactured. But the officer did not agree. The lower and higher authority bowed down before the belcha fearing from his lord. The officer was willing to change the site but the belcha was rigid on his proposed site. He was looking only his benefit. The vulture looks only the dead body from a far distance in the sky. Ultimately, the project was dropped in that village and it was transferred to another village. After sometime the officer and the lord were sitting together in a meeting. While both were discussing, the old matter came during their talk. The lord was very reasonable. He was totally unaware of the matter. When he knew the whole matter he appreciated the officer. The belcha had changed his lord. Now he was in another party with another lord.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Moral Teachings
‘If wealth gone nothing gone, if health gone something gone but if character is gone everything is gone’. I can say it ill fate of the society that among the three words above mentioned, wealth is first, health is second and character is third (last) priority of the present day. In schools and colleges everything is taught except moral teachings. In all examinations (lower and higher), all types of questions are asked except questions related to moral values. For nothing gone matter (wealth), we can do everything. For something gone matter (health), some consciousness has developed and youths have started going zims, swimming pools and health clubs. Some consciousness towards diet has also come. But everything gone matter (character) is paid little attention. Due to moral character man is man, otherwise he is also an animal. There is nothing difference between a man and an animal except moral values.
I may be very intelligent & may compete so many competition and may be doctor, engineer and IAS/ IPS. I may be great scholar of so many shastras. But everything is a big zero if I don’t know moral values. What is moral value? It may vary from society to society. It may vary with religions. But there are some special things which all socities and religions have accepted. They are love to all creatures, stay on truth, due respect to all, honesty, dutiful and well behaved. Some values which are vriables should also be obeyed, i.e, food- habits, dress code, customs, marriages and other ceremonies.
The field in which we were the tutor of the world is paid little attention. In the first two fields we are far behind the developed countries. But in the third, we were ‘jagadguru’ and can again avail the same post. Today is 15th August 2010. Maharshi Arvind was born on the very day. He has pointed out towards the same views. Bapu always taught morality. He has said about his own children, ’Although my children did not become doctor, engineer or IAS/IPS, they have gained much better knowledge than those worldly knowledge, and that is morality’. -------------------contd.
I may be very intelligent & may compete so many competition and may be doctor, engineer and IAS/ IPS. I may be great scholar of so many shastras. But everything is a big zero if I don’t know moral values. What is moral value? It may vary from society to society. It may vary with religions. But there are some special things which all socities and religions have accepted. They are love to all creatures, stay on truth, due respect to all, honesty, dutiful and well behaved. Some values which are vriables should also be obeyed, i.e, food- habits, dress code, customs, marriages and other ceremonies.
The field in which we were the tutor of the world is paid little attention. In the first two fields we are far behind the developed countries. But in the third, we were ‘jagadguru’ and can again avail the same post. Today is 15th August 2010. Maharshi Arvind was born on the very day. He has pointed out towards the same views. Bapu always taught morality. He has said about his own children, ’Although my children did not become doctor, engineer or IAS/IPS, they have gained much better knowledge than those worldly knowledge, and that is morality’. -------------------contd.
Shantanu had one son Satyabrata(latter Bhishma) from Ganga, Chitrangad and Vichitravirya from Satyabati. Bhishma had taken oath that neither he would be king nor he would marry. Shantanu died when Chitrangad and Vichitravirya were teen ages. After Shantanu, Chitrangad was made king. But he was killed by the same name Yaksha (a specie of god). Though Vichitravirya was mere a child, Bhishma made him king and started to protect him and the kingdom. When Vichitravirya became youth, Bhishma brought Kashi Naresha's three daughters Amba, Ambika and Ambalika; winning from the shwayambar(where girls chose bridegrooms themselves but the bravest person used to lift them defeating all others). Amba prayed Bhishma to free her because she loved Shalwa Naresh and mentally she treated him as her husband. So she was freed. Ambika and Ambalika were married to Vichitravirya. Vichitravirya suffered from a serious disease and died soon. Bhishma started to rule and defend the kingdome without being king. There was a problem for the continuation of the dynasty. But in those days there was system of ‘niyog’(disabled persons’ wives could have children by other persons with due permission) which had social recognition. Ambika and Ambalika had one son each Dhritrastra and Pandu respectively by ‘niyog’ from Vyas (writer of Vedas, Mahabharat, Puranas and so many famous epics). Vidur was born from a maid servand by Vyas. He was a great scholar and knew all shastras. Dharmaraj had directly come in the form of Vidur. Dhritrashtra was elder but he was blind. Vidur was a maid servant’s son. So Pandu (the youngest) became the king of Hastinapur. He was suffering from the disease Joundice (Piliya disease in which the whole body becomes yellow). He had two wives named Kunti and Madri. He was unable to produce child. Kunti got three sons Yudhishthir, Bheem and Arjun under 'niyog' from Dharmaraj, Pavan(god of wind) and Indra (the king of gods) respectively. Madri had two sons Nakul and Shahdeo from Ashwinikumars. Sons of Pandu were called Pandav. Dritrashtra had hundred sons. They were called Kaurav. The eldest was Duryodhan and the second Dussasan. Among the hundred Kauravs, the eldest Duryodhan is the most ill known because he was collection of all evils. Dussasan is also famous because he had snatched Dropadi’s sari (crossed the limit of social discipline).
Duryodhan had not become so notorious in a day or two. His father was blind. We can take it symbolic. People who do not pay attention towards their children are blind, although they have physical eyes. Naturally the son will be Duryodhan whose father is Dhritrastra(blind). All most all fathers are Dhritrashtra. They cannot see (blind) and hear (deaf) anything against their sons. When Duryodhan becomes matured (well versed in ill doing, adult, master of all evils) and starts biting the society as well as his parents, they start pretending. They never accept their fault. If a child is paid due attention, ninety-nine percent chance is for his becoming better. Only one percent may have adverse result. It is better not to have parents than having deaf, dumb and blind. Deaf, dumb and blind are not related to physical condition.
These type of Duryodhans are like street dogs. Pets live in the premises and only bark. They do not harm passersby. They know their owner, owner's friends and relatives. Street dogs do not recognize gentle or wicked, relatives or others. Duryodhans only know their ego. They only recognize Sakunis, Karns, Dussasans who encourage their ego. Those all, who oppose and come in the way, are their enemies. They may be Vidur, Krishna, Bhishma, Yudhishthir and even Dhritrashtra himself, no matter. ----------contd.
Duryodhan had not become so notorious in a day or two. His father was blind. We can take it symbolic. People who do not pay attention towards their children are blind, although they have physical eyes. Naturally the son will be Duryodhan whose father is Dhritrastra(blind). All most all fathers are Dhritrashtra. They cannot see (blind) and hear (deaf) anything against their sons. When Duryodhan becomes matured (well versed in ill doing, adult, master of all evils) and starts biting the society as well as his parents, they start pretending. They never accept their fault. If a child is paid due attention, ninety-nine percent chance is for his becoming better. Only one percent may have adverse result. It is better not to have parents than having deaf, dumb and blind. Deaf, dumb and blind are not related to physical condition.
These type of Duryodhans are like street dogs. Pets live in the premises and only bark. They do not harm passersby. They know their owner, owner's friends and relatives. Street dogs do not recognize gentle or wicked, relatives or others. Duryodhans only know their ego. They only recognize Sakunis, Karns, Dussasans who encourage their ego. Those all, who oppose and come in the way, are their enemies. They may be Vidur, Krishna, Bhishma, Yudhishthir and even Dhritrashtra himself, no matter. ----------contd.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Guru, Govind and I
I was a little child. I was totally ignorant of the world. My mind was full of darkness. I was just like an animal having two legs, two hands, two eyes, two ears, one nose and one mouth. I was hankering after loaves and fishes. I only knew my own requirement- food, clothes and house. I only knew my parents, brothers and sisters. I became youth and got married. I became father of so many children. Now I forgot my parents, brothers, sisters and all relatives. I know only my individual family- I, wife and children. I started speaking lie. All evils entered into my mind. I started quarrelling with others for worldly things. I wanted to snatch every material for me and for my individual family. I fought with my own brothers and parents. I became worse than an animal. Animals have a few requirements but men’s have infinite necessities. When I meet one, another comes and so on. I was too much busy in solving problems and had no time to think anything else.
When I was in total sleeping state, a man came near me with a lamp in his hand and awoke me. I awoke like an elephant seeing a lion in the sleep. He completely removed the darkness. This awakening was not temporary. It was permanent. I started weeping for wasting my time in the past. The lamp man wiped my tears and consoled me. He forbade me to repent. ‘Subah ka bhoola sham ko wapas aane par bhoola nahi kahlata’. He had a magic lamp. He removed my all doubts. He showed me the right path to reach goal and conquer the whole world. He taught me to conquer the hearts of all creatures (the diamond treasure). He taught me to snatch sorrows and tears of the world. He taught me to robe love. He taught me to throw stones of respect on older and beat younger with a stick of affection. He taught to worship downtrodden like Bhagvan Ramana the human form of Lord Shiva.
I was hypnotized by the lamp man. I blindly started to follow the path shown by him. The path was simple and straight. It was the path of Self enquiry- ‘removing all thoughts and abidance in the Self.’ It was ‘Who am I’ method which is the practice to draw the mind to heart. Infinite thoughts may come. Ask all of them, ’To whom it came?’ The answer is, ‘It came to me’. The next question is, ‘Who am I?’ The answer is nothing but to enquire ‘I’ in the heart, the right side of the chest. Biological heart is in the left side. The process is nothing but only to draw the mind in the heart which was wandering hither and thither. The process should be repeated all the time. Initially this type of enquire is essential. After regular practice thoughts vanish and mind starts to stay in the heart (in the Self- in the original home). After regular meditation I start to live in my home (heart). The body organs work automatically. Ordinary person think yogi doing similar action like him. But in reallity he does nothing. He is like the child whose mother feeds him in the sleeping state and in the morning he asks if he had taken food at night. When mother says yes, he becomes satisfied. The mind is nothing but the collection of thoughts. When the mind (jeeva) merges in heart (Self), the false ego becomes real ‘I’. ‘I’ (mind, jeeva, false ego) vanishes in Self (real I, Atman, Govind ) and both become one. The Self (atman) is the guru. Om Namo Bhagvate Sri Ramanay. --------------------contd.
When I was in total sleeping state, a man came near me with a lamp in his hand and awoke me. I awoke like an elephant seeing a lion in the sleep. He completely removed the darkness. This awakening was not temporary. It was permanent. I started weeping for wasting my time in the past. The lamp man wiped my tears and consoled me. He forbade me to repent. ‘Subah ka bhoola sham ko wapas aane par bhoola nahi kahlata’. He had a magic lamp. He removed my all doubts. He showed me the right path to reach goal and conquer the whole world. He taught me to conquer the hearts of all creatures (the diamond treasure). He taught me to snatch sorrows and tears of the world. He taught me to robe love. He taught me to throw stones of respect on older and beat younger with a stick of affection. He taught to worship downtrodden like Bhagvan Ramana the human form of Lord Shiva.
I was hypnotized by the lamp man. I blindly started to follow the path shown by him. The path was simple and straight. It was the path of Self enquiry- ‘removing all thoughts and abidance in the Self.’ It was ‘Who am I’ method which is the practice to draw the mind to heart. Infinite thoughts may come. Ask all of them, ’To whom it came?’ The answer is, ‘It came to me’. The next question is, ‘Who am I?’ The answer is nothing but to enquire ‘I’ in the heart, the right side of the chest. Biological heart is in the left side. The process is nothing but only to draw the mind in the heart which was wandering hither and thither. The process should be repeated all the time. Initially this type of enquire is essential. After regular practice thoughts vanish and mind starts to stay in the heart (in the Self- in the original home). After regular meditation I start to live in my home (heart). The body organs work automatically. Ordinary person think yogi doing similar action like him. But in reallity he does nothing. He is like the child whose mother feeds him in the sleeping state and in the morning he asks if he had taken food at night. When mother says yes, he becomes satisfied. The mind is nothing but the collection of thoughts. When the mind (jeeva) merges in heart (Self), the false ego becomes real ‘I’. ‘I’ (mind, jeeva, false ego) vanishes in Self (real I, Atman, Govind ) and both become one. The Self (atman) is the guru. Om Namo Bhagvate Sri Ramanay. --------------------contd.
The gist of knowledge is stability. After study, mental exercise makes the subject stable. ‘Adhyayan ke baad manan.’ Keep water in the pot. Start to shake it. Will the water remain in it? As the speed increases, all the water will come out. So is the case with mind. In unstable mind no subject can stay. Unstable mind makes unlimited planning, starts so many projects at a time but does not complete even one. The result is that it wastes time and money and ultimately output is zero, rather negative. In stead, stable mind plans single scheme, works full heartedly on it and does not take rest until finishes it. After that it starts another project and completes it. This is the prime mystery of success. All successful persons have adopted this formula.
Today is Tuesday, Aug 3, 2010. The day before yesterday (on Aug 1, 2010), Mane left this world. He was merely 35 year old, tall handsome youth. Born in a very cultured family, he seemed very sober externally. But nobody knows the mind of an unstable man. His father is a very learned person. He is the Acharge of Jyotish Shastra. He is also land surveyor. He knows every inch land of village Karmauli. He is also a very good farmer. He is a retired teacher having good knowledge of mathematics. He had three sons. The eldest is Boolanjee, the 2nd Jibu and the third late Mane. Boolanjee is a very matured and able person having matured brain. He is at Bermo doing work of LIC. He is a senior agent there. He earns enough to maintain his family. He is the back bone of the family. He is strong devotee of his parents and serves them with full heart. He is a self pride person and can not tolerate anything against his will. He honors my suggestions only. Jibu is a simple youth having private job. There are many assets and liabilities of the family but Boolanjee manages all properly. About ten days before Mane poisoned himself. Doctor treated him but after ten days he collapsed.
Previously I did not know Mane well. Now I have concluded that he had an unstable mind. He had two wives. The first is from Sibipatti. She and Mane quarreled too much. The matter became very tense and situation of divorce came. Bulanjee and his father tried their best to patch it up but it could not be settled. Mane revolted against his father and brothers. He consulted a village lawyer Barunjee. Barunjee forbided him to do that and suggested to wait. The unstable brain of Mane was not ready to wait. In the mean time, Mane’s father-in-law Bambhola spoke some abusive words against Jyotshijee which pained him too much. Jyotshijee and Bulanjee started to keep themselves away from the mater. Mane got good opportunity and married another girl. This act was a blunder in his life. He had two daughters from the first wife and two daughters and one son from 2nd. Initially the first wife lived with her father but after some years she also came to Karmauli. Prominent persons of the village decided that she would also live in the family and would get necessary means to lead life. Her daughters would also have their rights. Mane agreed. For some years they spent peacefully. But human nature does not allow anybody to lead life on a track. Slowly the two women started to quarrel. The height of the quarrelling resulted Mane’s poisoning.
What may be the reason but the whole village and relatives are aggrieved. One can imagine the sorrow of the parent whose youngest beloved son has departed. Who is the defaulter? I strongly say non but the unstable mind of Mane. Had he compromised with his first wife, the situation would have changed. The story is very pitiable but remarkable. Everybody will have to face the same situation who have such type of unstable mind. May Guru Baba grace peace to the departed soul.--------contd.
Today is Tuesday, Aug 3, 2010. The day before yesterday (on Aug 1, 2010), Mane left this world. He was merely 35 year old, tall handsome youth. Born in a very cultured family, he seemed very sober externally. But nobody knows the mind of an unstable man. His father is a very learned person. He is the Acharge of Jyotish Shastra. He is also land surveyor. He knows every inch land of village Karmauli. He is also a very good farmer. He is a retired teacher having good knowledge of mathematics. He had three sons. The eldest is Boolanjee, the 2nd Jibu and the third late Mane. Boolanjee is a very matured and able person having matured brain. He is at Bermo doing work of LIC. He is a senior agent there. He earns enough to maintain his family. He is the back bone of the family. He is strong devotee of his parents and serves them with full heart. He is a self pride person and can not tolerate anything against his will. He honors my suggestions only. Jibu is a simple youth having private job. There are many assets and liabilities of the family but Boolanjee manages all properly. About ten days before Mane poisoned himself. Doctor treated him but after ten days he collapsed.
Previously I did not know Mane well. Now I have concluded that he had an unstable mind. He had two wives. The first is from Sibipatti. She and Mane quarreled too much. The matter became very tense and situation of divorce came. Bulanjee and his father tried their best to patch it up but it could not be settled. Mane revolted against his father and brothers. He consulted a village lawyer Barunjee. Barunjee forbided him to do that and suggested to wait. The unstable brain of Mane was not ready to wait. In the mean time, Mane’s father-in-law Bambhola spoke some abusive words against Jyotshijee which pained him too much. Jyotshijee and Bulanjee started to keep themselves away from the mater. Mane got good opportunity and married another girl. This act was a blunder in his life. He had two daughters from the first wife and two daughters and one son from 2nd. Initially the first wife lived with her father but after some years she also came to Karmauli. Prominent persons of the village decided that she would also live in the family and would get necessary means to lead life. Her daughters would also have their rights. Mane agreed. For some years they spent peacefully. But human nature does not allow anybody to lead life on a track. Slowly the two women started to quarrel. The height of the quarrelling resulted Mane’s poisoning.
What may be the reason but the whole village and relatives are aggrieved. One can imagine the sorrow of the parent whose youngest beloved son has departed. Who is the defaulter? I strongly say non but the unstable mind of Mane. Had he compromised with his first wife, the situation would have changed. The story is very pitiable but remarkable. Everybody will have to face the same situation who have such type of unstable mind. May Guru Baba grace peace to the departed soul.--------contd.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Today is Monday, 26 th July, 2010. Ugresh bhaiya left this world the day before yesterday i.e. on 24 th July 2010. His two sons and one daughter Manoj, Vinod and Anita live at Chandigarh. They were coming so the dead body was kept in ice. Initially when I heard about his death, I was planning to come to Karmauli after five or six days due to work load in the office and thinking my back pain. There would be two trips up and down each. When Manoj telephoned and told that the funeral ceremony would be on 26 th, I changed my mind & decided to join in it.
We started at 4.00 pm on 25th and reached Belahi at 9.0 pm. Sent the driver from Madhubani. Stayed at Belahi in the night. Came to Karmauli at 7.00 am today. Manoj with all members came at 8.00 am. Went to Dhadhhara Gaachhi in our mango orchard. 69 people were present in the funeral ceremony.
Seeing him on funeral pyre, every scene of his life crossed before the eyes like cinema reel. His primary schooling, marriage, getting training of farming with father and latter becoming an independent farmer, his single daughter Anita’s marriage ceremony, separation of the family, quarrelling among brothers during division of land, his illness and lastly his death; all came at once in my memory. This is the very life of every person in the world. We ignorant persons spend the life in quarrelling for wealth and worldly things but nothing goes with us. We come alone having nothing with us and go alone leaving land, building, cars, friends, children, wife and everything. ‘Ghar ki nari ko kahe tan ki nari janhi.’
I remember his early life. I was five brothers and one sister. Serially, the names are Tejnarayan, Harinarayan, Ghurani, Ugresh, Kamalakant and Mahendra. Thus he was fourth among the six issues and third among the five sons. His one elder brother and one younger brother had died. One sister elder to Ghurani had also died. So she was named ‘Ghuranni- who had again come’. She was very beautiful and gentle. She was married to Chandrakant of village Maltole. She had two sons and two daughters- Babu saheb, Amar, Meena and Ameera. She died at the age of 40 due to paralytic attack. My mother died when I was mere four years old. My sister loved me too much. In my early life I spent more time at Maltole with my sister.
Ugresh Bhaiya was very intelligent student in his early life. I remember one event when I had started to go to school. He had got first position in class 4. He was also taking interest in farming. Father also required an assistant to help him. He was himself uneducated and did not know even his signature. He never paid much importance to education. I started to go to school with some of my friends of my age. I was four years old. One day when I was in the school, heard the news of my mothers death. Godavari, the neighbour girl told me the message. I ran to my courtyard with her and fell down on my mother’s body. My younger Mahendra was only two years old. Besides the last event there is nothing in my memory about my mother.
Life is but a chance. When I was in class two I went to Dhanbad. In class four I got admitted in Kapariya Middle School. At Dhanbad a better schooling in Railway school changed my study style. At Kapariya school I came in open competition with so many near by village’s students. Though high school teaching had been started in Kapariya School, I took admission at Kaluahi High School. There I again fought tougher competition. This type of revolutionary steps- taking admission in Kapariya Middle School in stead of Karmauli, adopting Kaluahi High School in stead of Kapariya High School helped me too much. Our brain becomes sharper when we solve tough problems and face tougher competition. Had I not visited Dhanbad, Kapariya and Kaluahi, I would have never succeeded. When I passed seventh from Kapariya Middle School, the then head master Sri Yamuna Pd Singh pressed me too much for taking admission in Kapariya High School. He convinced my father and Ramchandra Kaka who had gone for SLC. They surrendered before his arguments but I straightly denied and took admission in Kaluahi High School. This very decision was great step in my life and proved a mile stone. The 2nd student Pandit and third Thakur took admission in newly started Kapariya High School and spoiled their lives. They were better students but did not maintain their intelligence and became ordinary students.
Parents take primary role in children’s education. Especially during primary education, they have keen interest in playing, talking and all other activities except studying. When father encouraged towards farming, Ugresh Bhaiya left the school and became full time farmer. He became prominent farmer of the village. He had very good health and strength. He attended all the funeral ceremonies of the village and nearby relatives. Whenever anybody started work which required higher strength, Ugresh Bhaiya was necessarily called. He used to attend happily and became very pleased thinkig that he was also a useful person. He was like Jarbharat. He was so simple that even a child could make fun of him. He attended all the marriages ceremonies, thread ceremonies (Upnayan), after death rituals (shraddha karma) with full interest. In the villages, farmers use to weigh the produces. But all are not able to weigh the same. Specially while paddy weighing, there were huge heaps. A few persons in the village were able to weigh. Ugresh bhaiya was a prominent weigher. He could weigh hundred quintals in a sitting. While lifting of heavy wooden logs, mud built heavy grain containers (kothi), large thatched rooves etc, he was necessarrily called. May Guru Baba grace peace to his soul. ----------------------- contd.
We started at 4.00 pm on 25th and reached Belahi at 9.0 pm. Sent the driver from Madhubani. Stayed at Belahi in the night. Came to Karmauli at 7.00 am today. Manoj with all members came at 8.00 am. Went to Dhadhhara Gaachhi in our mango orchard. 69 people were present in the funeral ceremony.
Seeing him on funeral pyre, every scene of his life crossed before the eyes like cinema reel. His primary schooling, marriage, getting training of farming with father and latter becoming an independent farmer, his single daughter Anita’s marriage ceremony, separation of the family, quarrelling among brothers during division of land, his illness and lastly his death; all came at once in my memory. This is the very life of every person in the world. We ignorant persons spend the life in quarrelling for wealth and worldly things but nothing goes with us. We come alone having nothing with us and go alone leaving land, building, cars, friends, children, wife and everything. ‘Ghar ki nari ko kahe tan ki nari janhi.’
I remember his early life. I was five brothers and one sister. Serially, the names are Tejnarayan, Harinarayan, Ghurani, Ugresh, Kamalakant and Mahendra. Thus he was fourth among the six issues and third among the five sons. His one elder brother and one younger brother had died. One sister elder to Ghurani had also died. So she was named ‘Ghuranni- who had again come’. She was very beautiful and gentle. She was married to Chandrakant of village Maltole. She had two sons and two daughters- Babu saheb, Amar, Meena and Ameera. She died at the age of 40 due to paralytic attack. My mother died when I was mere four years old. My sister loved me too much. In my early life I spent more time at Maltole with my sister.
Ugresh Bhaiya was very intelligent student in his early life. I remember one event when I had started to go to school. He had got first position in class 4. He was also taking interest in farming. Father also required an assistant to help him. He was himself uneducated and did not know even his signature. He never paid much importance to education. I started to go to school with some of my friends of my age. I was four years old. One day when I was in the school, heard the news of my mothers death. Godavari, the neighbour girl told me the message. I ran to my courtyard with her and fell down on my mother’s body. My younger Mahendra was only two years old. Besides the last event there is nothing in my memory about my mother.
Life is but a chance. When I was in class two I went to Dhanbad. In class four I got admitted in Kapariya Middle School. At Dhanbad a better schooling in Railway school changed my study style. At Kapariya school I came in open competition with so many near by village’s students. Though high school teaching had been started in Kapariya School, I took admission at Kaluahi High School. There I again fought tougher competition. This type of revolutionary steps- taking admission in Kapariya Middle School in stead of Karmauli, adopting Kaluahi High School in stead of Kapariya High School helped me too much. Our brain becomes sharper when we solve tough problems and face tougher competition. Had I not visited Dhanbad, Kapariya and Kaluahi, I would have never succeeded. When I passed seventh from Kapariya Middle School, the then head master Sri Yamuna Pd Singh pressed me too much for taking admission in Kapariya High School. He convinced my father and Ramchandra Kaka who had gone for SLC. They surrendered before his arguments but I straightly denied and took admission in Kaluahi High School. This very decision was great step in my life and proved a mile stone. The 2nd student Pandit and third Thakur took admission in newly started Kapariya High School and spoiled their lives. They were better students but did not maintain their intelligence and became ordinary students.
Parents take primary role in children’s education. Especially during primary education, they have keen interest in playing, talking and all other activities except studying. When father encouraged towards farming, Ugresh Bhaiya left the school and became full time farmer. He became prominent farmer of the village. He had very good health and strength. He attended all the funeral ceremonies of the village and nearby relatives. Whenever anybody started work which required higher strength, Ugresh Bhaiya was necessarily called. He used to attend happily and became very pleased thinkig that he was also a useful person. He was like Jarbharat. He was so simple that even a child could make fun of him. He attended all the marriages ceremonies, thread ceremonies (Upnayan), after death rituals (shraddha karma) with full interest. In the villages, farmers use to weigh the produces. But all are not able to weigh the same. Specially while paddy weighing, there were huge heaps. A few persons in the village were able to weigh. Ugresh bhaiya was a prominent weigher. He could weigh hundred quintals in a sitting. While lifting of heavy wooden logs, mud built heavy grain containers (kothi), large thatched rooves etc, he was necessarrily called. May Guru Baba grace peace to his soul. ----------------------- contd.
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