Vimaljee is the smallest child and so the dearest of his mother. He has come to us with great power and force. After two sons, we were expecting a daughter. Moreover, it was so deep in the mind of the women that when he came on the earth their ears didn’t hear the voice of the nurse. The nurse told son but their ears heard daughter. Because in Hindi and Maithily ‘beta and beti’ have only one ‘ikar’ difference in pronunciation. People knew that a daughter had come. After so many ours when the nurse understood the confusion among the people, she disclosed the matter and we knew Vimaljee.
From the very beginning, Vimaljee has keen interest in sports. When he was in class one in Patna Montessori there happened annual sports in the school. It was organized in Shree Krishnapuri Park. Vimaljee got first position in 100.0m race. All my three sons were reading in the same school and all of them were good in sports. All got so many prizes. I don’t remember all the prizes won by my sons but Vimal’s prize is not forgettable. After getting prize he came home, took bath, worshipped lord Ganesha and offered him a ‘laddu- a spherical thing made of sugar and a base material’. We all got ‘prasad’ and that’s why we always remember his prize. …………..contd.

Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
दीपू,माय सेकंड सन (२)
The starting name of Dipu was Deepak- the lamp –the creator of light. Some one kept this name seeing his complexion or on his initial letter as recommended by the panditjee. However, one thing is sure that nomenclature plays vital role in one’s life. He is ‘Kul –Deepak’- the lighter of the dynasty. Latter on when he started to go to school, his name was kept in the sequence of his elder brother ‘Neelendu’ and automatically he became Divyendu. Unknowingly the second name also became special. Divyendu- ‘Divya + Indu’ – special moon which creates special light- Sarachchandra mareechivat- some thing related to Divinity.
Actually, my son has some Devine quality from his very child hood. He is very sentimental from the very beginning. I don’t remember that he was ever beaten in his child hood like a general child. He was so sentimental that whenever he found himself guilty and thought to be punished, he started to weep loudly. The angry person took him in his lap and began to console to stop weeping. Thus, the idea of beating was always stopped seeing his innocence. When I was transferred to Saharsa Dipu was only eight month old. I don’t remember that Dipu became out of site even once.
He used to sit on the flag-hoisting platform in the sun. Whenever his mother didn’t see him, she ran to the platform and found him sitting there peacefully. From the very childhood he was so calm & quiet that once land lord’s daughter ‘Sabnam’ hid him in her blanket and taught him not to speak anything. When his mother didn’t see him nearby, she ran to the platform. Not finding her ‘lal’ on the platform, she began to weep loudly. Seeing this seen Sabnam started laughing and Dipu was recovered from the blanket. Contd…….
The starting name of Dipu was Deepak- the lamp –the creator of light. Some one kept this name seeing his complexion or on his initial letter as recommended by the panditjee. However, one thing is sure that nomenclature plays vital role in one’s life. He is ‘Kul –Deepak’- the lighter of the dynasty. Latter on when he started to go to school, his name was kept in the sequence of his elder brother ‘Neelendu’ and automatically he became Divyendu. Unknowingly the second name also became special. Divyendu- ‘Divya + Indu’ – special moon which creates special light- Sarachchandra mareechivat- some thing related to Divinity.
Actually, my son has some Devine quality from his very child hood. He is very sentimental from the very beginning. I don’t remember that he was ever beaten in his child hood like a general child. He was so sentimental that whenever he found himself guilty and thought to be punished, he started to weep loudly. The angry person took him in his lap and began to console to stop weeping. Thus, the idea of beating was always stopped seeing his innocence. When I was transferred to Saharsa Dipu was only eight month old. I don’t remember that Dipu became out of site even once.
He used to sit on the flag-hoisting platform in the sun. Whenever his mother didn’t see him, she ran to the platform and found him sitting there peacefully. From the very childhood he was so calm & quiet that once land lord’s daughter ‘Sabnam’ hid him in her blanket and taught him not to speak anything. When his mother didn’t see him nearby, she ran to the platform. Not finding her ‘lal’ on the platform, she began to weep loudly. Seeing this seen Sabnam started laughing and Dipu was recovered from the blanket. Contd…….
Friday, May 7, 2010
सास- अरी मीना! तुम थक गयी होगी। आज कपड़ा धोना छोड़ दो। बच्चों को मैं नहला देती हूँ। तबतक तुम भी नहा धोकर कुछ खा लो। 'नहीं माँ , आप ही पहले स्नान कर लीजिये, मै निकी और किट्टू को तबतक तैयार कर देती हूँ. सास-' ऐसी बहू दुनिया में सबको मिले। कितना ख्याल रखती है मेरा। यह मेरी बहू नहीं, बेटी है। भर दिन दौडती रहती है। मुझे स्नान करने में थोडा भी विलंब हुआ कि आसमान सर पर उठा लेती है। मुझे कुछ करने ही नहीं देती है। बैठे-बैठे देह में जंग लग रहा है। कुछ-कुछ करना चाहती हूँ लेकिन उसकी जिद्द के आगे मेरा कुछ नहीं चलता। लेकिन आज मैं नहीं मानूँगी। आज अपने हाथ से खाना बनाउँगी और सबको खिलाऊँगी। मालती अपनी सहेली रेखा से अपनी बहू मीना की तारीफ़ कर रही थी।
उधर रेखा का हाल न पूछें। दिन-रात बहू को देखकर माथा पीटती रहती है। तिलक दहेज़ ने बेटे का गला काट लिया। दान दहेज़ तो खूब मिला लेकिन बहू कोहबर से ही टन-टन बोलने लगी। खाने-पीने से लेकर पहनने ओढ़ने हर काम में नखरे dikhaati hai. bahoo ne poore pariwaar kaa jeena mushkil kar diyaa hai. Rekhaa jo kuchh kahati hai, Ritu ultaa karati hai. Kahatee hai 'mere pitaa ne ladkaa khareedaa hai, jo marjee karoongee. Kisi ke baap kee naukaraani nahee hoon.' Kuchh din ke liye daadi aayee thee, jeenaa mushkil kar dee. Devar ko to naukar hee samajhtee hai. Man baap ne kitnaa kashta sahkar bete ko engineer banaaya. Kyaa-kyaa arman the. Bahoo aate hee beta paraayaa ho gayaa. Saas ko ghar ke andar hameshaa chaukeedaar kee najar se dekhatee hai. Usake bed-room me kewal uske maan-baap, bachche tathaa pati jaa sakte hain.
Pawan ke maata-pitaa bahoo ko lekar hameshaa maathaa peetate rahate hain. ' Ek to kaalee maayee tispar kharga sahit. Baap re baap, ab kaan pakarataa hoon ki dahej naheen loongaa. Kisi gareeb kee betee se chhotoo kee saadee karaaungaa.'
Idhar Maalatee-Meenaa saas-bahoo kam, maan-betee jyaadaa lagatee hai. Sach kahoon to dono ke beech men sahelee jaisaa byabhaar T.V. serial ke saas-bahoo ke too-too, main-main jaisaa pyaaraa lagataa hai. Bhagvaan sabhee saas-bahuon ko aisee hee vudhdhi den aur dono maan-betee yaa sahelee kee tarah rahen.
उधर रेखा का हाल न पूछें। दिन-रात बहू को देखकर माथा पीटती रहती है। तिलक दहेज़ ने बेटे का गला काट लिया। दान दहेज़ तो खूब मिला लेकिन बहू कोहबर से ही टन-टन बोलने लगी। खाने-पीने से लेकर पहनने ओढ़ने हर काम में नखरे dikhaati hai. bahoo ne poore pariwaar kaa jeena mushkil kar diyaa hai. Rekhaa jo kuchh kahati hai, Ritu ultaa karati hai. Kahatee hai 'mere pitaa ne ladkaa khareedaa hai, jo marjee karoongee. Kisi ke baap kee naukaraani nahee hoon.' Kuchh din ke liye daadi aayee thee, jeenaa mushkil kar dee. Devar ko to naukar hee samajhtee hai. Man baap ne kitnaa kashta sahkar bete ko engineer banaaya. Kyaa-kyaa arman the. Bahoo aate hee beta paraayaa ho gayaa. Saas ko ghar ke andar hameshaa chaukeedaar kee najar se dekhatee hai. Usake bed-room me kewal uske maan-baap, bachche tathaa pati jaa sakte hain.
Pawan ke maata-pitaa bahoo ko lekar hameshaa maathaa peetate rahate hain. ' Ek to kaalee maayee tispar kharga sahit. Baap re baap, ab kaan pakarataa hoon ki dahej naheen loongaa. Kisi gareeb kee betee se chhotoo kee saadee karaaungaa.'
Idhar Maalatee-Meenaa saas-bahoo kam, maan-betee jyaadaa lagatee hai. Sach kahoon to dono ke beech men sahelee jaisaa byabhaar T.V. serial ke saas-bahoo ke too-too, main-main jaisaa pyaaraa lagataa hai. Bhagvaan sabhee saas-bahuon ko aisee hee vudhdhi den aur dono maan-betee yaa sahelee kee tarah rahen.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Like his name, my third son Vimal has a fair heart. He has no ‘mal’ i.e. dirtiness. He is anxiety free man. He always remains in free mood and never accepts any restriction. Contrary to my second son who never crosses the line, Vimaljee shall not take rest until he crosses the line. He is a carefree person. One can say it a good fortune of Vimal that wherever Dipu went, Vimal followed him. Therefore, he became totally dependant on Dipu. Now Dipu has left him alone. Initially he was a bit anxious, but now he has become matured and bold enough to understand and to do things. One thing is special in him. He never becomes serious. He takes the things very easy. During his exam period, he used to become very busy. He was playing the whole year. However, at the time of exam, he was only studying .We always remained very anxious for his exams but he was carefree. He was contented with what he wrote. Nevertheless, Dipu was quite different. He became sad whenever he did not defeat his competitor. I remember one event. In the year 1990, I had organized a big competitive event during durgapuja at Karmauli. Dipu was in class two but he also took part in mathematical quiz. Questions were of higher standard. Nilu and others wrote quickly but Dipu was trying to solve till the last moment. When time passed copy collector snatched copy from Dipu. Dipu began to weep and stopped weeping after a long time. ------------contd...----------------
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
My second son is Dipu. Simple living and high thinking is his life style. Contrary to my first son (Nilu), Dipu was very economic in his student life. Nilu never bothers for future but always lives in present. At present, I don’t know how Dipu leads his life. But there was a time when Dipu was leading his life very miserly. I remember one event, which I want to disclose. Though this is Dipu’s secrecy but he will not mind. After passing tenth from BSEB Board from Gyan Bharti Public School, Darbhanga, Dipu was admitted in eleventh class in Ram Mohan Roy Seminary, at Patna. Side by side, he also took admission in a coaching school. At that time, he was laboring very hard and he had made his life very tough. But labor never goes in vain. And Dipu reaped as he sawed. A friend of Dipu named Vineet lived with him. He was also reading with Dipu in Gyan Bharti Public School at Darbhanga. He was also very good student. During Gyan Bharti period sometimes, Dipu and sometimes Vineet got first position in the class. However, one thing I have seen in my sons is that, whenever they come out of the family and in open competition, they always top both in study and in sports. In our society, we don’t take the sports as career. However, I am sure my sons would have been succeeded in state level and country level competitions, had they taken the sports as career. When Dipu and Vineet was living together and studying in Seminary Dipu got first position in whole seminary school. One day Dipu told,”Papaji, when I was taking food in near by restaurant, I took two or three breads only, to save money because Vineet was eating only two breads. When Neelu bhaiya came, I saw him spending more money and I also started taking five and six breads.” I at once reached my BIT period when at the time of breakfast I used to take only a cup of tea to save money. But the situation was totally different. I was forced to do so due to my poverty and Dipu was doing the same thing willingly, though he was capable to spend more because his father was an engineer, having handsome salary to keep his family members well fed. ……………contd…
Monday, May 3, 2010

Sitaram lived at Dhanga-Haripur in Madhubani distt.He was very spiritual person. He daily worshipped Lord Shiva in his morning puja at his home. He usually visited Lord Shiva temple at Dokhar,Kapileshwar & Deoghar-Baidyanathdham.He was married with the daughter of Lakshamidutta thakur of village karmauli. Lakshamidutta thakur had two sons & three daughters. The eldest daughter was Sitaram's wife. The second was married at Madhiya & third at Loha-Kapsiya.We have seen Madhiyawali Dai. She was great devotee of Lord Hanuman. We have seen her talking with Bajrangbalee like Paramhans-Ramkrishna. Lakshamidutta's grandson at Loha was Ganesh.He was a very fine gentleman. He was working at Muzaffarpur court. I remember an incident. It is the event of 1966. I was reading in class 7. At that time, I had no cycle. I saw with greedy eyes the cyclist boys & always dreamed cycling. He had come by a cycle & gave me to take it to angan[courtyard]. The angan was about 300ft away from dalan[where guests, male members used to stay]. While taking away the cycle I started to learn cycling. There became a big wound in my left leg. Ladies saw the wound & became too much agrieved.They gave rural first aid-cotton wet with mustered oil. I went to dalan. Ganesh kaka saw my wound. He was very sorry thinking himself guilty that he had told me to take his cycle to the angan. He did not know the fact that the fault was mine. Had I not tried learning cycling I would not have injury. Lakshamidutta’s eldest son was married at village Bansara but he died after a few days of his marriage. We called his widow “Daijee”. She was a very pious lady. She had no child and loved me & my brothers like her own children. Lakshmidutta’s second son Gangadhar was married at village Padma. He had a daughter Jaya who was married at village Vishnupur. Jaya had two daughters Pankala & Ramni. Jaya became widow very soon. Pankala was married at village Nawkarhi & Ramni at Padma. Pankala had no issue & she became widow after a few years of her marriage. Ramni had so many sons & daughters.
Lakshamidutta was four brothers. Jirekhan, Kishori, Lakshamidutta & Manrakhan. Manrakhan died earlier when he was only fifteen year old. He was working in a field very near to his home “Gharari”. An old woman whom people knew as a great witch came to him. She gave him some tobacco to refresh himself with great affection. Manrakhan took it & put it in his lips. A few minutes latter, he became senseless & fell down. The woman disappeared. Someone saw him lying on the ground & shouted loudly. Crowd gathered & took him to his door (Dalan).Rural vaidyas & so many ojha-gunis were called but all in vain & he died. The next day after the funeral ceremony of Manrakhan so many persons were sitting on dalan (door). Suddenly Lakshamidutta shouted loudly & became senseless. Water was sprinkled on his face. When he recovered sense, he began to speak like Manrakhan. People thought that Manrakhan’s soul had come on Lakhi (Lakshamidutta).
Lakhi told all that had happened with him. He requested to take him to Ganga for a holy bath. People took him to Simariya. After Ganga-snan Lakhi came Karmauli. The shraddha-karma (after death ceremony) of Manrakhan was performed very sacredly. After shradha-karma Lakhi (having the atma of Manrakhan in his body) ran to chaupari (a place on the bank of khabas pokhari where nabah sankirtan is performed for about sixty years) and began to jump & speak loudly in the voice of Manrakhan. Now in every evening people gathered at chaupari. They questioned unlimited questions and Manrakhan (in the body of Lakhi) answered all those correctly. People began to tell Manrakhan `Brahma- a pious spirit`. No one dared to steal even a small thing because Brahma told the name. Brahma also started to give sacred ash and people got rid of the diseases. He disclosed the name of witch women, captured several ghosts, and nailed them in the nearby pippal tree. Snake-bited persons were getting relief in a few minutes. Men and women of nearby villages used to gather at chaupari for the remedy of their problems. There was always a crowd at chaupari. Now one thing happened that people of Karmauli and nearby villages becaame fearless and slept peacefully in the night because there was Brahma to take care of them and their families. However, side-by-side anty forces also developed in the protest. Witches and wizards became too much cautious and violent. They began to search the way to get rid of the Brahma.
Gaya is a famous pilgrimage of Hindus. This is a place where Gautam Buddha got light of knowledge. He got the knowledge of Samyakatwa. Samyakatwa means appropriate quantity of everything. Samyak shayan, samyak wani, samyak ahar, samyak vihar and everything samyak is the gist of his teachings. People have faith that the died person whose sradha-karma (after death ceremony) is performed at Gaya gets liberation from prêt (ghost) yoni. A learned person whose wife’s name was disclosed as a witch became too much aggressive. He immediately started to Gaya. There he performed the sradha-karma of Brahma. Brahma knew everything & told people about the liberation. The evening was very sad at Karmauli. Everyone was crying as if he had lost his dearest person. What a surprising scene it was that people wept departing a ghost, seeing whom we become afraid even in our dreams! After that, Brahma never came in the body of Lakhi.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
नीलू (मेरा ज्येष्ठ पुत्र)

hee man main उसको कह सकता हूँ। थोडा सा जिद्दी स्वभाव है उसका। उसकी जिद्द के आगे किसी की नहीं चलती है। जब वह रूठ जाता है तो काफी मनाने पर ही मानता है। हो भी क्यों नहीं। मेरी शादी के ठीक बारह साल बाद उसका जन्म हुआ था। लोग काफी चिंतित रहने लगे थे कि शायद संतान सुख नहीं लिखा हुआ है। लेकिन काफी कबुला-पाती के बाद नीलू का जन्म सरश्वती पूजा के सुबह में हुआ। उसके जन्म के समय में भी काफी दिक्कतें हुईं। संध्याकाळ से ही उनकी माँ को प्रसव पीड़ा होने लगी। मैं उस समय रांची में पदस्थापित था। मेरा वह नियुक्ति के बाद प्रथम पदस्थापन था। दिसम्बर में मैं वहां योगदान दिया और नीलूजी फरबरी में आये। मायके और ससुराल दोनों जगह ख़ुशी ही ख़ुशी छाई हुई थी। कर्मौली ke kamaljee ke pratham putra का जन्म और वो bhee शादी के बारह वर्ष बाद। मैं नीलूजी के जन्म के समय गांव आया हुआ था। उनकी माँ मायके में थी। मैं कर्मौली में था। रात में khavar अचानक प्रशव पीड़ा प्रारंभ हुई है। बेलाही की चमाइन काफी ट्रेंड थी लेकिन प्रथम संतान में कम्प्लिकेशन होना स्वाभाविक है। रात भर काफी पीड़ा सहने के उपरांत मैं, अमरनाथ, डॉ गोकुल, नीलू माँ की दादी और नानी, नीलू की माँ को लेकर खूब तडके मधुबनी सदर अस्पताल पहुंचे। रास्ते में ही अस्पताल की नर्स देख चुकी थी और तुरत अस्पताल पहुँचने का निर्देश देकर स्वयं भी पीछे-पीछे आयी। आठ बजे के करीब नीलूजी इस धरती पर आये। लगभग आधा घंटा के बाद अस्पताल से छुट्टी दे दी गयी। हमलोग साइकिल और रिक्शा से विदा हुए। लगभग एक किलोमीटर चले होंगे की भयंकर आंधी और तूफ़ान प्रारंभ हुआ। रिक्शावाला तेजी से निकला लेकिन हमलोगों को जितवारपुर में रुक जाना पड़ा। अंधी-तूफ़ान लगभग दो घंटे चला और खूब जादा लगने लगा। हमलोग काफी चिंतित हो गए थे लेकिन जब घर पहुंचे तो पता चला की रिक्शावाला ठीक ठीक पहुँच गया था। पहली संत्तान होने के कारन काफी लार प्यार में पला है मेरा बड़ा बेटा। अतः जिद्दी होना स्वाभाविक है। जब आठ माह का था तो अक्टूबर में रांची आ गया। रांची में हरमू कालोनी में हमलोग रहते थे। नीलू बहुत नटखट था। किसी खिलौनेवाले तो किसी खोमचे वाले के साथ निकल जाता था। उसके चलते गेट में टाला लगाकर रखना पड़ता था। कभी कभी गेट में ताला लगा हुआ ही रह जाता था और ग्रिल के बीच के फांक से नीलूजी गायब. .......बाद में.
Saturday, May 1, 2010

A child comes on the earth. He knows nothing about the world. First he knows his mother who always takes care of him. Next he recognises nani, mauci, chachi etc. Latter on in due course he starts to know the world. He stars to copy others. He copies hundred % what his elder brother is doing. He starts walking, speaking, playing, eatting, reading, writing, laughing. quarrelling, telling lie, stealing and all those activities what his elder brother does. He starts going school and learns some more things which he had not learnt yet from his family members. He learns his religion, his cast, villagism. districtism, statism etc. He becomes youth and starts earning for his livelihood. He gets married and becomes father of so many children. The child who was himself totally dependant on others now becomes shelter for his dependants. He tries to earn more and more by any means. It doesn't matter wheather the means are fair or unfair. As you saw, so you reap. According to "karma fal siddhant" he has to repent for unfair means & gets pleasure for fair means. `kaam, krodh, lobh & moh' capture him and he forgets his reality. As a result he becomes the home of tension, fear and deseases. He goes to so many `ojha, gunis & tantriks` but invain. At the time of leaving the world there is a big zero in his hand. But some people , for their good deeds in previous life get sadguru like Bhagvan Ramana and learn true knowledge and get rid of the cycle of birth & death. The true knowledge is to get rid of the rubishes which we collect in the world. The wealth, name and fame all are superfluous. The reality is pure `I'. Always remain in Self. In the deep sleep there is nothing. We haven't the knowledge of even our bodies. That is the real state. We have to lead our life just like a child. Friends and foes are equal for him. He quarrels for toys or other things but after the moment he forgets everything. We matured persons have collected rubishes like education, riches- gold,diamond, buildings, cars, planes; name and fame etc. These are big burden and spider net. These have surrounded us in such a way that we are unable to open the knot for so many births. When the God pours His grace we come in contact of guru Ramana. He teaches us the true knowledge- to remain in Self. Like deep sleep the `jagrat samadhi' is the real state.------Ohm namo bhagvate sri Ramanay.
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