The sun is
the lively god, which is the prime source of energy and life on the earth. The
first man of the earth might have seen the sun. Seeing it the day maker by light,
lifesaver by heat he would have started worshipping him. The festival Chhath is
associated with lord Ram. When he returned from forest after conquering Lanka,
after 14 years, Maa Sita and Ram, kept fast and worshipped lord sun. Since
then, we are celebrating the festival.
The sun is the first creation in the universe.
From sun all things were created. The sun is called the eye of the world. Every
creature gets knowledge from him. After sun rise, every creature awakes and
starts to work. From the very sun, we are able to perform our duty. The sun is
called the soul of the world- ‘सूर्य आत्मा
जगतस्तस्थुखश्च’. In the
shaastras, the sun is called ‘Savitaa’ which means creator. The science also
believes that the sun is the very origin of the creation. Mahaabharat says “ त्वं भानो जगतश्चक्षुस्त्वमात्मा सर्वदेहीनान्.
त्वं योनिः सर्वभूतानां त्वमाचारः क्रियावतां.. त्वं गतिः सर्वसांख्यानां योगिनां
त्वं परायणं. अनावृतार्गल द्वारं त्वं गतिस्त्वं मुमुक्षतां.. त्वया संधार्यते
लोकास्त्वया लोकः प्रकाश्यते. त्वया पवित्रीक्रियते निर्व्याजं पाल्यते त्वया..—(वनपर्व
3/36-38). “ हे सूर्य देव! आप सम्पूर्ण
जगत के नेत्र तथा समस्त प्राणियों की आत्मा हैं. आप ही सब जीवों के उत्पत्ति-स्थान
और कर्मानुष्ठान में लगे हुए पुरुषों के सदाचार (के प्रेरक) हैं.” “सम्पूर्ण सांख्ययोगियों
के प्राप्तव्य स्थान भी आप ही हैं. आप ही सर्व कर्मयोगियों के आश्रय हैं. आप ही
मोक्ष के उन्मुक्त द्वार हैं और आप ही मुमुक्षुओं की गति हैं.” “ आप ही संपूर्ण
जगत को धारण करते हैं. आप से ही यह लोक प्रकाशित होता है. आप ही इसे पवित्र करते
हैं और आपके ही द्वारा निःस्वार्थ भाव से इसका पालन किया जाता है.” ‘Suryopaasanaa’ (worshiping sun) is being done from the very
Vaidik period. Actually, the festival is to worship the god sun, but the female
form Chhathi Maiyaa may be indicating his rays. Some people believe that
Chhathi Maiyaa is the younger sister of The Sun. The sun and its rays may be
treated identical like the fire and its heat. The fire without heat is only
ash. Shiv without “eekaar= energy= Shati, Gauri” is only shav (dead body).
Worshipping this
festival is to pray the nature by natural resources. The purity is given prime
importance. Fruits (banana, guava etc), sugarcane, thakua (made of flour mixed
with gur, the unrefined sugar obtained from raw, concentrated sugarcane juice=
jaggery). Kheer made of gur (jaggery) is prepared by pabnaitin (the woman
worshipper). The sun is the source of energy on the earth. The water is also of
prime importance. Natural materials are our prime food. Hence, standing in
water with natural materials in hands and worshiping the live god sun are the
main theme to offer our salutation to the life-saver god. No other method of
showing gratitude of the prime life-saver can be better than this.
The festival may be symbolized
to give importance to the female character. Hence, Chhathi Maiya (Not the sun
itself) is worshiped. This is the only festival when people pray for a daughter
(not son) and a qualified son-in-law (Runakee-jhunakee betee chaahee, padhal
panditwaa damaad).
People have faith that all
diseases can be cured by worshipping the sun. The result is also according to
the faith. Purity, sanitation and faith are taught in this festival. The
festival may be treated as to show gratefulness to the nature.