‘Yatpinde tatbramhande’. All things which exist in this universe are also present in the human body. I.e. the human body can be said a mini universe (bramhand). Every person has equal things, but some go far ahead and some are left extreme behind.
Atma-bal (self-power, self-confidence) plays vital role in going ahead. Self-power comes after regular rumination. Man becomes able to utilize the enormous power within him by meditation and proceeds towards immortality and divinity. In the whole life, one utilizes negligible part of one’s efficiency. Albert Einstein utilized 3% of his brain’s capacity and became the first liner among scientists.
With the effect of self-power, man becomes able to do miracles. He performs wonders easily which seem impossible for common persons. Regular practice and cogitation is the mother of self-power. When I am in elevation, I perform marvels which seem beyond my capacity; in depression I become zero and cannot do easier jobs which a child can do. ‘Mook hohi baachaal, pangu chadhai girivan gahan. Badhir sunahi sooran lakhahi, eesh kripa yatnahi satat.’ The dumb become more speaking, the lame climb the difficult mountains, the deaf start to hear more clearly and the blind see the whole universe, by regular trial and Almighty’s grace.----------NAMO RAMANAAY.