Saturday, May 14, 2011


‘Jo paalna dulaatee hai, duniyaa par raaj kartee hai (One who shakes the cradle, rules the world).’ Chhatrapati Shivajee gave all credits to his mother for his elevation. Services are the key to rule and conquer. Wife rules over husband due to services. She cooks food, tames children, washes clothes, cleans rooms and does all services. Thus, she conquers the heart of her husband. This is permanent way to rule. All other ways are temporary. Hanuman is worshipped due to adopting the path of services. Sita, Savitree, Anusuiya are famous only due to services. Yamraj (the god of death) was bound to leave the soul of Satyavan due to services of Savitree to her husband. One can win in the battle due to power and force the defeated person to obey temporarily. However, permanent winning is to win the heart and the way is only to serve.
Sympathy is better than gold. One can help anybody by giving money. It can be repaid. Another man serves and cures. It cannot be repaid.
Services motive reduces ego while money helping increases it. Elimination of ego is the ultimate gist of all religions and preaching of all thinkers.
Helping and pouring grace are always good but worshipping the people with the notion of Shiva,s form is optimum.---Ohm Namo Bhagvate Shri Ramanay.

1 comment:

  1. ki yo kamalji bawa ke kripa san......ahan ke darshan bhel.......ahan t' hamra naih chinhait hoyab......
    hum sri jaychandra jha(master saheb) ke chotka larka.......sanjay....chandigarh san......ahanke ataya dekh mon kilkit-pulkit bhel......

    ahan sa agrah je apan blog '' par request bhej rajister karabi.....jahi san google search inzin.....karmouli evam kamalji ke 'sanchit prati'......dina-nu-din bharaya.....


    ahank bhatij..
