‘Jake kachhunachahiyesoishahanshah’.We don’t put our bags on our heads in the train. I also sit on the birth and the luggage is also put on it. Coming in the world, I totally forget the Almighty Who brought me in the world and is running the whole universe. Who brings milk in the mother’s breast just after the birth of a new baby? Who feeds the baby in the womb? Who has manufactured this miraculous universe? Who makes day and night. Who has created rivers, mountains, oceans, the earth, the moon, the sun, the planets and our wonderful galaxy? Who has made the beautiful flowers? The birds, animals, creatures in the sea and all around, the human beings, the male and female pairs of all live creatures, the water, the clouds, the rains, the rainbow, the solar and lunar eclipses etc. are very peculiar riddles. From the very childhood I have been watching these puzzles but no answer I have found till date of the above questions.
What is the purpose of all these things? What is death? Where does one go after death? What is rebirth? What is ghost? Can one explain the universe?
One cannot know all these things. But there is one Person Who knows all these things. If I merge myself to That, I can also know everything. What is the process of merger? It is very simple but people think it very tough. The place of The Person is in the heart of the human body which is in the right side of the chest contrary to the biological heart which is in the left side of the chest. If I also begin to remain in the heart all the time, I can merge myself to That. For this I have to make regular practice. Initially, I have to do ‘Who am I’ process but after some time I enjoy in remaining in my permanent place, the heart. How simple is this?-------------------------Ohm NamoBhagvateShriRamanay.

Friday, April 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
पूरी तैयारी.
We Indian’s are great spiritual. Our every action starts with the worship of God. We are all the time suspicious about the successfully completion of the project. Due to total dependence on the Almighty, we never do full preparation before start. We never develop full proof system for total removal of the error. Students go on reading books till the last moment they enter the examination hall. Most of the students read only guess papers. They do not try to see the text books. If the questions come beyond guess, they quench their anger by abusing the teacher who had guessed or abusing and sometimes beating the question setter. They never think themselves guilty for not preparing fully for the examination. Total fault goes to the setter and guesser.
We start our journey without proper planning and preparation. We don’t take idea about the vehicle which will carry us. We don’t think necessity of reservation of our tickets. We only know quarreling with ticket collectors. Sometimes we sit in the vehicle which takes us to the opposite direction of our destination.
We put incapable persons on commanding positions on the basis of all other factors except merit. We never want to give all necessary facilities to our employees to increase their efficiency. We never bother for the work load of the employees. We never care to fill the vacant posts. We don’t want to encourage talented and efficient persons. We only want ideal result. Sometimes the retarding forces are so powerful that we become hopeless. They are relatives of social reformers. They force the honest and law abiding employees to violet rules. If they are not successful in their mission, they begin to torture the employee. Sometimes they take the help of ‘Right to information’ to take revenge. Sometimes they make false allegation. The sincere employee becomes saddened and disheartened. The result is automatically affected.
The full proof system should be developed, so that, no one can violet the rules. Deserving personnel should be kept on key posts. Incentive should be given to the sincere and talented employees. Impartial judgment and casteless atmosphere give best result.
Law and order normalcy is the first and foremost requirement. The notorious persons should be given hard punishment. Anti-socials should be banned to fight elections.
We should prepare for the best and hope for the worst. Last moment preparation should be avoided. There should not be any loop hole in the system for dilution. Top most preparation and recitations of God names will surely give us success.---------OHM NAMO BHAGVATE SRI RAMANAY.
We start our journey without proper planning and preparation. We don’t take idea about the vehicle which will carry us. We don’t think necessity of reservation of our tickets. We only know quarreling with ticket collectors. Sometimes we sit in the vehicle which takes us to the opposite direction of our destination.
We put incapable persons on commanding positions on the basis of all other factors except merit. We never want to give all necessary facilities to our employees to increase their efficiency. We never bother for the work load of the employees. We never care to fill the vacant posts. We don’t want to encourage talented and efficient persons. We only want ideal result. Sometimes the retarding forces are so powerful that we become hopeless. They are relatives of social reformers. They force the honest and law abiding employees to violet rules. If they are not successful in their mission, they begin to torture the employee. Sometimes they take the help of ‘Right to information’ to take revenge. Sometimes they make false allegation. The sincere employee becomes saddened and disheartened. The result is automatically affected.
The full proof system should be developed, so that, no one can violet the rules. Deserving personnel should be kept on key posts. Incentive should be given to the sincere and talented employees. Impartial judgment and casteless atmosphere give best result.
Law and order normalcy is the first and foremost requirement. The notorious persons should be given hard punishment. Anti-socials should be banned to fight elections.
We should prepare for the best and hope for the worst. Last moment preparation should be avoided. There should not be any loop hole in the system for dilution. Top most preparation and recitations of God names will surely give us success.---------OHM NAMO BHAGVATE SRI RAMANAY.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
To-day is Ram-navmi. This is the birthday of lord Ram. Ram is the character in the epic Ramayan whose actions and behavior are always constant. He never crosses the social rules and always follows our culture. The first poet of the universe, Walmiki has written the first epic Ramayan in shlokas (poems). There is no pollution of other brains or literature in the epic. Walmiki was a great saint. He had done hard penance. The epic was written by his intuition developed by the penance. Being the first granth (epic), it is very original.
In this book, penance has been given much importance. Vashishtha is brahmarshi due to tough penance. Vishwamitra’s penance is unparalleled. Previously Vishwamitra was a king. Once, he went to the forest for hunt. It became too late. He with his armies reached a hermit’s hermitage. This was sage Vashishtha’s cottage. He welcomed the king and his armies. He had a cow ‘Kamdhenu’. This always fulfilled the requirement. Due to her, Vashishtha offered grand food and other all items required to welcome a king. Vishwamitra was surprised. When he came to know about Kamdhenu, he wanted to take the cow to his palace. He begged but Vashishtha refused. Then, he tried to snatch the cow by force. This made Vashishtha angry. Infinite no. of armies appeared from Nandini’s (kamdhenu’s) mouth. Vishwamitra’s all armies were killed. He felt too much humiliated. He saw brahmarshi’s power far greater than that of king. He went to the forest to perform penance to have the power of brahmarshi. He became the greatest self- mortificator.
Bhagirath’s penance is well known. He brought Gangajee by his tough self-mortification. According to Walmiki one can avail everything by penance. Lakshaman became able to kill Meghnad only due to his penance. Ravan, Kumbhakaran, Meghnad and all giants became so powerful due to their self-mortification. Ram was himself a great performer of penance. In the forest, he visits infinite sages who were always performing penance. ‘Brahmachargen tapsa devamrityumupagamat.’
Students get success due to hard studies. Without hard labour we can get nothing. There is no substitute of labour. Everything is possible by hard and continuous labour. All inventions are the result of hard labour of intelligent persons.
In this book, penance has been given much importance. Vashishtha is brahmarshi due to tough penance. Vishwamitra’s penance is unparalleled. Previously Vishwamitra was a king. Once, he went to the forest for hunt. It became too late. He with his armies reached a hermit’s hermitage. This was sage Vashishtha’s cottage. He welcomed the king and his armies. He had a cow ‘Kamdhenu’. This always fulfilled the requirement. Due to her, Vashishtha offered grand food and other all items required to welcome a king. Vishwamitra was surprised. When he came to know about Kamdhenu, he wanted to take the cow to his palace. He begged but Vashishtha refused. Then, he tried to snatch the cow by force. This made Vashishtha angry. Infinite no. of armies appeared from Nandini’s (kamdhenu’s) mouth. Vishwamitra’s all armies were killed. He felt too much humiliated. He saw brahmarshi’s power far greater than that of king. He went to the forest to perform penance to have the power of brahmarshi. He became the greatest self- mortificator.
Bhagirath’s penance is well known. He brought Gangajee by his tough self-mortification. According to Walmiki one can avail everything by penance. Lakshaman became able to kill Meghnad only due to his penance. Ravan, Kumbhakaran, Meghnad and all giants became so powerful due to their self-mortification. Ram was himself a great performer of penance. In the forest, he visits infinite sages who were always performing penance. ‘Brahmachargen tapsa devamrityumupagamat.’
Students get success due to hard studies. Without hard labour we can get nothing. There is no substitute of labour. Everything is possible by hard and continuous labour. All inventions are the result of hard labour of intelligent persons.
आध्यात्मिकता हमारी धरोहर है। जब दुनिया अज्ञान के अंधकार में भटक रही थी तो हमने ही अपने अवतारों के माध्यम से रोशनी दिखाई। विश्व-बंधुत्व का पाठ पढ़ाकर एक दूसरे से प्रेम करना सिखाया। त्याग का पाठ हमने ही पढ़ाया। जब लोग शरीर रक्षण को जीवन का लक्ष्य समझ रहे थे तो हमने ही परमात्म-ज्ञान का अमृत पिलाया। जो स्वार्थ में लिप्त हैं उन्हें परमार्थ के आनंद का अनुभव कैसे हो सकता है। व्यसनी को निद्रा, कलह और नशा से फुर्सत कहाँ कि काव्य शास्त्र के आनंद का अनुभव करे। फकीरी का आनंद घोर संसारी क्या जाने। वेद-पुराण के शव्द अकस्मात् एक दिन में नहीं आये हैं। हजारों-लाखों वर्षों की साधना के प्रतिफल के रूप में एक-आध शव्द प्राप्त होते थे। विना किशी साधना के उन शव्दों का अर्थ लगाना-समझना अनर्थ हो जाता है। इसी परिप्रेक्ष्य में श्रीमद-भागवत महापुराण, कृष्ण चरित्र, रास-पंचाध्यायी का अनर्थ करना स्वाभाविक है। विना साधना के इन महाकाव्यों को समझना असंभव है। विषयवस्तु के ज्ञान होने के वावजूद साधना के बल पर ही प्राप्य संभव है। बचपन से सिखाया जाता है कि परमात्मा ह्रदय में निवाश करते हैं। अगर मैं भी ह्रदय में निवाश करूं तो सदैव ईश्वर के पास रहूंगा। लेकिन विना साधना के क्या ह्रदय में रहना संभव है? लाखों-करोड़ों में कोई एक ह्रदय में रहता है। विना ईशकृपा केवल साधना से यह संभव भी नहीं है।- ओह्म नामोभाग्वाते श्री रमने.
सामाजिक आचार-विचार तथा गणित-फलित.
There is no much importance of astrology in human life. Life goes-on on its own way. But the intensity of hazards is retarded or I become prepared to face the adverse if I follow astrology. Suppose, someone gives you a mantra to become free from any problem, you become care-free. You have to recite the mantra only. If you have faith on the astrologer, you make effort and the result is also favorable. Comparing to the person who has no faith on the astrology, you are more bold and tensionless. The other is all the time in tension till the result comes. I remember the cricket final between India and Shrilanka. Almost all astrologer forecasted in favor of India and we got it. Similarly, forecasts of Paul-Baba, the octopus became true in foot-ball world cup. What is ill if I start a work in good time as calculated and decided by the pundits? The marriages are done on the time fixed by the jyotshis (astronomers). Astrology is like lunch box in a journey or like a toy for a child to stop weeping. What is lotted can not be blotted. But I have examples that strong wills have changed the palm lines. Persons have done impossible and miraculous jobs. A half clad person forced the mountain like undefeatable British rulers to leave India. Persons have reached to the Moon and Marsh. Man has reached to the North pole and South pole. All the seven wonders are man made. All machines, helicopters, planes, ships, trains, motors, electricity, satellites etc are miracles of the human being.
‘Well begun, half done.’ To make the start well, we take help of pundits to calculate and select the best time. If I start a work in rainy day or in storm, there may be so many disturbances. We worship and please all ante and supporting elements. This is also a politics to please the enemies to do a job without hinderance.
Our culture is too much old. All rituals and customs have been introduced after experiences. In the start of the journey one should avoid eating fish and milk. On this time one should take curd and only see fish. Fish and milk clear the stomach and may cause loose-motion and diarrhea. During journey they may disturb our easy movement. So, they are avoided. Curd is easily digestible and hence has been advised in the start of the journey for easy movement during journey. Milk and fish taken together may cause so many diseases like White-spot, Diarrhea etc and hence has been prohibited. Likewise, so many essentials regarding health and social relations have been tagged with religions to make health disease-free and society corruption-free. We should honour the social rules but act according to our needs. The relation between mother and son, sister and brother and all relatives are followed in all societies. If one disobeys social rules, he is like animal who is ignorant of the social rules.
‘Well begun, half done.’ To make the start well, we take help of pundits to calculate and select the best time. If I start a work in rainy day or in storm, there may be so many disturbances. We worship and please all ante and supporting elements. This is also a politics to please the enemies to do a job without hinderance.
Our culture is too much old. All rituals and customs have been introduced after experiences. In the start of the journey one should avoid eating fish and milk. On this time one should take curd and only see fish. Fish and milk clear the stomach and may cause loose-motion and diarrhea. During journey they may disturb our easy movement. So, they are avoided. Curd is easily digestible and hence has been advised in the start of the journey for easy movement during journey. Milk and fish taken together may cause so many diseases like White-spot, Diarrhea etc and hence has been prohibited. Likewise, so many essentials regarding health and social relations have been tagged with religions to make health disease-free and society corruption-free. We should honour the social rules but act according to our needs. The relation between mother and son, sister and brother and all relatives are followed in all societies. If one disobeys social rules, he is like animal who is ignorant of the social rules.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
इंडिया,वर्ल्ड कप, 2011
INDIA, WORLD-CUP, 2011 We have reached in semifinal. To-day is semifinal match between India and Pakistan, the two old rivals. The match is of great importance for us. Whenever, these two teams come before each other, heart beatings of Indians and Pakistanis reach peak. The matches between these two teams seem as real fighting. However, whenever these two teams fight, India’s side is always heavier. I am sure, India will surely defeat Pakistan. M.S.Dhoni is India’s captain. He is wicket keeper cum batsman. Our batsmen are master blaster S.R.Tendulkar, Virendra Sahvag, Gautam Gambheer, Virat Kohali, Yuvraj Singh, Suresh Raina, Usuf Pathan and bowlers are Jaheer Khan, Asheesh Nehara, Munaf Patel,Harbhajan Singh. Jubee will play as alrounder. Pakistan’s players are Kaamran, Hafeez, Asad, Yunis, Misbah, Umar, Rajjak, Afridi (captain), Wahab, Umar Gul and Azmal. Dhoni won the toss and chose to bat first. Choosing first batting was proved right with the better starting of Sachin and Sahwag. Sahwag made five fours in the fourth over. However, Sahwag was LBW out on the score of 38 having 9 fours on 25 balls. Sachin scored eighty five on 115 balls with 11 fours and he became man of the match. He got five lives. Like other matches, Yuvraj did not do with the bat. He was out on duck but he took two wickets. Previously Raina was twelfth in quarterfinal. Due to failure of Yusuf Pathan, Raina came to bat on seventh position and he proved his utility. With tail enders, he scored valuable 36 not out on 39 balls with 3 fours. Unlike previous matches India batted full fifty overs and made total score of 260 for nine. Here is the score board of India:- Sahwag- lbw Riyaz, run-38, ball-25, 4s-9, 6s-0; Sachin-c-Afridi,b-Azmal-85,115, 11,0; Gambhir-c –Kamran, b-Hafiz-27,32,2,0; Virat- c-Umar Akmal, b-Riyaz-9-21-0-0; Yuvraj-b-Riyaz-0-1-0-0; Dhoni-lbw-Riyaz-25-42-2-0; Raina not out-36-39-3-0; Harbhajan –stump Kamran-b-Azmal-12-15-2-0; Zahir-c-Kamran-b-Wahab-9-10-1-0; Nehara-run out-1-2-0-0; Munaf-not out-0-0-0-0; additional-18; total-9/260 in 50 overs. Pakistan score board is:- Kamran-c-Yuvraj-b-Jahir-19-21-3-0; Hafiz-c-Dhoni-b-Munaf-43-59-7-0; Ashad-b-Yuvraj-30-39-2-0; Yunis-c-Raina-b-Yuvraj-13-32-0-0; Misvah-c-Virat-b-Zahir-56-75-5-1; Umar-b-Harbhajan-29-24-1-2; Rajjak-b-Munaf-3-9-0-0; Afridi-c-Sahvag-b-Harbhajan-19-17-1-0; Wahab-c-Sachin-b-Nehra-8-14-1-0; Gul-lbw-Nehra-2-3-0-0; Azmal-1-5-0-0; additional-8; total-231/10 in 49.5 overs. Raina’s entry proved good. He is a marvelous player. He scores fast as well as stays on the wicket. Yusuf is also a good player but when he was given chance, he never tried to stay more and India’s condition became pitiable. Yusuf, Raina, Sahwag are such players whose staying on the wicket is enough to win the match. Runs automatically come from their bats. Raina’s valuable 36 runs with tail enders caused India’ victory by 29 runs. Afridi’s daughters just like dolls began to weep. They blamed Misbah for the defeat. Afridi tells Sachin’s black magic that he got five lives. What may be the reason; India defeated its permanent rival, which gave great pleasure to all of us. The match was more than final. I am sure India will win the final with Shrilanka. To-day India won the final defeating Srilanka. The whole India is enjoying the celebration of winning world-cup. One thing haunts me. Without giving much facility to our children regarding games, we have won the world cup. If we provide better facilities, our children will be permanent winner. State like Bihar is not doing well in this field. Politics is deep in the cricket and pulls legs of cricketers. I expect from our honourable enthusiastic C.M. Mr. Nitish Kumar to pay attention to this field also. Like other field’s miraculous changes, he can do miracle in games also.
Friday, April 1, 2011
We have come to the earth in different families and situations according to our past life deeds. We have willingly chosen the situations which best suited to us. So, we are ourselves responsible for the situations. Only gyanis (knowledgeables) know their past, present and future and they are contented with their situations. We ignorant do not know our past. We always curse our fortune and situations. We always see towards other. We never see towards ourselves. The only thing is for us to make the opportunity ideal. We should perform our duties ideally. We should accept our circumstances. We should understand that we have willingly adopted the state of affairs. When a man dies his soul becomes free. He chooses the womb where his unfulfilled wills will be quenched. So, the situation in which one has been kept is his own adopted option. We are performing our acts just like actors on the stage. No actor is free to do against the role. The person who performs his role natural, gets best award. No role is superior or inferior. Ram, Krishna, Vivekanand, Maharshi Raman, shree Ram sharma Acharge were gyanies and performed their role natural and we are giving them full marks. Leaving the lavish kingdom, Ram goes to forest without hesitation. Without caring the abuses of the people Kaikeyi sends Ram to forest. Manthara plays the role of villain without thinking the curse. Krishna never thought about powerful enemies. He took birth in totally adverse situation in jail. From the very beginning he faced horrifying calamities. But, he never became afraid. He faced the situations boldly and always got victory. Taking birth in a suppressed country, Vivekanand made the whole world his disciples. Maharshi Raman got light in the early age of mere 16 and remained in that state his whole life. He showed the path of Gyan-Marg in a very simple way. Previously it was treated as very tough but by His grace, now I think it very simple. Shree Ram Sharma Acharge saw Gayatry in the broad sense and became Vishwamitra of modern time. By Gayatri Pariwar he put great impact in the destruction of evils of the society. His disciples are showing the path of truth and non-violence practically. He has shown how rituals can be performed economically and in a plain way by Gayatry-System. ‘Jaahee vidhi raakhe Raam taahee vidhi rahiye.’ Our’s is the best situation. ----OhmNamo BhagvateShreeRamnay.
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