There was an old black cobra in a forest. It had made its permanent abode in a deep big hole just beside the footpath passing through the mid of the forest. Hearing foot sound of the passersby, it bit them. Its poison was so sharp that its bitten creature hardly lasted few minutes. In its lifetime, it bit thousands of creatures. Now it was about hundred year old. The older the snake faster the poison. Once the great sage, Narad passed through the forest. His disciples told him about the cobra. He thought to preach the snake.
Here, you can ask some questions like how a man can talk with the snake. How a snake can hear the preaching. Why it should obey and why the sage was not afraid of the furious snake. The answer is very simple but not everyone can understand & believe things. It is a highly spiritual matter. Only the person who believes can understand and who understands can believe. I have seen people talking with their pets. Mother talks with her newborn baby and even with her baby in the womb. Abhimanyu got the knowledge of Chakrabyuh in the very womb. On discovery and so many other channels, we see person loving furious animals, which one cannot imagine in his normal life. We have heard the name of Kakbhusundi who was preaching people. Parrots were talking in Sanskrit scholarly in Mandan Mishra’s home. What is this? This is intuition. Maharshi Raman experienced the feelings of animals like cows, dogs, peacocks. In his ashram, all animals are worshiped. We have heard saints knowing animals voice. When I love and wish welfare of anybody, the wave reaches to him whether it is two footed, four footed or plants. Indian scientist Dr J C Bose proved the theory that plants also laugh and weep seeing friends and foe respectively like us. Wicked persons gave a house to lord Buddha. It was full of snakes. Lord Buddha spent the whole night among these poisonous creatures. He was not harmed at all.
Maharshi Narad sat there with his disciples. The snake came near him and bowed down. Narad gave guru-mantra- not to bite anybody and departed. After a good time he returned by the same rout. Disciples reminded about the cobra. Narad stopped there. They searched and found the snake with so many wounds on the body. When asked about the wound it told the story. It had stopped biting. Passersby threw stones on it. That was the reason of being wounded. Narad knew the reason. He again preached to the snake. Everyone should be gentle by heart. We should always follow ahinsa (non violence). It should be by mind, speech and work. But the message should not be mild. When the message is mild, people under estimate you. Your working is disturbed. You face too much difficulties in performing your duty according to rule. Whereas fifty percent problems fly away without effort, by rough and tough message. Internally we should have love for the whole world but externally behavior should be like tough person. Father’s tough behavior is for the benefit of the child. Mother’s cruelty is only to reform her dearest son. The little baby does not know the harm effect of fire. It is attracted by the red charming colour. Mother forbids touching it. The child feels mother’s cruelty. When it grows and become matured, feels the internal unselfish love of the parent. The feeling reaches climax when the baby becomes youth and father. I am recalling one event. There was an old man of the age of fifty-five. His son was twenty-seven year old. His grandson was one year old. Once the youth was on the roof. Suddenly it began to pour. The old man called his son repeatedly but he didn’t come down. The old man felt very sad but thought a solution. He went in the room and took his grandson. He came out with the little baby and stood in the rain. The youth shouted and in angry mood came down. He took the baby and ran into the room.

Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
‘TAVAT BHAYASYA BHETABYAM YAVAT BHAY NANAAGAT; AAGATAN TU BHAYAN BEEKSHYA PREETI KURYAT YATHOCHITAM’. More often, I hear the name of some renowned personality. I have hesitation to meet him. Accidently I meet him. I interact with him. When I depart, someone tells me the name of the famous person with whom I had become so familiar. I suddenly become surprised. Unknowingly I do some miraculous job, which is impossible, if I know the things. I am telling you an event of Jagdish Bhai. First of all Kari Bhai went to Mumbai. He settled there. He was a taxi driver. The taxi was on per day income basis. The owner gave certain percentage of the income to him. Latter he took so many persons to Mumbai. Jagdish Bhai also went with him. In the very next morning he reached Mumbai, he saw a man throwing his empty bucket from the line of the water tap and putting his own in the place. He has good health and his height is about 7’0”. That time his age was twenty-one and he was a good wrestler. The event evoked his male hood and challenged his poise. He jumped over the man and gave him so many stronger blows on his mouth with his feasts. The strength of the village pure milk and ghee made the man senseless. The crowd saw the scene and clapped loudly. Kari Bhai was sleeping. The noise awoke him. He came out and saw the scene. The man was below and Jagdish Bhai was sitting on his chest. In the beginning, he did not pay much attention. When he came nearer, he saw the face of the man below. He was stunned with hands and feet swollen. The man below was the don of the street and he belonged to the notorious Leopard Gang. The gang had captured the whole city. It was in the root of all crimes of the city. The name was enough to terrorize a man. He caught Jadish’s hand and drew him inside. He freed the man and apologized. The matter could be settled & cooled only after Jagdish’s most humble apologies and surrender before the gang.
I recall one event of my own. I was a fresher of Sindri. One evening some seniors came to my hostel. They entered into so many rooms and started ragging the freshers. By luck, one senior who came to my room was known to me. He took me out and ordered to rag the Nepali students of my neighbor room. I entered the Nepali student’s room. All stood up. A few remained sitting. In a grave mood, I reached to the sitting students. Everyone stood except one. Salute to my boldness! I reached to the sitting boy. In an angry mood ordered the boy to stand up. The boy also stood up. Latter I took introduction of all the students and silently started to come out of the room. In the mean time, the senior who had sent me to rag, came and started to laugh loudly. The students who remained sitting after my entry were seniors. The last student whom I forced to stand was the boss of all. As soon as my identity disclosed, the boss caught my hand. However, my known student freed me. I fled at once. After one day, the seniors called me in their hostel. I was pardoned after humble apology from my side and rigidness of my known senior.
I recall one event of my own. I was a fresher of Sindri. One evening some seniors came to my hostel. They entered into so many rooms and started ragging the freshers. By luck, one senior who came to my room was known to me. He took me out and ordered to rag the Nepali students of my neighbor room. I entered the Nepali student’s room. All stood up. A few remained sitting. In a grave mood, I reached to the sitting students. Everyone stood except one. Salute to my boldness! I reached to the sitting boy. In an angry mood ordered the boy to stand up. The boy also stood up. Latter I took introduction of all the students and silently started to come out of the room. In the mean time, the senior who had sent me to rag, came and started to laugh loudly. The students who remained sitting after my entry were seniors. The last student whom I forced to stand was the boss of all. As soon as my identity disclosed, the boss caught my hand. However, my known student freed me. I fled at once. After one day, the seniors called me in their hostel. I was pardoned after humble apology from my side and rigidness of my known senior.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
'TYAKTA LAJJA SUKHEE BHAWET'. I recall an event of the year 1990. Vimaljee was five, Dipu seven and Nilu nine year old. I was living in a rented house at Punaichak. The landlord was a fine person. He had one son Gopal and three daughters. Like his name, Gopal was very popular and simple boy. He respected me too much. When I came to Patna for the first time to live, I stayed with Barunjee in 1990 January at Hanumannagar. I wanted a rented house near secretariat where I was then posted. Ashokjee was then living at Punaichak. He was also posted in secretariat. He was with his mother, two brothers and two sisters. I stayed the night with him to see a house for rent at Punaichak. Next morning Ashokjee and I went to meet Satyadeo Babu to take his house on rent. The house was vacated by Er. R.C. Chaudhary who had gone to Birpur to join Road Subdivision. There was one famous J.E., in that subdivision, without writing about whom the article will be incomplete. He was a veteran man. The SDO and EE were in his feast. He used to visit local leaders daily and got advantage of the nearness with them. Due to him, Chaudharyjee’s charge became late. He propagated false cast politics against him.
When we went to Satyadeo Babu, he was out of station. Gopal and his cousin were there. His mother was behind the curtain. I was in need and he was also in search of a tenant. I accepted the rent. I called Aditya, my 2nd brother in law who was residing at Makhaniya Kuan. He was doing postgraduate course in Maithili from Patna University. Professor Amresh Pathak was his head. My family (wife and three sons) was at Birpur at that time. Gopal gave one cot and Aditya brought another from his old lodge. After some months, all materials were brought from Birpur. Wife and children had already come to Karmauli a few days before. They came to Patna just after the materials were brought.
Gopal was very noble and egoless. Though he was landlord’s son, he with his cousin Uday did the whole painting work of the house. I was amazed to see his hard work like a labour. He taught that one should not be ashamed in doing one's work. I remember Gandhi’s work at Johannesburg. In Gandhi’s ashram so many renowned persons were living. Everyone was allotted a piece of land. They were producing some types of crops for their food. There was no toilet and everyone collected the night soil in a pot and disposed it in the morning. The new comers didn't know the rule and Gandhijee himself did the same. But Baa didn't allow Bapu and took the duty. Once Baa's face language was not normal while disposing the same. Gandhijee didn't tolerate it and caught her hair and dragged. While writing his atma-katha he wrote the event and repented. Everybody should do some physical labour; whether he is great scholar, no matter. Mental and physical works should be done side by side. In the present context, when people have become more conscious towards their health, it is too much remarkable. Every intellectual should remember Gandhi’s lesson. I recall my Ranchi period. I and my friend Surendra Prasad lived together at Doranda. This is the period of my first joining at Ranchi. My office was in the barrack just before combined office building. Surendra was in another office adjacent to my office. We met the next day of joining and became familiar. I had taken a two-roomed flat on rent. Surendra was staying with a distant relative. He enquired me about my residence and showed his will to live together. I was also searching a partner. The rent was a bit more which I thought heavy according to my income. More over it was a two-roomed flat and only one room was sufficient for a bachelor like me. I gave another room to surendra. We started self-cooking. There was problem of water in the flat. There was a water-tape on the road before my house. There was no force of water and a big crowd always gathered there. We started taking water from a coolie who brought some buckets of water for us from a nearby well and we paid fifty paisa for each bucket. Sometimes the coolie became absent. We were then very troubled. Anyhow, we brought one-bucket water from roadside tape and did essential works. There was a hotel in the nearby market where we took breakfast and lunch. The hotel owner was very obedient. He became pleased to see us because we were spending more on our meals. Those days Chandramohan was a PG Teacher in the Central School at Ramgarh Cantonment and was also doing PHD under a Ranchi University professor. He came to me very often when he came to Ranchi and stayed with us. He is a man of the land and has no ego and complex. He felt the problem. He went to the well, took bath there and brought two-bucket water for me. This was height of demoralizing and I also started to go to the well for water purpose. Thus, my water problem was solved and my ego decreased a little bit.
When we went to Satyadeo Babu, he was out of station. Gopal and his cousin were there. His mother was behind the curtain. I was in need and he was also in search of a tenant. I accepted the rent. I called Aditya, my 2nd brother in law who was residing at Makhaniya Kuan. He was doing postgraduate course in Maithili from Patna University. Professor Amresh Pathak was his head. My family (wife and three sons) was at Birpur at that time. Gopal gave one cot and Aditya brought another from his old lodge. After some months, all materials were brought from Birpur. Wife and children had already come to Karmauli a few days before. They came to Patna just after the materials were brought.
Gopal was very noble and egoless. Though he was landlord’s son, he with his cousin Uday did the whole painting work of the house. I was amazed to see his hard work like a labour. He taught that one should not be ashamed in doing one's work. I remember Gandhi’s work at Johannesburg. In Gandhi’s ashram so many renowned persons were living. Everyone was allotted a piece of land. They were producing some types of crops for their food. There was no toilet and everyone collected the night soil in a pot and disposed it in the morning. The new comers didn't know the rule and Gandhijee himself did the same. But Baa didn't allow Bapu and took the duty. Once Baa's face language was not normal while disposing the same. Gandhijee didn't tolerate it and caught her hair and dragged. While writing his atma-katha he wrote the event and repented. Everybody should do some physical labour; whether he is great scholar, no matter. Mental and physical works should be done side by side. In the present context, when people have become more conscious towards their health, it is too much remarkable. Every intellectual should remember Gandhi’s lesson. I recall my Ranchi period. I and my friend Surendra Prasad lived together at Doranda. This is the period of my first joining at Ranchi. My office was in the barrack just before combined office building. Surendra was in another office adjacent to my office. We met the next day of joining and became familiar. I had taken a two-roomed flat on rent. Surendra was staying with a distant relative. He enquired me about my residence and showed his will to live together. I was also searching a partner. The rent was a bit more which I thought heavy according to my income. More over it was a two-roomed flat and only one room was sufficient for a bachelor like me. I gave another room to surendra. We started self-cooking. There was problem of water in the flat. There was a water-tape on the road before my house. There was no force of water and a big crowd always gathered there. We started taking water from a coolie who brought some buckets of water for us from a nearby well and we paid fifty paisa for each bucket. Sometimes the coolie became absent. We were then very troubled. Anyhow, we brought one-bucket water from roadside tape and did essential works. There was a hotel in the nearby market where we took breakfast and lunch. The hotel owner was very obedient. He became pleased to see us because we were spending more on our meals. Those days Chandramohan was a PG Teacher in the Central School at Ramgarh Cantonment and was also doing PHD under a Ranchi University professor. He came to me very often when he came to Ranchi and stayed with us. He is a man of the land and has no ego and complex. He felt the problem. He went to the well, took bath there and brought two-bucket water for me. This was height of demoralizing and I also started to go to the well for water purpose. Thus, my water problem was solved and my ego decreased a little bit.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
neki kar dariyaa me daal
To-day, I met a man. He was eighty year old. He was repenting all the time while talking. I felt he was betrayed by his brother. According to him he sacrificed all his possessions to make his brother a doctor. But now his brother doesn't even talk to him. He (doctor) lives seperately with his wife and children. The old man with his wife and seven children is in wretched condition. He was thinking that the doctor would bring a very able bridegroom for his daughter. But the thought remained in the mind itself. Just after getting MBBS degree,doctor became seperate. He went to Madhubani to live with his wife. There he has purchaged a very big house. He has roaring practice. He has constructed a very beautiful house at his home also. He has purchased a flat at patna. He tours the whole world. On 1st January he goes for picnic to Singapur and enjoys the whole week there. He spends 1.5 lacs in seven days. Here in the village his brother lives like a beggar. This is the world. Don't think any thing about return. Neki kar dariya me daal.
There is a dense forest in the northern side of the village Karmauli. There are two ponds also in northern side. One is Khabas pokhar and another is Baba pokhar. Khabas Pokhar is older. There was one Lakshaman Khabas who served Darbhanga Maharaj well. Maharaj being pleased gave him a big jamindari of about 1100 acres of land of Karmauli Panchayat. Lakshaman got dug a big pond which was named after his title ‘Khabas Pokhar’. On the eastern bank Buddhee Babu, Kanteerji, Shyamakantji and Shivi Babu’s sons live. On the southern bank Abhaykantji’s sons, Vanshidarji's brothers and Naiyayakji’s sons live. On western bank Late Kusheshwar jha’s family members and late Asheshwar jha's family members reside. Chaupari Sthan is situated on the northern bank. Nabah Sankirtan (nine days Ram-Naam recitation twenty four hours) is performed here for the last fifty two years.
Karmauli’s first family resides on the southern bank of Baba pokhar. The first family (the person’s family who came to live first of all) is also called Deehee. They are also called Baba family. The pond was dug on being agitated. One lady of Baba family was washing clothes with shop in Khabas Pokhar. The famous Khabas told undignified words in angry mood. She came weeping to her father. The very day, Baba took oath to dig a pond. The next morning labors started digging. The northern and western side’s land belonged to Khabas. He declared to fight if a single lump of soil fell in his land. It was British period. The law and order was very tight. People were regarding government officials like gods. Seeing red-capped persons (police personnel), they hid in the house. Forces were deployed to keep the situation normal. The whole villagers were co operating except the Khabas family. The time was of severe famine in the state. The famine crop Arhar pulse was too much produced and this was only source of wages to the digging labors. Thus, with the help of whole village, Baba Pokhar came in existence.
Now the whole villagers started to gather on Baba Dalan. So many cultural programs were started. Now they had their own pond. All gathered in Bhagvat Katha. All the time the dalan was full of persons. Some played chess, some playing cards, some talked spiritual matters. In our childhood, I have seen people of the whole village gathering on occasions to perform chhath on the very pond. I, Chandu and Ameer used to sleep at dalan. Vaidik Muktinath came to take bath at 3.0 A.M. daily. We awoke hearing his shlokas and started to read. In the childhood, we were afraid of thieves and ghosts. In the night the fear was much more. But after 3.0 A.M. we were fearless. Thus indirectly we were much benefited by Vaidikjee. During Navah Sankirtan period, which is performed twenty four hours for nine days on Chaupari (Brahma shthan), we were totally fearless and enjoyed too much.
Karmauli’s first family resides on the southern bank of Baba pokhar. The first family (the person’s family who came to live first of all) is also called Deehee. They are also called Baba family. The pond was dug on being agitated. One lady of Baba family was washing clothes with shop in Khabas Pokhar. The famous Khabas told undignified words in angry mood. She came weeping to her father. The very day, Baba took oath to dig a pond. The next morning labors started digging. The northern and western side’s land belonged to Khabas. He declared to fight if a single lump of soil fell in his land. It was British period. The law and order was very tight. People were regarding government officials like gods. Seeing red-capped persons (police personnel), they hid in the house. Forces were deployed to keep the situation normal. The whole villagers were co operating except the Khabas family. The time was of severe famine in the state. The famine crop Arhar pulse was too much produced and this was only source of wages to the digging labors. Thus, with the help of whole village, Baba Pokhar came in existence.
Now the whole villagers started to gather on Baba Dalan. So many cultural programs were started. Now they had their own pond. All gathered in Bhagvat Katha. All the time the dalan was full of persons. Some played chess, some playing cards, some talked spiritual matters. In our childhood, I have seen people of the whole village gathering on occasions to perform chhath on the very pond. I, Chandu and Ameer used to sleep at dalan. Vaidik Muktinath came to take bath at 3.0 A.M. daily. We awoke hearing his shlokas and started to read. In the childhood, we were afraid of thieves and ghosts. In the night the fear was much more. But after 3.0 A.M. we were fearless. Thus indirectly we were much benefited by Vaidikjee. During Navah Sankirtan period, which is performed twenty four hours for nine days on Chaupari (Brahma shthan), we were totally fearless and enjoyed too much.
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