Thursday, July 22, 2010


The creator of the universe is the Very Almighty whom we call God. We all are His dear children. No parent will be pleased if you hate his children. Since we all are the children of the same father, we are all brothers and relatives. Then how one can hate anybody. This is due to ignorance. When someone praises me, I become pleased. Hearing anything against me, I become angry. This is human nature. I love the person who loves me. I hate the person who dislikes me. Every creature has a sense to understand the love and hate. Somebody is so clever that outwardly, he shows his love but he has internally hatred. Nevertheless, this does not remain hidden. Our mind and heart are so manufactured that they know everything. What you think about me, my third sense knows it. ‘Gyani’ knows every thing of the universe by intuition. However, all ordinary creatures and we ignorant persons also, have a small machine in the body (heart) to know the inner feelings and thoughts of others about us. ‘Gyani’ acts same through all the three different ways- ‘mansa, bacha, karmana’. ‘Manashyekam, wachashyekam, karmashyekam Gyaninam; manashyanyat, wachashyanyat, karmashyanyat Dhoortanam.' Clever can hide his acts and thoughts for the time being and can become benificiary reagarding worldly affairs but a day comes when his real face appears and people begin to hate him.He is bicotted from the society. He becomes far away from Heaven.
Our bodies act according to our mind and heart, which are themselves, related to hate and love. Therefore, hate and love have great effect on our body. When we are among our own men (who love us), we feel secured. We sleep well, eat well and do normal behavior. When we are among the people who hate us, we feel unsecured and our behavior changes. We don’t eat and sleep properly and awake the whole night. When a child is near its mother, it plays and when it is with others weeps. The Indian scientist Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose has already proved the feelings of plants. Like us, plants and trees also laugh and weep. When a tree looks a person with an axe coming to cut it, it becomes angry. When it looks someone coming to give water in the roots, becomes pleased. Animals like dogs, cats, elephants etc have proved more loyal than men.
Love and hatred spread waves of different natures, which are caught by our well-wishers and enemies. However, we have forgotten our identities. We our children of The Same Father. There is no enemy. All are my friends, well-wishers and relatives. Lastly, I am in all and all are in me. I am That.
--------Om Namo Bhagvate Sri Ramanay.

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