The creator of the universe is the Very Almighty whom we call God. We all are His dear children. No parent will be pleased if you hate his children. Since we all are the children of the same father, we are all brothers and relatives. Then how one can hate anybody. This is due to ignorance. When someone praises me, I become pleased. Hearing anything against me, I become angry. This is human nature. I love the person who loves me. I hate the person who dislikes me. Every creature has a sense to understand the love and hate. Somebody is so clever that outwardly, he shows his love but he has internally hatred. Nevertheless, this does not remain hidden. Our mind and heart are so manufactured that they know everything. What you think about me, my third sense knows it. ‘Gyani’ knows every thing of the universe by intuition. However, all ordinary creatures and we ignorant persons also, have a small machine in the body (heart) to know the inner feelings and thoughts of others about us. ‘Gyani’ acts same through all the three different ways- ‘mansa, bacha, karmana’. ‘Manashyekam, wachashyekam, karmashyekam Gyaninam; manashyanyat, wachashyanyat, karmashyanyat Dhoortanam.' Clever can hide his acts and thoughts for the time being and can become benificiary reagarding worldly affairs but a day comes when his real face appears and people begin to hate him.He is bicotted from the society. He becomes far away from Heaven.
Our bodies act according to our mind and heart, which are themselves, related to hate and love. Therefore, hate and love have great effect on our body. When we are among our own men (who love us), we feel secured. We sleep well, eat well and do normal behavior. When we are among the people who hate us, we feel unsecured and our behavior changes. We don’t eat and sleep properly and awake the whole night. When a child is near its mother, it plays and when it is with others weeps. The Indian scientist Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose has already proved the feelings of plants. Like us, plants and trees also laugh and weep. When a tree looks a person with an axe coming to cut it, it becomes angry. When it looks someone coming to give water in the roots, becomes pleased. Animals like dogs, cats, elephants etc have proved more loyal than men.
Love and hatred spread waves of different natures, which are caught by our well-wishers and enemies. However, we have forgotten our identities. We our children of The Same Father. There is no enemy. All are my friends, well-wishers and relatives. Lastly, I am in all and all are in me. I am That.
--------Om Namo Bhagvate Sri Ramanay.

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
The ultimate knowledge of all religion is to know truth. What is this ‘Truth’? This cannot be described by words. When words end, silence starts and we come nearer to the truth. What is this ‘silence’? When questions & suspicions end, we go to our home to take rest. While we are in our home, we take rest, enjoy bliss and we are in silence. When I come out of my home, my peace is disturbed. I come on the road. I face scorching sun, rains and unbearable coldness. Again, I go home. There I get all comforts. Outer world is very charming but cheater. It always attracts the creature. While I am in my home, I am safe. When I come out, illusion captures me. Creatures begin to take interest in illusion. They start to think it real. They become pleased when some thing happens in favor, become aggrieved when against will. They become very disturbed when event goes wrong. Some body becomes so nervous that they commit suicide- the largest sin of the world. They forget their original form, which is far above than these meager worldly valueless things. When Lord Ramana pours grace, we know our original form.
Even in the worst situation, one should not lose patience. ‘Tawat bhayasya bhetabyam,yawat bhay nanagat; aagatan tu bhayan beekshya, preeti kuryat yathochitam’. One should watch the situation and wait for the proper time. ‘Jab neeke din aaihen, banat na lagihen der’. Time solves all problems. We can get nothing before due time and more than allotted in the fate. We get matured, ripe and sweet result after proper period. When we show hurries, the result is always adverse and sour. ‘Jald kaam saitan ka’. Losing patience, we change the favorable situation to adverse. We cannot eat unripe fruits because it is sour. We take our food when cooked properly. Premature child seldom survives; if survives becomes handicapped.
We see the riches of our neighbors and want to be equal to him overnight, but we forget the time taken in earning the same. The result is that we lose even our original capital. ‘Gel bhains pain me, parru sahit’. It does not mean that we should not effort. We should always effort but should not lose patience. ‘Karaj dheere hot hai, kaahe hot adheer’.
The word ‘home’ indicated above is ‘Real self’. When ego (false mind- false self) goes home (real self) there is complete silence. There is only bliss. This state is called ‘samadhi’. This is like deep sleep. The experiences of deep sleep cannot be described. We can only feel it by silence. The state like deep sleep in awakened state is ‘samadhi’.
Even in the worst situation, one should not lose patience. ‘Tawat bhayasya bhetabyam,yawat bhay nanagat; aagatan tu bhayan beekshya, preeti kuryat yathochitam’. One should watch the situation and wait for the proper time. ‘Jab neeke din aaihen, banat na lagihen der’. Time solves all problems. We can get nothing before due time and more than allotted in the fate. We get matured, ripe and sweet result after proper period. When we show hurries, the result is always adverse and sour. ‘Jald kaam saitan ka’. Losing patience, we change the favorable situation to adverse. We cannot eat unripe fruits because it is sour. We take our food when cooked properly. Premature child seldom survives; if survives becomes handicapped.
We see the riches of our neighbors and want to be equal to him overnight, but we forget the time taken in earning the same. The result is that we lose even our original capital. ‘Gel bhains pain me, parru sahit’. It does not mean that we should not effort. We should always effort but should not lose patience. ‘Karaj dheere hot hai, kaahe hot adheer’.
The word ‘home’ indicated above is ‘Real self’. When ego (false mind- false self) goes home (real self) there is complete silence. There is only bliss. This state is called ‘samadhi’. This is like deep sleep. The experiences of deep sleep cannot be described. We can only feel it by silence. The state like deep sleep in awakened state is ‘samadhi’.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Man is a social animal, totally different from all other animals. The human child can not survive alone. The child gains knowledge according to the society. The likes and dislikes of the society are blindly followed by the child and after some years it becomes habit, nature and religion of the person. The carpenter’s child learns carpentry, potter’s pottery, black smith’s black smithy, gold smith’s gold smithy, cobbler’s shoe making, farmer’s farming etc. Mental thought becomes same as of the society. Food habits, clothes and all other living arts naturally become according to the society. The person can’t think against it. Now a day some exceptions are seen but they have to face so many difficulties.
Our old society was based on specialization formula. There were four Varnas according to the professions. Brahmans were doing the work related to education, Kshatriyas administration, Vaishyas business and Sudras services to all. In four Varnas there were so many castes and sub castes. But all divisions were on profession basis. No one was superior or inferior. All were equal. Just like different parts of the body, different castes were the components of the society. In the body different parts have equal importance. So were the castes for the society. But specialization was the main motto. Each caste was specialized in its profession.
Brahmans were well versed in all shastras. They were like heads and brains of the body. Kshatriyas were ruling ( protecting) the society. They were like arms of the body. Baishyas were expert in farming and trading. They were like stomach of the body. Sudras were serving the above three Varnas. They were like lower portion of the body. They all were experts in their fields. Children got practical education from the very childhood. Automatically, they became well versed in the parents’ profession. All were very pleased and the society was running very smoothly & peacefully. That was the golden period. We were in Satyug, Treta and Dwaper period. In Satyug king left his kingdom, wife and son for truth. In Treta the king left his wife for the public. It was Ram-Rajya when the lion and the goat drank water together. Then Dwaper came. It was the time when all-rounder Lord Krishna came and killed all bad elements. True knowledge of Gita was taught. Society became free from evils. Next our Kalijug came. All evils came to the earth. The business of false things was started. We totally forgot our culture. All around, selfishness has spread. We forgot the word sacrifice. We are hankering after money. We want to be rich by any means, fair or unfair. We forgot to respect seniors & love juniors. Love among each other is rare.
We are doing drama and it is present day need. Actually, we have come here to perform our roles on this world stage. Our roles should be natural. We should always remember that we are doing drama. But we forget it & think the drama to be real and again start drama. I mean we start another drama in the original drama. We start false acting. Then how the natural acting can come.
One thing I wanted to tell since long. Like passengers in the train, we gather in a family for a long journey. According to our previous lives, we have different likes and dislikes. We should know the art of compromising. There is a youth. He marriages a girl. The male has different background to that of the girl. Both live together happily due to compromising nature. Each should respect another’s idea and act according to the combined decision. No one should impose one’s thought upon other. Never be rigid on anything. Always be flexible. You may be wrong. You will understand this when you think calmly. We gain much by sacrifices. We get nothing showing greediness. We conquer the world when we start sacrificing. We lose our identity (moral values, status, self pride etc) when we show greed.
‘Bin mange moti mile, mange mile na bheekh’. ------------------------contd.
Our old society was based on specialization formula. There were four Varnas according to the professions. Brahmans were doing the work related to education, Kshatriyas administration, Vaishyas business and Sudras services to all. In four Varnas there were so many castes and sub castes. But all divisions were on profession basis. No one was superior or inferior. All were equal. Just like different parts of the body, different castes were the components of the society. In the body different parts have equal importance. So were the castes for the society. But specialization was the main motto. Each caste was specialized in its profession.
Brahmans were well versed in all shastras. They were like heads and brains of the body. Kshatriyas were ruling ( protecting) the society. They were like arms of the body. Baishyas were expert in farming and trading. They were like stomach of the body. Sudras were serving the above three Varnas. They were like lower portion of the body. They all were experts in their fields. Children got practical education from the very childhood. Automatically, they became well versed in the parents’ profession. All were very pleased and the society was running very smoothly & peacefully. That was the golden period. We were in Satyug, Treta and Dwaper period. In Satyug king left his kingdom, wife and son for truth. In Treta the king left his wife for the public. It was Ram-Rajya when the lion and the goat drank water together. Then Dwaper came. It was the time when all-rounder Lord Krishna came and killed all bad elements. True knowledge of Gita was taught. Society became free from evils. Next our Kalijug came. All evils came to the earth. The business of false things was started. We totally forgot our culture. All around, selfishness has spread. We forgot the word sacrifice. We are hankering after money. We want to be rich by any means, fair or unfair. We forgot to respect seniors & love juniors. Love among each other is rare.
We are doing drama and it is present day need. Actually, we have come here to perform our roles on this world stage. Our roles should be natural. We should always remember that we are doing drama. But we forget it & think the drama to be real and again start drama. I mean we start another drama in the original drama. We start false acting. Then how the natural acting can come.
One thing I wanted to tell since long. Like passengers in the train, we gather in a family for a long journey. According to our previous lives, we have different likes and dislikes. We should know the art of compromising. There is a youth. He marriages a girl. The male has different background to that of the girl. Both live together happily due to compromising nature. Each should respect another’s idea and act according to the combined decision. No one should impose one’s thought upon other. Never be rigid on anything. Always be flexible. You may be wrong. You will understand this when you think calmly. We gain much by sacrifices. We get nothing showing greediness. We conquer the world when we start sacrificing. We lose our identity (moral values, status, self pride etc) when we show greed.
‘Bin mange moti mile, mange mile na bheekh’. ------------------------contd.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
My Childhood
At the age of seven I went to Dhanbad with Hari Bhaiya. His wife had chest infection. Badka Bhaiya (Tej Narayan) and Hari bhaiya were working in railways at Dhanbad. For the treatment she went to Dhanbad. Both the brothers were living in the same railway quarter. It had one bed room, a small verandah, a small courtyard, a service latrine in one corner of the courtyard, a small concrete water storage tank and a coal storage concrete tub. The service latrine was only for lady members. Gents used to go to common toilets constructed in the end of the block. The morning scene was pitiable. But it was very entertaining and laughing scene. There was a long queue of persons. Everyone having water pot in the hand. People, smoking and chewing tobacco had great urge for being light. They were shouting, knocking the doors and quarreling. The quarter was in old station area. The number was 162 ‘H’. It was in the name of badka bhaiya. When Belhbarbali bhabhi went there, they took another one quarter of the same type on rent. In the new quarter I and badka bhaiya lived. In the day time I was living in 162H. We took food in old quarter. When Hari bhaiya went to duty I was the only medium of communication between badka bhaiya and belhbarbali bhabhi. In our society husband’s elders and youngers’ wives never talk. Even touching clothes is prohibited. I used to serve food and water to drink and did other works as required. I went to new quarter only to sleep. There were approximately twenty quarters in one block. On one block there were two water taps a few distant apart, each having bathing platform. Though I was very lean and thin, I was very strong. I had come from a rural area and I had capacity to bear the higher coldness and scorching sun. I was stronger both physically and mentally than most of the boys of the school and of all the boys of my class. There was one Vindeshwari singh. He was a senior friend of badka bhaiya. His youngest son was Lal babu, one class junior to me. One day I was taking bath on the platform. Lal babu came and pushed me and started bathing.It was very humiliating and unbearable for me. Moreover I was stronger and always defeating him in wrestling. I gave him a stronger push and came direct under the tap. While I was bathing, Lal babu came silently in my back side and gave a hard blow on my nose with a metallic pot. My nose was cut and bleeding started. I was taken to railway hospital and treatment was done. There is still a cut mark on my nose which always reminds me the event. I got admitted in railway school in class two. The school was only 500 ft away from my quarter. At that time only two subjects Hindi & Mathematics having one book each were taught. I had memorized all the two books. I had not need of the book to read Hindi or to solve problems of Mathematics. I was able to write all the questions and answers without a stop. In the railway school students were reading Hindi very slowly and took more time in solving Math’s problems. When teachers saw my speed they became very surprised. They started to take interest in me. I got first position in the class. The school was very good and teachers were scholars. In class three I started to learn English. I started to solve Math’s problems from the book of Chakravarti. It was a marvellous book. It was collection of thousands problems. It was old style of study to make specialists. When you solve many problems of similar nature you become master of the topic. You can solve those types of sums in little time. This type of study is called professional. I had experimented it on Vimalji, my youngest son and the result was good enough. But Vimalji could not continue it because it is some boredom and requires more labor. --------------contd.
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