"YATRA YOGESHWARAH KRISHNO YATRA PAARTHO DHANURDHARAH. TATRA SHREERVIJAYO BHOOTIRDHRUBAA NEETIRMATIRMAMA." - 'The eternal queen of riches Lakshamee, victory, special power and ethics are at the very place where there are god of sages Krishna and the greatest archer Arjun'. I want to explain the shloka in my own words. The great sage Vyaas has says that everything is there where there is a person who has controlled all the ten indriyas. 'Indriyas- five gyaanendriyaas and five karmendriyaas. Five gyaanendriyaas-eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. Five karmendriyas- anus, penis, hands, mouth and feet'. Mind is the commander of all these ten indriyaas. When mind rests in the soul I beceome master of the universe.Only great sages can do this. Lord Krishna is the god of yogees (sages).Only Yogeeshar Krishna is sufficient for the victory of Paandvas. This is shookshma bhaav (minute view). Ved-Vyaas (the writer of all the great Hindu epics- Vedaas, Puraanaas, Mahaabhaarat etc) has expressed sthool-bhaav (physical- worldly view) also. Gaandeev-dhaaree (archer) Arjun is present with worldly weapons (special bow and arrow) to kill all enemies. He is the human form of sage 'Nar'. The writer has expressed the worldly view also for the lay man like us who don't understand and believe the shookshma bhaav, unless we see with my naked eyes the worldly form. Now, try to understand a thing where one likes to stay. The answer is very simple- 'Where I find love and regard'. That is to say- riches, victory, stable rule etc will naturally remain in Paandavaas side where their masters are ready to accept, honor and love them.
------------------The 28th day August, 2013, the Krishnaashtamee day.