Nabo was very sincere to his duty. His brain was very sharp. Furthermore, when a light weight is put on your head, you enjoy in carrying it. Perversely, when you enjoy in doing your duty, it seems very light. Mental labour is the heaviest of all. A child accepts every other load happily except reading. An intellectual can do physical work proficiently, but it is impossible to replace an engineer/ doctor/ professor or an IAS officer by an ordinary labour. A proverb of a mad elephant is popular which shows the importance and weightiness of study. An elephant never slept. It always wandered hither and thither. Slowly, it became mad. Once, it came near a dull boy who thought the study the toughest of all. As soon as he started reading a book, he started dozing. He applied his own formulae on the elephant. A book was thrown before the elephant. It took the book in its trunk and soon slept. The madness ended and it became normal.
Nabo felt the job of a fire-man very light compared to study in the school. Moreover, he had got the job after too much struggle. Previously, his condition was not better than a beggar. The fruit is very sweet, if found after hard labour. He understood all directions soon and became number one among his friends. He always became first in all tests regarding the job. Soon he was promoted and made assistant driver.------------next.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Silence is the best way of speaking. I have seen people arguing long on a fruitless subject. Sometimes, they start quarrelling ending in a big violence. But, result is a big zero. They don’t come on a unanimous conclusion. Only enmity develops in such long hot talks. Truth goes far away by these futile discussions.
Lord Shiva is the first teacher of knowledge. When people of different thoughts quarreled on useless discussions to prove supremacy of individual’s opinion, Lord Shiva appeared as Dakshinamurti. In South India, we find this form of Shiva. He is seen under a banyan tree. Saints are shown surrounding him as disciples. The younger tutor is silent. Older pupils are also quiet. Through this very method of silent teaching, aspirants get their suitable answers and become satisfied.
In North India, Shiva as Dakshinsmurti is not popular. But, when I visit a temple, I bow before statues of gods and goddesses. The statues don’t speak, but we always pray and beg their grace to fulfill our wills. I find my wishes fulfilled if I pray heartily. What is this? The statues are silent tutors like Dakshinamurti. The sun, the moon, the earth, the sea, rivers, stars, trees all are silent teachers.
Every individual has silent teacher in him. At the time of meditation, we go nearer to our teacher. But, he is always with us, silently watching my all activities.
Lord Shiva is the first teacher of knowledge. When people of different thoughts quarreled on useless discussions to prove supremacy of individual’s opinion, Lord Shiva appeared as Dakshinamurti. In South India, we find this form of Shiva. He is seen under a banyan tree. Saints are shown surrounding him as disciples. The younger tutor is silent. Older pupils are also quiet. Through this very method of silent teaching, aspirants get their suitable answers and become satisfied.
In North India, Shiva as Dakshinsmurti is not popular. But, when I visit a temple, I bow before statues of gods and goddesses. The statues don’t speak, but we always pray and beg their grace to fulfill our wills. I find my wishes fulfilled if I pray heartily. What is this? The statues are silent tutors like Dakshinamurti. The sun, the moon, the earth, the sea, rivers, stars, trees all are silent teachers.
Every individual has silent teacher in him. At the time of meditation, we go nearer to our teacher. But, he is always with us, silently watching my all activities.
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Su started to give less importance to her husband. Her husband never rebuked her for any fault regarding food or other improper behavior. Slowly, she forgot likes and dislikes of her husband. She became more inclined towards mother side. She knew every individual’s likings of mother’s side. When this nature matured, she started to oppose all decisions of her husband. Now, the situation is that, she believes that even a minor child of mother’s side is right and every action of her husband is wrong. When this behavior has ripened, she never relies on her husband. Now, she believes that not only mother’s side persons but everybody of the world except her husband is true. “Ghar kaa yogee yograa, bahar yogee siddha.”
This is the story of every person. You give little importance to the person who heartily loves you and is always anxious for your betterment. You give more importance to the person who hates you. I know a man who is very egoistic. He loves only to his children and wife and hates all others. On an occasion, unwillingly he participated in a marriage ceremony. To show his ego, he didn’t take even a glass of water. But, the bridegroom became overwhelmed. All the time, he talked about his presence to everybody.
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