Mili is the only issue of her parents. She is very beautiful. Her father is very noble but mother very reckless. From the very childhood, she was tamed under special care. Her every will was fulfilled in a moment. She was more impressed from her mother and became very wilsome girl. Accordingly, her behavior became extreme rough. She was always quarrelling with her neighbors. She did not know to respect seniors and love juniors. When she grew, she started to pretend to be gentle but, internally she was very rash. Her obstinate nature made all her friends to bend before her and this reinforced her rashness. With the power of riches, her father managed to get a noble son-in-law of a renowned family. Her father-in-law was a celebrated person. Mother-in-law, sister-in-laws and brother-in-laws were also very civilized. All her in-laws bowed before her wild nature. Now her ego grew more and more. She left to do house jobs. Her in-laws performed all house works cooking, washing utensils and clothes, cleaning rooms, courtyard and cattle shed. In-laws and Mili compromised for some years. She was searching some cause to quarrel and be separate. But, her in-laws did not give chance. After some years, living together became impossible. One-day, she started quarreling with her daughter and became separate from the joint family. She knew only husband, son, daughter and herself only. Only mother’s side persons were allowed to her residence. She became totally detached from in-law’s side. Once, her father-in-law and mother-in-law visited her residence. They had come to stay for some time. But, seeing her behavior they went back after a short time. Her husband Nitin was obedient to his parents. Initially, he quarreled too much with his wife seeing her abnormal manners. After sometime, he also bowed down. In the beginning, he usually went to his parents. Latter the visits decreased and lastly he became totally detached. Nitin is social and friendly to his contacts. Except his parents, he goes often to his friends and relatives. But, his friends and relatives never come to him due to his wife. Now, the situation is that Nitin is pleased with his wife, son and daughter. He goes everywhere but no-one comes to him. He leads a very peaceful life due to his wife.
Now, one question arises whether everyone should copy this type of life? Should Mili be taken as an ideal woman? Should you appreciate such type of life-style of one-way that you go everywhere but no-one likes to come to your residence?